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The Night and the Silent Water (Complete)

Continued from Doctor...... Who?

Docking Bay 608

The unnamed Starlight Class light freighter sat quietly in its berth. While [member="Connor Harrison"] had spent the last hour or so in a state of contented relaxation, Irajah Ven had been doing what she always seemed to be doing these days-

Running around, fueled by caf and sheer willpower, trying to sort out the details all at the same time.

Arrangements at the hospital were thankfully relatively simple. The administration didn't have to like it. Her work on Panatha for [member="Darth Prazutis"] (though the details were unknown) had been approved and it wasn't like anyone was going to argue with her that she was needed there suddenly. No one said no to people who lived in gold ziggurats (and were prone to fits of casual murder), after all.

As it turned out, [member="Boo Chiyo"] had another school field trip that had come up at the last minute. They were off tonight (if that was okay with his guardian), and Raj was frankly relieved for that detail to be so neatly taken care of. The teachers at the school were certainly going out of their way to make their new student feel welcome and involved! Of course, she might have felt very differently if she'd known what was actually going on.... but, she happily signed the permission slip, helping him get ready for pick up.... in ten minutes.

Fortunately, everything Irajah needed was already on her ship, so once she got Boo out the door, she had just enough time to swing by a stand for a cup of caf and a pastry. She ate it on the way, while weaving in and out of the foot traffic on the main thoroughfare, trying to keep from spilling anything as she hurried.

When Connor reached the docking bay, the ship's entry would be open for him. He'd find Irajah in the cockpit, toweling drying her hair after a quick trip through the 'fresher and a change of clothes. Dark curls were still damp as she rubbed absently with one hand. She spoke to a rickety looking pilot droid. She didn't notice Connor at first.

"-Panatha space. Bring us through official channels- we don't want to make anyone jumpy."


She sighed, giving the droid an oddly chagrined look.
This was the correct docking bay, and the entry was open. No sign of trouble. This must be the one.

Wiping his mouth to get rid of any sly hint of blue milk or fruit pie, Connor Harrison walked up and into the ship belong to First Order doctor, Irajah Ven. It was well kept, cosy but spacious, and looking very comfortable. Muted chatter was coming from a twisting passageway, to which he followed gingerly, not wanting to either surprise her or be on the wrong ship to face a Stormtrooper legion.

It was her voice, and he felt comfortable as he rounded the corner to come into the cockpit from behind, seeing her sat with a droid and looking like...she'd literally come out of the shower?

"Jumpy? Who would be jumpy, Doctor?"

He knew it would evoke just a jumpy reaction, and he stood there as he had been an hour or so before; dressed like your regular explorer, a fixed hand and a little hint of a devilish grin at the door to the cockpit.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
He wasn't disappointed. Irajah whirled around, making a sound something between an 'ack' and a 'meep'. She almost dropped the towel, catching it just before it hit the floor.

"Karking maw!"

She scowled at him. But it was over exaggerated, clearly not meant in true anger.

"Make a habit of that and I'll put a bell on you," she warned, draping the towel over her shoulders and putting her hands on her hips.

Unlike [member="Connor Harrison"], Irajah did look a little different. Gone was the white lab coat and short heels. While the tunic she wore still sported very long sleeves and a high neck that snugged all the way up to her chin, her clothes were more casual and comfortable than before. Looking impossibly soft, the green tunic fit snuggly over leggings tucked into slouchy boots.

"Panatha is..... kind of an intense place," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "So we always go in through official channels and make sure they know who we are."

"Speaking of we..... this is Om," she continued, gesturing at the pilot droid. The droid made no response.

"To say I'm not much of a pilot would be exceedingly generous. So Om does the piloting."


Irajah sighed.

"He's.... not very talkative."
Feigning a look of shock, Connor gently tapped his chest whilst looking at Irajah.

"Me? Well, I’m sorry ma’am, I was here looking for a Doctor Ven. She’s very meak and mild and sweet, and always says nice things to me."

Hs face turned up into a grin and he patted the headrests of the two chairs in front of him, listening to her and waiting for something from her droid. She was right – not much of a talker.

"Hi," he said.

Nope. Nothing.

He knew when he was beaten in a chat, so he took it from there and went back to the casual looking doct…Irajah. Off duty, he reminded himself. Off duty.

"I’m ready for what Panatha can throw at us. I’ve been there. Once. Not exactly a place I am brimming with admiration for, but I’m not here for the scenery. Not Panathas, anyway."

The place where he had lost everything, before he had a chance to become something. With that, he turned and strolled back the way he came, looking around.

"It’s a nice ship you have. Want me to stay in the hold with you, or sit it out? We can get to know each other a little more. Gives us time for that dinner you so wonderfully promised me."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
"If you're looking for meek and polite, you got on the wrong ship," she said with a grin. "And besides, I distinctly remember sassing you at least twice. Then again, you were in pain or doped up, so I guess it would be easy to miss."

Glancing back over at Om again, she shook her head. She'd purchased him, like the ship itself, recently (and second hand). It wasn't even just that he was untalkative, but that he had no personality to speak of. Maybe she just wasn't accustomed to newly wiped droids, or maybe he was lacking something, she didn't know. He was a fine enough pilot, but he didn't have the spark she'd come to associate with many of the droid's she'd met. Still, she wouldn't stop trying.

"No, we can head to the lounge," she said, turning back to [member="Connor Harrison"] and motioning him out of the cockpit. "I'm no use here anyway. See you later Om."

