Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Return of a Supernova.

Cameron's gaze remained fixed on [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] as she approached in the sultry manner that was almost completely unique to her person. A part of the Sith Lord wondered if the woman ever grew tired of her natural gifts that were completely unrelated to the Force. He doubted that was a reality, however. It seemed there was no shortage of attractive women within the galaxy - willing to use whatever their mama gave them, but there was a precipitous shortage of woman, no, people that actually held usefulness beyond the vanity of exterior presentation. Anesia was one of them in the Sith Lord's practiced estimation.

In his past, Anesia's proximity and partially-flirtatious affections would have tugged on the animalistic core that one might think buried these days. [member="Amorella Mae"] knew the fallacy of that misconception, however. Allowing a mischievous expression to adorn his features, the large, dark-skinned Sith remained silent as the honey-dripped words of his long-time associate faded on the wind. As the smooth exterior of her skin departed the fabric of his cloak, Cameron reoriented his silver-green gaze back to the fray.

The rhetorical inquiry of the woman did not receive an it verbal or physical. Cameron's entire presence seemed tranquil, motionless within the Force that had become such a torrent of energy on Korriban in the last few minutes. His lack of action could be called apprehension, arrogance, whatever. In truth it was merely indifference. He utterly rejected the notion that any Sith, Jedi, whatever needed to be eternally in conflict with others. Was Cameron any less of a man for watching others fight battles? Should he be 'excommunicated' from the mention of the name Sith simply because he did not throw himself into combat needlessly?

Or perhaps his willingness to allow the irritable and foolish to destroy each other...and judge the quality of only the victor made him precisely what any real warrior wanted to be? Spoiler alert. Any real warrior merely wanted to live and fight the battles that were truly worth their time, that challenged their own skill. Cameron maintained no illusions about being the best at anything...such a claim was moronic at the very core. He would never stop learning, growing, but he judged that he'd had enough experience to know when something was...useless. Victory here would bring him no riches, no increase in strength or power. Would the winner of this myopic King of the Hill contest have their name whispered on the tongues of the galaxy for all time? No.

An example! [member="Mikhail Shorn"] was known to Cameron. Dubiously dubbed the Throne Breaker, Cameron recalled all too well when Shorn plopped himself on Emperor Ardik's throne when the man was...not even present. Issuing hearty challenges to all those that followed the Emperor. That had been an interesting time...yet another situation Cameron had walked away from. He'd been a part of and witness too countless takeovers in his lifetime. They all ended the same. A new Emperor was instated...sometimes better, sometimes worse, sometimes the same. Nations rose and fell. That was life. He owed nothing to those incapable of taking care of themselves.

Save perhaps one. Were she here, Cameron would probably tear about the fabric of this planet's crust gladly. Not would accomplish anything either.

The Sith Lord sniffed the air. Something putrid approached. Turning his head slightly, Cameron's silver-green gaze fell on a bear charging towards him. Before he could even register the full amount of his amusement, Cameron became acutely aware that the bear was breathing fire. The brilliant red-orange torrent was the second clue...just behind the Force's tiny hint via a prickle at the back of his neck. Cameron, as a rule, wore no armor. His clothing was not treated by some special voodoo to keep him safe. In fact it wasn't even normal fire-retardant material. Dark blue and grey cotton remained motionless in the still, humid air of Korriban for...a rather brief moment. Obviously he wasn't going to stand in front of a fireball. The Sith Lord managed to relocate just out of the way, but the ends of his cloak certainly suffered as the bottom edge caught fire. A matter to a minute.

Cameron's response to [member="Larg'haree Ubehr"] was devoid of flash or style really. The Sith Lord's left hand lifted off the leather hilt of his weapon as he manipulated the very active essence of the Force surrounding the bear, as it surrounded all of them. With abrupt, intense pressure, he utilized the Force to grip the bear firmly and lift him from the ground. Immediately thereafter, he influenced the Force to rotate the bear's body to face back in the direction of the others.

If his man-made, bear-flamethrower worked, that would be super sweet. If it didn't, that was cool. There was always Plan B.

