Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Outback Spice Dealer

Thomas Croflix, sat upon his chair in his large foundry on the planet Gos Hutta. He for now had been selling spice all around this planet, but it was time for a change. Cadan needed to take over this man's operation, but didn't have the time to. So he had decided to send one of his newest members. His name was [member="Animus Malgus"].

Thomas Croflix's foundry was a two storey building, the first floor was where the spice was packed and shipped away. Numerous guards were stationed here. Upstairs was the place for accounting, this was where Thomas Croflix sat, again surrounded by numerous guards.

Cadan sat in his office, over looking his spice mines. He opened a com to Animus. "You know what you're doin' right? Get in, kill 'em all, including that bastard Thomas, then get out. Don't blow up the factory, I want it for me operations."

Cadan then puffed back on the smoke from his cigar, he was relying heavily on this man, but he seemed capable to get this done.
Animus was climbing the two story building carefully, on him was his Sith Assassin Armor he had procured with permission from [member="Darth Ferus"]. The armor made him very difficult to detect and it was also very light. With a hand to his ear he copied the com from his new employer [member="Cadan Tazi"] and relayed back "As you wish, one stack of corpses coming up" Anius smiled as he continued climbing through one side of the building undetected.

Upon reaching the final level he stood on the unseeable side of the balcony. This must be the main man's office. Animus was going to kill them all in the way of the Oxibeast like [member="Darth Ophidia"] had called him, but not before taking out the main man in Assassin style. This was Animus' training, to get close enough to the V.I.P. kill him without anyone noticing, if he was able to do that then he considered himself ready to be an Assassin.

He saw a meeting taking place, behind the curtains of the office, Animus decided to observe for a second while he jumped to the balcony and moved behind the blowing curtains shadow. He moved like a shadow, he moved with the wind so far, he was not detected.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Thomas was shouting at the people around him, obviously he had heard about the Hutt Cartel take over and was scared. "I want extra troops down here!" His voice was squeaky, and his human face seemed to resemble a bird, a hawk to be precise.

Those around him looked around. "It will probably take about four hours to get them here sir." A brave man protested, before a bag of spice was thrown at him, the bag exploding on impact, sending a fine cloud through the room.

"Just get it done!" Thomas shouted, before shooing those around him out of the room so he could be alone. Now he sat, back to the curtain, in a spice filled room. This was his version of paradise, alone in a room full of spice. Although he was unaware that soon this would be the last time he would experience it. While he sat in his room, he pulled up a data pad and began to read aloud.

"Dear Thomas,

Lenny is doing fine at school, although he misses his dad.

I don't dare tell him what you do, he thinks you're of fighting bad guys in your gigantic ship.

From your loving wife,


Thomas wiped a tear from his face. I should go and see them sometime soon, he thought to himself.

[member="Animus Malgus"]
Animus noticed the order the man had barked out while he stood flat against the Pillar behind the Curtains, while he saw the Men empty the room and the man who was what he knew to be the V.I.P. considering the way he spoke to his underlings, Animus crept closer.

The Place was a mountain of Spices, reminded him of a movie he saw once called Sliceface, about a drug kingpin who thought he was invincible, the end of that movie, was a lot like the end of this man's life.

Animus had his lightsaber, but the hum, light and and ignition of it was not something he wanted right now, a Hidden Blade under his sleeve came to his right hand as he shimmied to the chair of the man.

He was reading something aloud, and was so enthralled by what he was reading he did not even glance upwards from the datapad, Animus took the cue and placed himself behind the chair of the Man. Within a few seconds the man's throat was sliced by the blade and his blood spilled over the Desk and Spice. Animus quickly took his body and placed it under the desk and hurried over behind the main door of the office when he heard Soldiers come in. He was a shadow on the wall... A spirit in the wind... an Assassin.

"Cadan V.I.P. is down and sleeping. This room is filled to the brim with spice and will soon be filled to the brim with soldiers too" Animus settled back into a secluded pose angling his body to the curtains wind breeze. "Confirm the Extermination and i shall carry it out"

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
The final breath escaped Thomas' mouth as the blood gushed out of his neck. He was then tucked away under a desk, the blood still oozing out of his neck. Soon the room began to fill with soldiers, all looking for their leader although he was no-where to be seen.

