Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Ossus Expedition

Exploring the library a little further, Miri found herself drawn towards a book. Unlike the other ancient tomes, it was fully intact, though the cover was unmarked. She flicked through the pages and found that they were written in a foreign language. Perhaps she could have it translated.

"Yes," she answered. "I believe I have." Returning to Iris, she gestured the way they had come. "This is enough for our purposes. Let's go."



Iris nodded in turn, turning to head out back the way they came. Some recovery was better than none. And who knew what else might still linger here in the shadows. Maybe more.. Well, Shadows. Or whatever that thing from before was.


Then they left, back the way they came. Domxite hopped up on her shoulder once they were there, beeping lightly. Confirmation that the way out was at least secure. Good.

Miri Nimdok Miri Nimdok

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