We all know what Plan B stands for right? Good because...there is a profanity filter 'round these parts.
The telekinetic attacks were growing old. As were the bears, Lord Depravious had enough of bears for the day - for the year - for the century. If he never had to see another bear again he would be absolutely fine with it; however, Mikhail Shorn himself was now extolling a significant amount of Force Energy not only with the rocks but the tank of a bear that was no hurdling at him, it was all very curious but no matter none of it was life threatening in any way - save the other now extremely large bear hurdling at both Depravious and Shorn. He rather hoped it would attack Shorn for what had looked like him impaling the bear - as well as now he was tossing his body about the battle field like a rag doll. But soon all would come to tell.

The kids tantrums were growing a bit excessive so it was time to put an end to it after he defended the attack in coming at him. The bear would prove as a good shield, yes. How to not get crushed by this shield was another matter. Lord Depravious jumped and rolled - having been ready for something to come at him as aforementioned - as he somersaulted forwards the bear would more than likely graze over his head. Thank god had it hit his head it may have taken it smooth off! As he rolled forwards onto his feet he vaulted backwards as the bear more than likely would have hit the ground by now because even though Mikhail Shorn was apparently some jesus with telekinesis no way was he that powerful. During his backwards flip by this time the handful of rocks being thrown at him would have reached him pelting into his cortosis armor. No doubt bending through it and smashing directly into his backside before he was able to fall behind the bear taking shelter from the rest.

Lord Depravious assessed the situation from behind the bear. A few broken ribs - great just what he needed more broken ribs - before long he wouldn't be mobile once the swelling started to take place. Cough cough cough...Slowly blood started to splatter from his mouth due to the beating he was taking with Telekinesis. It was time to end this fight.

As he stood from the ground after all of the rocks had effectively pelted the bear in front of him he turned to eye the larger bear coming their way in a bit of a slower fashion but still deadly nonetheless. In a quick moment he took charge, grasping onto his halberd from the now downed bear. He tore the blade of the halberd from its flesh as if knife from butter using his feet as leverage to kick off the bear. In his breath he could feel himself weezing - no matter this fight would be finished soon enough. He started at the man once more valiantly charging him, the halberd lightly dragging along the sand.

As he approached him Lord Depravious made sure to keep Shorn in between himself and the bear, in case the bear did decide to attack the Kamari - Shorn would at least be a puny obstacle. Milliseconds of time were all that he needed. As he went to strike the tantrum throwing boy who absolutely loved Telekinesis as if it were a new toy on Christmas - the halberd drug along the sand and upwards in an upper cutting motion to the mans torso; the sand however came first directly at the eyes and neck of the man. Even though he had a helmet on sand could still be a momentary distraction - a distraction Depravious would hopefully be able to capitalize on.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"] [member="Ursino Puff"]
| [member="Mikhail Shorn"] |

There was a certain man in this galaxy that had pushed back a plan that had been in the workings for decades. This man was known as many names, due to his acts against the Sith Empire, the Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Mandalorians and more. He was the most infamous of villains and considered by some to be a hero. Good, evil, it didn't matter to the entity known as the Thronebreaker. He who had dethroned an Emperor simply because he wanted too. Actions have consequences.

That consequence was about to emerge.

Vilox Pazela's eyes slowly opened, on top of the desert dune. That certain predatory gaze gleamed from beneath the cowl of his dark robe, upon the duel being waged between Shorn and Depravious. The former Sith Lord's presence in the Force was hidden, concealed away from Mikhail, his enemy and the others in the vicinity.

He watched on.


Waiting to avenge that day on Dromund Kaas.

Lord Ghoul

The features of Mikhail Shorn twisted in disappointment at the survival of now re-rechristened Halberd Boy. The blood trickling from the man's mouth caused a pang of dark satisfaction to ripple through Shorn's heart. Either a split lip, or internal bleeding. By the way the guy was slogging through the sand with that halberd, he would guess the latter. He crossed his fingers and hoped it was the lungs.

Regardless, the combat seemed to be moving toward a slow, inevitable end.

Halberd Boy charged, whipping his big, fat pole arm around. Mikhail did what any sane person would do... he backed away. Tossed sand whipped across his helmet and he found himself temporarily blind. He continued to back up, relying on his senses in the Force. The blade of the blade of the halberd hummed greedily past, spearpoint barely scraping the edge of his armor at the waist.

