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Private Meditation in Motion


TAGS: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Braze had chosen a serene spot within Veridia, in the heart of the Ashlanti Elysium, to share a piece of his world with Zaiya. Nestled high within the branches of the majestic wisteria tree, he had prepared a large, roofed alcove that seemed to hover above the ground, turning it into a tranquil retreat. The ambiance was set with strategically placed candles casting a soft glow, and tight ropes stretched out, inviting balance and movement. Soft plush nlankets and pillow wer ein one area witha small tea table over looking the gardens. The melody of a nearby stream and the distant cascade of waterfalls provided a soothing soundtrack, enhancing the peaceful solitude of this spacious haven.

"This is usually how I meditate,"
Braze explained, his voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm for sharing this personal aspect of his life. "But some Jedi meditate in other ways. Some prefer to sit down, close their eyes, and embrace the quiet... I find a more active form of meditation suits me." With that, he moved gracefully over to one of the tight ropes and positioned himself with ease, as if the act of balancing was as natural to him as breathing.

He then turned his attention to Zaiya, curiosity sparking in his somber jade green eyes. "Have you ever found something that helps you reach that moment of pure focus? A way to feel a flow of oneness with everything around you?" Braze's questioned as he crouched down.


The atmosphere was tranquil, surrounded by the gentle whispers of the wind caressing the wisteria flowers and leaves, accompanied by the bubbling laughter of the nearby brook.

Braze Braze had created a cozy setting with candles, plush blankets, and pillows, evoking a sense of warmth and comfort that reminded Zaiya of her own nest back at the university. She had built her sleeping fort with piles of pillows and soft blankets, with her favorite holobooks close at hand. She was an avid reader, immersing herself in tales of distant worlds and adventures. Amidst the tech publications on cybernetics and droids, she also had some lighting for ambiance. Braze's setup was truly wonderful.

"So, what's the deal with Jedi meditation?" Zaiya asked, her voice laced with curiosity as she followed Braze, giggling at his effortless balance. However, his question prompted a furrow of her brows, the mottled spots on her cheeks reflecting a bright orange hue of curiosity that deepened to amber in contemplation.

"A moment of pure focus?" Zaiya pondered, but as she delved deeper into her thoughts, her colors seemed to dull, and a dark grey hue of melancholy dampened her rosy skin. "No... I don't think I've ever experienced that," she admitted, biting her lip and rocking on her heels. "... the last time I felt anything similar, maybe when my parents were alive. We shared...a connection that allows Lovalla to feel and connect one another. Not anymore though."


"Well~!" Braze exclaimed, rising to his feet with a flourish before starting to walk across the tightrope. "In a way, it helps us practice our connection with the Force," he explained gently. "Imagine it like a wire with twisted copper inside. If you cut it and fray the ends, running electricity through it won't really work because the connection is broken. But if you take the two frayed ends and bring them together, you might see a spark as the electricity jumps from one side to the other. And if you twist those frayed ends together, the connection becomes stronger. The goal is to make that connection as strong as possible because something wonderful happens when you do."

Braze continued, his voice soft, "By meditating, we build our connection to the Force itself—the main power that flows through all living beings. It's possible to form connections with other people too, similar to the bonds you may have had with your parents. Some people are better at it than others." He paused for a moment, letting the analogy sink in.

"When you exercise your body, your muscles grow stronger over time. In the same way, making that connection and meditating on it is the exercise we use to strengthen our bond with the Force." Braze's explanation tried to offer Zaiya a tangible metaphor for understanding how meditation and practice could enhance a Jedi's connection to the Force, likening spiritual growth to physical training.

Braze continued to elaborate on the concept, "Strengthening those connections, or finding more direct ways to tap into that power source, allows us to do incredible things. It's like turning on a lamp or powering a datapad or holoprojector... But it goes beyond that, into something more abstract. It opens up numerous ways to interact with and manipulate the world around us. Just like with electronics, though, some actions demand more effort because they require more power."


Braze's explanation about meditation and its role in enhancing one's connection to the Force resonated deeply with Zaiya. She appreciated his analogy of electronics, frayed wires, and the power required to run them, a concept that immediately clicked with her tech-savvy mind.

