Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Order of Dai Bendu Palawa

Urmax Pholoka

The Order of Dai Bendu Palawa (ODBP)
"Come, let us talk to thee."

General Information

Type of Government: Pre-Jedi Theodemocracy

Head of State: Shike of the Order

Alignment: Light Side


The Council of Dai Bendu: Ancestors of the Je'daii, the Council seeks to teach others to respect each other, form a solid bond with your neighbors, and apply the Force in such a way as to prevent violence in almost all forms. Defending oneself through non-violent means is acceptable, but fatalities must be kept to a minimum. For well over 800 years, the Order has been isolated from the rest of the galaxy in a self-imposed exile, afraid to rejoin the galaxy torn apart by constant war and disease. Through rediscovery by the giant Urmax, the group released themselves from their fear, and have brought their message of peace back to the galaxy.

The Temple of Palawa: A former faction in their own right, the Temple recently joined the Dai Bendu in their goal of peace across the galaxy. Practitioners of the Teras Kasi, a form of martial arts to combat Force-User lightsaber techniques while unarmed, they were suited well with the Bendu monks, combining to form a peaceful Order to combat, passively, with the more militant groups in the galaxy.

Societal Information

Capital: (to be determined later)

Official Languages: Galactic Basic

Currency: Galactic Credits, Banthas (Bantha trading, as well as husbandry, has become a major form of economy with the peaceful Order)

State Religious Body: Order of Dai Bendu

National Holidays: Lantern Day. An official day of mourning, in which grieving families light candles inside lanterns, which are then Force pushed gently into the air to be picked up by the wind; the resulting flock of lanterns symbolizing life entering the Force itself.

Armed Forces

The Order does not have an official military structure as they do not condone violence in most forms. In order to defend themselves, however, they have merged over time with the Temple of Palawa, practitioners of the martial art Teras Kasi. This method of non-violently dealing with Force-users, along with their knowledge of the Force, has allowed what amount of followers they have to be the perfect foil for both militant Jedi and Sith alike. So, if met on the field of combat, most "infantry" will either use the Force to defend the innocents as well as themselves without violence, and if placed in a situation where violence is the only answer and they need to defend themselves and others from harm, they will do so in such a way to minimize damage or suffering.

In addition, as the progression of more dangerous weapons are developed by other groups to injure and maim both warrior and innocent alike, the Order researches ways to prevent damage, suffering and pain through applications of the Force and technology. Mostly these is displayed in heavily armored forms of civilian transport, shield technology and applications, as well as combinations of the two in naval vehicles.



Currently the Order is led by a Council of Elders, whose leader is the Shike. The Council convenes on all actions to be undertaken by the Order, whether it be training a new member, progressing the learning of a current member, or bringing planets into the protective fold of the Order. The current Shike is the Phlog known as Urmax Pholoka, who encountered the Order in his quest for understanding the Force, and adapted it with the help of the last Temple of Palawa.

As the Order is a Force-using faction, ranks equivalencies are as follows:

Apprentice/Trainee - Joza/Unsui (Joza are Force User beginner titles. Unsui is a generalized term for anyone who joins and is not a Force User. )

Knight - Zagen (It means to gain confidence in oneself and one's role as a member of the Order. The ability to express oneself and share a wider perspective, not restricted to one's own needs only, while starting to function like a pillar that supports the rest of the community.)

Master - Osho (A simple word used by the Order to signify someone who has reach the pinnacle of their teaching, and is ready to not only teach others, but to begin the process of joining the Council of Elders.)

Foreign & Domestic Policy

Diplomacy is generally the first step when interacting with other factions in the galaxy. If deals cannot be made, then all efforts are made to rescue innocents from harm or to prevent violence from occurring. Bantha husbandry is a popular commodity for the Order, but resources will never come between defending others through peaceful means. If placed in a position of surrender, evacuation of civilians is the #1 priority.

Within the Order, there are two castes: the Monks, and the Citizens. Monks and Citizens share equal rights and freedoms, but Monks are given a certain amount of respect within the faction. From an OOC perspective, they are treated like the police or firefighters. Monks are given simple codes to live by, such as what to wear at temples or how to act to citizens or members of the Council (treat such individuals with respect and honor, and the usual dress of new Monks is black robes. Zagen wear yellow brown robes, and Osho/Shike wear white robes).


  • Protection of the Galaxy from those who harm innocents for economic or military means.

  • Nonviolence through diplomacy, medical assistance and economic support.

  • Becoming the shield against the waves of terror, the helping hand to the fallen.

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