Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pirate With A Mark

Location: Tatooine, Mos Ila

Xavka slipped through the streets of Mos Ila, appearing to most, if not all, as just another citizen being force to finish their jobs while suffering under the heat of the Double Noon suns. He looked the part to: a dust, plain and too small tunic and matching trousers, both coloured brown, were what he wore while dust stuck to his sweat soaked forehead. However hidden behind the normal appearance for the population were the tools he needed for the assassination job he was on. Hidden up the sleeves of his tunic were his Emeici and poison-coated senbon, while wrapped in cloth around his waist was his weighted, ten-section chain whip.

Spotting his target location, he angled himself towards it while picking up his speed, appearing to be a man grateful to be finishing his job so that he could rest out of view form the overbearing double suns that hung above. Entering the Cantina he immediately made his way towards the bar while his eye scanned the room looking for his target. He spotted him just as he reached the bar, two o'clock from his position, sitting at a table in the middle of the floor, a deck of Sabacc being shuffled in his hands.

Ordering a cheap drink, Xavka meandered over before dropping himself into the chair and addressing the target using Smuggler's Cant. "You the shark I'm supposed to deal cards with? The one with the shine for me?" The Zabrak's voice was low and quiet but nowhere near a whisper. Whispering drew attention to yourself and made it known that you had something to hide. No, you talked quietly enough that it joined the background noise of the place you were in.

The Cathat grunted a positive response before setting up a game of Sabacc. "Yeah," his voice was slightly high pitched but had a gruff undertone, "I'm the shark you're after. What d'ya think of me portfolio?" Xavka let out a hum as he studied the cards he held. With a flick of his wrist he sent to into the lock zone while shuffling a few chips foward into the pot. "Cheap. Although why you want me to buy the alecake's tea, I don't know." He watched as the Shark locked a card before matching his bid into the pot. "I don' ma'er. All that does is whether or not you can make me have to make the Kessel. By th' way, ya sure you know how to play Sabacc?" The Shark chuckled.

Xavka let the rounds go by until they were on the last round before replying. "Y'know. I'm good at Sabaac, who'd of thought? Huh? Anyway, I'm one bright spark and I'll buy the tea from the alecake and cube the lead to you. Just make sure you line up a row for me. Also, I heard that the alecake has a few couplers, want me to get them for you and make 'em shine?" He threw down his cards at the same time as the Cathar, revealing that Xavka had won. The Cathar grunted as he gathered up the cards and cards before knocking back the rest of his drink. "Sure. T' both" He took a few steps towards the exit before turning back around to face Xavka. "Hey, though' this might int'rest you. There's a nice shine out a klick north, hidden from ether's view. Y' should check it out." With that he left.

The dark skinned Zabrak sat in his seat for the next few minuets, sipping at his drink before raising to his feet and leaving. He knew where his objective was.
Xavka lay on his stomach at the top of a sand dune, looking down at the valley bellow, his brown, baggy clothing helping him to blend in and break up his figure. His ash grey hair was wrapped in cloth so as to hide it from view. The valley bellow had a maze of caves running beneath it as well as within its sides, the perfect hiding place for may pirates. Hidden within the maze were his targets, a smuggler that had gained a powerful enemy in the Cathar Xavka had met after he had started to deal in slavery as well as the crew of the smuggler. Every member was to be killed and no evidence was to point in the Cathar's direction.

Currently, Xavka was watching two members of the crew stand outside of the mouth of one of the many caves. The two men were currently slumped over in the shade, looking half asleep due to the large amount of alcohol they had consumed, judging by the amount of bottles littered around them. Turning his attention from the guard, the Zabrak looked to the walls of the canyon, looking for the best way down.

Ten minuets later, Xavka was perched on a jagged ledge only by the strength behind his claws. As he had made his way down, Xavka had focussed on making sure he cast no shadow, that he kept to the darkest areas of the side and that he focussed on all of his senses, trying to track anything or anyone that would interfere with his job. Now he was ready. Taking a deep breathe Xavka locked down his emotions and prepared, slipping his Emeici onto his fingers.

He dropped soundlessly on one of the guards, driving the points of the Emeici into both sides of his neck, making sure to hit the artery as he did so. Before the second man could react and the first could realise he was dead, Xavka turned and launched himself onto the second guard, driving the tip of one Emeici straight into the man's lungs. With a slashing motion, the Zabrak tore the weapon out of his target's chest, leaving him choking for breathe. A quick chop to the neck later and Xavka looked at the end result. One guard dead, bled out from the neck while the second was unconscious but was already close to fading. He stayed until both targets were dead before Xavka turned and entered the cave, he still had a job to do.

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