When Braze Braze mentioned meditation's potential to foster connections with others, akin to the bonds she once shared with her parents, Zaiya couldn't contain her excitement. Her vibrant hues intensified; the rippling teal hues over her markings were edged in glowing aqua bioluminescence. The sheer thought of being able to connect with someone like that again was so, very, very important to Zaiya.

She didn't want to feel alone anymore.

"Okay, so how do we begin?" she asked eagerly, practically bouncing on her feet as she approached Braze. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and connection. Though she knew it might take some time to quiet her restless energy for meditation, Zaiya was eager to dive in and learn.


He hopped down and moved to fetch a pillow and sat down by the tea table. "Come join me over here. "

Braze decided to introduce her to the practice of meditation. "Meditation can vary greatly from person to person," he explained with a gentle smile. "Let's begin with something simple. Find a comfortable spot to sit, and just relax. Close your eyes," he guided, creating an atmosphere of calm and focus.
Braze settled down on his pillow and relaxed his form.
"Start by focusing on your breath. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs slowly, and then exhale just as slowly. Feel the air moving in and out of your body, and let this rhythm guide you to a state of relaxation. It's okay if your mind starts to wander. It's natural. Just gently bring your attention back to your breath each time."

He thought briefly on how to word this. "Let's find your natural rhythm," he suggested softly. "Pay attention to the cycle of your breath. Notice how your chest rises with each inhale and falls with each exhale. Feel the cool air entering your nostrils, filling your lungs, and then the warmer air as you breathe out."

He guided her to become aware of her body's responses to each breath. "With every breath you take, imagine you're drawing in fresh energy, rejuvenating every part of you. Feel how your body reacts to this new, oxygen-rich air. Notice the subtle shifts—how your shoulders might drop slightly as you relax, how your heart rate gently slows, bringing a sense of calm throughout your body."

Braze continued, "Let this rhythm you're creating with your breath become a foundation. As you breathe in, sense the fresh oxygen reaching every cell in your body, drawing vitality within. And as you exhale, envision any tension or stress leaving your body, making room for more of that fresh, invigorating energy. Imagine that with each inhale, you're not just breathing in air, but you're also absorbing the world's energy, its life force. And with each exhale, you're releasing what no longer serves you, allowing for a renewal of your being, and releasing an attachment that is intrinsically you. This foundation should ground you and allow you to come back to it. You want to try and start to focus on these basic feelings as you can expand you awareness outwards and feel the other tethers of connection or other frayed wires and sockets to 'plug in to'... kinda like a net work... other people may be open and easy to connect to others might have damaged or frayed wires... "

Braze then suggested deepening the meditation by visualizing a place that brought her peace. "Imagine a place where you feel completely at ease. It could be anywhere in the world, real or imagined. Visualize yourself there, surrounded by sights, sounds, and smells that calm you."


Find a comfortable spot? Zaiya gave a big grin, that I can do, she mused. Zaiya followed Braze with a big grin, eager to find a comfortable spot to meditate. His nest of plush pillows and blankets made it easy for her to settle down, her excitement palpable as she prepared to learn.

With the attentiveness of a diligent student, Zaiya absorbed Braze's explanations about meditation. She mirrored his sitting position, closing her eyes as he instructed. Focusing on her breathing, she tried to find the natural rhythm of relaxation, eager to do it correctly.

Breathing. It was all about feeling the rhythm of my breathing, Zaiya told herself. Of course, this being her first time, she couldn't help but wonder if she was doing this correctly. She desperately wanted to do it right.

However, as Braze continued his explanation, the notes of his voice began to blend with the ambiance of their surroundings. Zaiya's ears picked up on the relaxing sound of the wind, the way the air would shift, and made the wisteria vines dance. In her mind, she could picture the tree that they sat under, once again drawn by its beauty. The bubbling sounds of the nearby brook. The hum of insects. The sheer peace of the moment. In her mind's eye, she visualized the tree they sat under, drawn in by its beauty and the peace it exuded.

For Zaiya, being close to nature was like coming home. Despite the rigid atmosphere of the University where she had spent most of her life, she cherished memories of visiting gardens and conservatories with her parents. One particular memory of running through wheat fields and meadows on Corellia brought a subtle smile to her lips, filling her with serene happiness.

In that moment, surrounded by the tranquility of nature, Zaiya felt a sense of peace wash over her. Her skin glowed with a soft, lucent turquoise, radiating a serene aura as she embraced the beauty of the memory and the comfort it provided.


