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The Order of the Imperial Knights

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The Imperial Knights serve as the order of force-users within the Fel Empire. Unlike the Jedi, the Imperial Knights are officially a branch of the Fel Imperial Military and take an active role in maintaining the Church of the Morning Star (a religious organization that teaches the Imperial Knight beliefs in a way that is adaptable to non-forceuser life). The Order does not discriminate based on age and the main focus of lower level training is dedicated almost entirely to resistance of the darkside. As a result, those trained as Imperial Knights from day one are more resistant to darkside corruption and temptation, even showing more power to defend against darkside mind techniques meant to break their will. However, also unlike other branches of Force-Users, the Imperial Knights are sworn to first try and persuade Darksiders to turn from their evil ways before engaging them. If attempt fails, the Knights are then mandated to execute the Darksider as a combatant or as a captured prisoner.​
The Imperial Knights are also the only branch of military authorized to both defend the Imperator and also kill him. It is a government mandated oath that the Imperial Knights kill or rescue the Imperator if he ever submits to the darkside of the force. If the Order believes that the Imperator has been compromised by the Darkside the Archmaster meets with the masters of the order to vote on likeability of the corruption. If the majority votes that corruption is present, the Imperial Knights can take emergency control of the military and storm the Imperial Palace. If the Imperator is unable to be swayed back to the lightside he is to be terminated. If he is able to bring himself back to the light he continues his rule under a much more cautious eye.​
Finally, the Force is not seen as something to be meditated on or thought deeply about in the Imperial Knights. Instead, the Force is seen as a powerful tool that can either be used for evil (darksiders) or for good (lightsiders). There is no concept of balance between light and dark, only the difference between bad people doing bad things with the force and good people doing good things with it. While the Imperial Knights see themselves as Lightsiders, they are considered to be “Gray Jedi” by the Sith and Jedi Orders. While they don’t draw directly from the darkside of the force, they also don’t strictly follow the guidelines of the Jedi either.​
The Ranking Structure of the Knights is as follows​
  • Imperial Cadet (apprentice)
  • Imperial Knight
  • Imperial Master
  • Archmaster (Grandmaster)

The Imperial Knights hold a number of jobs within the Fel Empire, such as serving on the Imperator’s personal guard (The Praetorian), serving as diplomats or maintaining the Church of the Morning Star.


Training to be an Imperial Knight​

Okay my most favorite people on the board, it is time to talk about the training that Imperial Knights must undergo in order to be promoted within our order. To give us a little more zest to our system and create a basic guideline of what you need to do, I have decided to implement a new system within our Imperium that will keep things organized and ensure those that deserve to be promoted are.​
Cadets must go through mandatory trainings in order to be promoted to the next rank. In order to keep track of what they have done and also to advertise themselves to the rest of the faction (so that they may find a master) each Imperial Knight must create a thread in the soon-to-be-created “Archives of the Order”. I will provide a template that can easily be filled out and will take not but a few minutes (at maximum) to post it up. The reason behind this is to make things more organized in our order and increase overall fun!​
These mandatory cadet training threads will train our Imperial Knights to all have the same basic core traits that will lead them onto the road of becoming true organic weapons. Once a Cadet has successfully completed his required trainings, plus additional trainings and threads of his choice, he is eligible for promotion. Upon promotion, the newly appointed Knight must decide what he will do with his path. Will he become a jack of all trades? Or will he choose to specialize in a certain aspect of the force? After choosing a path, the Knight must complete additional required threads and start learning more advanced powers. After a sufficient amount of training has been seen, any master or the Imperator can nominate the Knight for promotion.​
If the Knight is found as having had enough training and experience, then the final path begins. If your Knight chose to become a jack of all trades, this is where your character begins to learn the most powerful aspects of the force. However, since they are a jack of all trades they give up being complete gods in favor of having multiple and extremely powerful guns in their arsenal. If, however, your Knight decided to start becoming a specialist this is where he/she will begin to learn the most powerful techniques in their chosen specialization and become gods among men.​
The templates for the Archives will be out soon, but until then keep on doing a great job and soon we shall free the galaxy from evil with our iron fists of justice!​

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