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Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Right To Rule

Mael Bloodstone sat in the office belonging to [member="Stardust Raxis"] in her chair at her desk patiently awaiting her arrival.
He appeared as an attractive blonde human male, wearing a nice black leather dress coat, slacks and a black muscle shirt, thanks to his amulet of Visage.
He knew that for the last month or so she had attempted to engage in talks with the Nobility of his planet either herself or through ambassadors, and that many of the most key Nobles refused to speak with her on any official standing, saying that she would need speak with the head of House Bloodstone, Mael, first before they would consider hearing her out. Which was why he was there. An ambassador reached out to him on her behalf and set up a meeting between he and Stardust, which Mael arrived early for, paying off / 'convincing' her staff to let him wait for her in the comforts of her office.
Anyone who had any political plans on Zeltroa, with any chance of success, would need Mael Bloodstones approval. His grip on the most important noble families was ironclad. Some have been allied to his family since time immemorial, others owed their entire status as nobility to him / his family's help, others seek to curry his favor and some Mael outright owned via owning controlling interest of their financial assets or having loaned them the credits to avoid ruinous debt, or perhaps pulled the right strings to help make a problem of theirs disappear. The reasons for their unshakable loyalty to him were vast but absolute. And through the patricians he had the plebeians in hand as well.
So now he waited for this new Twi'lek upstart to come and treat with him.
It had been a long time coming, she had worked from the ground up gaining the people's favor by assisting in helping find those who had been kidnapped, even managing to break up a few spice rings along side that! And yet...one thing stopped her rise of power

The nobles

Not just nobles but those that wouldn't help her get to he position she wanted, to be queen of zeltros, only problem was that they stood in the way. Course they had reason to do so...She wasn't a zeltron at all, she was a outside person coming to be queen, and they didn't know her at all. However what was irriating was their blatant disregard for her request of communication, she asked several different houses yet it seemed they all pointed her towards house bloodstone...She didn't have to guess anything else. This house obviously held some power within the nobles, having sent ambassador put it didn't take long before a meeting was set up between her and the head of the house. She looked outside of her top room as she checked the clock...right about that time, she wanted to look good inside of the room professional, yet with power behind her.

Turned to the lift she got into it and pressed the button as she watched the doors closed and started down, she closed her eyes thinking of what had recently happened...She had mias death still fresh on her mind and the killing of that...man. She opened her eyes as she felt herself drifting a bit off as the lift stopped on her floor, she walked out and passed her secretary who seemed...a bit dazed? She took a sniff of the air and her eyes narrowed a bit as she entered her office and spotted mael setting right before her desk


My I heard about showing up early but right in my office? Surely you have me impressed Mr bloodstone

She held her hand out with a smile

stardust a pleasure to finally meet you
Mael did not rise to shake her hand, instead gave a simple nod in recognition before rising from his seat and moving towards her, letting her hand hang empty in the air.
"Let us proceed right to business, Ms. Raxis. I already know of you, your history and all of your fancy titles as well as your divorce.. even the stink of the dark side that still clings to you, and they mean little to me. Tell me, were I to give you my support, and in so doing the support of the others give sought to yank from underneath me, what would be in it for me? As you may have already noticed I am all but King already, though such a public title would do nothing but hinder my interests. The only thing I have need of is a puppet in the office of King or Queen. And judging by what I know of you youre not one to play along with such a position."

She stood there for a moment then retracted her hand, she eyed him a bit wondering just why he didn't accept the handshake...then it all came out the more he spoke the more she got a neutral look on her face. Feth why did this bump in the road be this type of bump? She put her hands behind her back holding her composure as she cleared her throat and spoke

your tight Mr bloodstone, I'm not one for being a puppet. Danced around on a string guided without my own choice...However will any official from another planet speak to you? Plenty know a queen rules this planet and without that your another noble, a noble with power great power I'll admit but another noble. But before all of that what is your interest...I'm not saying I refuse to be a puppet but...I see what you want and you see what I want and I think maybe we can work this out.. as it seems you know more of me then I do you....truelly you have the cards

She waved her arms out and smirked, she was being challenged and for some damned reason she enjoyed it....that challenge she could push through and use to excel and become better
Indeed, I do. More than you will -Ever- know. Truth be told there is only one clear solution to this paradox set before us, at least only one that will ensure that both our people will be happy with. Tell me, Stardust...