The five soldiers soon found the body tucked away and bleeding from the throat. One of the soldiers, presuambly the leader rasies his wrist to his mouth activating his com link. "Thomas 'e's dead. Get the spice pack up and away now!" The man shouted, his voice echoing throughout the facility.

Cadan revived the com from [member="Animus Malgus"] and a smile spread over his face. "Good." The pirate said as he laid back against his chair, smoking a cigar, the grey smoke surrounding him. "Now secure the facility. You can keep anything you see there." The pirate said, still smiling.
Animus nodded at [member="Cadan Tazi"]'s beautiful way of handling things, and Animus' way of hiding the V.I.P.'s body made all the guards give him their backs as he was pressed against the wall of the main door, they passed him right by... "The facility will be cleansed" Animus said before he moved a smile of evil washing his face.

Animus stepped out from the Darkness, it was Uxibeast time it seemed like time itself slowed down as he walked from his spot, the curtains revealing his body who talked to the guardsmen in a delicate and graceful way... His lightsaber ignited.

Immediately when the guards spotted him he was not more than a few feet away from them, Acrobatics flung him over them slicing one's head off with the Somersault as the lightsaber jumped and sliced along with his body. As soon as he touched the ground and the guard was falling to his knees with no head, Animus force pushed one guard off the balcony and Executed the Way of the Hawk bat, Ataru.

One by one they were being mowed down with effortless motions, hacked limbs and body parts were beginning to litter the office, One guard dropped to his knees and begged for his life, it just gave Animus a better angle at his Temple before he ended his life with a single swipe.
Other guards began to fight back, blasting with their rifles and charging at him full force. The blasts were deflected clumsily and Animus dashed to the guards who holstered weapons and with a swipe of Ataru cut their legs from under them, Just then a guard grabbed him from behind.

Animus put his three finger close to the Man's, eye. He focused on an ability that was very very hard for him, Force Crush at an Acolyte level. His objective, the Man's eyeball. To use the Force Crush to pop his eyeball. When he felt the energy ready as he closed his three fingers, the man screamed in agony and reeled back holding his face, His right eye bleeding and dripping out a white liquid ooze. He was the last man standing *figuratively*

Animus raised his blaster, breathed in then out. And squeezed the trigger bathing the wall behind him in Blood and brain matter.
Blood and gore littered the office. The dismembered bodies were scatted across the floor, other bodies lay awkwardly and unnaturally. Some squirm in pain, others were still. It was a massacre. Now the wiser men began to retreat, dropping what they were doing and heading for the doors; after all they were just hired hands, they hadn't signed up for this. Although as they went to escape, the remain soldiers who had witnessed the massacre sought revenge and barked and shouted at the workers to attack the assassin.

Workers began arming themselves with a variety or crude weapons, ranging from virboknives, broken bottles, clubs and the occasional blaster. They then began to charge [member="Animus Malgus"], although the thin stair case leading to the second floor force them to walk in a single file. The first man held a rusted vibroknife, although his arm seemed to be making the blade vibrate.

The soldiers followed up behind the column of workers, pushing their backs and shouting at them to move faster. They held blasters, although their shoots were wild and off target, most likely due to the fact that they are currently under the control of the spice.
Animus was in a trance, the blood and gore danced around him like rain of black fire, confidence and brutality were his M.O. at the moment. More and more workers and fighters joined the fight, there were about 10 or more corpses in the office, but more and more were going to be piled up.
One man who held a rusty vibroblade came at him in a lunge, Animus grabbed his wrist and lowered it, then he thrusted with his blade to his throat, The man made gurgling and ungodly sounds as he fell.

Quickly he pulled out his Nabooian blaster, kneeled down and fired three shots and three different targets each one slumping down after the impact of the blast. Rolling to the right and throwing his blaster under the foot of an incoming worker causing him to slip and fall to his knee while shooting and blasting a buddy in the chest.

Animus fell into motion calculating a plan, with a force push he blasted some workers to the entrance of the stairs, and threw a thermal detonator in between the legs of the soldier who was at the top of the stairs. Somersaulting backwards in a back flip his lightsaber decapitated yet another worker and upon landing ignited the detonation of the explosive sending the Staircase ablaze in blast of debris and death.

