Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Show Goes On

"I like it that way." She said quietly, glancing down at the floor to gaze at the clothing. "It's a reflection of my life, I think. Messy."

The girl sighed, picking her head back up to look at Aela through the reflection in the mirror in front of them.

"You'd think she would be overjoyed to have her daughter back after such a thing. I should have expected as much."

She was, in most circumstances, a rather disappointing child in her mother's eyes. She was not the domestic housekeeping woman that her mother was. She took more after her father than her mother. She engaged in sports, wanted to travel the galaxy, and didn't want to marry some nobleman to further entwine two houses of wealth and power. Instead she took to Kurt, someone with almost nothing but his heart and ambition to his name. A farmer from Tatooine.

"My family has been splintered ever since I left. Maybe she's right. Maybe the galaxy is telling me I don't belong out there."

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"She was happy." Aela assured Jamie.

Though her Padawan's mother had been undoubtedly...cold, Aela had nevertheless at least sense a piece of joy from her. Some people just had difficulty showing that level of emotion, especially when they themselves thought of a situation a different way.

"I don't think..." She trailed off. "I don't think you should just give up."

Her lips thinned. "You like seeing the galaxy, you enjoy it."

That was one of the qualities that they shared. Though Jamie always wanted to explore the...darker sides of the galaxy, both of the girls were fascinated with the idea of what was out there. The Galaxy was a big place, and lots of things hid beneath just the thinnest layers. It was exciting to see what was out there, and their passion for exploration was one of the reasons why she and Jamie worked so well together.

"Maybe staying on Naboo more isn't a terrible Idea." She shrugged. "But you can't give up something you love because everyone else tells you its wrong."
"Oh she was happy."

Jamie knew that. But she was happy because she was both relieved and had the opportunity to rub her daughter's decision in her face from a place of complete safety. "But that doesn't stop her from proving herself right." And that was what Melinda truly wanted, to convince Jamie that her aspirations and ambitions that she so badly wanted as a child that she disobeyed her mother by leaving Naboo was a mistake that would not be lived down.

"She can't help indulging herself on my failures though."

Her mother essentially wanted Jamie to be a younger version of herself, a mirror to look back upon. And Jamie wouldn't have it.

"I just want to be allowed to make mistakes and not be judged for them."

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

She smiled. "Well."

Aela understood the need to make mistakes, to go out on your own and do something for yourself. It was an impulse that everyone had, herself included. That was why she had started the Covenant at such a young age, why she had gone and fought the Sith.

"I don't judge you." The young Jedi Master said quietly. "Except for being a sex fiend of course."

She said the latter in jest, and rather quietly in case someone was sneaking up the stairs.

Aela knew that Jamie likely wasn't in a joking mood, but they needed some levity otherwise the entire day was ruined. She didn't want her padawan to focus on the bad, to always be driven to see the awful side of things just because of a few small moments.

"Why don't we go out?" She asked quietly. "You can show me Theed."

She'd never seen most of it after all.
Jamie grabbed hold of one of the large pillows beside her on the bed and slapped it into Aela's face gently, but enough to knock her aside a bit.

"Don't label me what you wish you were."

Dropping the improvised weapon back onto the bed between them she nodded, "Okay. I can do that."

Thinking for a moment she contemplated where exactly to take her. "What would you like to see? There's more to Theed than I can show you in a day."

Taking her everywhere would be a few days worth of exploring to see everything. And that was just the city. The outskirts and country were even more expansive and beautiful than the architecture of the city. And then there was the swamps and the underwater cities, though she wouldn't take Aela there unannounced and without prior permission.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

She blew a puff of air from her lips, dislodging some of the hair that Jamie had tossed all over the place with her strike. "Psh."

Aela said in counter, though didn't further add to the discussion. The quick quip had been meant to take Jamie's mind off of things, and apparently the request afterward had done so, at least for a little bit of time. She thought for a moment, considering just what there was to see in Theed.

"The Palace maybe." It was the most famous spot. "Maybe the outer courtyards."

Off the top of her head she couldn't actually think of that many places in Theed.

"Definitely the Palace, you can pick from there." Maybe they would run into something fun to do there. Either way Aela always wanted to see the inner-workings of the place, mostly because of famed the architecture.
"Very well." She said with a sigh. "Bring your friend to work day, it is."

She offered the girl a small smile. It was a joke in part, but Jamie really did enjoy the palace. It was one of the most beautiful structures on Naboo, and while some of it was off limits to the general public, a great deal of it was entirely free to explore. The gardens, courtyards, outer terraces, a number of the communal areas, dozens of hand crafted waterfalls, several pools, and more.

Jamie could take Aela to just about any of the most interesting areas.

"Lets get going then. The air in this house is smothering."

