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The Romping Rugger [OPEN]


"It's ooonlyyy foreeever.... noooot looong at aaaaalll...."

The cantina band were playing an old Starman's classics off to the right of the bar; sadly, they were murdering each song they played. A pair of besalisk tended to the patrons, whipping together drinks like nobody's business, while people from all across the Galaxy pottered about. Nar Shaddaa saw beings common and rare pass through its spaceports, few remained longer than a day or so before moving on to greater places. While the Romping Rugger was not commonly known by the more affluent individuals, it was definitely a favourite amongst lesser beings; the rough-houses, the smugglers and spice-addicts.

So it was no coincidence that Adiara was sat within the dimly lit establishment. In one corner a red light blinkered over a door, from which muffled noises could be heard if you were unfortunate enough to have a seat nearby. Everywhere else ultra-violet dimmers had been set into the ceiling casting an ethereal glow around the room. The wide eyes of so many of the patrons suggested that glitterstim was already being passed around.

"Disgusting habit" Adiara muttered, as he inhaled gabaki from a cigarette and sipped on stim-caff from a smouldering styrofoam cup. Rising from his seat in the far corner, the Smuggler stepped over to one of the jukebox and ramped up the music to drown out the live-band. He didn't care if they found it offensive, because they were offending his and everyone else's earbuds by murdering ole Ziggy's tunes.

Then the plainly dressed man - who bore a loose fitting white shirt and grey trousers - sauntered back over to his seat and shooed the woman he had been talking to away. "Enough questions, Sweetheart, go find someone else to talk to, eh? Nobody likes a leach." He even lazily lifted his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Leaning back, he took another puff and closed his eyes. Much better. Distractions could be so tiresome...
~[member="Adiara Drelas"] ~​
"My good man, a glass of your finest Ales", she ordered at the bar, she had given up any form of hope this place would have mead.

"What!", came the abrupt response with an indication he could not hear for the hideous music.

"ALE", she replied at the top of her lungs and shot a angry look toward the 'musicians'.

As the bar was busy the Ale soon arrived smacked down on the surface with such force half of it spilled over her hand, she sighed, Why am I here again? ah yes, baby sitting. Having hooked up with the Silver Jedi of recent times, she has vowed to her King to look out for the Prince, after the battle of Midvinter and Thrand had ascended the throne, it was her sworn duty now. But knowing the Prince and his Lady, they can more then look after themselves, and she is no baby sitter. Terrible at it in fact.

She looks to find her own purpose now, no longer needed to quell the corruptions of her fair planet, she is at a loss in many ways. The band played on... much to everyone's disgust, until someone had decided to give them all salvation and ramp up the music box. She turned in her seat only to stand and move away from the offending noise. A whiff of stale sweat and alcohol tickled her nose, as Aerin walked to a table away from the light of the bar, she noted a man sitting alone, smoking but passed him by as he appeared to not want for company. Nor did she.

Before sitting she removed her bow and quiver and placed them on a chair close to her, her sword remained by her side as always, her light saber hidden among her leather jacket. She had not her fur this day, but will always dress in the way of the Valkyri as she is a proud and noble woman of Midvinter.
"Can I help you?"

The words were spoken rather quietly, with a slick, clean accent. Not once did he open his eyes in order to know that someone was sat there, he didn't have to. It was easy to tell when someone was watching you, especially when you weren't preoccupied with other things. He could smell the ale, and knew that it was mixed with the woman's natural scent too. How... Appealing.

Lowering his gabaki stick from his lips, he settled it down against the table to put out the kindled edge and finally opened his eyes. Brilliant grey eyes sought out the Valkyri's, taking in the sight of her almost curiously. One side of his lips twitched upwards, she wasn't like the parasites of the cantina. She wasn't even really paying him any attention. She was intriguing.

Of course, he did not let her know that.

"You should probably wash your hand" he said, with a subtle nod to the one which sported a soaked sleeve from the spilt ale.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
“Considering with each step I took to across what one might loosely call a floor, that my boots stuck to the surface, I fear to tread into the .. Private rooms .. in order to do so, methinks the ale would be more hygienic”. She said as her head turned to take in the man nearby her.

