Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The old ways awake

Sempra's low rumbling chuckle spread throughout the chamber.

"Well done, well done indeed my dear miss Ky. Do you see now master of the morgukai that my warriors are worthy to join? It is what your kind need to survive, the cartel will be your guarantee on that the morgukai traditions will stay alive. We are your last hope. Do not deny it."

Sempra smiled at [member="Ashalah Ky"] but his speech was adressed to the Morgukai elder who in his turn inclined his head at the cartel assassin for her deed.

"Your methods are crude and I could teach her a thing or two in order to refine her skills. But she was more then capable of defeating my apprentice and for that I will submit to your demand supreme Mogul. The Morgukai will rise under your banner once more."

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