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The Primeval Gods and Religion

Every major religion in the world has varying permutations, which can be dogmatic in nature (for example, Roman Catholicism vs Greek Orthodoxy or the Southern Baptist Convention), or even political in nature (for example, Sunni Islam vs Shi'a Islam). People who believe in the same basic principles, still arrive at those beliefs in different ways.

With that said, here's a few thoughts about the Primeval religion and concepts that I have borrowed as I write my religious zealot. Which might help if you've ever read one of my posts and gone, "what the kark is he on about now?"

In other words, this is how I write the Primeval religion in my posts, but need not be how you portray the Primeval religion in yours. Think of this as Booist Primevalism.


Sargon is literally nothing, and rather analogous to a nihilistic view of what the universe was like before the Big Bang. The Primeval view of the Big Bang is essentially that it was the moment in which the Three Creations of Sargon were made. There is no gender associated with Sargon and the god is basically a personification of nothing. Sargon could be construed as a form of Chaos, the primordial god from the Roman religion.

Nogas is the first creation of Sargon and is associated with the female gender -- making her the only Primeval goddess.* She is the source of all light, and the caretaker of Sargon. She could be viewed as having elements of both the Greek Apollo and the Norse Baldur, or Dellingr (in being the personification of the dawn). She is known as the Starmaker.

* only Primeval goddess in what's understood to be the main or central pantheon of the religion. Local practice or different sects may add or view the gods/goddesses different, similar to Greco-Roman practice.

Balagoth is the second creation of Sargon and is recognizable as being the god of Death, but death in the Primeval takes on many of the attributes of the death card in tarot. That is, Balagoth is the god of chaos and change, not the lord of souls and the underworld. Part of the reason for this, is that the Primeval is a religion that believes in reincarnation. Balagoth could be viewed as the Primeval equivalent to the Norse god Odin, thought certain attributes of Loki would be equally applicable. Balagoth is known as The Dead One.

Halrormalenth is the third and final creation of Sargon. He is recognizable as being the god of Creation, but is interesting for the fact that its understood all of Halrormalenth's creations are inherently flawed. This is the Primeval explanation for mortality or entropy, as Halrormalenth is equally the creator of both man, plant, animal, or metal/stone/ore. Because he is a creator, he is the god of sexuality, fertility, and birth -- making him a Primeval equivalent to both the Greek Eros and Demeter, as well as the Norse Freya. He is referred to as The Broken Creator.

.: Delos
A dwelling which contains a sacred library as well as a place of worship for the Primeval. May be dedicated to the whole pantheon or specialized in the worship of a particular god/goddess. Usually tended by a pontiff, who may also be assisted by one or multiple prylars depending on the size of the congregation. May be open to the public or devoted to a particular monastic/religious order. May be similar in design/construction to Ancient Egyptian temples, and frequently have roofless sections open to the elements in order to worship Nogras. Also referred to as a temple.

.: Eleusis
Graveyard, usually associated with either a delos (Primeval temple) or a kirk (Primeval shrine). Often contains crypts and/or mausoleums in addition to graves for physical internment or memorial walls for cremation urns. Funerary practices may be similar to the Ancient Greek practice. May also refer to a House Shrine, located in the residence or ship of a Primeval adherent, which may frequently include reminders of ancestors, heroes, etc.

.: Kirk
A shrine or small dwelling intended as a place of common prayer by Primeval believers. Larger kirks may have a pontiff, but most are tended to by prylars. These are often similar in design to Japanese Shinto shrines, in that the area around the shrine is mostly landscaped as a meditative garden and there is only a small structure for common or individual prayer. Also referred to as a shrine.

.: Reclamation
A public proclamation and gathering that serves to proselyte or bring new members into the faith; or serves to re-affirm the faith and belief of the believers. From 'revival' in Protestant Christianity.

.: Reverie Chain
A loop of string or wire, on which small stone, metal, or crystal beads are suspended, with a larger crystal at one end of the chain -- usually in a shape representative of an icon of the faith. From the Rosary in Roman Catholicism. Refer to the Reverie Crystal entry in the Codex for the most common crystal used in the icon. Also referred to as a Chain of Memories.

The beads on the chain represent different types of prayer, with the normal order or progression being
1) a supplication to Nogras
2) a prayer to Balagoth
3) a meditation on Halrormanlenth.
Upon arriving at the icon at the end of the chain, a libation may be performed as a form of offering, if available.