Her eyes found glassy grey eyes and a face one could call handsome, swarthy and yet broody in countenance. She noted his hands, she always does as they are a feature that speak much of a person, however it is his fingers stained with his vice and the staleness of that vice clung to his clothes her eyes found before she looked away. Although his attired is clean and maybe a little worn in, he is dressed with an air of casualness and a slightly unkempt look.

“I thank you for your offer of help however”, she said taking up her glass to take a mouthful. However, the ale is horrid and it took every effort to shallow it, her face twisted with the struggle. “Oh my.. are they trying to kill their patrons?”, she said placing the glass away from her not really a question to be answered.

[member="Adiara Drelas"]
"You'd be surprised how infrequently the typical patrons here make it to the washrooms" he offered, with a shrug that was almost too casual. The thought of what he could mean was, of course, unpleasant, but he didn't want to seem ungentlemanly after all. That simply wouldn't do. As such he had minded his words, and now his gaze was reading her expression as she took in his appearance, particularly the way she glanced at his hands. Cocking an eyebrow in curiosity for but a moment, the man proceeded to shake his head when she thanked him.

"Come now, no need for thanks; I know this isn't your usual haunting, you know it isn't, but the rest of the loathsome creatures the Rugger has to offer certainly don't." Offering another small shrug he leant back his head until it rested against the wall, and his eyes fell closed again. He snickered slightly at her sudden outburst. "If you insist on drinking the sewage they sell here, at least do yourself a favour and ask for the Whiskey; The Mandalorian stuff is shipped in, meaning it's a universal standard." And that had to account for something; the Mandalorian stuff was always popular with those who knew of its existence, it was strong and neat when compared with its unsuccessful rivals.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Adiara Drelas"]

At his first set of words, Aerin's feet raised off the floor and rested on the rungs of the table before her, however she said nothing, but gave him a sideways glance to ascertain if he was jesting with her .. it seemed not.

"Giving thanks is a good common courtesy lacking within this galaxy, I will not allow myself to fail in manners", she said as she signaled to a service droid passing and ordered a rum. Aerin turned to regard the man now, resting against the wall. As his eyes are closed she took the liberty to search more with a gaze that wanted for information of a curious nature. She found little more from her first view, save for the cut fine features and strong jaw line, he seemed nonchalant which maybe a symptom of a want to hide an aspect of his nature, friendly enough but not forthcoming. Which is to be understood, considering this place and that fact they have only just met.

"Do you possess a name Sir?", she asked as the rum arrived. "I am Aerin", she said off-handed as she inspected the contents of the glass, which to her displeasure seemed half empty and warm. "Well, I don't think much of this rum". She drank from it anyway and felt the burn of it on her throat, her face twisting once more.
He merely shook his head and for a short time said nothing. Let the girl have her manners, although he doubted they would get her very far if she continued to venture through worlds such as these - ones laced with some of the Galaxy's most notable scumbags. "You're not from these parts, or frankly parts even remotely like this, are you?" he inquired, knowing the answer for himself already.

"Also, you ordered the wrong whiskey."

Without any form of prior warning, Adiara suddenly rose up from his seat and made a simple gesture with his right hand. At the other side of the bar, a particularly frail Gossam seemed to take note and a few moments later he was at their side.

"Adi! How are you? It's been too long, my friend," the strange being began, before receiving a subtle reprimanding shake of the head.

"It's Adiara" he interjected, raising one brow, before suddenly turning his head to Aerin and repeating "It's Adiara" as if she had not already heard him. "And fine, my good man, we'll catch up later no doubt. Say, Sinnat, do you think you could fetch me a bottle of the good stuff?"

The man made a few interesting noises, before nodding some and scurrying off. In the meantime, Adiara slumped back into his seat and rested his arms against the booth behind him. When the Whiskey finally came, Adiara thanked the establishment's landlord and poured Aerin a healthy glass of the fiery substance, watching intently to see her reaction to some of the finest alcohol the Galaxy had to offer.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Adiara Drelas"]

"No", came the simple answer to his question of her origin. It was said with a smile and clarity of his understanding. "Outside of Midvinter, I always order the wrong drink". It was a silly jest, but one none the less. Although like most jests, it is laced with double meaning and a strong sense of self truths. He would not know it, but she referred to her choices of friends and in some cases more then friends.