The Thronebreaker countered, quickly wiping the front of his helmet clean of sand and then making a simple shoving gesture, palm facing outward. If Halberd Boy wanted to throw sand around, Shorn could satisfy him. The sand before him lifted off the ground and became a tidal wave that blew toward [member="Lord Depravious"] in a long, high cresting mini-sandstorm. The excessive wind speeds were high enough that the grains of sand could flay any exposed skin, leaving a bloody, raw mess and possibly blinding. If that didn't slow the opposing Sith down, getting six inches of sand dumped on him absolutely would.

Mikhail benefitted from something Halbed Boy didn't. He spent all his time focused on telekinesis, working his capabilities with it like one would exercise a muscle. The other Sith did not. His tastes seemed to run the gambit between obsolete melee weapons, Sith Magic, and alter environment. He could have however much sum power he wanted to, but in terms of outlasting Shorn had the edge in Force reserves. Besides, he hadn't been the one tossing tornadoes across the entire planet.

Enter the bear.


He heard the bellowing and swung his head in the direction of the lumbering ursine.


[member="Lord Depravious"] [member="Ursino Puff"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Sure, the being in front of him had tossed his brother. Sure, that would normally be a death sentence for anyone in Ursino's book. Sure, he could probably crush the little meaty thing easily. Problem was, this creature didn't harm his brother.

The one with the pointy stick did.

The only thing the closest one with the funky bone helmet had done was toss his brother's body. Specifically, the brother who needed medical aid. That was Ursino's chief priority now, nothing else. The crunchy things could wait until after.

Well over eight hundred kilograms of Arkudan rampaged forwards at a breakneck pace, the armor it wore sending up a horrible rattle as plate sounded against plate. Ursino made a beeline for his fallen brother and steeled himself to fully run over anyone or anything that got in front of him. Namely, the human with the funny helmet. At least, for the moment. The human with the pointy stick would quickly find said pointy stick inserted in certain orifices that it would have issues removing said pointy stick from if the human remained where he was instead of running like most tiny humans did at an Arkudan charge.

"GIT OUTTA MAH WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!" roared Ursino, all four paws ready to crush and pound and rip and tear.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"] [member="Lord Depravious"] [member="Cin'ciri Jurir"]
A self proclaimed pyre she was not. Warming up perhaps, but the fires dotted the way upon the very ground, not so much from her hands. While Anesia was more than capable of tossing around the feat, it just was not so. Theatrics- plain and simple.

The Sith, so far, had not directed malice toward a single entity. Her hand harmed not a single hair. Perhaps she should have by now. Ferrius crooked her head, tilted it just so to explore the acute feeling of danger- she didn't bother to pivot, not yet. For now, veiled green eyes only watched the bear, the armor, and assessing the very manner in which it carried itself, discovering weaknesses... strengths from over her shoulder as it mushed forward. Obviously upon rough terrain in her direction. This was curious to the Master and a sleek, dark brow rose as if to exclaim the state of thought. "Really?"

Debri crunched under booted feet when the hooded figure turned and she shifted her much smaller frame-than that of a massive bear- as if to ready for impact. Was she crazy? Quite. And the whites of her feral smile that shone from the darkness of her hood only highlighted the fact. Anesia's hands raised, even if only because of the familiarity of application, to attempt to lift [member="Dovak'in Ubehr"] from the very trek he was on before he reached his target. The Force knew not of weight and thus, he would soar without wings by the sheer will and thought of the Master. Being a bear, surely the feeling would be quite foreign, perhaps disorientating. However, it would be a fleeting one that could very well be replaced with fear should it stick.

The mental grasp attempted upon Dovak'in would not so much be released, but directed more with savage force. Her fingers could even touch the snowy fur of the animal, albeit with relish, before Anesia would send it snout first into a discarded piece of temple meters away, if she could. "I could use a new rug."
Lord Depravious stood against the sand wall and as it came to him he merely swung his halberd through the six inches thick of sand and easily cut through it with the razor sharp halberd. This didn't obviously make an opening big enough for him to fit through; however, it did create enough of an opening for him to push through the sand that way he would only more or less be pushed back a few inches. A sand wall.. Really..? Don't make me laugh. The battle would soon be at an end? What a joke, this boy knew nothing of the hatred, the fear, the sadness, the history this man had been through. He had killed an emperor perhaps, he had killed a few other sith and now he thought he was something more than he could ever be. He knew telekinesis very well, sure that was a laughable matter.

