Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Odd Job

[member="Cryax Bane"]

Klay walked briskly towards the makeshift HoloNet transceiver at the center of his camp and fashioned from parts of an old ship. "Let's hope this works.", he said to himself. Rax and Barb were out hunting for food and salvaging from the ship junkyard they found not too far from the mining complex.

Confirm ID:
Klayan Grubber


/*Awaiting pickup...*/
The transceiver began to work its magic; sending out a signal to this Cryax Bane noted in the bounty information.
[member="Mad Klay Grubber"]

The President of the Red Ravens would knowingly never betray his friend [member="The Cartographer"]. So Dredge would help with that. Tapping into the man's mind Dredge put his feet up on Cryax's desk as he used his body as sick meat puppet. Dredge looked around at his office to see what [member="Cryax Bane"] had done to the place. It was gross to say the least, the carpet was tacky and there were too many dragon decorations everywhere. The damn place looked like a nerds wet dream.

"Pathetic welp." Dredge said to himself before looking to the data pad in front of him.

It looked as if a bounty hunter required information on the mark. The beautiful part was that Dredge knew all Cryax did, he would share with him the place the man lived. The estate on Corellia just outside the capital

A message was sent back to the man and it would give him everything, his address.

Texting the bounty hunter the address of the home he sighed happily and spoke to Cryax.

"This is what happens when you defy me Wretch, I will end everything you care about. When this is over and Bale lies dead. I'm coming for Jalek. Oh and don't worry, I'm not going to kill him. He's just going to go through what you did, only much much slower." And with a snap of his fingers the voice was gone and the information sent to the bounty hunter. Not even home would be safe for the man
It was hard for Cryax to describe the feeling of Dredge taking over his body, wresting control of his limbs, mouth, and even his rapidly beating heart. If he were hard pressed, he'd say the feeling was almost like an out of body experience while still in his own body if that made any sense at all. Cryax could see his mouth moving and hear the words, but he had no control over his muscles or movements. He was a dancing puppet on Dredge's strings, and once the Yuuzhan Vong overlord left his body, for a moment, he had to remember how his body worked.

With a sickening feelling in the pit of his stomach, Cryax watched helplessly as all of the relevant details of his friend Bael were sent to some two-bit bounty hunter. Not only that, but Dredge had threatened his boyfriend who seemed to be new focus of Dredge's obsession all of a sudden. Karking frell, he had to do something about Dredge. And even that thought brought him a fresh round of pain in his skull.

Cryax then started talking to Dredge right there in his office. To anyone else, the Chiss would be talking to himself and Cryax knew that only crazy people talked to themselves. But he wasn't really talking to himself, he thought. Then he realized he was arguing with himself and put his head down on the desk. "Dredge, if you can hear me. What do I have to do to get you to not torture and kill [member="Jalek Sathora"]. 'Cause I'll do anything. I swear. Just don't kill him? Please? Please don't kill him?" With his head still down on the desk, the Chiss continued to grovel in this fashion for a few minutes hoping for some kind of mercy.

It seemed whomever he pinged gave him a text-based message instead. Klay went back to the holo transceiver, and resent the call signal.

"I want to see your face, not your words."

The pirate turned and picked up a round metallic object and began kicking it around much like a footbag, balancing the object with each kick to prevent it from hitting the ground. This was all done whilst awaiting the call to connect. Klay could be considered moody to some but that's because he sees things one way or another and when someone refuses to comply to his way things can get pretty upsetting. The swamps nearby produced a terrible stench and the methane was dangerous to be around with a swoop making the world difficult to navigate.

[member="Dredge"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Cryax Bane"]

"Your loyalty to uphold your deal. That is all I wish, your mother will live in peace but you belong to me. Now I'm getting a call, I will spare your wretched lovers life but cross me again and he will die like this Bael!" Dredge snapped his fingers and possessed Cryax's body once more. He entered the mind of the meat bag and smiled taking full control again.

Reaching to the holo communicator Dredge in Cryax's body picked up the call and what the bounty hunter would see was [member="Cryax Bane"] the president of the Red Ravens gang pick up the communicator. But the tone of his voice was demonic and malevolent.

"Speak, hunter." The meat puppet Cryax said

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