Braze allowed a serene silence to envelop them, giving Zaiya the space to fully immerse herself in the peaceful ambiance. After several minutes, ensuring she had ample time to connect with the tranquility around them, he gently broke the silence. "Very good," he praised softly, acknowledging her progress. "Take a deep breath... now, hold it for a moment... and release it." His voice was soothing, guiding her with ease through each step.

"Now, imagine yourself surrounded by a light. This light represents the Force that flows through all living things. Allow yourself to feel its energy, filling you with calm and tranquility," Braze instructed, painting a vivid picture with his words.

He then directed her attention inward, "Focus on your thoughts, any worries or concerns that might be weighing on you. Don't judge them—simply observe. Imagine taking those thoughts and placing them in a box, setting it aside for later. As you do this, feel your body become lighter and more relaxed. Let any stress or tension melt away, allowing you to sink deeper into this state of peace."

Braze expanded the visualization further, "Now, picture yourself standing atop a mountain, gazing out across a vast landscape below. This landscape represents the galaxy, with all its conflicts and turmoil. Remember, you're not alone in this journey; there are many others who share your path."

As they continued to breathe, Braze encouraged a deeper connection with the Force. "Allow your mind to expand, reaching out to the Force. Feel its wisdom and guidance as it moves through and around you."

Shifting focus, he suggested, "Think of someone in your life experiencing difficulty—a family member, friend, or even a stranger. Imagine sending them love and support, like a beam of light from your heart to theirs. As you send this love, recognize it as a powerful force for good, offering comfort and strength in dark times. Trust that by extending your support, you're making a positive impact in their life."

Finally, Braze reminded her, "Remember, the will of the Force is present in all things,"


For someone usually brimming with energy and a humorous boldness, Braze's transformation into a soothing, melodic guide was nothing short of mesmerizing. Zaiya marveled at the layers of depth he possessed, hidden beneath his outward demeanor. From her interactions with the Jedi Padawan thus far, she gathered that he approached the study of the Force with utmost seriousness, especially evident in how patiently he explained its intricacies to someone as inexperienced as herself. This newfound understanding only deepened her appreciation for Braze Braze .

As she followed his guidance to breathe in and out, Zaiya felt herself surrendering to the tranquility of the moment. The serene setting, coupled with Braze's soothing voice, enveloped her in a cocoon of calmness. Rather than pushing her emotions away, she learned to acknowledge them, gently setting them aside for later examination. Emotions held significance for Lovalla, and Zaiya was relieved that Braze didn't advocate for their suppression.

With each exhale, tension ebbed away, leaving her body weightless and free. She imagined herself atop the mountain Braze described, a wispy cloud surveying the vast landscape below and the endless expanse of sky above.

But as she approached the part of the meditation where she was to reach out to someone who is experiencing difficulty, doubt crept in, casting a shadow over her newfound serenity. Would she truly be able to connect with the Force, let alone be able to send the sensation of support with another? Uncertainty tinged her vibrant hues with shades of gray, causing her to falter. The buoyant sensation she had experienced began to dissipate, replaced by a sinking feeling of trepidation.

Panicked, Zaiya struggled to regain her focus, feeling foolish and embarrassed by her sudden lack of confidence.


Braze sensed her sinking feeling and the slow panic creeping in. "Breathe," he whispered softly. "Find your rhythm again... just feel it and let it happen... It's okay... everything is okay." He reached out towards her through the Force, offering another point of anchorage. As he did this, he tried to sense her connections, attempting to forge a momentary link between them to better synchronize. He aimed to channel a reassuring sentiment towards her, conveying that he was here for her, that she was safe, that this was fine, and that everything was okay.



Embarrassment flooded Zaiya's cheeks, painting her mottled spots and stripes a deep coral hue. She murmured a feeble, "Sorry," her voice barely audible. Swallowing hard, she tried to regain her composure and follow Braze's instructions.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breath-- her breath hitched the moment Zaiya felt the reassuring sentiment from Braze graze over her, conveying that he was here for her, that she was safe, that this was fine, and that everything was okay. It wasn't the same as Lovalla's emotive connection, but it felt similar.

Her lower lip trembled as she struggled to hold back the overwhelming emotions threatening to engulf her.

