Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The past was a brighter one

Long ago in a..... ok a few generations ago was Janodom Feanor. He was the great great grand father of Alexandra and Hakora and this is his story, or at least part of it. Warning: This involves the Horn Family which little is known about them and Luke Skywalker does make an appearance. While I will try to stay away from Canon as much as possible I cannot garentee it being on para.

Janodom stood on the temple stairs looking up at the sky, how had it all come down to this? His friend, his brother, Valin Horn was going mad. Not in the traditional sense, but the force was doing something to his mind that could not be explained. The masters tried reversing it, but now Janodom, a Knight, was part of a team that was charged with capturing him. Master Skywalker had tried reassuring them that they would save Valin, but he had his doubts. Janodom looked down at his hip, there it was, the blue lightsaber he could not bring himself to part with or use. Jysella Horn, Valin's younger sister and Jano's love, was now sick with some illness unknown to him and was frozen until medical technology could find a way to cure her. Jano sighed and began his long decent down the stairs, "JANO!" He stopped and turned to see who was calling for him and saw the much older Luke Skywalker coming towards him, Jano bowed, but did not say a word as he was mute. "Jano, I know you are worried about Valin, but trust in the Force, it has gotten you this far and will still guide you if you listen." Jano nodded in agreement and turned to leave with an new resolve that things could be changed.

[member="Silara Kuhn"]
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