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Approved Lore The Omnists

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  • Organization Name: The Omnists
  • Classification: Religious Cult
  • Affiliation: Ozma Olumivius | The Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Organization Symbol: A damaged human skull splintered by a mechanical cogwheel and wearing some semblance of a respirator over its lower half.
  • Description: A fanatical, barbarous cult dedicated to the practice of Omnism and the deity known as Novit Omnia.
  • Headquarters: Exegol
  • Domain: Widespread across Maw territory, note-worthy populations on Exegol, Lao-Mon, Csaus, and Mar'Zhambul. While not active in the respective communities of said planets, The Omnists often participate in militaristic or marauding efforts to aid the faction as a whole.
  • Notable Assets: N/A
  • Hierarchy: Seniority reigns supreme in the rank, with Ozma at the very top of the food chain as its less-than-enthusiastic leader. Beneath him are various acolytes who hold authority over inductees and newer members. Beyond this, there is no real established structure.
  • Membership: The rough estimate rests somewhere in the seven or eight hundred range, though with no real order, it is difficult to take proper count. Membership is claimed by simple declaration of faith and is often accompanied by an appropriate offering or sacrifice to the deity of worship, Novit Omnia. This entails self-mutilation and subsequent replacement of the removed body part by a mechanical or cybernetic counterpart. Oftentimes new members will contact Ozma directly to declare their faith, though he's mostly reluctant to answer the call or acknowledge them at all. Anyone already aligned with The Brotherhood of the Maw can join.
  • Climate: Violent, brutalist, and often sinister. Most Omnists do not last very long, as they seem awfully fond of charging into battle regardless of their experience for the sake of joining Novit Omnia. The practice of bodily harm and mutilation is undertaken without pain management and in often less-than-sanitary conditions, leading to a wide array of medical issues. The Omnists are not a group for the faint of heart.
  • Reputation: Wary, distrusted, and often seen as lunatics by those they work alongside of, The Omnists do not hold much of a positive reputation in the greater faction's eyes. Their Avatar is often seen as false and their faith heretical, and it is with graven reluctance that most are willing to interact with them at all. Not that this bothers them, though, as most Omnists who have primarily converted their bodies into machinery as is outright refuse to interact with anyone who does not share their beliefs or practices, as they deem them as inferior beings. That being said, most are willing to work with the "lesser" beings, so long as Ozma wills it. It's safe to say most view The Omnists as a group suffering a case of mass delusion and hysteria, believing in a god which does not exist.
  • Curios: Augmented/cybernetic limbs and organs, the scars accompanying these often cruel and untrained amputations and surgeries.
  • Rules: Omnism
  • Goals: Convert the non-believers and conquer flesh with machine.
Ozma Olumivius - The cult's nominated leader, he doesn't care for the position much at all but leads it all the same.
Numerous NPCs within The Scarhounds, a Warband led by The Mongrel.
Numerous NPCs within The Bloodsworn, a Warband led by Zachariel Steelblood.
Primarily an NPC-filled roster, it is subject to change, as members fervently try to convert and recruit new members.

Omnism's original practitioner, Ozma was never shy about his faith, or in his rejection of The Three Avatars most fanatics within The Brotherhood of the Maw revere and worship. When he emerged from the unknown place he dwelled before eagerly thrusting himself into war, he held this faith, and from there, it grew. Drawn by the comfort and appeal of purity through rather grim means, many approached Ozma with a desire to learn more of his god and the religion he alone adhered to. Soon word spread and more fanatics flocked to him, and as reluctant as he was to teach them, the conversion of "flesh bags" into holy vessels for his god was too enticing to resist.

The Omnists were formed by these flocking faithful, ever eager to listen and learn of this enigmatic god many believed they too could hear and understand. Viewing Ozma as somewhat of a messiah figure, the cult practices and spreads its strange, barbarous teachings across The Maw's territory with or without its leader's consent.

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The Avatar The Avatar

Just like the other sub, lets get those other planets linked. Since you're linking the Omnism sub, we'll have to wait till that gets approved. Once that's done I'll get this taken care of for you.
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