Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Order

From the Shadows the Truth is Revealed. Those were the words passed on to Animus upon his taking of the Temple of Natth. He had studied the tomes hidden within. Spoke with the survivors of the battle. He had contemplated the words for many weeks when he came to the conclusion, they were right. Only from the shadows could one see the full picture, not blinded by the light of countless lies shaded as truths. Only from the shadows could the true motives of others be found. Only from the shadows could the knowledge and power of the past be revealed. The Order had been built upon that truth, and now it would go out into the galaxy. The Shadows would come to Eclipse the Light.

Darth Animus stood silently in the Shadow Council Chamber, watching far below as hundreds of slaves and other menials went about the daily tasks that kept the Temple running. They were beneath his notice or attention, and yet they themselves were part of the reason the Order could exist as it was. Without them many things would be impossible, and yet their station in life would not change. They were dirt beneath their masters feet, even if that dirt was the only place the seeds of power could be planted. He turned his attention away from the Grand Nexus below, walking towards the gathering in the center of the room. He had called those he thought would come today to speak and plan the Orders next steps.

He could only hope progress was made.

[member="Ella Nova"]
[member="Orion"] Tex
[member="Telsiis Kovvess"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
| [member="Darth Animus"] |

Sat within the confines of her chambers on Humbarine, Darth Ayra was faced towards the large transparisteel glass that she had asked to be installed upon taking the role as a Senator in the New Republic. She admired the passage of swoops, bikes and vehicles as they flew by as their occupants went undisturbed by the knowledge that the Dark Lord of the Sith was watching them. A glass of Gizer Ale was held in the left hand at an angle which betrayed how relaxed it's holder felt in that moment. The haze of a nearly extinguished cigarette hung over the room with an unpleasant aroma.

She had been sat there like that for hours. Her duties as a Senator were done for that day. A meeting here, deals done there and plans put into motion on behalf of Humbarine's governors. It was good to take the moment in, to settle oneself and become immersed in it in order to gain some clarity. To clear your thoughts and take it all in. There was no need to rush. It was okay to be content.

Lifting her wrist upwards to check the time on her chrono, Darth Ayra finally turned around and put the glass down beside the ashtray. She stood up, turning off all the lights in the room and locking the doors to her chambers. It was the time of night where nobody would think she was currently in her office, so she assumed that nobody would interrupt her secret meeting with the Order of Shadows because of this. When she was finished locking the door Darth Ayra turned to retrieve a dark black robe and pull it onto herself, lifting the hood up to conceal her facial features.

The holographic projector was resting in the middle of the chamber. She had also had that installed on her first day in office. She had taken the time since her coronation as Humbarine's representative in the New Republic to check if the device was being monitored but found no such tampering. Taking a step up onto the projector she transmitted her holographic projection to the Temple of Natth, located on the desert world of Ambria.

"Apologises I could not come in person, Darth Animus. But I am here," she announced when the transmission had been established.


She had found a place to explore and expand her prowess and powers and brutality such things she grew stronger in more and more everyday, on her pitch black wings she flew into the meeting place as her wings retracted and vanished as she walked forth to the center and saw [member="Ella Nova"] and [member="Darth Animus"] already there. These are people she knew little about only that they had everything she needed which was freedom, Freedom to kill what she wants to burn what she pleases and to take and pry and maim and crush and rip knowledge from as long as it benefited not only herself but this new order she was apart of and she was going to enjoy every moment of freedom she had to explore what she could do and what she could create.

For now she gave a small bow and waited for the others to show themselves .
Animus waited for a brief time while more individuals arrived, his eyes looking over the room. He felt proud, in a way, seeing them all gather together for a goal he had started years ago. Now, it was finally time for the fruits of his labor to take hold. Finally, it was time for the Order of Shadows to cast back the light. Stepping forward, Animus nodded his head to both [member="Ella Nova"] and [member="Aspri"], two individuals he had been hoping would come. Both would help the Order in the months to come, and their aid would be immeasurable.

"Welcome, comrades to the Temple of Natth, home of the Order of Shadows. On this day, the Order stands on the precipice of greatness. We are small now, but with your aid we shall grow. We shall scour the width and breadth of this galaxy for relics of power and knowledge for ourselves. We shall establish a dominion that will go down in the history of this galaxy and the most powerful, and most feared to ever arise. All these things and more will be ours, in time. But for now, we must focus on ensuring the Order of Shadows grow. Plans are already underway to strike at our most hated enemy, the Jedi. We are also tracking down leads on relics ad tomes of knowledge and power long since lost to the galaxy at large. We will gather them all to us, and become immensely more powerful. The Order of Shadows shall rise, and you all shall rise with it." Finishing his speech, Animus stepped down from the small podium, heading down into the crowd to mingle.

He came to Darth Arya and Aspri, gesturing for the latter to approach him and the hologram. "It pleases me to see you both here. The coming struggle against the Jedi and all others who refuse to bend to us will be difficult. Your strength will be much needed."
| [member="Darth Animus"] | [member="Aspri"] |

Darth Ayra nodded to Animus before turning her gaze to Aspri. "Who is this, Darth Animus? Another to join to the Order of Shadows?" Averting her gaze from the other in the room she settled her gaze back onto the other Darth. "I also assume that this meeting has a purpose to it. Where do we begin our work together?"

Falling silent Darth Ayra contemplated the purpose of this meeting. Was it to merely introduce this new comer to the Order? Or did Animus have a lead on some ancient knowledge, or weapon that would be useful to them? As she considered the ramifications of being here she waited for the Shadow Lord to speak.

[OOC: I thought I would give time for the others tagged in this post to reply but it's been days and I think it's unfair on us three to wait anymore.]

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