Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Speed At Which You Move

Blessed are the peacemakers
Jedi Temple....
Tracyn walked along the halls, awaiting his pupil, [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]. She had requested him for learning, but he could not recall what. So, he wandered the halls, wondering what she might request of him, and the knowledge he could share. He was disheartened for a moment, realizing that most of his skillset was reliant on warfare and combat. He was not a healer nor a consular, and his purpose was the peacekeeper. There were times he wished took a less violent path, but the force guided him and set him to be a formidable combatant, giving him years and years of training and experience in the art of combat and fighting. He was good at what he did.

He wondered if Sanya wanted to know how to fight. From what he knew of the girl, she was not much of a fighter. Perhaps she just wanted knowledge on how to defend herself. He did not know, and patiently waited for her arrival, to accompany him in his walk around the temple.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
As Sanya turned into the hall that Knight Tracyn she saw him further down, quickening her pace she caught up rather quickly. she was in an eager mood to learn today. as she reached his side Sanya nodded her head "good morning Tracyn" it was in fact a good morning, the temperature outside today was rather nice and warm, and the sun was not been covered by clouds.

many misunderstood Sanya for not liking the sunlight because she always has her hood up. it was quite the opposite, she loved it's just the brightness is a strain on her eye's.

She continued to follow Tracyn wondering if the lesson would be taught outside, well she was more hoping. "so I apologize I was very vague in what I'd like to be taught in my message, but in short I'd like to learn force speed." there was a reason she wanted to learn it, it opened up alot of possibilities. for example it was a good skill to combine in the Niman form, or if she needed to get to someone injured fast.

Blessed are the peacemakers
"Good morning to you, Padawan."

His eyes drifted across the room, before he noticed her rather disdain for sunlight. He didn't press, or even make comment. Tracyn made an 'ah' sound when she mentioned her desire for learning force speed.

"I hope you understand that this is not a skill that can be covered in an afternoon. But I can set you to the path where you'll be set to rights to go learn it properly, and apply it moreso."

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya smiled at tracyn "Yes I am aware, but the sooner I know how to do the basics I can practice this both on my own and in further education from a trainer." Even in her down time all she did was train or meditate, it's the only thing to do well besides browsing the archives and nine times out of ten master Corvus Raaf would be in there.

"So tracyn?" Gaining his attention again "what are the steps to learning this skill, is there any specific thing that I'd have to do?" It's not a power she has researched much, all she knows is that force speed is the overall speed in what she can do things. In some cases making instincts and reflexes faster.


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