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Lead the way." Aela said with a smile, scooping herself up off the bed.

In truth she probably would have preferred to go out to the swamps and see some of the Gungan cities, but Aela had no idea whether or not Jamie had any connections there. From the histories she had read most of the Naboo and the Gungans were an even peace.

There was no war, but they didn't exactly have the friendliest relations either, though she had no idea what it was like right now.

"Do we need to take a speeder?" She asked. "Cause if so you have to drive."

Aela still couldn't.
"We'll need a speeder." Jamie hopped off the bed, turning to Aela. Neither one of them were capable of driving it seemed. Jamie's father would never let her take one of his own, given her track record in the past. They would need a ride. "I'll ask one of the estate staff to drive us. Come on." She waived for Aela to follow as she headed out of the bedroom and towards the grand staircase. "Paolo is usually in the library during the day. We'll check there."

Jamie strolled downstairs, hooking a right at the first corridor and following the long hall until she reached a rather large, antique, heavy looking door. With a creak she pushed the door open, the smell of ancient texts and books filling the air, dozens of shelves filled with compositions, several chairs and tables littered about the room. A husky, bearded man with a plump belly situated himself in one such chairs, thumbing through a few pages. He paused his reading and looked up, seeing Jamie a wide smile streaked across his face. "Rosie!" He shouted, a nickname he'd given her since she was very small. Despite her earlier discontent with her mother's use of her middle name, this seemed not to bother her, likely because it was just a nickname, rather than her actual middle name, and because it referred to her rose colored cheeks whenever she embarrassed herself.

"Hi Paolo. This is Aela, a friend of mine. Have you time to give us a lift to the city? I'd like to show her around."

The man set the book down, pushing himself up from the chair and slowly made his way over towards the two.

He offered Aela a slow nod of his head. "A pleasure to meet you, my lady." The man redirected his attention back to Jamie thereafter. "Certainly, dear. Come!"

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Aela let out a snicker. "Rosie"

She chuckled, covering her mouth so the approaching man didn't see her mocking her padawan. It was important to keep Jamie in line, especially considering just how often the young woman insulted or made fun of her for doing something that was perfectly ordinary. She smiled as the man nodded to her.

"Nice to meet you as well." Aela responded.

It was probably a good thing that they were getting someone else to drive them, mostly because she'd been in the speeder once or twice with Jamie driving and it hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience. At least with a third person neither of them would be crashing into a building any time soon.

After a few more seconds the three of them walked over towards a nearby speeder, Paolo holding the door open as the two girls slid into the back of the vehicle.

"So Rosie." Aela began, her voice completely neutral in tone. "Where are we headed first?"
The first time Aela called her by her nickname all she did was glare violently towards the girl. The second time, after they had situated themselves in the back of the speeder and Paolo maneuvered himself around in the front, firing the engines and began to pull away from the estate Jamie quickly and forcefully elbowed Aela in the side.

"Well, Aela. We're going to the palace, like you asked. There are some really lovely gardens, terraces, and some statues dedicated to various people, as well as the Goddesses of Safety and Shiraya. Someone like you might also be really interested in the Goddess of Virginity."

The latter was not a real Goddess, but Jamie spoke loud enough that Paolo would have also heard, eliciting a small snort of laughter from the man up front, though he said nothing as he continued to transport the two.

Jamie simply smirked.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Jamie let out a sniff. "Maybe after we learn about her we can find out if there's one for purity."

She elbowed her padawan in the side, though said nothing else.

In truth she was looking forward to seeing what Theed had to offer. The city was famous all over the galaxy and so far Aela had only been allowed to see small portions of it when she was going to and from the space port. It wasn't every day that you got to see places that could have been dubbed galactic wonders.

It helped that Naboo was a relatively peaceful world. Aside from some of the more recent troubles the Naboo had always been one of the worlds most people counted on as a sanctuary of sorts. Theed was relatively safe, the population got along for the most part, and the landscape was calmingly beautiful.
Jamie scoffed. "You're looking at her."

The blonde put on a smugly smile towards Aela, her tongue protruding just a bit out at the other girl.

Theed was recognizable even from a distance, the rolling plains that separated the estate Jamie's family owned from the city obscuring no part of the rounded domes of the buildings. The sun beat down and cast bright rays of yellow-gold light across the horizon. The clouds were soft, high in the sky above, and spread across a great distance.

"Shall I wait for you two, Rosie?" Paolo asked from the front. "No need, but thank you." The man nodded, and returned to humming a tune to himself as they approached Theed.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Aela let out a scoff.

"About as pure as swamp water." The words were a whisper, probably too quiet for even Jamie to hear unless she strained herself.