As the halberd struck upwards through the sand and Lord Depravious walked through the sand his emotions began to rage. He was in no way in the bigger bears way to get to his brother so he didn't bother with that as it seemed to be a bit more preoccupied with its fallen comrade than it was with the tantrum throwing Sith and Lord Depravious. As the force began to manifest over Lord Depravious his own emotions began to take ahold of him. His fiery red eyes began to glow an even brighter red hue and a Force Rage. Over took the man as he now rushed to Mikhail Shorns face.

He first - cleaved at the mans legs with his Halberd. The blade crisply cutting through the air this time there was no humming of an ancient battle there was no sound that Lord Depravious listened to there was only the brutal legsevering cleave that was now headed straight for the mans legs. As his body twisted with the cleave his feet pivoting, his left hand came off of the halberd and down to his side where his blade lay. Lord Depravious at this point in his force rage could have absolutely walked through anything Mikhail Shorn had but he also was ready mentally to possibly resist or block something coming from the man.

As his body contorted with the cleave his hand grasped onto the hilt of the Sith Sword of which he had crafted centuries before hand. He was ready, should Shorn and obviously since he was a telekinetic jesus, defend or dodge he would quicklly launch an onslaught of attacks. With the pain fueling him, and the force rage now consuming him, Lord Depravious was a train that could not be stopped.

Not even by telekinetic tantrum throwing jesus. Or the 5000 bears that some how appeared in history at the start of the battle.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"] [member="Ursino Puff"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
The food was quick, managing to just barely evade the fireball that Larg'Haree had launched at him, though he did manage to ignite the end of his coat. While that fireball was traveling towards the Moross God Larg'Haree was right behind it, intent on tackling the man after the fireball had hit. However between the man's change of course and Larg'haree being not the fastest of quadrupeds he came up short on the distance before he began to be lifted into the air by the Sith Lord. In vain Larg'Haree tried to swing a paw at the body of the Morossian, but his reach ended up five, perhaps ten centimeters to short of his target as his body swang around, now facing towards the direction from whence he came.

It was the oddest and most frightening sensation for the bear, being held in midair. If he was a bit more developed in his pyrokinesis perhaps he'd try a fireball fa- no, that was ridiculous. Singeing his tail fur wouldn't accomplish anything, even if he could manipulate fire like that. Instead Larg'Haree forced his shoulder and head downwards, trying to tip his upper body towards the ground. From there he reached towards the ground with his massive two front paws and began to use them as shovels, hurling the sand of Korriban behind his body and towards [member="Cameron Centurion"]. Sure, it was only sand, probably wouldn't hurt him, but if it could distract him enough to let go of Larg'haree then he could fight again on a more comfortable battle ground. And, well, he was a bear floating in midair. There wasn't exactly a whole lot else he could do.

Lord Ghoul

With an infuriated bear reek-rushing him from behind and a polearm equipped Sith attacking him from the front, Mikhail did the logical thing.

He jumped.

Pushing off the ground, body's upward trajectory accelerated by telekinesis, he watched the glittering axe-head of the halberd swipe just beneath him. Shorn couldn't do fancy acrobatics. The frill-less leap didn't look pretty, but it carried Mikhail far higher in the air than any human had a right to be jumping.

Meanwhile, [member="Ursino Puff"] would suddenly find the man in the funny helmet no longer blocking his path, leaving only one possible target. [member="Lord Depravious"]

As Shorn fell back down to Korriban's surface, he guided his fall. Booted feet crunched against the sand as he landed some distance behind the charging bear and the guy with the compensating halberd.
Ursino saw the helmet-wearing human before him... and then he didn't. The man had jumped up and away, aided by the Force. The Arkudan was mildly disappointed that he'd missed trampling the human, but as massive paws carried him forward he realized that this had led to something even better.

