Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The secret is in the sauce

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Daxton strode into his room and shut the door behind him. It got to him sometimes, the games of power, the schemes and plots, all of which was part of being Sith. They spent so much squabbling among themselves that it was counter effective. Time that was better spent gaining insight in the Dark Side and using it to punish their foes. Most were too blind to see but still there was potential.

Undoing his armor, he casually toss it on the chair before stepping in front of an obsidian mirror. The surface was polished to a shine that he could clearly see his reflection on it, and so he let his orange gaze admire his firm taunt muscles, his well proportioned abs, products of hours of endless weapons training and exercise.

The taunt firm flesh was marred by several fossil shaped growths, on his chest. Closer inspection would show that these were actually living creatures that had attached themselves onto their host and were slowly growing. Orbalisks they were called. A mated pair had attached themselves to Daxton during his trip to Dxun.

Initially painful, the creatures burrowed deep into his flesh and began to grow. On occasion, they would inject directly into his system powerful toxins and natural adrenalin, augmenting his already enhanced body. At their current rate of their expansion they would soon cover his entire body. Not that would be a problem for Daxton. It amused him to watch peoples discomfort at seeing bugs crawl over his naked flesh. Still though, he would have to ensure they did not cover him entirely. Yes that was it!

Inspired, he went to his nightstand and took out a datapad and began to design a helmet to complement the design. Maybe he would even have it interlaced with cortosis weave for nasty surprise against any force users he might encounter. Yes, that sounded very nice indeed.
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