Blessed are the peacemakers

Jedi Temple....
Tracyn walked along the halls, awaiting his pupil, [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]. She had requested him for learning, but he could not recall what. So, he wandered the halls, wondering what she might request of him, and the knowledge he could share. He was disheartened for a moment, realizing that most of his skillset was reliant on warfare and combat. He was not a healer nor a consular, and his purpose was the peacekeeper. There were times he wished took a less violent path, but the force guided him and set him to be a formidable combatant, giving him years and years of training and experience in the art of combat and fighting. He was good at what he did. He wondered if Sanya wanted to know how to fight. From what he knew of the girl, she was not much of a fighter. Perhaps she just wanted knowledge on how to defend herself. He did not know, and patiently waited for her arrival, to accompany him in his walk around the temple.