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Public The Quetzarim Hordes: Veridia


TAGS: Domina Prime Domina Prime


On the lush and untamed world of Veridia, the clan known as the "Razorleaf Raiders" exemplifies survival and adaptability. The Razorleaf Raiders have honed their skills in the art of stealth, tracking, and the strategic use of the dense foliage and treacherous terrains that define their planet.

As dusk envelops Veridia, painting the sky in shades of deep purple and gold, a hunting party of the Razorleaf Raiders emerges from the thick underbrush, their forms barely distinguishable from the vibrant flora that cloaks the planet. They move with a silent grace, their bodies draped in the distinctive mesh and netting that is both practical for the hunt and symbolic of their achievements and status within the clan.

Central to their procession is the day's triumph: a colossal Zythorn, a creature revered and feared for its cunning and the lethal challenge it poses to any hunter. Its scales, a kaleidoscope of greens and blues, seem to capture the very essence of Veridia's heart, sparkling with life even in death. The capture of a Zythorn is a rare feat, one that signifies not just a feast for the clan but also a profound connection to the spirit of the hunt and the balance of life on Veridia.

The clan's settlement, formations and skillfully crafted bio-structures, comes alive with anticipation as the hunters approach. Elders and younglings alike gather. The scent of exotic spices and the warmth of the fires fill the air, as preparations for the communal feast begin.


Braze Braze

"Hey, Look! X9 Look!" A gleeful voice chimed, azure claws snatching a small, fluttering droid from the air and recklessly stuffing it against the view-port window of her ship. The droid strained, its core flaring with color as they drifted slowly into the orbit of a strange, small planet known as Veridia. The surface below illuminated with colors that delighted the young xeno girl.

The length of that alien tail thrashed and thumped rapidly against the floor, smacking against the cockpit walls as all those alien eyes darted and twisted. Excitement swelled in her chest, the droid struggling in her grip and quipping back in agitation.

"Dima! Dima no! i can see just fine stop mushing me against the window!" X9 chirped, causing Dimas eyes to all pull from the distracting lights and fancy architecture to pull X9 away and loosen her grip on the poor droid, covered with claw marks and cuts along its steel.

"Oh, hush! This world looks much more colorful than that stupid ball of dirt Tattooine~" She scoffed, leaning out of her pilots seat just to look around the grand city while her lower pair of arms remained on the control stick of the ship. "Do you think they have anything fun to do down there?" She questioned, the droids central light flickering as if a bulb lit up. "Actually, don't answer, its a silly question. Of COURSE there is fun to be had~" She cockily quipped with her droid giving the woman a cold look.

"Look, we're gonna land, restock on supplies. And we're moving ON Dima, this is NOT a social visit. Espeically not after you chased those raiders across two systems!" X9 scolded.

Dima gasped in disbelief and flailed an arm out. "HE HAD IT COMING THAT CHEATING RAT MOTHERFU-" The ship suddenly swerved off to the side which cut her off.

X9 noticing that the Xeno was probably far to distracted and giddy at the moment to be trusted with landing in such a populated and strict area. Knowing how she tended to fly, the droid linked systems with the ships auto-pilot and assumed direct control of the ship, steering her through the atmosphere and breaking into the cooling air above a massive colorful forest, bringing down the landing gear and after picking out an open spacing among the towering trees.

"Ohhh, so exciting!" She chittered, X9 Not wanting to draw to much heat from the main populace of the planet as Domina gripped her mask and placed it upon her alien face. The landing ramp sliding down as she immediately set out, feeling delighted to be back on a world that reminded her of a more...pleasant time in her life when she spent a majority of her hatchling phase on the surface of Felucia meddling about to amuse herself.

Part of her wondered if this planet possessed any lifeforms as interesting as the ones she initially encountered on Felucia...

X9 levitated beside her after securing the ship and shutting it down. The ramp rolling back up as a holographic display of the area was displayed for Dominas observation. Showing mostly open woods, lakes and the typical wilderness one might expect. With a few population centers many miles away which Dima would probably pay a visit to after she had explored the wilds which tended to be where her interest lied.