.: Pontiff
Reverend or Imam. A minister of rank or prestige (bishop, "the most right reverend", etc.) having achieved recognition among the religious orders of the Primeval. Capitalized when used as a title (e.g. Pontiff Kel-Ur)

.: Prylar
Pastor, Monk, or Shaman. A lower ranking minister of the faith, usually not formally educated but apprenticed into a monastic or religious order. Capitalized when used as a title (e.g. Prylar Jorek)


The Articles of Faith
"I believe in Sargon, the Tongueless Speaker. The one who separated shadow from darkness.
I believe in Nogras, first of Sargon, the Starmaker. The light from which all other light was made.
I believe in Balagoth, second of Sargon, the Dead One. In his shadow, that which is corruptible shall be reclaimed.
I believe in Halrormalenth, third of Sargon, the Broken Creator. His voice is the evidence of things seen and unseen.
I believe in the Primeval, the Host Lord, and the words of the Prophet. I wait for the Reclamation, when the stars shall give up their dead and all things will be re-made."

Common Primeval Chant (credit to [member="Mishk"])
… and darkness will prevail, in men and gods. The worlds will but for a glimpse of time bow before the dead throne.
The offspring, ancient blood, will hence rise – mother traitorous to her own spawn – father insurgent against his own bloodline
– the forgotten child will bring the secret of Sargon's obliteration.
Upon his moment of victory the hidden will be revealed, The Primevil will unveil itself, and all shall be undone…

Prayer of the Forgotten (credit to [member="Mishk"])
The dead wind will carry the warning
A servant stolen
Aghast with crippled will
A dead risen
With fury and devotion still
Set loose upon his shattered road
The Black word shall the heart plow

Proclaimation of the Faith (credit to [member="Mishk"])
“Beneath Mighty Sargon's gaze
My hand stretches forth -
Balagoth's power is suborned!

Halrormalenth's favoured fall!
The heresy steals away
Black waves he rides to new worlds

Atop the darkest slope
A bargain pledged
Divine trickery surpassed

What price this dull world
For life eturnal?
I grasp this power in my hand!”
I absolutely love this.

It honestly has more thought on the subject than I put into it originally.

As said above, this is by no means a requirement to worship the Gods but if anyone is looking for a detailed way to do so, I'd strongly encourage you to follow this.
[member="Boo Chiyo"]

This is exactly what is needed to understand the primevil. No doubt it will help improve folks role play in this faction!

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
I am sooo very much looking forward to a zambrano styled version. ;)
Holy scriptures collected (or written in trance) by Mishk and brought to [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] s Delos where he is curing his madness by studying the texts (or rather turning into another type of madness). these scriptures would if approved be collected in a tome called the Black word. It could be a sort of bible for the primevil.

On the side - I am gonna turn the hutt into a Pontiff without him even knowing about it... since he dont have the time or sense himself.
Mishk acting as Prylar for the time being and setting up a Delos with focus on Balagoth.

Common primevil chant
… and darkness will prevail, in men and gods. The worlds will but for a glimpse of time bow before the dead throne.
The offspring, ancient blood, will hence rise – mother traitorous to her own spawn – father insurgent against his own bloodline
– the forgotten child will bring the secret of Sargon's obliteration.
Upon his moment of victory the hidden will be revealed, The Primevil will unveil itself, and all shall be undone…

Prayer of the forgotten
The dead wind will carry the warning
A servant stolen
Aghast with crippled will
A dead risen
With fury and devotion still
Set loose upon his shattered road
The Black word shall the heart plow

Proclamation of faith
“Beneath Mighty Sargon's gaze
My hand stretches forth -
Balagoth's power is suborned!

Halrormalenth's favoured fall!
The heresy steals away
Black waves he rides to new worlds

Atop the darkest slope
A bargain pledged
Divine trickery surpassed

What price this dull world
For life eturnal?
I grasp this power in my hand!”

[member="Boo Chiyo"]
What do you think? Am I off or on the chart?

I absolutely love the prayer! :)

In case its helpful to anyone, here's a prayer that I've used in a couple of Boo's posts, which I've referred to as the Articles of Faith.