The massive Arkudan locked his head down low and bulled forward. One massive paw whipped out to smack the pointy stick away while Ursino's body kept moving forward. Not that he felt the stick would do much to him at all, but it was the principle of the matter. With another, ferocious roar Ursino closed the tiny gap between himself and the stick-wielding human. There was so little room to dodge that Ursino felt confident that the small human would meet the Arkudan's charge full on in an impact that would rupture flesh and shatter bone.

Beyond was Ursino's fallen brother. Once Puff was clear of the two humans, he would slow down and stop to aid his fallen kin.

[member="Mikhail Shorn"] [member="Lord Depravious"] [member="Cin'ciri Jurir"]
Finally, Lord Depravious was able to do what he had been seeking to do. As Mikhail Shorn Jumped to avoid both the bear and the halberd - and Lord Depravious' body contorted from the missed cleave he spun around without any resistance, which he had planned for since he had known that Mikhail would either blast him away or he would dodge.

As his feet slid along the hot dry sand, the sword came out of the sheath and Lord Depravious spun already knowing where Mikhail would land he predicted the mans potential landing spot and hurled the Sith Sword directly at the mans chest. He flicked his wrist as the sword released from his hand to give it just the right trajectory of which he had hoped that it would effectively stab him in the chest. And with Mikhail focusing on his landing and also using Telekinesis to control his fall - the Sword should pierce directly through his heart.

Even if it didn't, Lord Depravious now had other fish to fry, or bear... Things.... Whatever these talking bears were.... They may not have been skilled in battle, or eve that intelligent in the eyes of Lord Depravious. They were, however, very very large oafs. And very very large oafs could still batter, or in this case trample Lord Depravious or Shorn or any of those on the battle field should they make one slip up.

The man knew that he could not just stick his halberd into this one and be done with it as had been done to the other one. Since his hand was so far up on the halberd he used its positioning to stick it into the ground. With the force rage fueling his movements he shoved the halberd into the ground and jumped rising over it. As he spun in the air he attempted to get out of the way of the lumbering oaf of a bear. Lord Depravious was attempting to effectively be a pole dancer that he had once seen at a cantina. It wasn't the most glorifying move; however, it was much more glorifying than being trampled by an idiot of a bear.

The bear would directly have to alter its course to attack Lord Depravious now, and each second was a precious second away from his comrade of whom was more than likely bleeding profusely at this point due to an open wound in its chest. Unless Shorn was to interfere Lord Depravious was willing to allow him to attend to his wounded. He hated the bears, absolutely hated them they had targeted him since the beginning of the battle; however, he had an appreciation for their love of their brothers and their comrades. Thus, he would let the bear pass by should he wish to help his fallen comrade.

Now all eyes set upon Mikhail Shorn. The predatory eyes of Lord Depravious began to narrow upon the telekinesis user as he prepared for his next attack. Lord Depravious now spun his halberd over his head and then quickly brought it down as his legs stretched out. His rage began to grow more and more with the pain he felt and he began to ready himself for another charge at the telekinesis user.

[member="Ursino Puff"] [member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Lord Ghoul

Shorn landed with a wry grin, feeling very satisfied right up until the a big gleaming sword whistled through the air and impaled him, or at least that's what would have happened if he hadn't been wearing armor. Specifically, akk-wolf scale armor, the kind hard enough to stop a lightsaber.

The nasty surprise screeched with a sound like metal on stone as it skittered point first off the blackened scales covering his chest. Mikhail stumbled backward, gasping for breath. It felt like a giant had socked him in the left pec. There'd be nasty bruise there by tomorrow, probably all yellow and purple.

Unfortunately for [member="Lord Depravious"], Mikhail was still very much alive, but now twice as pissed.

Reaching out his unburnt hand toward Depravious, Shorn curled his fingers. He panted behind his helmet, feeling the heat of Korriban bake him in his armor. Sweat trickled into his eye and he blinked it away as he concentrated. The Halberd Boy might be rocking the Force 'Roids, but that wouldn't last forever. Nor could it save him getting picked up and tossed like a rag doll.

Shorn changed his mind. He didn't want to pulverize the guy into a bloody mass. He just wanted him gone.

The Thronebreaker wrapped his will around the man's form and made a hurling motion with his hand, endeavoring to throw the guy far, far away.

"Let's see how he likes the other side of the planet."