As they traveled along Aela occupied herself with the sights that lay all around them, her eyes wandering over the different buildings and accolades that made up Theed. Everything was built to perfection, almost as if the same architect and construction crew had done it all themselves. The Lines of the buildings matched with one another perfectly, the odd curves of the roof tops stood out, and the spiraling length of the towers all around the palace stood solid and tall.

The Jedi Master marveled at it all silently, only interrupted when they finally reached their destination.

The Palace itself was difficult to look at from the inside of a car, so before anyone could say anything Aela looped her fingers around the handle and pulled open the door. Her eyes immediately set on the cliff face in the distance, rimming the edge of the palace itself.
Jamie didn't quite catch what Aela mumbled under her breath, but assumed it was something else rude. She followed up with a simple eye roll, and then promptly hopped out of the speeder before Paolo had the chance to open her door for her. "Be well, you two." The man shouted as Jamie and Aela headed up the grand staircase towards the palace entrance.

"When we're inside you'll need to make sure to greet every person you see. As someone from off world they'll expect your most sincere greetings. I recommend a curtsy with a 'Good day, Lord' or lady." She was making that up, none but the royal family required any measure of bowing, but Jamie was hoping Aela wasn't familiar enough with Naboo to make a fool of herself for her own entertainment.

"It's very important while we're inside."

Never in her life had it been so difficult to maintain a straight face.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

She perked an eyebrow. Aela wasn't familiar with the culture of Naboo, but she was familiar with the culture of Jedi. "I Don't think I'll be doing that."

The Jedi Master told the young woman.

"I'm a Jedi Master." She told her padawan. "I don't curtsy."

There was also the fact that she could feel Jamie's amusement through the bond of the bracelet. At this distance her padawans emotions were quite obvious to her, and she could practically feel the other woman singing with how much joy she was putting through the bond.

A quick slap to the back of the head took care of that.
Azure eyes squinted in aggravation. "You little schutta. So disrespectful to my home and people."

Jamie mouthed Aela's words silently in mockery. I'm a Jedi Master.

The two women stepped inside the grand palace, where immediately the sheer size of the outer chamber felt massive. Its' wide open layout, towering columns, architecture, and design gave the feeling of incredible size, even when dwarfed by some of the smallest skyscrapers found on urban worlds such as Coruscant. It was the openness to them, rather than the sheer size, that made the palace feel so large.

Dozens of people wandered about, coming and going from the palace to conduct their business, both personal and political.

"This way" She called, heading up the center of the walkway, shoes tapping lightly against the ornate forest colored marble floor.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"When you get to my level maybe you'll get a few privileges." Aela stated as she quickly followed after her padawan.

Her eyes flicked from place to place, moving along the curves of the inside of the palace and marveling at the ornate marble floor. Briefly she wondered how long ago all of this was built, though she knew that it was well over a thousand years. A lot of people forgot just how old many cities were. Theed wasn't like Coruscant or Sullust, it wasn't rebuilt every few years.

Instead it was maintained, kept the same.

The Naboo were a people that enjoyed their society, their culture. They took great care of what they had created and felt a large amount of pride for not only their cities, but various settlements all across the planet. Aela followed along quietly. "Do you work here now?"

Aela knew that her padawan had taken into politics somewhat, though whether she actually worked at the palace was unknown to her.
"Your level? Pfffff." She rolled her eyes once more.

Leading the way down the hall to the right Jamie paused at one of the doors in a long series of what was likely used as offices for various officials, her hand raising and index finger pressing against the small placard on the front of the door. Naturally it had her name on it. Her thumb pressed down on the lever and she gave a gentle push inwards, opening the door to give sight of the modest looking office. Several small potted plants and flowers littered the room in various places, giving off a gentle and sweet aroma. The desk was made of Cambylictus wood, and atop was a large calendar and a datapad, several folders and a filing cabinet to the right. Several pictures hung along the wall, and sat atop the desk. Many were of various places she'd visiting, both on and off world. Some were of her family and Kurt, and one was of Jamie and Aela from a while back on one of their previous trips.

Though her answer would likely be unnecessary by the time she gave it, she answered all the same. "Yes. I'm an advisor."

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Neat." Aela commented as she peered around the room. "Fitting I think."

Not many of the Naboo ventured off world all that often, and despite being so young Jamie had visited more worlds and met more people than most. So Aela suspected anyway. Slowly she paced around the small office for a few moments, looking at different pictures.

"Is this Kurt?" She pointed to one of Jamie and a young man on the beach.

Aela had never actually seen what Jamie's boyfriend looked like before, though that wasn't too surprising given that the two of them usually didn't have time to show one another pictures. Generally when they were together they had either been on a mission or doing something before a mission.

Aside from Spira of course, but that was different.

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