"That is a nice name, Adiara, what is it's origin?", she asked with a growing curiosity about about the man and it would show on her face. Aerin is never one for hiding really, finds it all to tedious to do so. She gave Adiara a grateful nod of her head for the newly poured glass of whiskey. This time, the contents of her glass did not look like something gathered from the gutter after the rain.

Aerin took in a healthy mouthful, immediately feeling the burn and powerful flavour, but the Whiskey is finer then she had expected and soon her body warmed under it's influence. Her cheeks flushed in this stifling and clinging moist environment of the bar. She is no connoisseur of distilled liquor, of brew yes, however she recognised the craftsmanship of it.

"Thank you Adiara, please join me in finishing this bottle, I cannot do that alone".
"The Romping Rugger..." Teroch Gra'tua said slowy, hands on his hips as he stood outside the cantina, despite all the warnings. As the Mandalorian huffed out a breath he stepped towards the entrance, removing his hands from his hips so he could attempt to adjust the strap on his weapon some, in hopes of keeping it out of the view of anyone in front of him. Upon entering the so called 'dreadful' cantina Teroch looked around himself, not bothering to turn anywhere as the 360 degree vision that he had installed in his helmet was working. Stepping over to the bar the Mandalorian looked at what everyone else was drinking, and whatever they were, it didn't look good. Sighing Teroch spoke to the bartender "I'll take a glass of the..." he stopped for a moment, realizing that no one needed to know he had money, but he also wanted something good, so he decided to go 'slightly' less expensive "third most expensive drink." Teroch smirked under his helmet, before realizing that price differences between the third and second most expensive drinks were fairly large.

Sighing again, the mando started taking off his face mask, grabbing the straps at the back before pulling them up, revealing the balaclava covered face of Teroch Gra'tua. A moment of inspection passed before the mask was placed on the man's belt and another hand rose up to pull down the balaclava. As his drink arrived it was inspected thoroughly, and with a small frown on his face Teroch walked to a empty table, noting the feeling of his boots sticking to the floor. Almost as soon as the Mandalorian slammed himself into a seat he was drinking a sip of the drink, lightly coughing upon tasting it, as it seemed nothing like a drink that someone would be able to enjoy, but he was stuck here for the next few hours, and this was the third best way to pass time in Teroch's mind.

[member="Adiara Drelas"]
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
It seemed that this one wasn't very subtle with question asking. Not that it mattered, as she was also very willing to give up information on herself, too. "Midvinter? Interesting, you're an ice warrior. Far from home, Sweetheart. What brings you to this cesspool?" Lifting a hand up he scratched the underside of his chin, where a neatly kept beard rested, and raised a brow in her direction. "And Morellian, I suppose. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it had other origins." After all, Adiara wasn't exactly his parent's favourite person in the Galaxy. Honestly, though, he didn't blame them.

He smiled some when she knocked back the glass without too much hesitation. A woman who could handle her alcohol was interesting indeed, although being that she was from the space-viking community it did make some sense to him. "I don't drink, Sweetheart, I'm quite happy with my Caf." Part of him genuinely hoped she wouldn't be offended by his sudden revelation; sure, once he would have been staggering from here come morning like the rest of the patrons, but that had been before he'd seen sense.

From the corner of his eye he saw the Mandalorian enter, and could not help but bite back a smirk as he ordered by price as opposed to knowing what it was he had bought. Shaking his head, Adiara wondered what kind of Mandalorian didn't know what they wanted to drink. It was a strange thought, honestly, he had sat and drank with some of their strongest drinkers.

He felt obligated to educate the man, so he excused himself and rose, wandering a few tables down to where the Mandalorian had sat.

"For all you know, you just paid for backwash" he began, raising a brow to the man, "we have some of the good stuff, if you fancy joining us for a drink or two. A Mandalorian shouldn't be stuck drinking kriff-knows what." Gesturing back to his table, with the bottle of Mandalorian Whiskey clearly visible, he left the offer standing and returned to his seat.