Before he continued he stepped closer, dangerously close. So close that their noses could've touched had either of them moved any closer.
He made sure his pheromones wafted over her in thick waves before he continued to speak.

How would you feel about a silent marriage, to the head of the most powerful Zeltron House of Nobility? I say silent as I do not yet wish for my face or name to be publicly plastered everywhere... Yet. Not until certain initiatives of mine are well under way, all of which, as my wife, you will come to know, but for now you have my word that none of them will negatively impact you or our planet and people. Nor will it threaten you position as Queen now or in the future. If you agree then I will give you the full support of the entire Patrician Class. They will be as clay beneath your fingers, as long as nothing you do interferes with my own operations of course. So, what do you say, my Queen?

[member="Stardust Raxis"]

His offer, was one that was beyond tempting...A silent marriage in which she became queen with the full patrician class right under her finger...she closed her eyes and inhaled his pheremones then out as she relaxed a bit and looked him right in the eyes her green ones staring back.

Mr bloodstone....I shall accept this offer and put something else on the table as well...we will meet every evening and at least one full day...I'll marry you yes but I also wish to know the man I am marrying....only fair simce you seem to know every last detail of me

Why those last words she pushed a but closer inches from his face enough her be able to feel her breath...his pheremones were starting to get to her now but...she didn't care, she let worry fade and allowed herself to slip

is what I offer acceptable?
"It is indeed most acceptable, My Lady... So first allow me to drop this visage and show you the true face of the man you are going to marry.."

He then slowly withdrew his Amulet and ran his finger along the stone carved face, the illusion of the tall blonde human dropping as he did so.
It revealed him as he truly was:
Dark Red Skin with obsidian Sith Tattoos covering his face, his teeth were sharp, seemingly filed into points purposely. His eyes were pitch black and bottomless like a two black holes as they bore into hers, looking deep down into her Soul.

"I shall share with you one secret now. My Father, the former head of my Family, is in fact not dead but alive. He is on life support in the basement of... one of my estates. I keep him barely alive to feed my guardian, a Feral Anzati.. They feed on... Essence of Force users such as he and yourself. So I hope we have a productive relationship, my lady, would hate for my father to end up having company due to some upstart attempting to out maneuver me at my own game."

His words were more than a veiled threat, they were a solemn vow as he grinned wickedly like the Devil himself.

[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]

Her eyes widened slightly, she took a step back looking him over


She said, keeping calm she stared back at the man before her. She dragon wouldn't give any ground to what laid before her. Listening she frowned slowly. However she then grinned at his threat and laughed. He might be the devil sure but this challenge was getting better and better

ah, I won't do a thing...that you know besides we both have the power once the crown is placed upon my head....a mutual benefit
Maels grin grew a little wider

No, not Sith, not anymore. I left them to be with a Jedi.. one whom.. is no longer with us. But that is a matter that doesn't concern us or our arrangement. And I have no need to trust you, as I know that if you were to attempt some form of betrayal, that you can be as swiftly removed from the throne as you can from life. You may be a powerful one, but I doubt even you could withstand a thousand blaster bolts all at once. Anyway. Back to the business at hand. I know of your barren affliction, but the marriage must be consummated regardless. Not tonight of course ....

He would then lean in closer, reapplying the form brought on by the amulet


[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]

I'm...sorry to hear, and yes I understand any betrayal will be met with a swift punishment. As long as you don't stop me from what I wish to do I won't meddle with your business...certainly you know too much about me.

She bit the inside of her cheek, she cleared her throat and nodded

few days time sound good...my husband?
"Of course. But first there is a matter we must both attend to.. the matter of houses Garatix, Vopisio and Killék. The heads of those Noble Families and their wives and husband, are planning to openly defy you on your Coronation day, as they have been scheming together to have one of their own crowned for years now. So they have nothing personal against you, they are just out for themselves. So, I've invited them to dinner tonight, under a white flag. We should deal with them, all of them. Call it a moment that will bond us. Do you agree to aid in the matter?"

He asked, truthfully neither of them had a choice in the matter if they wished to continue with their own plans..

[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]

She looked away, she was thinking of what he meant before it finally dawned on her, she looked to him with shock as she blinked

are you asking me...to eliminate them? That's murder! That would destroy me and you!...but...I've worked so hard for this position...Done so much to simply get here

She frowned, she closed her eyes and sighed, it was a necessary evil she had to do....That or lose all she worked for

I'll do it
Mael chuckled lightly

"Were you not a paid assassin some time ago? Is hour sobriquet not 'The Emerald Dragon'? These particular people are none you should even stress about eliminating. If they were to have one of their own crowned their first priority is to strip mine the planet using slaves bought off world and ejecting all those who live here without compensation. I can show you my infiltrators report if youd like?"

