Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Project of the Year

Alright. For a short while, I've been designing a new ship for us. I've been tinkering mainly up until now, but with our Faction Leader's approval, the tinkering can now turn into fully fledged designing.

What I'm talking about is a flagship for the First Order. If there is any faction on the board currently that has precedence to have a flagship, it's the First Order. Based on the foundation of the Old Empire, we thrive on huge war machines and giant starships. It makes sense that we would want a giant warship to fight our battles and to represent the might of our faction.

First off, we have to look at what it's going to be designed to do. You look around and a lot of folks rely on long range weapons or make the the ship a great all purpose vessel. The event ships on the board range from one or two nasty weapons to spamming starfighters to spamming corvettes to brawling and more. Now, here's the thing. We either specialize or we generalize. We can't do both effectively and either option leaves weaknesses.

Here's what I propose: We fully commit to one end of the spectrum. We specialize.

Forget small ships, forget dealing with fleets, and forget trying to do too much at once. We're making a ship-killer.

The ship concept is simple. We're making a 5,000m ship designed to do one thing and one thing only: kill the big ships.

It'll be as heavily armored and armed as possible and feature one of our singularity drives that are under dev thread currently. It will have a very heavy armament condensed down into a 1-2 dozen batteries of nasty, hard hitting guns. We'll also need a good amount of Phrik to plate it in to enhance the durability.

There's other stuff designed for it, but those are the basics. It's gonna take the flagship thread and probably a sizeable phrik dev thread to complete. We're looking at 400 flagship posts and 20+ phrik posts at least, so a total of 420+ posts.

First Order folks have expressed interest and a brief conversation with a Resistance leader showed they express interest in the thread as well to help out and be the plucky heroes fighting the Bad Guys. I also have two corporate CEOs willing to add posts and weight to the ship, one is currently helping to design the Singularity Drive, the other is going to be designing and manufacturing the weapons as well as helping provide security to the ship.

So far, we have approximately 10-12+ people interested in the thread, possibly many more. I say let's do it, let's make the board's very first Flagship. It will probably take us a month or so, but let's give it a shot. Who knows? Maybe we might get it cranked out in less :p

Oh, and we have a name for it. It's designed to kill flagships and event ships and big ships. Factions use those as key, named vessels. As powerful weapons. As Symbols of their power. Our ship's name?

The Iconoclast. A destroyer of symbols.

Who's with me?

[member="Aram Kalast"]
[member="Greifen Ren"]
[member="Inkara Liet"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Evangeline Ovmar"] Great idea and great job with this. This idea has my full support, and I'd love to see us be the first faction that completes something like this. Things are really looking up for the First Order!

Now, as far as the 400 post thread goes. You mentioned that we will be involving the Resistance in some way. Any ideas yet for that angle? Perhaps the ship itself could be under construction, the Resistance hears about it and tries to stop it, and the ensuing battle is what comprises the thread?

At least that could be part of it. For 400 posts, we might need something a bit more.
Awesome idea.

[member="Greifen Ren"] makes a good point with the storyline behind the thread (once we've even decided specifically what we want to build). Additionally...with the requirement for the thread to be public, there is pretty much the potential for literally anyone to try and jump in and gum up the works.

A solid idea on how to keep the thread progressing would go a long way. Perhaps a set of objectives to work towards that are basically a "gateway" for follow-on objectives. That amid the obvious conflict, I think, will make the story both easier and more enjoyable to write.

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