"I always feel awkward when I see a lost Mandalorian" he offered to the girl by way of explanation, with an excessively casual shrug to boot.

[member="Teroch Gra'tua "][member="Ærin Firebrand"]
“The want for something to do .. Lambkin”, she grinned in reply with a strong sense of mischief in her eye. “I have been to this planet before, a most uneventful visit”. Which it had been. Not one for imposing will on those, she did not take offense when informed he would not join her in a whiskey, his company was enough. “I have never heard of Morellia? But I don’t suppose I will ever learn all the galaxy, I don’t believe anyone could”. She took another drink this time a lesser mouthful as this stuff is strong and she had no desire to leave in an unseemly manner. No that would not do.

Not really expecting an honest answer, or an informative one, she would ask regardless. “And you Adiara? Why are you here?”, her growing interest, growing.

Shortly however, the Romping Rugger seemed to have claimed another in the form of a Mando. Aerin’s first encounter with Off-worlders happen to be a small group of them visiting on vacation, together with a Wookiee whom she mistook for a man in a large fur coat. Oh the innocent days are gone, and she missed them so. To a point.

Aerin stood and shifted her weapons off the seat placing her bow and quiver filled with arrows closer to her, this would free the seat for the man to sit if he wished and he would be close at hand to the whiskey in which he could assist her consume. But the bar is becoming more stifling and Aerin began to feel the effects on her Valkyri constitution, although she use tapas to control her core temperature her skin hates the heat.

“Adiara? Is there possibly, and I ask this with little hope, but is there ice in this .. Fine establishment? And lots of it?”.

[member="Adiara Drelas"] | [member="Teroch Gra'tua "]
Among her many travels the young Jedi padawan had come to this world helping a man out in exchange for passage on a ship. She wore her hood over her head her dark green jedi robes covering her armor for now as she walked inside the cantina. The young jedi looked around before heading for the bar and ordering a simple drink of water. She made sure to hide her saber looking like just a young hermit type usually to avoid being noticed by most.
Teroch Gra'tua went to lean back into his chair so he could relax a bit, as he wasn't too keen about the idea of finishing the sludge that was in his glass, but he was approached by [member="Adiara Drelas"], interrupting his attempted relaxation. Leaning forward while the other man spoke about what he'd just ordered, then following the man's gesture to the table he had came from, the merc quickly spotted the Mandalorian whiskey on it and decided to take the stranger up on his offer. "I wouldn't think a place like this would sell anything like that..." Teroch muttered while standing up and leaving, his table, quickly downing the rest of the contents in his small glass.

As the Mandalorian approached Adiara and Ærin's table he noticed another patron enter the cantina, his eyes lingering on the person's cloak for only a moment as he turned back to the table and saw [member="Ærin Firebrand"] clearing off a seat "Thank you." he spoke while sitting in the seat. A deep breath was drawn in as Teroch looked at the whiskey on the table, remembering how much he liked Mandalorian alcohol, having been practically raised on the stuff. "Thank you for your generosity, I probably would've somehow continued drinking that osik without knowing any better." A chuckle escaped Teroch's mouth as he reached towards the bottle before he poured himself a full glass of it, taking a large gulp of it as he put the bottle down.

[member="Adiara Drelas"]
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Catherine Soja"]
She got her self a drink the water maybe not the tastiest drink one could order but hell gotta have a reason to keep moisture farmers employed right? She noted the person the man who moved off just talked to she sensed the force within her. She however could not exactly pin point anything about her without giving herself away. For now she sat in silence ignoring any patrons who might be stirring up things or trying to. As she sat back if somebody was keen her light saber would be visible briefly as she paid reaching for a puch. Most here hated taking credits so she had to carry some local currency.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Adiara Drelas"]
@Teroch Gra'tua
Adiara blinked. Did she just call him... Did she just call him a child's name? Really? "Well, Sweetheart, there happens to be a great many people who have learned of all the known planets that have ever been documented, perhaps I should buy you a star map, hm?" He couldn't help himself, and a few moments later a charming smile was laced upon his lips.