He then smiled as she agreed.

"Excellent. Then we can put this matter to... Bed."

He grinned as he leaned in close, this time his lips caressed hers in a soft embrace before withdrawing.

"I'll have the invitations sent immediately. Might I suggest you wear something... Elegant yet appropriate for action tonight. They will not be armed, but nor do I believe they will go silently."

He then carefully brushed her cheek with his fingertips before moving to leave.

[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]

She looked away, she took a breath and closed her eyes as she tried to work it out in her mind reassure herself this was the only way to keep the people safe her people. Suddenly she was shocked out of her thoughts by his kiss, she didn't pull back at all but that electric feeling that went through her was amazing

of course...I'll make sure that I wear something perfect for the occasion

She felt his finger and closed her eyes, this man could have her thrown from her position easily, or worse....however that touch of his....She cpudlnt quiet place it at all how it made her feel
Later that night there would be a large gathering in the great hall of House Bloodstone. Three long tables with the aforementioned Nobles, and their families, sat ate and drank as their hosts appeared at the head of the three tables.
Mael Bloodstone, with [member="Stardust Bloodstone"] , looked to all of them with a smile. He leaned down to whisper in his partners ear

"Remember, whatever doesn't kill you makes you strong, so revel in the massacre."

He would then take a few steps forwards, with Stardust on his arm, and address the crowd.

"My friends it brings a smile to my face to see us all gathered here under a banner of peace. It makes me happy that, after tonight, Zeltros will finally be united in its entirety, and that the rivalry between your houses and mine, will finally be laid to rest..."

Then the guards, bearing the Bloodstone family sigil upon their armor, closed and locked the only set of double doors that led in or out of the great hall, then moved infront of them ensuring none had access to them.

"However, now the white flag is struck, and I must bid you all, goodnight.."

Suddenly Mael ignited his crimson crossguard lightsaber and thrust it through the noble nearest him. The men of the other houses immediately stood and armed themselves with whatever they could while their women and children rushed to the doors, only to be thrown back by the awaiting guards.
Using the force Mael pulled another to him, impaling him upon his saber before throwing him aside, with an evil grin he turned and looked back to Stardust.
This was the moment, she walked out on the arm of mal as she glanced across the many many people here...She took a breath and listened to his speech. Her heart banged in her chest. Xpudl she commit this massacre? She glanced to her...new husband and nodded

She glanced to the guards, her hands reached for her sabers as she closed her eyes and whispered to herself

"Force forgive me for what I am about to commit"

Once mael attacked she activated both of hers and was quickly on them, two men drew blaster then froze up, this...beast of a women coming upon them like hell. Sliced down without firing a shot as she moved to more without even a bit of emotion. She closed her eyes and reminded herself...they were gonna harm he people and planet one she worked for...they needed to be wiped out

She turned seeing the women and children....She stopped watching their desperate escape. She shook a d closed her eyes tears forming, she screamed and held her hands out as suddenly lighting shot out towards those nearby and immediately killed them. Her eyes opened as those eyes had turned golden in color.

She started for the women and children...no one could leave...no one could tell this tale

Their end would be by her sabers
After Mael finished up with the heads of the houses he watched with a slight grin as [member="Stardust Bloodstone"] tore through their families. When the last of them had fallen, and any chance of future rebellion with them, Mael extinguished his saber and walked towards his bride to be, using his amulet to wear his Blonde human visage, feeling that she preferred it to his true form, and slowly embraced her from behind, wrapping his arms around her and whispering in her ear

"This necessary evil has brought us closer together. Now not only shall we be bound in marriage, but the darkness will envelope us and hold us together as well. You did good, my Queen. OUR men shall take care of the rest.."

And indeed they would. Most of the bodied would ve burned, but at least one from each rebel family would be later buried in the property of a loyal noble family, as... Insurance that should they attempt to rebel as well, then the remains could ve unearthed, they would be wrongly, but successfully, charged and convicted with the murder and their assets seized by the Bloodstone family.
It was all a perfectly executed master stroke, one of many that Mael had long since been planning and could now finally see them executed one by one..

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