Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Replicated Man

Project X

The large figure walked through the crowd on Corusant. He was here on business Someone was paying a high price for a mans life. As he walked the man thought about the target. According to his sources, this man was pretty tough. He didn't care. He was Project X after all. A experiment gone wrong. A experiment that created a monster with enough power to crush anything. He was still young in the force, but in the ways of stealth, snipers, and killing he was a deadly machine. If anyone was a master of death, it was him.

He was wearing a modified hood. Instead of it being a robe it was only a cape and hood. It showed off his black chest armor. It emitted bright blue lines that ran all along his chest. It was his power source. He had no sleeves revealing his large machine arms. The arms also had the blue lights running though them. His hood was down. He was bald and had pale white skin. His eye color was strange as well. One eye was a normal red but his right eye was blue and had wires running though it. It was cybernetic.

He arrived at a small ally. He looked at the coordinates. It was correct. All he had to do was wait for the client to show up.


Alpha, a Super human cyborg. He hated himself sometimes. He wished that he didnt have to be so damn strong. He was at the local bar when a man threatened him. All Alpha did was sit down at the bar next to this pretty lady. The man came over and threatened that if he touched his daughter that he would crush his skull in. Alpha knw that wouldnt happen. He was almost impervious to physical damage. He had jumped off of a 4 story building. landed with out a scrach. He tried to shot himself in the foot. it was painful but just brused the skin and broke a bone. It didnt even pierce him.

The man was still yelling at him to back away from his daughter when he turned aound and smacked him. the man went flying and was knocked out the instant his head hit the floor. He couldnt stay here any longer. He needed to find other super humans like him. He could go to the Sith, but he would be put on display as the "Freak from the Republic" He went to his appartment and grabed his armor. Worn Gold color armor. He put it all on except for his helmet. He stared into the Visor and would see back into his past when he ran away from the fiering squad. he shoved his head into the helmet so he would rid his mInd of the memories.

Alpha put his revolver on his right hip. He had a Manassassi Blade on his back. He would just have to carry his ARC Rifle. he walked out and payed for his stay. he moved down an ally way to cut some time off of his walk when he saw a man. he was dressed like a sith assassin from the old days. Except that he was exposing alot of machinery in his arms. he held up his rifle and asked "Who are you?"

Project X

X let out a heavy breath. His cybernetics made his voice deep but at the same time it sounded droid like. "It doesn't concern you who we are. We are here on business Unless you are the one with the contract." X studied him. He scanned him and realized he was a cyborg. Another cybernetic being was unheard of. This must be the man he was meeting with.


The man sounded droid like. It was different. he also stated "We' when it should be "I". and that just messed with his head. He didnt have a contract. he was just looking for some one who was like him. And he had found someone close to him. He was oblivouly a test subject from the implants and the droid/human mix voice. Alpha thought for a second about how maybe this man was made by the same people and could have been one of the very first subjects. Even before him.

Alpha then responded to the Subject. "I do not have a contract. I would, however, be intrested in how you are a Cyborg. If you ahve not noticed yet I am one myself. A super soldier in a sence. You mus be one of them." He wanted to know how the man could still be living when he, Alpha, was one of the first to live and survive the tests that the Project had. If this was so, maybe he could team up with him.

Project X

"We are Subject Zeno Designation G18749204B of Project Soldier by the Mandalorians. My scanners indicate that you are of Project Freelancer. A agent." X turned his back. "I am not here for you." X slowly began to walk away. He knew Alpha would try and stop him but he kept walking anyway.


Alpha lowered his rifle. "Hey wait! where are you going? Both of us are mutated. Why are you not here for me?" Alpha was entirely confused about what was going on. The man seemed more robot than human. It was probably because of him being mutated by Mandalorians rather than the Republic Scientists. He had to find out more about this "Project Soldier" He took a few steps towards the Subject.

Project X

"I am no mutant! I am a monster, but not mutant." X turned to face him. "I only act this way to protect people."


"I know some what how you may feel I am like you. A.... Monster. I am stronger than all other people, I run faster than some vehicles, and I can resist damage. You must be the same way! If you are protecting people then I can be of some help." Alpha didnt even think about what he was saying. it just came out of him. He wanted to save people so they wouldnt have to go though the things he did. Or what the Subject did.

Project X

X shook his head. "You don't understand. I.... I have another half. His name is Project. He is my other. The darkness within. I can control him. But when I want him to take over I let him. Like when people don't leave me be." X began to walk away again.


Alpha followed him. He had to figure this project out. "Hey, dont go man. I need you because Im looking for people that are like us. If you are a Jedi or Sith you could feel the power of people. People like you and I." Alpha stopped walking and said "I need to find out who did that to us."


Royal Espionage
KRD stood silently at a nearby market booth watching as these two... things communicate. KRD then cranked up his hearing receptors and eavesdropped. He meanwhile took a seat and ordered mark-10 oil to power him up a little. After getting the oil he walked to the fountain; where he opened his holo-projector and filled his client in on Project X and Alpha's talk.
He'd be present in the area. Taking the time to try and scout for new parts for some of the new contraptions he had in mind when he was walking by an alley. The conversation had caught him off guard as he had watched Project X stutter between going back and forth. Perhaps X had noticed Orrin whom was casually walking by at that point, but D' Orrin took the time to take a few steps back and lean up against an adjacent wall. Folding his arms up in front of his chest as he was increasing the sensativity of his audio receptors in his helmet. The talk of cyborgs had caught his attention, due to the fact that he was one himself. Though he was listening in on the conversation of the two, he seemed to look like he was staring off into the area in some sort of deep thought.

Project X

X could feel eyes among them. He turned to Alpha. "I know who did this to ME. They are all dead now. I only serve myself now." X then began to walk towards a nearby man who was by himself. X gave him a quick scan. His name, according to the database on the planet docking info, was D' Orrin, a member of the Omega Pyre.


Alpha was not going to give up on this. When X was looking at a man just far off. "THen maybe you could help me, and who is that guy?"
It must have been his armor that gave him away. Otherwise there really wouldn't have been a way to tell. But for the time being he would just look between Alpha and X with something of a disinterested expression. Though that was something that really couldn't be seen, seeing as to how he had a tinted visor with his helmet and all.

"No one. Why? But when I last checked, when wanting to know someone's name, you give yours first to start to acquaintanceship. So before asking whom I am, perhaps you should introduce yourself."

And with that he'd roll his arms and shoulders back. A small smile graced his face as he was wondering just what these two may have had in mind if he were to start to be hostile towards them.

Project X

X looked at him with soulless eyes. "I know who you are. I just don't know who you are working for and your intent. If it is the Hutts you seek I am the right."

X never called himself man. He wasn't. He considered himself the future. A evolved specimen that would enlighten the lower forms of life.

He turned his attention back to Alpha. "Those men were the Mandalorians. A small force that broke of from the rest. They are all dead I can assure you."

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