[member="Ursino Puff"]
[member="Larg'haree Ubehr"]

Cameron could practically feel the body heat of the bar as the massive paw swiped extremely close to his form. At this point, the bear now had his full attention. There was a time, perhaps, when Cameron might have adopted some element of creativity. In his early days of training he had been...well...quite emotional about everything. Watching your entire home and family burn alive before your very eyes as a teenager could have that effect. Especially if the person responsible elected to spirit you away to be little more than worn-down, beaten slave before offering you the chance at a better life, at survival. The price Cameron had to pay? Take the life of another person in a different manner every night.

Two decades saw Cameron becoming quite creative. Now, however, the Sith Lord tired of games. As sand was kicked up towards his face, Cameron merely lifted the bear higher into the air. The struggle was amusing but pointless. Closing his eyes briefly, Cameron could sense, feel the very fibers of the bear's coat beneath whatever armor it donned. Once he'd opened his eyes again, the Sith Lord exhaled steadily as his gaze briefly flicked in the direction of [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]. Seems they were all busy with some type of four-legged nuisance.

No matter. Focusing his complete attention back on his own zoo animal, Cameron tilted his head slightly as he crushed the power of the Force in on the creature's body rapidly with as much strength as his prowess in telekinetic applications would allow. Which...would be more than enough to cause Larg'haree's bone's to crumble and rupture every organ within his body save a miraculous intervention of some form.
What an absolutely nuisance this guys armor had become. This was the second..? Or third time that his armor had literally saved him from death. Nevertheless it had saved him, and in the future should they ever meet again in battle Lord Depravious knew exactly what he would be doing against Shorn who had effectively countered him in almost every way this battle. But knowledge was deadly, and soon enough that knowledge would come in to play of what kind of a warrior this man was.

With his rage still fuming he attempted to charge at the man once more spinning his halberd in his right hand as he started the charge. To his dismay Lord Depravious attempted to simply charge right through the telekinesis, and had it been any other user - or even a Knight he may have been able to charge through it; however, with a user as experienced as Shorn and as powerful even through force rage without the help of the force dispelling it he wouldn't be able to simply charge through it.

If the tantrum throwing boy had one thing going for him it was definitely that he had quite a lot of force in reserves; however, in the future that would change but for now Lord Depravious shot backwards and was hurled thousands of feet away.

During his flight Lord Depravious' force rage wore off of him and he had time to slowly think about how he wanted to land. Luckily the landscape wasn't that harsh for landing considering sand. While it would be annoying and take weeks to get out of his clothing and would definitely hurt Lord Depravious still had his halberd.

As he slowly began to come down to the ground he jutted his halberd into the ground - and while it slammed into the sand it began to cut through the earth as if it were nothing more than a simple steak he was carving for himself. This did not stop him but it did slow him down enough so that when he did hit the sand he hit it with nothing more than a bruised ego and sprained arm.


Lord Depravious stood from the sand brushing the sand off of him with his good arm and assessing his situation and his health. He was in no true danger and was too far away for him to attempt to make a rush at [member="Mikhail Shorn"] anymore. And thus Lord Depravious closed his eyes and breathed in the heat of the Korriban air. This was the first duel that he had effectively lost in quite some time, but not for long. He would soon bring the "Thronebreaker" to his knees. But for know the thought of knowing Shorn had to deal with the bears satisfied him. Even though he knew the man could handle the bears in regards to a versus match, they were extremely annoying and Lord Depravious knew it would agitate him should they continue coming at him with 5000 more bears.

Lord Depravious's mind reached out to the woman who had took an interest in him - but was now dealing with the bear.

"Leave that place should you wish to learn to become something far greater than any of these peasants. The boy was a slight mishap, but he shall fall in the future. Follow me if you are interested."

And with that Lord Depravious turned to depart the planet and to find a lowly Siths ship to.. 'confiscate.'

[member="Anesia Jy'Vun"]

Marek Starchaser


Shad'ukan was a noble bear. He made fuzzy dice for starships, until he was kidnapped once. Then he became Cyborg bear. Not the hero the bears needed, nor deserved. And his frakking implants were messing with the organic parts of him. There was a coughing fit, spewing a blue plasmic discharge filled with small nanobots.

He would survive.

He ahd been surviving.