Animus continued his blade work, felling worker and worker, soldier after soldier, deflecting blaster shots, and taking a few blaster shots as well but only grazes so far. Two soldiers flanking him with Vibroblades slicing at him on both sides, Animus executed a roundhouse kick deflecting one of the blades making it clash with the other, he followed the kick with a horizontal slash of Ataru which removed both heads in a single motion.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Just like the office, the factories floor was now littered with bodies. Think of the amount Cadan would have to spend on clean! There walls, floors and even roof were blood red.

As the last body touched the floor with a sloppy 'SPLAT' Cadan buzzed through a message. "Assassin, how goes that battle?" Cadan was interested to see how [member="Animus Malgus"] was going. Being trapped in his clean office got boring, even though he was over looking his mines on Kessel. The pirate got bored of his mundane life the lack of combat, pirating and just overall excitement. His only escape was the occasional bag of Spice.

The reinforcements that Thomas wanted would still be about four hours away.
Animus couldn't respond immediately to [member="Cadan Tazi"] because of one simple reason, After the explosion that detonated and took out the Stairs, and after Animus was done clearing the office floor, Animus called in a troop of Droids he took from his Shipyard, Droids of Loom, and they came with a rather large Gunship, and began Hauling the Spice Blocks that weighed each one about 4 kilos and started to load into the Gunship.
Other Smallers packs of Spice were ignored.

Suddenly, the high part of the office was surrounded by 4 Gunships, 3 of them laying down fire on the ground and one of them loading up all the spice of the last floor. Animus flew down the broken stairs lightsaber alight with it's blue hum crashing down slicing at everyone who dared to stand in his way, The sounds of battle slowly started diminishing after an Hour or so, as the Body count raised to over a hundred men who laid dead, all over the factory and scattered around the compound from Gunship fire.

Once the Bottom part of the factory was almost clear Animus began to scout the bottom floors, every once in a while finding a Soldier, pirate or worker hiding, who would then die swiftly and mercilessly.

"This is Papa Specter, Top floor is clear, goods on first floor need hauling"
No sooner had he gave the command, than the 3rd gunship flew away, and one of the remaining three headed down and began scrambling through the first floor, and hauling the spice into the gunship that was now at ground level. 15 droids began to scramble about in the first floor, splitting in two teams of 7 and 8, each team hauling a large box of spice, it would take them 1 hour in a half to fully load everything in the gunship and empty the factory of Spice.

"Cadan, mission is almost complete half the spice has been loaded and hauled, anything else you might need from this place?" Animus chimed in through his com as he continued to flush out survivors and deal death to all who were not droids.
The bodies littered the floor of the factory, and soon droids were in moving spice around and onto the drop ships.

"Ha ha!" The words leapt from Cadan's mouth. This Thomas and his little factory had been a pain in Cadan's neck for the past few months, and now it was all derailed by a brilliant assassin. "Nothin' at all assassin. You take what you want and I will get some boys over there to clean up!" The pirate's sentence was filled with just as much joy as before.

Now there was one last thing for Cadan to take care of. "Now assassin, what did you want for payment?" This was one of the downsides about hiring someone to do your dirty work. They always wanted something...

[member="Animus Malgus"]
Animus was quite happy with his handy work, a few blaster shots here and there, a chance to stretch out my legs and deal some real damage was more than enough reward for Animus, however he did ponder the idea of getting paid, he knew that there was enough spice being hauled to pay for a fleet of frigates. Animus however, had another plan, one that dictated patience, one that demanded him to wait.

Animus was moving out and jumping into one of the Cargo ships, Loads and loads of Spice Kilos were already Hauled, apart from taking out stiff competition, Animus had made [member="Cadan Tazi"] a lot wealthier than before. "Two Things Cadan, number one, Keep jobs like this coming and Number two do you know anything about Podraces?" Animus laughed, everything was coming together... Soon, his new Ally Cadan might just be the first Spice Lord in the Path of Houses, that fact was as alluring to Animus as it would no doubt be for the Spice Lord.
This man was becoming more and more interesting the more Cadan spoke with him. "Jobs I will always 'ave." But this mans second request it was odd to say the least. "I know a bit about it. Why's that?" Was this man going to offer a free pod? If so it would be a weird payment.

The pirate quickly through the thought aside, right now Cadan had to oranise a clean up crew. "Get me Tralgur!" Cadan shouted through his office and out into the main hall, where a servant would quickly scurry away to find the pirate Cadan was looking for. After all it wasn't wise for a slave to keep Cadan waiting.

[member="Animus Malgus"]

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