Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Path of Juyo



Early morning sunlight casts a gentle warmth over the grass, damp from the night's dew. In the center of an open grassy field, Braze stands alone, his posture poised and focused, lightsaber in hand. He begins his routine, taking a deep breath before his voice breaks the morning's quiet.

"Determination," he announces, channeling the essence of Form I: Shii-Cho. His movements are broad and sweeping, designed to engage multiple adversaries. He executes a series of basic strikes—horizontal, vertical, and diagonal—laying the foundational movements that are the bedrock of all subsequent forms. Each motion is deliberate, intended to teach spacing and angling, as he visualizes facing several foes, deflecting their attacks with wide, sweeping parries.

"Contention." Transitioning smoothly, now in the graceful stance of Form II: Makashi, his style shifts noticeably. His grip on the hilt tightens slightly as he adopts a more refined, elegant posture. Braze performs precise, controlled thrusts and parries, his movements linear and economical. This form is tailored for dueling, and he practices with the grace and accuracy of a fencer, each strike aimed with precision, envisioning a single, skilled opponent. He is graceful and fluid like water, these motions come as easy, and as thoughtless as breathing.

"Resilience," slipping into Form III: Soresu. His pace slows, movements becoming more conservative and tight. He circles, blade close, focusing on deflecting and blocking imaginary blaster bolts. His footwork is methodical, ensuring he remains balanced and ready to deflect attacks from all angles, embodying the ultimate defensive form, conserving his energy for prolonged engagements.

"Aggression," shifting to Form IV: Ataru. Instantly, the tempo changes—Braze's actions become more dynamic and acrobatic. He incorporates jumps and rolls, his saber tracing rapid arcs in the air as if striking at foes from multiple directions. His energy expenditure is high, mimicking the form's demand for physicality, using the open space to its fullest to simulate combat against multiple adversaries.

"Perseverance," he adopts the dual nature of Form V: Shien / Djem So. He starts with Shien, deflecting and redirecting imaginary blaster fire with powerful, sweeping gestures. Then, seamlessly, he shifts to Djem So, emphasizing strong, counter-attacking blows, pushing imaginary foes back with the force of his attacks, showcasing the form's ability to turn defense into offense.

Breathing heavily now, he centers himself as he centers his blade letting out a slow steadying breath, and calmly states, "Moderation." Form VI: Niman flows from him in a balanced mix of the previous styles, integrating moderate physical moves with occasional bursts of Force pushes, simulating the use of varied techniques against opponents. This form is smooth and controlled, reflecting a jack-of-all-trades approach that leverages a mixture of skills.

Finally, his voice lowers, resonating with a fierce intensity that seems to ripple through the air, "Ferocity." As he steps into the domain of Form VII: Juyo, Braze's entire demeanor shifts. His somber jade green eyes narrow, his focus sharpens, and an almost tangible energy radiates from him. The calm of the morning field is shattered as he launches into a series of frenetic, highly aggressive maneuvers.

With each motion, Braze's lightsaber becomes a blur, carving through the air with chaotic, powerful strikes that chain seamlessly together. His movements are wild, yet there is a deliberate precision behind each swing, each twist and turn of his body. He is a storm personified, his saber flashing like lightning, striking unpredictably yet devastatingly.

He growls with exertion, his breathing ragged but controlled, as he channels deep reserves of passion and aggression. The intensity of Juyo is overwhelming, pushing him to the brink as he seeks to harness the form's raw power without being consumed by it. His movements suggest a dance on the edge of chaos, where every strike, every block holds the potential to spiral out of control.

Sweat beads on his forehead, muscles straining under the relentless pace he sets. The ground beneath his feet bears the marks of his rigorous practice, scorched and disturbed by the ferocity of his engagement. As he moves, he murmurs under his breath, a mantra to keep his focus, to bind his spirit tightly and not lose himself to the darkness that Juyo skirts so closely.

"Calm in chaos. Tranquility in strength. Focus directs my energy. Serenity guides my blade. Through discipline, I harness fury. Guided by the Force, led by wisdom. Internal harmony, external valor. My spirit calm. My resolve unyielding."
The temple stretched out interminably before the Feeorin named Skodd. Its stone walls, adorned with ancient carvings and illuminated by flickering torches, seemed to amplify his every footstep. His robes—a stunning combination of white, accented with blue and gold trims—flowed behind him like a cascade of water, their elegance a stark contrast to the irritation etched on his face. The red hue of his skin, coupled with the customary severe expression of his species, made him an imposing figure, one that demanded respect and attention.

As Skodd advanced down the hall, his eyes narrowed, focused. His thoughts were a tempest, mirroring the stormy expression he wore. The near silence of the temple was broken only by the occasional whisper of his robes against the stone floor and the distant hum of a lightsaber. He turned his head, catching sight of a nearly empty room, its vastness occupied by only one solitary figure. The young padawan Braze Braze stood in the center, sweat glistening on their brow as they moved through the aggressive and unpredictable motions of Juyo—the ferocity form. The lightsaber in their hand danced with lethal precision, its blade leaving arcs of light in the dim room. Skodd's eyes narrowed further as he recognized the style, the familiar fluidity and savage grace bringing back memories of countless battles and training sessions. With a purposeful stride, Skodd turned into the room. Skodd's movements were deliberate as he removed his outer cloak, the garment slipping from his shoulders and pooling on the floor in a billow of white, blue, and gold. He picked up a training saber, its weight a familiar comfort in his hand.

" Sloppy! If you are to properly utilize your own Ferocity. You must must position yourself to learn from someone with ferocity themselves. From me. Lest the darkside consume you from the inside out."
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TAGS: Skodd Skodd

Braze was standing outside in a field when the large being known as Skodd approached him with a training saber. He turned on his heel and faced the approaching opponent. Skodd was much bigger than him in size and weight. Braze, being small and light, found Juyo did not favor his natural form.

He was undoubtedly and unequivocally outmatched. Nevertheless, he raised his blade to defend. His somber jade green eyes searched the man's form as he approached, studying the muscle movements, the body language, and the telltale signs of motion and intent.

As the early morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting long shadows across the dewy grass, Braze's silhouette stood out sharply against the soft, golden light. His robes fluttered slightly in the breeze, and his lightsaber cast a soft glow. With a smirk, Braze quipped, "Alright, big guy, let's see how hard you fall."
As the early morning sunlight filtered through the trees, casting long shadows across the dewy grass, Braze's silhouette stood out sharply against the soft, golden light. His robes fluttered slightly in the breeze, and his lightsaber cast a soft glow. With a smirk, Braze quipped, "Alright, big guy, let's see how hard you fall."

As he assumes his combative stance, legs bent and slightly apart, arms raised with one hand open and the other gripping the hilt of his unlit lightsaber, Skodd closes his eyes for a moment. Within him, he begins to summon the emotions he has carefully controlled and channeled for years. Memories of past battles, the pain of loss, the sting of failure, and the burn of triumph all swirl within him. He remembers the faces of friends and foes, the weight of every decision, the crushing burden of his own expectations.


" As you wish."

His eyes snap open, now blazing with a focused intensity. The hum of his lightsaber igniting fills the air, a purple blade springing to life with a vibrant hum. Skodd's muscles coil like a predator ready to strike, every fiber of his being attuned to the moment, ready to channel his inner storm into the coming duel. With a dash he lunged forward with a sweeping strike that began from the lower body and rose up diagonally to meet Braze Braze 's weapon with ferocity.

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