Swallowing hard, the Lovalla did her best to work through the desperate need to latch onto that reassurance, that connection again. It had been so-o long -- It had been far too long since she felt such a connection, the reassurance of someone else conveying it so -- not since my parents...

A wave of melancholy washed over her, draining the vibrancy from her kaleidoscopic hues, leaving behind somber greys and deep blacks tinged with ripples of blue. Pinpricks stung at the back of her eyes, and there was no helping the way Zaiya projected these emotions, those same threads in the intricate web of the Force reverberating in the feedback of Zaiya's emotions right back at Braze Braze .

Sorrow. Joy. Nostalgia. Longing. Loneliness.

"Sorry... I'm sorry..." came her hoarse whisper, throat bobbing, as Zaiya tried to reign herself in.



TAGS: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Braze wasn't sure what happened... he could feel her mixed emotions and he reached out a hand but paused... he frowned uncertain how his instinctual want to reach out to her might be received. Why were girls so complicated? They always cried around him... why was that? Confusion clouded Braze's thoughts as he tentatively extended a hand towards her, then hesitated.
He frowned and shook his head and renewed his outwards presence and moved to just hug her from the side wrapping his arm about her shoulders gently trying to offer her something... more than his force connection could offer and gave her a reassuring squeeze... "It's okay... just come back. and allow yourself to wake up...."

It was an attempt to offer solace,


The hug proved to be the breaking point. Zaiya leaned into Braze Braze 's embrace, unable to hold back her tears any longer. She buried her face in his shoulder, her emotions swirling in a kaleidoscope of conflicting feelings across her skin. Despite her embarrassment, she felt a profound sense of gratitude that Braze didn't judge her for her vulnerability. His confusion was palpable, but so was his genuine desire to offer her comfort, and that meant so much to her.

As she wiped the tears from her face, Zaiya struggled to compose herself. "I'm sorry, Braze... I just..." Her voice faltered, choked with emotion, trying to explain. "When I touched Aris's Kyber crystal, I could feel its emotions resonating with me -- but it wasn't reaching out for me; it was for Aris. I haven't felt anyone try to offer me reassurance akin to a Lovalla connection like you were doing since my parents were alive. I... I guess I just... it overwhelmed me."

Her iridescent blue eyes met Braze's jade green ones, filled with vulnerability and gratitude.

"I'll do better."

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Braze hugged her gently and moved to offer the top of her head a soft soothing pet trying to console here. " It's okay... you don't have to be sorry. " Braze offered gently. " I haven't felt the love of my parents for a good many years now... It's not been easy.... I can understand. " He said softly trying to let her know that everything was okay.

"Just take it one step at a time... allow your self to breathe... and just feel... it's okay. "


It was the way that Braze Braze did his best to comfort her, including patting her on the top of her head that managed to elicit a wobbly smile from Zaiya, her hues slowly returning to their normal vibrancy. There were still some dark smokey hues that resonated her sadness, but they were edged with the faint blue and pink of abashed amusement. One can either cry or laugh. Zaiya felt both.

“Thank you Braze,”
she repeated again, taking a deep breath as she offered him a wobbly smile; she felt better, not one hundred percent, but better.

Stretching forward, she gave him a hug in thanks, the lemon verbena citrusy scent of her shampoo drawing near.

“I’m sorry about your parents too, Braze,” empathetic compassion and genuine concern flower from the Lovalla. “If you ever want to talk about it… let me know.”

Zaiya wasn’t sure if that would be something Braze would want to discuss, but she genuinely meant it.

Otherwise, now that she had that good cry, she felt a relieved release she hadn’t felt before. Perhaps the excitement and desire for connection and truly feeling now that it could be possible to explore the Force in ways that allowed her the semblance of normalcy as a Lovalla came to a head. With a good cry to release it, the tension she felt along with the anxiety was gone.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry or upset you. This was supposed to be fun," he offered gently, "Do you want me to make you some tea or something?" His suggestion was a tender tone.

"It's okay," came the soft reply, tinged with a mix of sadness and resolve. "I still have a mom somewhere, but she's not the kind person she used to be. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el is the only real family I consider myself to have anymore." The confidence in his voice belied the pain of his admission.

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to settle before brightening slightly with a new suggestion. "And if you start to feel better, we can try again. Or, we could even try a different type of meditation, like moving flow... kind of like dancing."