"Hmm, seems to be a large collection of heat signature two klicks south. Could be a pack of animals though, we don't have much information on this world~" X9 explained, causing Dima to roll her shoulders and turn her head south.

"Then south it is~" She mused, gesturing with a flick of her tail for the droid to follow as the cloaked Mandalorian shifted through the woods towards the mass commotion bustling deeper in the woods until, eventually, by luck, fate, or some cruel sense of ironic destiny. Domina had stumbled into the territory of barbaric savages!

Finally, people she could relate to~


In the lush, teeming wilderness of Veridia, the arrival of Dima set off a vibrant stir among the Quetzarim, a tribe of colorful, bipedal beings endowed with the delicate pointed ears, long powerful whip like tails, and the stature of giants. Adorned in distinctive tabards, interwoven mesh, and armor spiked like the thorns of a rose. The air vibrated with excitement as they glimpsed a figure both eerily familiar and profoundly alien—a female of such formidable mien was an unparalleled rarity among their kin.

Dima, held a unique allure and otherworldly essence, which kindled a sense of curious awe within the Quetzarim, setting their hearts ablaze with whispers of wonder and eyes aglow with intrigue.

Within this colorful congregation, the more muscular and robust Quetzarim advanced. Leading this approach was a figure of imposing stature, his armor a forest of spikes over a sea of blue—a vibrant contrast even against the rich and varied palette of his companions. His skin was a canvas of iridescent scales, shimmering in shades of emerald and sapphire under the dappled moonlight, with intricate scar patterns that told tales of valor and suffering. His eyes, orbs of molten gold set within the shadow of his bangs, sparkled with a fierce intelligence and warmth. The hair that crowned him was like strands of midnight, cascading in a wild, untamed mane. His feet, bore the elegant, deadly grace of digitigrade limbs, tipped with talons that whispered of a life lived in harmony with the wild.

"Welcome, stranger and sister of the stars," his voice thundered, echoing the warrior spirit of welcome and challenge, his large, clawed hand extended in a gesture of fraternity. "We, the Quetzarim, stand in awe of your arrival. You, who stride with the might of ancients and wear the beauty of the cosmos, come. Partake in our revelry, share the warmth of our communal blaze. Dare you join us in the ritual of the spice wine, a draught that binds us in the fire of kinship and the zest of rivalry? Tonight, let bonds of friendship and the thrill of contest light up the night."

As his invitation boomed through the air, the Quetzarim's response was electric, a chorus of voices rising in eager anticipation. "DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK!" They huddled in clusters, their conversation aflutter with speculation and admiration for the alien grace and lethal aura enveloping Dima. It was as if the very air buzzed with the promise of kinship with this celestial wanderer, a spirit as untamed and free as their own.

Their homes, marvels of living architecture, stood as symbols of symbiosis with nature. Massive structures crafted from trees still vibrant with life, woven into shapes as grand as they were functional, cradled the lives of these fierce warriors.


Braze Braze

The deeper Domina wandered into the ancient groove the more she couldn't shake the feeling that she was not only being watched...but studied. The long fabric of her purple cloak covering her armor as the black fur lining the interior of her cape smothered her in warmth. That massive tail, elongated like a great serpent and slithering about within the grass behind her flexed and rattled in alarm as the piercing glow of multi colored eyes emerged from the dark of the forest all around the amazonian Mandalorian xeno.

The flick and swish of the Prime was enough to cause concern for the barbarians who swarmed Domina with such reckless abandon.

"Eyes up Prime!" X9 quipped as it's sensors sent several alerts to the visor of Dimas mask, displaying the news that she was indeed surrounded. the savage creatures emerged Dimas many eyes all swam and examined a great deal of them and noticed that their anatomy shared a greater purpose than most lifeforms. Sporting appendages and lethal design that the Prime herself shared something of a kinship with. Seemed she had more in common with these barbarians than she first thought. Especially considering that Domina herself was once considered a 'cavegirl'. And in many cases, she still was that feral wildling from the woods adopted by fanatic zealot warlords.

