Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sixth Sword's Blade

Xavzen had recently arrived on Ession. He had, at first, had no intention of settling down anywhere but when his Master, [member="Krest"], had asked him to join The Seven Swords he had accepted and set out to journey to Ession and ended up joining the Ession Reformation. It was on that planet he now waited now sat, waiting for [member="Krest"] to join him so that they could begin crafting his swords. He may have his lightsabers but as a member of The Seven Swords he must wield metal blades not ones of plasma, a way to show their skill with swords apparently. And so he sat, waiting for his Master to come and for himself to be formally accepted into The Seven Swords as the Sixth Blade, the Niman user, when this rite was done.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] wouldn't be waiting long for Krest to get there. Dressed in a light shirt and some loose slacks he would move beside the boy, resting both of his hands behind his head. "Pretty here isn't it?" They were at the top of a hill in the grasslands. a distance from anything large like a city. This was his home, the small building down below. A visible forge seemed to be the only real eccentric addition to the otherwise small hut.

"I'm going to show you something I don't often show. It will be difficult, but the Je'daii used it for their own blades. I figured it was fitting."
"Hn." Zavzen grunted in agreement with [member="Krest"], it would be fitting considering the Je'daii Holocron he still owned. "So, how do we start?" He asked, still gazing out over the view. "I take it we're going to that hut, right?" It was now that Zavzen turned to look at his red-skinned master before standing up, brushing grass from his clothing.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"Aye, that would be the plan. As for the smithing, you can channel the force correct? I would assume so as you had done it with your lightsaber to make it work." Krest would begin his decent to his little hut, scratching the back of his head. There was a lot to explain for this process, and he was already ready for an all nighter.
"Yeah, I can channel the Force, why?" Zavzen asked as he flowed his mentor down towards the hut. "How will channelling the Force, be needed any way? And how long do you think this will take?"

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"A force imbued blade needs to be forged, and while you forge it, you must channel yourself into the blade itself. The process is long, and very, very difficult. This, to make your blades, can take anywhere between a couple days to months, depending on how well you can pick up channeling." Krest's tone was very, very serious. He had been forging this way for years now, but it was still tiresome to do.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest nodded once, smiling. They would reach the hut, in which Krest would pull open the front door to the forge. Heat would wash outwards, washing over the two. Krest would motion for the other Zabrak to go in. "Here we go, yes?"
As he and [member="Krest"] reached the hut, Zavzen got a closer look at it. From a distance it looked slightly run down but up close he could see that it was still standing strong. When Krest opened the door a wave of intense heat washed out, surprising the paled skinned Zabrak for a short instance.

On Krest's invitation Zavzen walked into the hut that also functioned as a Forge, if the sight of the interior could be trusted. There was a kiln of to the side, glowing slightly with heat, while half completed and melted swords seemed to find there way into every bit of available space while completed swords seemed to line the walls neatly. Cleary Zavzen's Master took pride in his work, the skill and time that must of when into making these pieces of dangerous art was testament to that.

Zavzen turned to face the red skinned Zabrak and asked, with an eager tone, "So, how do we begin?"
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"It depends really. Do you know how to smith a sword?" Surprisingly enough, he already knew that not a whole lot of smothing skill would be needed to make the blade. The force would guide the younger Zavrak after all, but it was still good to know how to work with the molten hot metal. Krest removed his upper armor, resting it on a coat rack right beside the door. The heat in here was too hot to just wear the thick leather he had. Lifting up a durasteel ignot with the force, he'd call it to himself, motioning for the boy to get close. "We have to heat the bar and get it prime for forging first, aye?"
"Not really, I think I know the basics of sword smiting." Zavzen answered [member="Krest"] as he walked towards him. "So, what do you want me to do: do the project on my own with your advice, or with you helping me out?" He asked as he grew level with his fellow, albeit red, Zabrak. Turning, he ignored the ingot bar that Krest had called over with the Force and did the same. Holding his own bar of metal he turned to his mentor, "I'm independent, sue me." Facing forwards, Zavzen spoke again as he guided his metal ingot towards the open fire, "What should I do after? And I'm independent not stupid, I understand that there could be consequences if I do this wrong"
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

"The worst that will happen is you will have to start again. This process, unless you decide to touch the flames itself, is harmless to you. But. You will be doing this yourself, and I shall simply guide you." With that, the Zabrak would call over a hammer, catching it within his hand. "As you beat and fold the metal, you will have to channel yourself into the metal, layer yourself into the blade."
As Zavzen allowed the metal to heat in the kiln, he started to think on what he wanted his swords to be like. He wanted the sword to be one log sheet of metal with the hilt being leather wrappings. The blade would be straight and double-sided whith one side being longer than the other, causing the tip to be angled at 45 degrees. The length of the whole sword to be 75cm with the hilt being 15cm and the blade 60cm. Since he was planning on using Jar'Kai to dual wield Zavzen decided to make the second sword with a blade 45cm with the hilt remaining 15cm long, so as to make the dual wielding more balanced. He also decided to personalize the pommel of the swords and pulled over a pile on Bronzium which he proceeded to melt into a liquid.