"Oh, no, Braze, this is fun, really, really," Zaiya insisted, leaning back to meet his gaze with her iridescent blue eyes. She offered a faint smile, conveying her earnestness.

"I want to learn, and I want to be able to do this. This was all me. Overexcited, anxious, nostalgic, and all of those emotions in between that can't be described.."
With each emotion she mentioned, her skin shifted through a kaleidoscope of hues, a vivid demonstration of how her color-changing directly correlated to her feelings. Each blend of colors revealed the medley of emotions Zaiya experienced.

"And I'm sorry, Braze, I didn't mean to bring up any sad memories about your mother," she continued, her concern painting her skin in dove grey hues with touches of pale yellow, Ernest's compassion in her gaze and shining in her blue eyes. "But I am glad you have someone you consider your family."

"I am okay to try again,"
she confirmed with a nod, her resolve evident as a dark orange ripple ran over her stripes, accompanied by a brief flash of a blue glow.

As she settled down, Zaiya tilted her head to the right, curiosity evident in the bright orange hues that emerged as she asked, "Who is Jasper?"

Braze's laughter was a gentle sound, warm and light, as he nudged her playfully. "It's okay... No more apologizing, okay? Promise me you won't apologize anymore for things beyond your control," he said hypocritically, his voice carrying a soft, encouraging chirp. Leaning in, he offered her head another tender pet. As he settled back on the floor, his demeanor thoughtful, a realization dawned on him, sparking a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

"Oh wow, someone who doesn't know Jasper? This is neat!"
Braze's voice lifted with intrigue, clearly delighted by the opportunity to introduce a friend to the mysteries and quirks of Jasper. It wasn't every day he encountered someone unfamiliar with the colorful character that Jasper was.

"Well, he's a bit of a goofball who has a big love for pizza and an endless fascination with tinkering—gears, bucket heads, you name it. And, believe it or not, he's also kind of a martial arts master."


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti



Loomi could feel it from a mile away. Or maybe that wasn't the distance, but it hardly mattered. She was filled with the overwhelming urge to stop these negative emotions and help relieve pain. It hardly mattered what conversation was happening presently, the young Godoan would fumble her way into Braze's room with her hands full of things. Plushies, candy, boxes of instant cheesey pasta...

"I'm here to make you feel..." she began, but stopped in her tracks, staring at Braze and another girl. "Oh. You aren't sad anymore..."

Wow. She was terrible at this. A sigh escaped from the padawan's chest as she stood there awkwardly for a moment. Now that she was thinking about it, she had barged in on a private conversation with little regard for what was going on, and everyone probably hated her now. That was a reasonable conclusion to draw from no words being exchanged yet.

"S-sorry I didn't knock..." Loomi sighed. "I'll... go then..."

It was evident that Jasper held significant importance in Braze's life, judging by the enthusiastic manner in which Braze Braze described him. Was Jasper a close friend, a mentor, or perhaps a teacher in Braze's life?

Despite not knowing who Jasper was exactly, Braze's enthusiasm was contagious. Zaiya couldn't help but smile broadly, her mottled spots adorned in a pretty light blue hue that mirrored her amusement.

"He sounds pretty cool," Zaiya remarked, just as Loomi burst into the scene, hands full and clearly eager to assist. Zaiya's eyes widened momentarily before she quickly reassured Loomi.

"Oh, no, it's okay! Please stay. I'm Zaiya," she said warmly, extending a friendly invitation to the newcomer. Zaiya not only wanted to make more friends but was also curious about what Loomi Loomi meant in her hurried entrance. Amber glints danced across Zaiya's skin, flecked with friendly cerulean colors as she welcomed Loomi into the conversation.

"Well, he's—" Braze's introduction was abruptly cut short as he caught sight of a Loomi, somewhat clumsily entering the room. "Oh, look, a Loomi," he exclaimed under his breath, surprise and delight coloring his voice. Eager to ensure the Loomi felt welcomed, Braze quickly rose from his seat, his movements swift yet careful, as he reached out to gently stop the girl before she could dash away.

"Wait, come back! You can stay, Loomi," he called out, his voice warm and inviting "Loomi, this is Zayia. I was actually trying to teach her about meditation," he explained, gesturing towards Zayia with a friendly smile.

Encouraging Loomi to join them, he added, "Come hang out with us—she's really nice, I swear." His tone was reassuring.


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