Her tail lifted higher as they loomed in closer, sweeping her arm in a grand gesture and opening up her purple cloak and exposing two pairs of arms brandishing azurite claws perfected of devastation. Additionally, unfurling from beneath her cape slipped dual lashers tipped with crystalized blades similar to the creatures claws. Her own legs sporting similar features to their own anatomy. Hooked talons and lethal blades designed to deliver maximum piercing and slashing damage to flimsy fleshy lifeforms that she often encountered.

"Welcome, stranger and sister of the stars!" A voice rang out to Domina. The huddled bodies of colorful scales and primitive armor parting to reveal an incredibly lovely male that, in the moment, Caused Dominas massive barbed tail to lower slightly as her head leaned heavily to the side. All eyes looking him up and down as his reference to the Prime struck some kind of cord. After all, she was truly Starborn child. "We, the Quetzarim, stand in awe of your arrival. You, who stride with the might of ancients and wear the beauty of the cosmos, come. Partake in our revelry, share the warmth of our communal blaze. Dare you join us in the ritual of the spice wine, a draught that binds us in the fire of kinship and the zest of rivalry? Tonight, let bonds of friendship and the thrill of contest light up the night." They offered, causing Dimas lashers to also lower as she stared at his...lovely design from behind her mask. The droid by her side who exchanged looks with the xeno.

"Mmnf, for a male he's such a fuckin cutie. Dima likey~" Domina purred lowly as she curled her snowy hair within her azure claws almost bashfully. Until suddenly and abruptly X9 began leaning into her visage to snap her out of that trance-like stat caused Dimas ears to flutter like birdwings. "F-fuck, was that aloud? Uhhhhhhhhh....Were you talkin?" Dima quipped to the boy , not really catching many of the large words that the pretty boy used, though they were lovely sounding enough to disarm and temporarily pacify Dimas defensiveness. Her tail no longer poised to cleave anything in half~

The next thing she knew, there was a chanting cry clamoring for the partaking of drinks! "DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK!" they sang, swarming around Dima and causing the awkward beast of a woman to blush slightly beneath her mask as she chittered deeply.

"O-oh wow, this one was not expecting such praise and admiration! But it's true, Dima is very sweet like honey and sugar, precious like the greatest shinies!" She mused with a nod as X9 loomed EVEN HARDER around the orbit that was Dimas thick skull.

That massive tail now, rather than dangerously poised like a cobra...had gone completely docile as it thumped against the earth with such force that if anyones foot was in the path of it they'd be having a terrible day.

"AHEM! THANK YOU BUT NO THANK YOU WE HAVE TO G-" X9 tried to intercept, only to evoke instant retaliation as the droid was suddenly snatched out of the air like a bird trapped in a cage...that cage being Dimas sharp claws.

"H-hey SHHHHHH! Shut up shut up don't scare off the cute boys!" She hissed while shaking the little droid violently. "Dima has decided that she deserves this, so don't ruin it!" She barked before smacking the droid aside and out of side, slicking her hair back quickly to fix her frazzled mane of hair before giving what could only be described as a curtsy bow to the cute dragonkin. "OK so this one will TOTALLY drink with you! Also you may continue praising Dima~" She mused with a smug little smirk from behind her mask. Not quite understanding what all he said exactly but finding the verbal worship even if complex nonetheless invigorating.

She felt like the princess in her storybooks at long last. And in being so caught up in the moment, proceeded to reach out with one of her four arms, as if offering a ring to be kissed. Shifting her azure eyes along the male who had addressed her to see if the dragon-like prince would have the nerve to even allow contact with those sharp claws.


As Dima immersed herself further into the heart of the ancient grove, her presence did not go unnoticed. More of the Quetzarim, raptor-like warriors of the forest, emerged from the shadows, their colorful scales glittering in the dappled light. Their curiosity was piqued by this alien figure, her massive, barbed tail a symbol of natural weaponry that they could not help but admire. Among them, several young warriors stepped forward, each bearing a large gourd filled with their prized spiced wine. The aroma wafting from the gourd was a heady mix of cherries and potent spices, akin to moonshine in its intensity, sweet yet pungently tantalizing to the senses.

