As Zavzen allowed the metal to heat in the kiln, he started to think on what he wanted his swords to be like. He wanted the sword to be one log sheet of metal with the hilt being leather wrappings. The blade would be straight and double-sided whith one side being longer than the other, causing the tip to be angled at 45 degrees. The length of the whole sword to be 75cm with the hilt being 15cm and the blade 60cm. Since he was planning on using Jar'Kai to dual wield Zavzen decided to make the second sword with a blade 45cm with the hilt remaining 15cm long, so as to make the dual wielding more balanced. He also decided to personalize the pommel of the swords and pulled over a pile on Bronzium which he proceeded to melt into a liquid.
When the Force twitched, telling him that the Durasteal ingot had been softened enough he pulled in out of the fire and immediately started to hit at it with a hammer, shaping the metal into a shape that had a width of 3cm and depth of less than 3mm, he did not bother to check the length, even with the Force, because he immediately started hammering it in such a manner that the sheet of metal was folded in half, its length decreased by half. Before placing it back in the fire he once again started to hammer it, flattening the sheet and extending its length slightly while being sure to keep the width the same. All the while he was letting the Force guide him while he channelled it through him and from him through the slowly forming form.
For hours he continued at his task, repeating it. The only thing breaking the loop was when he would return to the project for the Pommel. Using the force he would manipulate the liquid Bonzium into fascinating shapes, only to be displeased with them and throw them back in the fire. Eventually he came up with a design he liked. A Rancor contained within a circle, rather simple but it was hinting towards his desired mastery of the Sixth Form, Niman. He then completed a second one soon after.
Hours later, Zavzen's body was aching and his clothing was drenched in sweat. Turning to his Master he asked, "Should I keep going, sustaining myself in the Force Master? I have the feeling that this one sword will take around a week."