Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Power of One (Part 1 - Allies/Invite Only)

I received a message within a few moments. Lady Kay receiving the message to meet us here. I was half tempted to send a second message to not come, and that whoever was doing this was setting us up. As much as I would have loved Kay to come and aid me, I needed to learn how to handle my own people. I needed to learn how to talk to them without someone to hide behind. I hated the idea of being illiterate in the ways of diplomacy. Reaching to my side, I strapped on my mask. Putting it on as Osiris was shaking his head. Already telling the guards and our own military to prepare for battle if necessary. I looked out from the window to see the troops slowly marching towards us.

"Open the gates. Let them come in. No point in denying them entry if they are going to manipulate us."
"Once again, it is foolish to let enemies within the city."
"This is not war. If we show a weapon instead of an outstretched hand, then we are more likely to lose them. As the stated in the message, They are wanting to talk."
"We also don't want to fight on our own ground. We need to let them believe we are okay with walking in."

Osiris didn't speak much after that. Instead just shaking his head and walking away to prepare himself. I reached over to my left and grabbed my lightsaber from the table. Attaching it to my belt. Thalia just put her hair into a pony tail and we both walked out to the main stage. The front gates of the palace. Lady Kay would be here soon. I know of it. Even as I watched the speeder come through the city, I was surprised and confused about the woman who was wearing armor and carrying a firearm. It was light armor. It looked familiar to my companies armor. Thalia even elbowed me and nodded to her. I nodded my head. Both understanding it. She was wearing the defender armor. She was within the Company I owned.

What got me is that she looked so familiar. Unlike anything else. She was strange to me. It was like a sense of Deja Vu. Yet, she was completely unknown to me. I couldn't trust her. Even more so when the other men and women around her were much older in years. Near Osiris' age. It was us three who seemed to be the youngest. Still, with that in mind, This fifth kingdom walked up to us. Bowing respectfully. We did so in kind.

"Welcome to Makrosia, Home of the Hellyni Alliance. Name is still pending. This is Osiris. King of Spathi, and his daughter Thalia. Queen of Makrosia. I am Atheus Voidwalker. Son of None, and void of all titles."

[member="Artemis Nightstalker"], [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Karren Trask"],


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Perhaps being allied to Atheus makes me less of a threat to them, maybe even someone that could be trusted. At least that's my hope." Hopefully this trip wasn't going to be a bad one. But one never knows.

During her downtime, she chose not to bother Cassius too much. He seemed a bit uncomfortable around her and so she mostly kept to herself in her quarters. Veiere told her that she should be more open about her Force Sensitivity, yet each time she did reveal it, she was met with hostility or anger or people not wanting to be around her. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. If she could pilot the Free Lady on her own, she would have gone on this journey by herself, but she wasn't capable. Maybe some day she would be.

When their travel was near an end, Kay headed to the cockpit and sat down next to [member="Cassius Droma"] , nodding to him as he relayed the information to her. "Once in orbit, I'll try to contact [member="Atheus Voidwalker"] and let him know of our arrival. We wouldn't want any of their security forces to blow us out of the sky. If the various continents are at war with eachother, seeing a strange ship enter their atmosphere might put them even further on edge."
During their extensive trip to Horus, Cassius tried to meditate. The masters at Deneba had said it’d be good for him, considering the personal turmoil he was experiencing. Sector 27-AJ, Mirial… all had been hard on him. While he hadn’t suffered any sort of personal injuries on Mirial, he’d still lost a large portion of his squadron. And, as he strove to be an honorable man, visited the families of the fallen as best he could.

Cassius nodded as Lady Kay echoed the private precautions he’d had prior to them going into hyperspace. “I’ll be sure to raise shields and make sure we’re broadcasting a very clear identifier signal,” Cassius assured her, flipping a few switches for their defense systems and their transmitter. It would let anyone know just who occupied the starship, as well as their rank and position - basically, it was to let them know that if they fired on them, they would have a lot to answer for.

“Coming out of hyperspace,” Cassius declared, pulling the silver handle back as the ship slowed to a halt. Horus was before them, its blue oceans glistening in the sun. With their transmitter working at peak efficiency, Cassius slowly steered them towards the isolated planet.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"] | [member="Artemis Nightstalker"]

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