When the Force twitched, telling him that the Durasteal ingot had been softened enough he pulled in out of the fire and immediately started to hit at it with a hammer, shaping the metal into a shape that had a width of 3cm and depth of less than 3mm, he did not bother to check the length, even with the Force, because he immediately started hammering it in such a manner that the sheet of metal was folded in half, its length decreased by half. Before placing it back in the fire he once again started to hammer it, flattening the sheet and extending its length slightly while being sure to keep the width the same. All the while he was letting the Force guide him while he channelled it through him and from him through the slowly forming form.

For hours he continued at his task, repeating it. The only thing breaking the loop was when he would return to the project for the Pommel. Using the force he would manipulate the liquid Bonzium into fascinating shapes, only to be displeased with them and throw them back in the fire. Eventually he came up with a design he liked. A Rancor contained within a circle, rather simple but it was hinting towards his desired mastery of the Sixth Form, Niman. He then completed a second one soon after.

Hours later, Zavzen's body was aching and his clothing was drenched in sweat. Turning to his Master he asked, "Should I keep going, sustaining myself in the Force Master? I have the feeling that this one sword will take around a week."

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest would watch all the while, quiet. The forging process was not something he needed to explain it seemed. Thankfully, the Force could explain more than he could himself. Moving to lean in the doorway, his blue eyes would scan the boys form. For hours he would toy away, going at it as best as he could. And he liked it. He was working to keep it going, working with determination. And then he spoke.

"The force can sustain you, and if you choose to, then you can. I shall watch and make sure you don't go to far."
Grunting in acknowledgement, Zavzen continued with his work but this time he slowly allowed himself to sink deeper into the Force so as to let it sustain him until his work was completed. Sighing a hour later, he fully submersed himself after preparing himself to try and surpass his body's limits.

Eight days later the fair-skinned Zabrak emerged from the trance with a slight, shallow gasp. Looking down at his hands he allowed a pleased smile to cross his features, he had done it. Sure it was only one out of two blades. Sure it was just a 2mm x 10mm x 750mm stick of Durasteal. Sure the scratches weren't buffed out. Sure there was no hilt, guard, sides or hilt and the pommel decoration hadn't been added. But this was the first step to accomplishing the crafting of his swords.

Turning to leave, Zavzen saw his master standing in the door way. He offered a proud smirk to the red skinned zabrak and had just taken a step when his body's weakness caught up with him and he started to fall forwards, unconscious.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest smirked when the boy finally broke from his trance. The elder Zabrak hadn't been standing there the entire time, but he had come in to watch the boy in between his own meals, sleep, training. Even hunting. But now the boy had finished the first blade. Ot was still empty, of course. A final meditation would be needed to activate the force dormant within it. But this was just the beginning.

"How ya fee-" He cut off when the boy began to fall. Without hesitation he would move to hoist him up, smirking. With Zavzen resting on his shoulder, he would take him to the bed. "Sheer determination. You know, that's what people use as a stereotype of us. Way to live up to it." He was talking to an unconscious person of course, bur he couldn't help it. He was impressed.
As Zavzen came to, old instincts surfaced. Breathing nether increased nor decreased, same with heart rate. Eyes stayed closed. And ears, as well as touch sensors, tongue and noes, were focused on to gather information of the surrounding area. No loud sounds, maybe someone moving about - lack of slight echo, outside of room. Sheets and a pillow, he was on a bed then. No distinct taste or smell, no freshness - not outdoors, not electricity - not in a major city. Situation unknown, caution.

It was only after Zavzen had ran through his old checklist that he remembered what had happened. Forcing himself to sit up before swinging his legs around and standing shakily, Zavzen took a deep breathe before he started to head for the door, determined to do one of two things: either start on his next blade or finish his first. A muffled growl rang clear through the room. ...After food he eventually conceded to his protesting stomach.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Krest smirked as the boy got up, watching him. He already knew how hungry he would be, and a stew was brewing on the small fireplace beside the bed. He was sitting there himself, stirring the vegetables with a wooden spoon. It had a thick, savory smell, clearly with beef of some kind.

"Need some?"
Nodding, Zavzen gratefully took the offered stew. While the Force had been used to sustain him, he wasn't skilled in that practice yet and as such he began to force the food down his throat, not caring for manners. When he was done, he sat back and stared at [member="Krest"], "What do I do now? Finish this blade, or start on my other blade?"
He inquired, his tone gruff from exhaustion. "And if I am finishing this blade, what do I need to do?"

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