Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Road Less Travelled -- Journey to the Centre of the Galaxy

As calculations bloomed into focus, Arutha was drawn to a jarring display of power. A pirate station. "Oh shit," he blurted, "Course correction!" His hands slapped against the console as bright lights flew across the viewport and decimated the merchant vessels. white-hot shards of debris spun wildly through the void. A body floated past the viewport, its uniform melted to the flesh, a look of abject horror permanently stitched its facial features. It sent a chill down Arutha's spine and he knew instinctively that he wouldn't forget that face and not out of desire.

Arutha opened his map, he kicked his legs against the console and his chair rolled away. He raised his arms, hands clenched with index fingers raised and spread his arms out wide. The map blossomed, its blue holographic display taking up his half of the cockpit. He made a quick succession of hand gestures, the map warped and refocused, they were now viewing a much closer look at the local space region. "There," Arutha said to D'vok, "I'm linking you the navigation coordinates now. A small cluster of rogue asteroids. Keep them between us and that station, they'll have to shoot the asteroids before they can hit us, and we'll hit hyperdrive before they're done."

[ [member="Kit Caraway"] ] - [ @D'vok Windroamer ] - [ [member="Ronin Naara"] ]
This was it. Their first conflict. Pirates were an unfortunate reality when exploring the depths of space, but they were a threat Kit was used to. Mostly they consisted of a few weak ships, preying on scavengers and smugglers not wise enough to defend themselves properly. With the proper ship and a trained crew they could normally be beaten backed with ease, limping back to their holes. Under most circumstances, the TCV Adiona could handle a pirate attack. But these weren't normal pirates, these pirates had a fething space station. Now they were alone against an entire hostile platform, dodging and weaving as they attempted to evade the powerful turbolasers that rapidly recharged to fire again.

Thanks to [member="D'vok Windroamer"], the Adiona had picked up the pace, and was now steadily gaining distance away from the gargantuan refinery. As the moved away, Kit kept her eyes locked on the hyperdrive, watching it spool up slowly, too slowly.

26%... 27%... 28%...

Hopefully, as the D'vok worked his magic, the crew that were up and about were scrambling to man the guns, two laser cannons at the top, two at the back. So far, each of the readouts showed 'unoccupied,' but Kit assumed that was because people were still making their way to the emplacements. They'd better get a wriggle on, she thought, as it wouldn't be long before the massive station would launch fighters to disable them before they leapt the safety of hyperspace.

From beside her, Arutha said out loud he had a route, a path through some asteroids that would buy them precious time to escape. She hoped for their sakes he was correct. A warning tone sounded from her instrument panel, and her head snapped to the side viewport. The station had fired at them, green bolts rapidly closing the distance between them. "D'vok, look out!" She screamed, leaning forward and bracing. It was up to him to save them now.

Crew Manifest
[member="Zai Avery"] -- Healthy
[member="Kit Caraway"] -- Healthy
[member="Noah Corek"] -- Healthy
[member="Arutha"] -- Healthy
[member="Ay Ge"] -- Healthy
[member="Itash Mecetti"] -- Stasis
[member="Ronin Naara"] -- Healthy
[member="Zaimur Saxon"] -- Healthy
[member="FN-2826"], "Tempest" -- Healthy
[member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] -- Healthy
[member="D'vok Windroamer"] -- Healthy
[member="Kerx Zyron"] -- Healthy

OOC Note: Due to the invasion, my posts will be shorter, but I'll still try to get a post every day. I understand that other people are in the same position as I am, so it's cool with me if you take a little longer to post. I am to wrap up this chapter once we hyperspace out of the system.
OOC: My bad guys, this completely slipped my mind.

[member="Ronin Naara"] | [member="Ay Ge"] | [member="Kit Caraway"]

He woke with a startle.

All of a sudden the dreamless void was gone in favor of an overload of external stimuli. The taste of air came first, followed by the lights, then the sounds started hammering against his ears. Klaxons, yes, but also shouts and then a face looming into his vision.


The feth was happening? His hands grasped at the lids of the pod, but there was a weakness in his fingers that hadn't been there before. "W-wha." This time Naara helped him out and with a lurch the Tapani nobleman dropped out of the pod to his hands and knees. "Feth me, never again." The infernal klaxons continued, the red at the edge of his vision told him all he needed to know. "What do we got?" A murmur but already the strength was returning to his limbs as Tash pushed himself up.

Presumably Naara or Ay would inform him.

After which Itash found his way towards the cockpit. Still disheveled, hair a mess, his uniform messy at the seams, but he was there and that was all that mattered.

"Remember when I offered my mercs?" Itash said by the way of a greeting, before looking out in the viewport. They were making good time- which didn't matter for feth if the gunners didn't do their job. Itash closed his eyes instead.

Already his presence half-slipping out of himself and started to subsume the area immediately around the ship.

Soft whispers from his lips- strong, we are strong. We can do this. Ain't nothing but a scraaaatch, we will handleee it. The more whispers came the more the individual crewmembers would feel themselves... better, more confident, clear and cut. Clarity kicking the foggy edges of panic and chaos out of the way, because it was useless here. The Tapani's eyes opened after a moment or two. "Any more than that and I'd do more bad than good, once their fighters are in range, I will turn my attention on them."

