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The Pecking Order

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Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member

The coruscant underground was a very big place, plenty of opportunity to make a living through nefarious means. And with the bounty on the One Sith by both the Red Ravens and the Republic, it was a prime location to kill some of the bastards and get paid. So this meant that it brought crazed psychopathic bounty hunters and Red Raven hit men from across the galaxy to hunt down and have stern talks with the space wizards.

At a local bar in the underground a little bird flew into it and looked around, it scanned the room it's head on a swivel until it spotted what it was looking for. One [member="Lord Ajihad"] with the bird perched at the corner of room it's eye flickered and a camera glazed the man highlighting him in red.

Outside from across the street the Force Dead bounty hunter James Parker stood at about the tenth story of a cheap hotel. He had a bandolier of shotgun shells across his bare tattooed chest and clipped to his leg was a lever action shotgun loaded with Pack o punch rounds. Slung on his chest was the Lil monster sub machine gun loaded up with sith killer rounds and a shooting tool on the top, a large brace was attached to one of his arms and in his parachute orange pants with multiple zippers and pockets he had a plethora of goodies within them.

Taking a hit from a booster blue a neutron pixie spice stick he exhaled and looked through his Augmented warfighter visor and saw the man's outline through the bar. Parker of course lifted up a scrap maker rocket launcher onto his shoulder and aimed it at the bar filled with civilians and other night time party goers.

"Knock knock." Parker said as he leveled the sights on the bar. He chuckled and with the push of a button the rocket sparked to life and screamed towards the bar.
Lord Ajihad wa sitting at the bar, scrolling through his suspiciously large datapad, when a little bird flew into the room. The man had learned to be very observant on Alderaan with the house Rist assassins, and immediately knew something was wrong. Birds wouldn't venture this deep into the dark lower levels of Coruscant. His suspicions were confirmed as a waiter dropped their tray with a crash, and the bird only continued to stare him down. This is when he realized that it was a surveillance spy tool. It already told him his opponent was an amateur hunter, with little skill in espionage.

He immediately stood up, and went towards the bathroom in the back, out of the bird's view. Instead, he hit the exit and left the building, just before it exploded. He switched on the stealth function of his armor, which would make him both invisible, and undetectable by scanners of any kind. He then pulled out his datapad, plugging a JACKAL code into it. Due to the fact he was part of the Spynet, he was accustomed to slicing things. He immediately began hacking the robotic bird, and traced the wireless signal to the tenth floor of a nearby building. He also IDed the datapad it was being controlled by, which belonged to someone named [member="James M Parker"] .

He then did what anyone would do after being attacked: he called the Police. "There was a terrorist attack at my coords. The terrorist's name is James M Parker, he is on the tenth floor of a hotel across the way from me. I want him dead or alive." He then got a quick reply, as he confirmed his identification as a Sith. Checking his gear, he prepared to head out and take the hunter that was unwittingly still being hunted.


Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Parker lifted his head up and began to bellow a lithium laced laugh, he had blown up a bar full of dancers, patrons, employees, and plenty of other fun little goons. He had also blown up his bird and while that was alright he was starting to pack up. Then he got an alert that someone was starting to hack into his datapad, he made a sour face and let out a frustrated scream.

"OH THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!!" Parker said then let out another maniacal laugh.

Looking over to his police scanner the explosion had been called in and no doubt the authorities would be on their way. But whoever had called them In had forgotten one key thing, this was the coruscant underground baby. Bars exploding, gang wars, drive byes, these were all daily or weekly norms of this area of town. So the response time could be anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes to get a few units down here, they would have to take detours and move through various bad neighborhoods. So that was all the time Parker needed to kill this queen.

"SALLY!! IM COMING FOR YOU!!" Parker screamed out into the burning streets then quickly exited the hotel room by jumping from the tenth story and working his way down with his mechanical arm.

Once on the ground he moved across the street and kept his warfighter glasses on his head and kept moving through the streets until he made it the the ground floor, once there he kept his guns close to him and pushed up the streets combing the location looking for his target.
Lord Ajihad's cybernetic eyes zoomed in on [member="James M Parker"] as he jumped out of a window, and started climbing down the building's side. The Knight frowned, not seeing this action as overly wise. Police speeders were already arriving, beginning to surround the hotel. Smiling, he realized just how good it was to be a Sith.

As the bounty hunter was climbing, the assassin grabbed his Stiletto weapons platform, putting it in sniper mode. He twisted a suppressor onto the end of the barrel, and switched his new eyepiece into sniper mode. It targeted the hunter, and accounted for the variables, displaying all sorts of targeting information. He lined the all the sights up, and fired an entire mag's worth of rounds at the man's exposed back as he climbed down the side of the structure.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Parker had already been on the streets and was pushing his way through streets looking for his prey, various civilians ran past him as the sounds of sirens grew closer. But the best part about coruscant was it was a sea of mirrors and reflective surfaces, as Parker looked to the side he saw a little light come on from the darkness above him and he knew exactly what that was.

Reaching to his side he grabbed hold of a woman passing by him and turned using her body as a human shield. Bullets impacted flesh and a spray of muffled shots dropped her dead. Parker let out a manic laugh and looked over to the sound of a siren coming near him. A patrol speeder pulled up to the platform nearest him and he laughed and sprinted towards it. Lifting up his sub machine gun he fired the explosive rounds through the driver window and blew the collective brains out of the sith officers Inside the car.

"OH I LOVE COOKED PIGS!!" Parker said as he dove into the shattered window and quickly shoved the dead driver out of the car.

Taking the police speeder he revved the engine with a roar and took off and stupid levels of speed. With his spice raddled mind he had a hard time remembering where the hell the shots came from but it really didn't matter, he was having too much fun going on a GTA massacre.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIEEEE!!" Parker screamed as he flipped the speeder around and flew towards the Sith's position with the intention of crashing the speeder into him with no regard for his own safety.
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