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The Second Triumvirate | A Voice from Beyond


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Greetings from the Second Triumvirate, outsiders! Ran by familiar faces comes a new faction based out of the absolute edge of the galaxy, full of intrigue for outsiders and members alike, telling stories in the veins of exploration, mystery and adventure. The Second Triumvirate is based on a solid backbone of detailed and submitted lore that has been in the works for a while, collaborated on meticulously with multiple writers to ensure that we're providing a compelling, consistent and novel setting on Chaos. Our goal is to inspire ourselves & others with fresh ideas and roleplay. If you're a bit tired of the same-old-same-old, why not give the Second Triumvirate a try?

Confracta is the planet at the centre of everything. The Triumvirate, and life on the fringes of reality. This world-- inspired by numerous existing Star Wars works and other IPs --is truly a delightful setting offering both the fantastical and the realistic to residents and new visitors. Looking for a place to put a new factory? Confracta has a planet-spanning crack-turned-kiln known as the Banded Forge that is heavily industrialized exactly for that, harnessing the power of the core to fuel machinations. Bioluminescent flora and fauna make for an absolutely bizarre and surreal setting for roleplay, and there is so much room for the planet to grow as the story progresses. Ancient cities the size of countries, moon-castles, islands rampant with mutated animals, the list goes on and can only get bigger.

Citizens of the Triumvirate do not fear the end but instead, believe in endless reincarnation. The Labyrinthian, the Triumvirate's religious/Force order, are experts in the cultivation of the Maze bloom, a flower that requires an entire body dedicated to its growth but can make navigating the impossible-to-chart Unknown Regions a triviality. Part of the rites following a death in the Triumvirate is to plant these valuable flowers on the deceased and tend to them, thus the living Force passes from the body to the flower and death is 'circumvented'. Members of this enigmatic order are not just gardeners, however; using the teachings of a Jedi who graced them millennia ago, Labyrinthian Eidolons, Knights & Scions are experts in the Force, Form VI, and double-bladed lightsaber combat, and are very welcoming of light-side Force practitioners, even outsiders. Perhaps your lone Jedi is searching for purpose? Stop getting lost in the labyrinth of other orders and come to the true Labyrinthian.

One's own rights to agency and prosperity begs not the notion of defence, simply the will to do so. The Second Triumvirate like all states must command a system to ward off those unsavoury elements which may fester if one stands ignorant against them - but that does not mean it must be one of brutes. The Triumvirate's military forces are not soldiers alone, they are Explorers and Scientists, archaeologists and defenders. Dauntless bastions of goodwill and justice. Explore the un-navigated. Establish and defend trade routes, fend off pirates, launch expeditions into ancient ruins not since touched by the hands of man for millennia, unearth the heart of fallen civilizations. Mount defences to stand the test of time against the will of would-be invaders. Enforce the law or do perhaps anything else one can dream. The Triumvirate does not have a military in the traditional sense, she has Orders of Heroes serving as many diverse tasks as they are themselves.

With the Second Triumvirate's decision to expand into the inner Galaxy comes a new era of unpredictable & wavering stability. Not everyone in the Golden Veil thinks that the rest of society deserves to walk on Confracta, share in the culture that has valued it's parochial view since inception. Many outsiders will find warm welcomes, others will find rigid personas, some outsiders may even see the Triumvirate as a target. It's a new era, sure, but will it be one of lawlessness or one of order?

Strange tongues, mysterious ships, new people. Pull back the Golden Veil and discover a new face in the Galaxy, coming deep from the fringe of life and developing in near-isolation for thousands of years. Seeking allies and friends, trading partners and explorers, the Triumvirate reaches out to the galaxy in a barrage of cryptic messages in a yet undeciphered language. Explore the Unknown Regions in a new light and solve mysteries laid unsolved for millennia, form ties & partnerships with extraordinary species and individuals, and be a part of something that is curated and truly special.

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