He wasn't of the light.

If Itash had tried to coordinate them... no, better not to think of that. The lies would have scratched their nerves at best.

[member="Arutha"] | [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] | [member="Zaimur Saxon"] | [member="FN-2826"] | @D'vok Windroamer | [member="Noah Corek"] | [member="Zai Avery"] | [member="Kerx Zyron"]​
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
By now, Aes'ona had noticed that something was off, though she could not put her finger on the what with any accuracy at all. Every once in a while, footsteps fell a little harder than she assumed that they should if the crew was bored and aimlessly milling about--they had purpose, urgency. And there was that turbulence a few minutes ago now. That had to be something; there was nothing out this far to dodge, right?

As she mulled over the options to herself, the doctor's eyes drifted over to the medical monitor that was hooked up to the stasis chambers. Itash's pod slot displayed in green, block-lettering, 'OPEN'. She had somehow missed that development, but probably not by too long. She had been planning to check up on the lord, but she was still going to now that he was awake. Something might have gone wrong to delay his release. Alternatively, though, everything was perfectly fine and an accidental fluke of the machinery had caused it. Still, it did no harm to see for herself.

Before leaving the bay, Aes'ona stuffed a pair of extrasensory gloves into one of her front pockets, and clipped her handheld medscanner to her belt. "Itash?" she called as she headed into the main hold, hoping that he had not wandered off far. "Is everything alrig--?" She stopped dead in the doorway when she saw Zaimur on the floor in front of his pod, clutching at his ankle, and with Noah and Tempest both knelt beside him to offer their assistance. "What happened here?!" she exclaimed as she rushed over, almost forgetting what she had originally come in here for.

[member="Itash Mecetti"] / [member="Kit Caraway"] / [member="Zaimur Saxon"] / [member="Noah Corek"] / [member="FN-2826"]
((OOC I love it when I don't get notifications until one mass one 4 days later. Anyway sorry.))
D'vok pulled at the controls, yanking the ship to the right, into the asteroid field. He wasn't worried about them, as it would take a quite large one in order to cause some serious damage. His eyes flickered from the hyperdrive panel to the viewport and back again. It was about halfway charged. Several of the plasma bolts vaporized the asteroids, and some others simply pushed them in Adiona's direction. they bounced off the hull, some crashing into each other. The volley had been avoided. He looked on the pilot console and tried to find a certain button. There it was. He pressed it, activating the ship's intercom.
"Hey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in case you didn't notice we're under fire. A little fire support from those guns would be helpful while the hyperdrive charges. Just sayin'."
Ronin pressed the button to open the gun hatch, and stepped inside. It seemed standard enough. As he stepped inside, he turned and called to [member="Ay Ge"]. "Ay, man the other gun!" He turned back to the controls, and was about to power on the laser, when he felt a presence. He jumped out of the gun and looked up and down the hallway. Nothing. The mystery was soon solved by [member="Itash Mecetti"] 's voice. After it stopped, Ronin visibly relaxed, then stepped back into the gunner seat. He had not at all appreciated the intrusion. Apparently Itash was a Force user, something the man had neglected to mention when Ronin specifically asked if anyone was a Force user. He didn't appreciate the intrusion at all. No man had the right to tell him how to think. Still the intention was admittedly to be helpful.

The gun was now fully on. Ronin pressed the comm button to the bridge. "Roger that, it's pew pew time." He set the laser's power to 500 megawatts, 250 below the maximum, and brought it to bear on the space station. Targeting one of the emplacements on the station, he fired the cannon.

It hit the cannon, but didn't disable it."Chit!" Quickly, he dropped the laser's power down to 350, the minimum setting. He needed to get the shot in before the next volley. Aiming at the damaged cannon, he fired again, this time targeting a support strut. He hit it, and the cannon fell over onto it's right side, effectively disabled. Ronin might have celebrated, except he had missed the first shot, and they were nowhere near done. And he almost never celebrated victories in battle.

Okay, I guess I wouldn't actually do that, he though, as he returned the power to 500 megawatts.
Ay silently rushed down the hallway towards the weapon controls as the ship shook slightly due to oncoming fire, "Affirmative, manning secondary gun control". Before being able to take her station a whisper in the force tingled at her back, liking a person undergoing some form of meditation one may do before a fight. It seemed strange that only now of all things had the man shown his ability in the force, but then perhaps the Noble just automatically though others would have already known that, how? Questions for another time, at the moment combat protocol was Ay's main focus. (To top laser cannon occupied now [member="Kit Caraway"])

Strapping herself in Ay powered the ships turret up, taking aim at the installation, though ranged combat was not really her thing on such a large scale it was not a problem. Her crimson eyes observing the station just in time to see [member="Ronin Naara"] disable one of the enemy turrets in a rather, "Interesting". If taking out the enemy guns proved to hard, destroying the seemingly lightly shielded support and structural parts of the space station may prove more useful. Taking quick aim Ay began to blast at the space station, her founds impacting against path ways and other areas around the enemy turrets, most likely cutting of power supply or depressing areas area, ripping people out of the station.

@D'vok Windroamer [member="Dr. Aes'ona Terrani"] [member="Itash Mecetti"] [member="Emilia Ravel"] [member="Arutha"]

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