Sure, he was late to the party, but he wasn't going to not attend. Charging his way in to [member="Larg'haree Ubehr"]'s defense. There would be no one taking down other bears. Not without his being there.

Shad'ukan was an Ubehr. He was more than an Ardukan, he was going to be unstoppable.

If he could stop coughing, the nanobots eating through the organic tissue, replacing it with machine.

Getting to Larg Ubehr's side, the massive cyborg rose to his feet, roaring in defiance.

Now where was his target?
Sith and Gods and Bears, Oh my. Norongachi thought.

He was far removed from the fray. A mile, perhaps more, eyes unseen ever watching the unfolding battle that lay worlds away for mortal senses. The hum of the speeder beneath him served as background noise to his advance. The wind his companion, a static hiss in his ears that would never leave until he reached journeys end. Often, he cursed her name. In the velvet blanket of night when he lay alone, wondering the lengths she would drive him too before the inevitable, and fatal, mistake befell him at her behest.

Where she went, Omega would follow. A shark with the scent of blood and likewise, [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] forever trailed in his wake. A shadow, a whisper of silk and seduction in the back of his mind. Distance meant little when you were so intricately linked with another for centuries. Locked, as it were, in ice with only a single voice to stave off the ultimate descent into the abyss.

The rough road curved and he eased his weight into the turn. The aged vehicle taking the movement with fluidity, It was a straight shot now. To where lives and the Force were being rended as easily as taking a breath. Shorn was there, a blaze, an inferno. Others he had never known were present. Some as powerful as Anesia.

It was only as he twisted the throttle, anticipation getting the best of him, that he wondered just what he might do when he arrived. Wade in among the crimson flood or purely observe the spectacle unfolding? A creature of whims, despite his best efforts, he figured that when the time came he'd already be in motion before conscious thought could dictate otherwise.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
The sand became more and more out of Larg'haree's reach as the bear was raised higher above the ground. It appeared that his plot of throwing sand was ineffective. Letting out a primal roar he attempted to perhaps summon another bear to his side, for he could do little else. Soon his body began to compress, his arms came closer to his body, his ribs began to crack from pressure. [member="Cameron Centurion"] seemed intent on making the bear implode, a task he'd achieve easily if given just a little bit more time. Desperately he roared again, pain now obvious in his cry. If he was lucky [member="Shad'ukan"] or some other bear would come to his side, but if not? Well, it wouldn't be pretty.

If Cameron weren't so outright amused, his irritation level would undoubtedly be skyrocketing. Actually, his irritation was skyrocketing anyways. The arrival of [member="Shad'ukan"] was pretty much the point at which Cameron decided coming to Korriban was easily the biggest mistake he'd made lately. Tightening his invisible, crushing grip on [member="Larg'haree Ubehr"] as much as possible, the Sith Lord's silver-green gaze fell on the new arrival.

Cameron would wait for the bear to do...something. Until such a time, he merely smiled in the beast's direction as the strength of the Force continued to coalesce and build around his presence. His fire-breathing brother was dying, and then it would be the ugly one's turn.

Lord Ghoul


Mikhail smiled at the cartwheeling speck that was Halberd Boy as he faded off into the horizon. It didn't particularly matter to the tousle-haired Sith if the old phony lived or died. Wiping the floor with his desiccated ass had proven the point.

Don't annoy me.

Since nobody stood in opposition to the bear trying to get to its downed cousin, Shorn could only hope it didn't try to round on him, though if it insisted another dead bear wouldn't weigh on his conscience.

Slogging through the sand, armor encrusted with blood and grime, the Thronebreaker wearily trekked inside the monument to himself. If he'd heard right there was actually a cult that worshipped him. He'd deal with that headache another time. Like... never.

[member="Ursino Puff"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Time passed and Larg'Haree compressed more and more, though no rescue came for the fire-belching bear. His ribs, already broken, began to press into his vitals, impaling him and causing a variety of fluids to leak from his body. The sound of cracking could be heard as more and more of Larg'haree's bones snapped under the great pressure of Morossian divinity. Painful, desperate wails emanated from the large creature, but it was to no avail. The cries ceased, his attempts at movement fell limp, and the beating of his heart stopped. [member="Cameron Centurion"] had his kill, Larg'Haree was no more.

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