Vekkar Zesh
New Member
[OOC: Due to the limited information about the planet Cathar and the inhabitants' life-style, I'll be taking some liberties in this project. If any writers here have their own cathar character, do not think that my interpretations are set in stone! And, feel free to PM me if you guys find out any information that I get wrong!]
The yellow sun hung high in the sky on the planet Cathar; a striking contrast to the pristine blue. A large plume of blackish smoke stretched its' finger upwards as if to touch that beacon of light in the cloudless sky. Small gusts of wind would build up, blowing from the out-lands towards the horizon to the west where a village stood defiantly in the flat desolate plains that made up the majority of the planet. Massive trees could be seen easily in the distance, despite being hundreds of clicks away, where the tribe had made their homes. On this day, the village was empty.
Far to the south, the Talsung clan stood before Stone-Jaw -- a towering mountain-like cliff that formed a crescent moon shape when viewed from above. It towered hundreds of yards above the cathar, as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Three old cathar stood closest to the mountain, looking out towards the gathering before them. Divided by the large bonfire, six younglings stood side by side facing these Elders, with their backs to the rest of the tribe. Today was the day they would prove themselves worthy and fully become part of the clan. Not only would the younglings be seen as adults should they pass their trials, they would also be given their duties based on their performance. The rest of their lives would be decided because of this, which is what made the rite the most important part of a cathar's life. Failure, however, brought dishonor not only to the young cathar, but to his entire bloodline. He would have to wait another year to attempt it again.
The young cathar began to feel uneasy with anxiousness as the drums started, knowing that the trail was about to start at any moment.
The Rise from Cathar
CHAPTER 1: Sung'datta and the Ideal Masters
The yellow sun hung high in the sky on the planet Cathar; a striking contrast to the pristine blue. A large plume of blackish smoke stretched its' finger upwards as if to touch that beacon of light in the cloudless sky. Small gusts of wind would build up, blowing from the out-lands towards the horizon to the west where a village stood defiantly in the flat desolate plains that made up the majority of the planet. Massive trees could be seen easily in the distance, despite being hundreds of clicks away, where the tribe had made their homes. On this day, the village was empty.
Far to the south, the Talsung clan stood before Stone-Jaw -- a towering mountain-like cliff that formed a crescent moon shape when viewed from above. It towered hundreds of yards above the cathar, as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Three old cathar stood closest to the mountain, looking out towards the gathering before them. Divided by the large bonfire, six younglings stood side by side facing these Elders, with their backs to the rest of the tribe. Today was the day they would prove themselves worthy and fully become part of the clan. Not only would the younglings be seen as adults should they pass their trials, they would also be given their duties based on their performance. The rest of their lives would be decided because of this, which is what made the rite the most important part of a cathar's life. Failure, however, brought dishonor not only to the young cathar, but to his entire bloodline. He would have to wait another year to attempt it again.
The young cathar began to feel uneasy with anxiousness as the drums started, knowing that the trail was about to start at any moment.