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Approved Location The Pumpkin Patch [HAUNTED DESTINATION]

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The Pumpkin Patch
All Hallows Event October 2022
Image Sources and Credits
Image Source:[HERE] - Patrick Horan
[HERE] - Lydia Cockcroft
Headers / Dividers:Created by Srina Talon Srina Talon
Canonical & Primary Source Links, and Permissions
Canon Links:Pumpkin
Nether World of the Force
The Galaxy
Primary Sources:Pumpkin Patch
Permissions:Not Applicable

Structure Name:The Pumpkin Patch
Location:The Galaxy
Affiliation:The Netherworld of the Force
Throughout the year The Pumpkin Patch cannot be found, its true location hidden deep within the Nether, secluded from all other locales save for that singular time of year when the veil between this world and the next becomes weakened. During that time the Patch can be accessed by anyone as it seemingly appears in multiple locations across the Galaxy all at once.
At the center is a bright red barn flanked by a windmill, the steeple of its roof is covered in crows and a wind vein softly creaks as it rocks back and forth in the still night air. The sky remains in a state of perpetual twilight as though the sun was just about to slip over the horizon and give way to the night, and carved pumpkins brilliantly light up the path that leads to the barn. Radiating outwards from the center in a similar design to a large spoked wheel are patches of pumpkins, each kept separate from the others by white fences and each patch is watched over by a handcrafted scarecrow designed to look like a species of the galaxy. As the horizon dips at the very edge of the property, a dark, cold forest can be seen - home to denizens that seek to cross the veil though kept from harming or harassing those that enjoy the patch.

  • The Barn - Loud music pours from the doors of this large red barn, the structure sitting within the center of the pumpkin patch. The building is decorated for the festivities of the holiday, with all manner of spiders, skeletons, witches, and ghouls gracing the interior walls and hanging from the rafters above. A bar at the far end is skillfully tended by an invisible force as mugs are cleaned, dried, filled, and served in a dizzying blur. Activities for children are set up throughout the barn, from bobbing for apples to pin-the-tail, as well as numerous stalls and tables from which a trick or a treat can be gained.
  • Colossus Fields - At the very edge of the Pumpkin Patch is another patch of greater proportion and astonishment. The Colossus Fields, so named for the massive oversized pumpkins that grow there, marks a natural border between the Patch and the Nether beyond. Some of these colossal pumpkins have been left untouched, allowed to continue to grow and exist in their massive forms; others have been carved into all manners of facial features and designs, with a few even hollowed out to make homes or places to rest or relax.
  • Scarecrows - Silent Guardians that watch over the fields and protect attendees from the horrors that lurk beyond in the forest seeking to cross over the veil. The Scarecrows are designed and fashioned after a number of humanoid and semi-humanoid creatures and species from across the Galaxy. Humans, Twi'leks, Wookiees, and more are all represented in stuffed straw clothing wrapped around sticks that have been tied together and a pumpkin for a head. Near the Barn is a group of such Scarecrows, each with an instrument in hand, and oddly enough, playing masterfully to add to the festivities within and without.

The Pumpkin Patch is guarded silently by the various Scarecrows that are erected in the fields around the central barn. These constructs remain motionless and still, only automating when an individual causes damage or a disturbance to the Pumpkin Patch or other individuals attending the festivities within the Barn. Along the perimeter of the Pumpkin Patch are a series of additional Scarecrows, each facing out towards the cold dark forest beyond in an eternal vigil to keep at bay those restless spirits that would seek to do harm to those within the Patch.

As old as All Hallows Eve itself and perhaps even harkening to time immemorial beyond, the Pumpkin Patch has existed within the Nether for countless ages and is often never seen even by those that dwell within that strange place of twisting spirits and shifting boundaries. However, each year, when the Veil between this world and next is at its weakest and all manner of creatures, ghouls, and goblins can pass between, the Pumpkin Patch appears. It doesn't appear in a singular location or secluded upon a singular planet; rather, it seemingly appears in multiple locations at once to permit as many individuals as possible to enjoy the festivities and scares that it provides. And while it does appear in multiple places, it prevents individuals from crossing from one place to another though not entirely. While an individual on Coruscant in the Pumpkin Patch may not physically be standing on Corellia at the same time, a vague apparition of the individual can be seen, or a voice from a person on Dantooine can be heard by those on Kashyyyk, as all across the galaxy come to enjoy The Pumpkin Patch.

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