As they presented the gourd to Dima, murmurs of admiration and wonder spread through the crowd. "Look at her tail! Sharp and deadly, a natural weapon," one whispered in awe, his eyes wide with respect. Another chimed in, "Such natural grace and power, truly a warrior born." Their comments were a recognition of a kindred spirit, a fellow warrior whose very essence was a marvel to behold. In a society where women were a rare sight, Dima was a figure of almost divine fascination.

The leader of the Quetzarim, a striking figure stepped forward to formally welcome Dima. "I am Kazuo, leader of this hunt. Today, we celebrate our capture of the Zythorn, a mighty beast that has eluded us for moons. Your presence here is an honor, Starborn warrior. Join us in our feast and let the bonds of friendship and rivalry flourish under the moon's gaze." He gestured towards the hunters who had secured their prey, a group of skilled warriors who shared glances of pride and excitement.

Around them, the air was alive with the anticipation of the feast, and Dima found herself bombarded with questions from the eager Quetzarim. "Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here? How long will you stay with us?" Their inquiries were rapid and filled with an earnest desire to know more about this remarkable visitor from the stars.

As Dima extended her arm, an unspoken challenge and invitation hung in the air, the Quetzarim warriors exchanged glances, a silent consensus reached among them. It was decided—rather than compete for the honor, they would share this moment, each seeking to show their respect and admiration for the Starborn warrior.

The bravest among them, emboldened by their tribal friendship and the electric atmosphere of the gathering, stepped forward. With cautious reverence, they touched Dima's arm, their gestures a mix of curiosity and awe. Some of them nuzzled her arm or licked at her claws. Each touch was a pledge of friendship.

In the background, the celebration erupted into a wild tribal dance, a jubilant expression of joy and unity. The warriors, agile and swift, tapped their taloned feet against the soft earth, creating a rhythmic beat that pulsed through the night, causing small plumes of dust to kick up. They darted and spun in a frenetic circle around the massive bonfire at the village center, their movements a blur of color and energy. The firelight cast their shadows long and dancing, adding to the mesmerizing spectacle.

Their jewelry, clinking and jangling with each movement, was a symbol of their prowess in war and the hunt. Necklaces adorned with the teeth and claws of defeated beasts, earrings fashioned from rare feathers or vibrant beads, and bracelets that bore the marks of their victories. Each piece was a story, a memory of battles fought and challenges overcome. Some wore elaborate headdresses, their designs intricate and symbolic, feathers and gems interwoven to represent their achievements and status within the tribe.

As they danced and celebrated, the Quetzarim's astonishment and marvel at Dima's presence only grew. They sang praises of her natural weaponry, and her mysterious beauty. To them, she was a figure of legend come to life, a living embodiment of the wild, untamed spirit they so revered. Their admiration was boundless, their hospitality warm and generous, eager to show this goddess among them the depth of their respect and the sincerity of their welcome.


Tags: Domina Prime Domina Prime , Braze Braze



Director Akar Rhonvogg Akar Rhonvogg had tasked her in finding gemstones that could be incorporated into tech. Delphi was great at scouting missions. She very quickly rigged herself up some equipment to find said stones and set off through the lush environment of the untamed world of Veridia. The words of Akar still fluttered about in her mind.

"My greatest and wisest student, the unresearched gemstones of Veridia hold untapped potential! It is of utmost importance that you secure a sample for study and implamentation in further inventions! Also you're my heir apparent!"

That was what he said, right? Maybe she had left out a few details, but that was sort of the basic gist of what she needed to accomplish. So, the Mud-Walker stumbled her way through the wilderness, her head down as she looked for any signs of these valuable gemstones. They had to just be in the ground if they were so abundant, right? Delphi kept her head down and searched frantically, her environment practically disappearing as she focused on what was on the ground in front of her.

Until her leg snagged on the tail of a giant. She'd fumble forward, her face planting into their back.


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