Chiasa Kritivaas
Starbird Reborn
Name: The Shadowport
Classification: Urban Center
Location: Syvris, in the moons major crater where the Shadowport has always historically been located.
Affiliation: Independent. No individual currently holds sway of the Shadowport.
Population: Roughly 1,000,000. Most of those who stop here do so strictly temporarily and many of the workers live in one of the other craters and commute.
Demographics: 72% Human, 6% Devaronian, 6% Twi'lek, 6% Nikto, 5% Tof, 5% Zeltron, 6% Other
Points of Interest:
The Shadowport is the main destination on Syvris. If someone lands on the moon, they likely land here. Almost anything can be found here, from the legal to the decidely not. While it has its fair share of gangs, spice peddlers and a truly ridiculous number of smugglers, there are also legitimate small business owners such as [member="Gilbert Skolnick"].
There is no set tone for the Shadowport, parts of it are well maintained and have the newest toys and best of everything, and parts have fallen into disrepair, the streets dirty and the walls tagged with gang sign. All of it however, is bustling and busy.
The Shadowport was established as a port for smugglers to do business away from any governing bodies. It was first destroyed in 3ABY by the Imperial Death Squadron, was rebuilt, and decimated again by the Gulag plague. It has now been repaired and in operation for several decades, the current inhabitants are hoping the third time's the charm...
Canon Link, this entry is merely to establish it as being rebuilt in our timeline, there being over 800 years between then and now for this to happen in, and smugglers sharing some characteristics with cockroaches.
Thread in which It features heavily establishing tone and setting
Gentlemen's Club to which several prominent Smugglers who frequent the Shadowport belong
The Rancors Den where many of the workers of Shadowport reside.
The Pinkport where many of the credits made in the Shadowport wind up
General Mood Images
Classification: Urban Center
Location: Syvris, in the moons major crater where the Shadowport has always historically been located.
Affiliation: Independent. No individual currently holds sway of the Shadowport.
Population: Roughly 1,000,000. Most of those who stop here do so strictly temporarily and many of the workers live in one of the other craters and commute.
Demographics: 72% Human, 6% Devaronian, 6% Twi'lek, 6% Nikto, 5% Tof, 5% Zeltron, 6% Other
Points of Interest:
- The Shadowport - The main docking facility for all of Syvris
- Junk and Disorderly - PC shop run by [member="Gilbert Skolnick"]
- Legitimate small businesses
- Various Fences
- Various Bars
- Various Hotels
- Markets
- Warehouses
- Limited Housing
The Shadowport is the main destination on Syvris. If someone lands on the moon, they likely land here. Almost anything can be found here, from the legal to the decidely not. While it has its fair share of gangs, spice peddlers and a truly ridiculous number of smugglers, there are also legitimate small business owners such as [member="Gilbert Skolnick"].
There is no set tone for the Shadowport, parts of it are well maintained and have the newest toys and best of everything, and parts have fallen into disrepair, the streets dirty and the walls tagged with gang sign. All of it however, is bustling and busy.
The Shadowport was established as a port for smugglers to do business away from any governing bodies. It was first destroyed in 3ABY by the Imperial Death Squadron, was rebuilt, and decimated again by the Gulag plague. It has now been repaired and in operation for several decades, the current inhabitants are hoping the third time's the charm...
Canon Link, this entry is merely to establish it as being rebuilt in our timeline, there being over 800 years between then and now for this to happen in, and smugglers sharing some characteristics with cockroaches.
Thread in which It features heavily establishing tone and setting
Gentlemen's Club to which several prominent Smugglers who frequent the Shadowport belong
The Rancors Den where many of the workers of Shadowport reside.
The Pinkport where many of the credits made in the Shadowport wind up
General Mood Images