"Morellia isn't somewhere you'd want to visit, however. And why am I here? I'm visiting an old friend." He nodded towards Sinnat, the Gossam who had come to the table earlier. It wasn't entirely a lie, either, she didn't have to know of all his reasons. "He owes me a game of Novacrown."

Then he turned his gaze to the Mandalorian, and pushed the bottle of whiskey towards him. "Make sure you leave some for the lady, here, otherwise knock yourself out. As for your comment about commerce, it's not something they frequently stock... But then again, it's not something their usual patrons even ask for." He shrugged, the Rugger had a lot of strange folk pass through its doors.

"As for the ice, Sweetheart, give me a moment." Another smile, before he disappeared from the table towards the bar again. This time he had a bucket of ice sent towards the Valkyri, his attention set to the strange woman who had just entered the cantina. Rookie mistake, ordering water, but he couldn't save everyone from themselves. Besides, she didn't look like the alcohol sort.

"We've got Caf if you want some," he offered as he passed her by, not stopping for too long before he returned to his previous seat. Sinnat gave him an odd look, it wasn't every day that Adiara chose to have a group at his table... But sometimes sitting in your own misery wasn't as fun as watching people make fools out of themselves through the medium of alcohol

[member="Teroch Gra'tua "][member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Ærin Firebrand"]
She looked at [member="Adiara Drelas"] as he passed by as if to say what? She was focused too much on other things. "Um no thank you." She said eyes watching other patrons just in case. She sipped her water quietly for now but mind kept thinking on the force user behind her. Also the mandalorian that was never a uninteresting combo. As she drank away she kept her hood on hoping it'd make her less interesting to the more unsavory patrons. She couldint hide she was female entirely so eventually she had to dismiss cat calls and the like. She could for now only hide that she was a jedi and hopefully avoid being noticed in that regard.

@Teroch Gra'tua
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
Teroch nodded as the man across from him spoke, noting that he'd have to watch his alcohol consumption so the bottle could go around a bit. Looking around himself the Mandalorian reached down to grab his face mask, quickly realizing he hadn't turned it off, so there was a orange glow emitting from HUD. Teroch lightly snorted as he raised the mask up to his face and looked towards the commands menu, and a few more precaution windows later before the mask powered down, orange glow dying out quickly as the mask was replaced on the man's belt.

Teroch Gra'tua sat still for a few more moments before he reached a hand up to his balaclava, pulling the top of it over and behind his head, revealing the single thick line of short hair, surrounded by recently shaven (but still partially there) hair. Normally hidden by the mercenaries balaclava was a small tattoo on the right side of his head, located an inch above his ear was his designation in an earlier mercenary unit he was part of, as each member had to get 'branded' so they were always know as part of that group, Teroch's designation was B3. A small smirk formed on Teroch's lips as he remembered how much Mandalorian alcohol he had drunken in the past, slowly grabbing his glass and before taking another gulp of the whiskey.

[member="Adiara Drelas"]
[member="Ærin Firebrand"]
[member="Catherine Soja"]
Orick saunters into the cantina slowly, slowly allowing his gaze to take in the entire place before he wanders overt to the bar. " Bartender, Correlian wine, leave the bottle." He turns, leaning his back against the bar as the bartender wets a glass and a bottle on the bar behind him. He glances at each of the other patrons quickly, appraising each in turn. The cloaked girl at the bar was trying too hard to hide who she was, trouble... A table with two obvious warriors and an unknown, could be exciting but most likely trouble... Reaching behind him he takes his glass of wine and takes a long pull from it, head nodding in time with the terrible band in the corner.ærin-firebrand/
As [member="Orick T'ane"] Walked in she looked over at his order. She couldn't help but comment. "Been a while since I heard anybody order that outside of home." She said the young Corellian always knew few people ordered Corellian drinks further out unless they were from there or just happen to really really like it. She pushed her hood back slowly her black short hair falling out and her face showing. She looked the man over a moment. "You from the place or just a fan of it?"
Orick looks over at the girl at the bar, " Once a long time ago I called it home. I haven't been back in many years. It's common enough to find on a planet like Nar Shaddaa." He says with a shrug. " Might as well enjoy a comfort from home." He stops for a second to give the girl a once over. " How long has it been since you've been back? "

[member="Catherine Soja"]

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