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The Spynet (Abrion Systems Authority Intelligence Division)


The Spynet
Link to faction page

Who are we?

The Spynet is perhaps the most extensive and capable intelligence sharing and gathering groups in the Galaxy. An ancient organisation - founded circa 300 BBY - that uses trade, subterfuge, bribery, espionage and observation to obtain information from every corner of the galaxy. Many of the administrative positions are filled by Bothans, however much of the field work is done by a wide variety of species.

The Spynet consists of an underground network buying and selling information. This core network reaches out to all regions of the Galaxy, but an unsliceable private communications network connects the South Systems to Core worlds. Agents in the employ of the Spynet are used to gather information using whatever means are necessary and feed in information. Private agents are frequently paid the complete operations for Spynet. This is either used by the Spynet, sold on to Governments, or traded for information that the Spynet sees as more valuable.

A dedicated cyber espionage group constantly works to secure the information of those who pay for their services, whilst actively attempted to gather intelligence from external sources themselves.

Any infochants or individuals "in the know" are able to trade information with Spynet. They may not even know that the infochant they traded with was part of Spynet - in fact they may not even have known themselves!

What's new?

The Spynet, whilst within ACA space, is now becoming a minor faction of its own. We're looking to become a trading hub for information brokers, agents, slicers and assassins from across the Galaxy!

Much like the Bounty Hunter's Guild finds work for Bounty Hunters, we're looking to help independant characters with an espionage background find work.

Why are we recruiting?

Espionage has been a relatively limited section of the board. We're really short on members and are keen to expand. There are a whole heap of ideas for fun roleplays sitting around (both for opposed and unopposed stories) and it would be great to get a few more members in to carry them out! We're looking for all kinds of characters. Slicers with a leaning towards field work, Force Users specialising in subterfuge and assassination (stealth based, mental manipulation and other such skills are key), operatives who wish to use their skills and charm to further our goals

Why should you join?

This is a great organisation, with a fantastic history. Under [member=Spectre], the organisation has had a long history on the board. We'll come up with some great ideas for Operations (stories) and as you carry them out you'll be rewarded with promotions and new equipment.

Abrion Intelligence

Abrion Intelligence is split into three divisions, with close ties to military intelligence who have their own responsibilities.


The Spynet is the long standing intelligence arm that deals with gathering intelligence outside of the ASA's borders. With operatives spread across the galactic disk, this group is renowned for undermining the operations of the ASA's enemies. There are rumours of a Spymaster who directs this agency, but as far as the public is concerned the agency is run by a board that report to the Head of Intelligence.

Spynet Communications Security (SCS)

This arm is devoted to offensive and defensive cyber operations, as well as signal processing. They operate massive data centres, and generate more intelligence information than the other agencies combined. They also have twice the staff.


- Spymaster: This figure controls the Operations of Spynet, keeping everything running smoothly. Little more than a rumour, this person runs the organisation from the shadows.

- Principle Agent: These are agents with typically more than five years of experience. They will often be in charge of whole departments, or will run operations for a whole system or sector.

-Senior Agent: These are very experienced agents who know more tricks than most smugglers. They not only train new recruits, but typically plan and run small and mid-sized operations.

-Agent: The most basic rank inside the SpyNet, these operatives act as the backbone of the Net. They are the infiltrators and assassins, the Knights and Infochants. If you're new to the Net, this is your rank unless otherwise noted. They typically work alone in deep cover, reporting to a handler, or as part of a larger cell underneath a Senior or Principle Agent.


A large number of operatives for Intelligence services are employed on a consultancy basis for delicate missions. Their identity is kept as secret as possible.

A number of Force Users are members of Spynet. Consultants have no official rank and are only provided with small amounts of information on a "need to know" basis.

The Umbra:
The Umbra is the Mobile Base of the SpyNet. It houses an array of computers and a specialized holonet system, a weapons lab, a Starship design factory, and a chemical/bioweapon lab.

