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Character Ozma Olumivius


Ozma Olumivius

Title(s)The Hand of Novit Omnia
FactionBrotherhood of the Maw
Warband Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood 's Bloodsworn
SpeciesPresumably Epicanthix
  • Galactic Basic (Understood)
  • Sith (Understood)
  • Binary (Fluent)
  • Technobabble (Fluent, Primary)
GenderPresumably Male
Force SensitiveMinor
Force AlignmentDark
Character AlignmentLawful Neutral
Height7'3" (2.3m)
Weight367 lbs (166kg)
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorGrey
Skin ColorOlive


None are too certain where it was Ozma called home before emerging from the shadows as a loyal servant of The Maw. Judging by the man's height, speculation dictates he's a Panatha native, an Epicanthix who suffered some strange, perverse corruption along the way. Just as none are too sure of his origin, even fewer are sure of his current state, his age one of a great many things kept unintentionally hidden by the heavy augmentations to his body.

These heavy augmentations distort and warp his appearance into something most macabre: a strange metamorphosis caught somewhere between man and machine. All four of his limbs were replaced by heavy mechanical counterparts, and an additional, coil-like appendage was socketed from his spine, crowned by a mechanical claw that serves as tertiary arm and hand. Facial and skull augments are evident, though the extent of their reach is a mystery, the constant requirement for a custom respirator and its state of meld to his body suggests his respiratory system may still be organic. These same augmentations have cost him his ability to speak via traditional means, however union with his machinery allows him to project a voice to share his words and thoughts, though this voice is heavily distorted and electronic, and seems incapable of Basic speech. While he cannot speak traditional languages, he does possess a full understanding of Basic and Sith.

The primary language spoken by the technomancer is one of his own unintentional creation, affectionately referred to by his comrades as "Technobabble"- as it's impossible to understand by natural, organic means. Those possessing any sort of mechanical or cybernetic augmentation or implant, however, may find themselves able to understand him perfectly. Such occurrences somewhat defy explanation, leaving the suggestion of it being an act of The Force as a possibility. While not overtly Force Sensitive on his own, Ozma possesses an exceptional skill with mechu-deru, this rare ability giving him the power to bond and communicate with machines others may view as inanimate or unliving in deep, influential ways.

Due to this, when he is not marauding alongside his Warband, he serves as the acting technician, engineer, and mechanic for the group and its vessels, choosing oftentimes to completely withdraw from the living to tend to the machine.

+ self.mindstate(status) >>

+ self.physicalstate(status) >>

Standing a considerable stretch taller than the average human male, Ozma is a righteous force to be reckoned with upon first glance. Though he often dons robes or layers of clothing that conceal the extent of his augmentations for the sake of function and mobility, his figure is an imposing one, filled out either by cold-metal or organic musculature alike. Though he chooses armor and clothing of cloth, giving him somewhat of a "caster" appearance amongst his comrades especially, he's a physical powerhouse with his mechanizations giving him an absolutely horrific level of physical strength and reflex.

What little organic features of his face are left are well sculpted and by most standards, could be considered exceptionally aesthetic, perhaps making the resort to self-mutilation and mechanization he suffered all the more tragic. Missing one eye, what remains is a steely, stoic grey, and often shines with an ironic, living light., the other socket filled by a mechanical lens. While he almost always is seen with his hood brought forward upon his head, the ebony locks adorning his head are often kept pulled back and secured, ensuring none of them meet the unfortunate fate of becoming tangled in his augmentations.

In combat, he can be seen wielding either a warmaul or a war axe, both of which support mechanization and connect directly to his augments for additional traits and features. While melee engagements see him sporting his exclusive weapons, he possesses proficiency with a wide array of bolt rifles, carbines, blaster rifles, cycler rifles, slugthrowers, missile launchers, and even magcannons, and will tote whatever the objective requires with him in support of his Warband.

+ system.environmentaleffect(GOD)

Like most of his comrades within The Maw, Ozma believes firmly in The Avatars, however, there is one he exclusively worships and reveres, spending much of each day devoted to strictly adhering to interactions and offering to this god. Personally, he refers to this Avatar as "Novit Omnia", as he believes it to be the only deity that acts explicitly in favor of its worshippers and dedicated devout. Other members of The Maw may view his beliefs as sacrilegious, as there is no tenant or teaching about this "Avatar", and while such heresy is oftentimes punished, Ozma is allowed to continue the open practice of his faith strictly due to the almost irreplaceable service he offers the Brotherhood. It is a common belief amongst Mawites that Ozma is just completely delusional and the "False Avatar" he worships absolutely does not exist.

This practice and the rather ironic charm of the Technomancer himself combined to give birth to an unintentional cult of sorts, a sect of would-be technomancers and acolytes who revere Ozma as the Hand of Novit Omnia and uphold the very same strict religious practices that he does. These members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and histories, with the one thing uniting them being their claim to hear the voice of their Avatar. Whether this is simply a case of mass, self-perpetuating hysteria, or truly a divine act, remains to be seen.

The general beliefs and practices Ozma upholds are as follows:

  • Flesh is weak and impure, only by becoming as pure and clean as machine can man truly become enlightened- making himself into a vessel for Novit Omnia.
  • Novit Omnia lives within every machine, a singular entity spread amongst many countless others and speaks to the chosen to bestow its will.
  • The perfection of machines must be maintained by the chosen, so as to nurture Novit Omnia.
  • The souls of the departed inhabit machines as vessels, feeding Novit Omnia- to die is to become part of the machine and part of Novit Omnia.
These cultists refer to themselves as Omnists.

He can be seen praying or performing a number of lesser rites and rituals when off the battlefield, all in service of Novit Omnia- the god in the machine. Through his god he claims to be granted his unparalleled mechanical gift, to receive visions of the creations he provides The Brotherhood, and to even secure the status and safety of spacecraft and journies. His faith is utterly unshakable and has largely consumed him, leaving little time for personal ventures.

praise the omnissiah
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