I believe in Sargon, the Tongueless Speaker. The one who separated shadow from darkness.
I believe in Nogras, first of Sargon, the Starmaker. The light from which all other light was made.
I believe in Balagoth, second of Sargon, the Dead One. In his shadow, that which is corruptible shall be reclaimed.
I believe in Halrormalenth, third of Sargon, the Broken Creator. His voice is the evidence of things seen and unseen.
I believe in the Primeval, the Host Lord, and the words of the Prophet. I wait for the Reclamation, when the stars shall give up their dead and all things will be re-made.
Zambroodooism is on the horizon folks, it shall be issued by the time I get home. I hope you enjoy it, it's historically accurate for the basic beliefs that I'm basing it off of, but how he'll practice is the typical pop-culture Hollywood version because it's funner that way :p
This is Zambrano's interpretation of the gods and his face, and his based upon the factual religion of Voodoo, which contrasting to common belief, is not devil worshipping and black magic typically.

Only Bokors do that, and they are looked down upon.

Zambrano is obviously, a Bokor. :p

I hope you like it, so without further adieu, I present to you:

Zambrodouist Primevalism
An expansion of Balagoth and his role within the Pantheon.​

Balagoth is the second creation of Sargon and is recognizable as being the god of Death, but death in the Primeval takes on many of the attributes of the death card in tarot. That is, Balagoth is the god of chaos and change, not the lord of souls and the underworld. Part of the reason for this, is that the Primeval is a religion that believes in reincarnation. Balagoth could be viewed as the Primeval equivalent to the Norse god Odin, though certain attributes of Loki would be equally applicable. Balagoth is known as The Dead One.

The Dead One also holds within his possession an artifact known as "The Rift", which is distinct in that it is a portal between the known and the unknown of the universe, or as the Black Prophet puts it, "The Unseen, and the Seen". When one passes from life, they enter the Unseen Rift, and coexist with the living world as a L'ans. It is believed, that later in "life", a L'ans will die and pass through the Seen rift, where they shall be reborn. It is the task of Balagoth to regulate this constant cycle of transition, and is charged with its protection. It is said that Sargon is just beyond the Rift, that no light of Nogras shall lead to the Rift, that no creation of Halrormenth may find it without being changed... and obviously, Balagoth cannot be bribed without confining you to death.

It is the duty and goal, of the Seekers of the Rift, to find this gate "to the underworld" (an inaccurate terminology) and bring it under their control. For some, it is to save loved ones perceived as being taken from Balagoth. For others, it is for the simple power of deciding who lives and who dies. Then there are the few, who seek it merely for the arduous journey that shall test and reaffirm their faith in the Primordial gods... most especially if they find the truth of Sargon behind the gates of the Rift.

Those like the Black Prophet, pray every day to their L'ans, performing the rituals they are perceived as enjoying, and often offer foods they enjoyed in life. It is the primary goal of those within this branch of faith, hereby known as L'ans Zodou, to serve the L'ans, not because they are deities, saints, or angels, they are their own distinct beings with their own personalities. Many, like the Black Prophet, often attempt to use their gifts grant by Sargon to commune with the dead through the Unseen Rift... though most are often disappointed by the results.
.: L'ANS
Based on the real world equivalent of the Loa (sometimes Lwa or L'wha), the L'ans are beings of the Unseen, creatures that have passed through the Rift of Balagoth. They are intermediaries for the Primordial gods, but posses their own personal likes and dislikes, and each one prefers different sacred rhythms, songs, dances, rituals, symbols, and other distinct methods of not only worship, but of service tot eh L'ans. Some, who tap deeply into their powers rooted in the darkside, may summon these L'ans to perform favours in exchange for some intangible price, usually of sacrifice, that result in black magick. At least according to the Black Prophet.

Originating with the Black Prophet, this religion was partially/vaguely named after him, with Zodou. It simply the belief that Balagoth stands at a grand Rift that which separates the Unseen from the Seen, and sequesters passing beings into a coexisting realm where they become one with Sargon as L'ans. It also dictates no other god may assist one in finding, or surviving unchanged by the Rift of Balagoth.

A special class of sorcerous priest, who can perform deadly and powerful black magic. Based of the Vodoun 'Bokor', who are 'Houngans' (Mambos for the ladies) or priests of the faith, that practice both black magic and benevolent magic. In this faith no distinction is made between benevolent and black magic. It is the same to those who practice Zodou. Bokan are male, Makan are female.


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