-X-57 Reek: A Starfighter designed to survive escaping a blockaded planet. Traded missiles for better shields.
-Stiletto Weapons Platform: A three-mode weapon system capable for use in sniping, personal defence, or rapid fire stun bolts.
-Hypermoler: A variation on the Cyinade tooth, this instead released a stimulant that pushes the body and mind into overdrive, causing the reflexes of a non-force user to match one of apprentice or even low knight level, depending on the baseline. After a few minutes, the painkillers wear off, and migraines follow for days after. Use with caution.
-Rapid Extraction and Deployment System (R.E.D.S.): A specialized Assention gun with built-in zipline. Please do not use for recreation.
-Spectre-1: A memory-comparing drug that makes the target fall unconscious for three to five minutes, followed by amnesia, lightheadedness, and headaches.
-Bothan Personal Cloak Must be awarded by the Spymaster for service to Spynet.
- Disguise MatrixGood for changing facial appearance in a pinch.
-10 x Taozin amulet
- Stealth Armour

Joining Spynet and promotions

Most consultants and agents will typically join Spynet. Writers are free to join the other divisions, but this will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The process for joining the Spynet is more streamlined.

All Consultants and Agents must complete a single Operation before being granted a position within Spynet. An Operation is approved by the Spymaster and must be conducted in enemy space. This can be solo or in a group, it can be contested or uncontested by player characters. The story must include a minimum of 5 posts of good quality by the player character.

To reach the rank of Senior Agent, the writer must be approved for promotion by the Spymaster and the Faction Leader. The writer must plan and sucessfully conduct a contested operation in enemy territory. There must be 10 quality posts of >400 words in length to receive the promotion. If the writer feels their character displayed the cunning and skill expected of a senior agent in the mission, but it was still failed, then the SpyMaster may still award the promotion.

To reach the rank of Principle Agent, the writer must be approved for promotion by the Spymaster and the Faction Leader. The writer must plan, manage and sucessfully conduct a contested operation in enemy territory with at least one player character under their command (NPC of another writer if necessary). There must be 15 quality posts of >500 words in length to receive the promotion. If the writer feels their character displayed the cunning and skill expected of a principle agent in the mission, but it was still failed, then the SpyMaster may still award the promotion.
Whilst we're liable to work in the interests of industry based in ASA - down to our techno union roots - we're not a private hire group.

However, we have been meaning to set up an information sharing pact with One Sith Intelligence with regards to the Omega Protectorate and potentially the Republic. You may be able to get in touch through those channels. (Find someone from OSI, tag me in a thread! :) )

[member="Darth Morgoth"]
[member="Spectre"] Sure, just step into this chair. Just ignore the high voltage warnings, they're irrelevant.

Actually we could play a twist where the Spynet ends up contracting you without knowledge of your identity, but that might be a bit far fetched!
I was considering making my own network again, and then we both start infiltrating each other.....
Cryax Bane said:
[member="Raziel"] This sounds shiny. And it's right up my character's alley. I'm interested in applying.
Cracking! We'll need to work on your character's people skills for some occasional field work :D

For you and anyone else who wants to get on with signing up, post here: (You'll need to join the ASA faction) report in and we'll get some threads going!
[member="CC-420 Doc"] [member="Raziel"]

That's part of the fun right?

Although I should probably ask this, is it frowned upon on the boards to join more than one faction? Or against the rules?
[member="Raziel"] Yeah I can see how logistically that might be hard to figure out. Unless my character could bend time and space, he really couldn't do both.

I'd still love to be involved with Spynet in some way. If you change your policy about contractors, let me know.
We've got a good number of operatives looking for work!

Remember we have both spynet agents (affiliated to the aca) and free agents to put you in touch with. So if you need a tricky mission completed, or need some information, put in a request! :D
If our thread goes well:

It makes too much sense to not at least offer Raien to join given his long IC history with spynet. Though he's more a person you want at arms length, way over there, eliminating something with extreme prejudice, not for the subtle assignments. You'd send him in perhaps when something failed as a fall back, something just needed wiping out.

You'd also not want it known you were working with him IC perhaps. We could play an NPC contact being the middle man, and you could always eliminate the NPC if you decided things were no longer suitable. Make the NPC a third party, someone that anyone investigating will think is increasing his own powerbase independently.

In trade he'd ask for his own information or favor later down the line, favor for a favor.

Sound good?

Raien is singleminded taken to a Sith extreme, he has little to no feeling about anyone who isn't in his immediate focus or linked to him (i.e faction/family). All he see's is force potential to be built, and what is used up in that.

So in essence if it needs breaking it doesn't really matter where it is, as long as he earns a favor out of it. The favor need not be direct it could merely be background, 'Raien knew about this location through his contacts at spynet' at the start of his posts occasionally etc.

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