As expected, the droid didn't respond and she just grimaced slightly before following Connor out into the corridor. Slipping past him, she led the way.

The ship wasn't large, but then, it didn't have to be. They passed her quarters (which she ducked into long enough to hang up the towel), a second smaller berth, and a well appointed med-bay before reaching the lounge. The galley occupied one corner, but the center of the room was a table surrounded by a circular couch.

"I'm starving, so dinner sounds perfect," she said over her shoulder while heading toward the galley nook. "Hope you don't mind simple.... and mostly reconstituted." Ship food wasn't known for being particularly complicated.
With a bemused glance to the robotic mute, Connor shrugged and followed the leader.

It was a good chance to be a little nosy. Tracing the towel thrown into her quarters, he took a little peak, and then another little room. And then, the lounge space. As Irajah suggested it was a good time for food, Connor made himself a little comfortable.

The lightsaber behind his back was taken out and set down on the table. Next, he lifted the poncho off and lay it over the back of the couch. Then, scratching his hand slighly as it tingled during the healing, he took a seat on the end by the table and linked his hands together.

He hadn’t felt like a guest in a long time.

"It’ll be a treat compared to what I could muster up in my quarters. I never seemed to eat properly. Usually it was fruits from the garden, chocolate from the town market and bread. And blue milk."

He watched her at work.

"This ship yours or does it come with the job?"

[member="Irajah Ven"]
She spoke as her eyes roved over the packages inside the cabinet. She hadn't bothered putting anything on the uppermost shelves- she couldn't reach them anyway.

"See, that sounds a lot better than what I've got here."

Food was a thing one ate to stay alive, as far as Irajah was concerned. Sure, there was tasty food and not tasty food, but she so often ate on the run that she didn't even notice what she was putting in her mouth at the time, and promptly forgot about it again anyway. She diverged from this in only two places- good quality caf and sweets. Those were worth taking a moment over.

"The ship's mine, though I haven't had it for long." That explained why his peeking hadn't revealed much- she'd only used the ship once before this, and everything seemed fairly stark and neutral. "I've been consulting regularly on some research, and it seemed like a good idea, rather than having to arrange the hassle of passenger ships and their schedules all the time."

Picking up a package, she frowned at it before putting it back. What even was Patot panak, and why had she bought it?

Settling on two things, she pulled them down. Studying the packages for a minute, she pulled the tabs on both.

"Nerf stuffed steam buns and Sufar noodles sound okay?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]
He'd have beamed at the thought of more warm pie and that blue milk - that was heaven - but noodles and bread? He couldn't complain. He hadn't eaten a good meal in weeks.

"Sounds perfect," he tapped his hands on the table and stood up. "I can't wait."

He sauntered over, nosing around the lounge area, taking in the little touches of furnishing and decor, some personal and some that seemed to just fit in with the ship itself. Trying to piece together who Irajah was away from the consultancy room wasn't going to be as easy as looking for pictures.

"Remind me what we are doing on Panatha anyway, bar you taking my blood. Bear in mind last time I was involved with that place it was a Sith world, and people like me weren't welcome. Times have changed, but don't let me put you in any danger again, alright? I can't have that on my concious."

Connor leant back on the side while she started to prepare. Watching her work for a moment, he smiled to himself.

"Can I help? I'm quite good in certain areas. Dabbling in certain things, even though I only ever made food for one...and it was very basic...and boring."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Looking a bit sheepish, she gestured at the counter and shrugged. The packaging was doing all of the work, heating up the steam buns and reconstituting the noodles once the tabs were pulled. It would only take a minute and virtually no work.

"Don't worry, I've got the slaving over a hot stove part all covered," she quipped, pulling down a pair of plates.

Between the nerf meat in the buns and the fact that sufar was the vegetable (she thought, after all, the noodles were green), Irajah considered this a pretty balanced meal for in-flight-food. Setting up the caf machine she nodded over to a drawer.

"There are utensils in..... that one? I think that's where I put them, if you want to help though."

Filling the plates up, she brought them over to the table.

"And Panatha's still a Sith world," she confirmed, sliding into one side of the circle around the table. "I'm doing some research there into an unrelated matter. Actually, it's that job that let me afford the ship- also that made having one seem necessary, in fairness. But the lab is state of the art, even better than what I have access to at the hospital."

She paused, twirling her fork in the noodles. They were coated in some sort of sweet and spicy sauce- she didn't know what it was called, but it was good.

Irajah honestly hadn't put much thought into the issues between the Jedi and the Sith- they were pretty far removed from her own experiences. So far, she'd been treated better by the Sith she had met than by the Jedi. Her own homeworld had been far removed from the galactic goings ons, and the last six months hadn't been a time of "get caught up on galactic history" for Irajah. She was an excellent doctor, intelligent and thoughtful. But there were swaths of things she simply wasn't interested in because they didn't particularly affect her. The deep seeded enmity between the two Force traditions was one of them.

"I have a few tests in mind I'd like to run- nothing involving more than a blood sample, I promise," she said. "But I don't imagine we'll be there long. And you'll be with me. So you'll be fine."

​[member="Connor Harrison"]
The smell of the food increased over the minutes, and Connor found his way to grab the utensils from the drawer and set them down as Irajah dished up. Sliding in the other side where he sat before, Connor rubbed his hands and inhaled the scent.

"Smells good."

Being sure to savour the tastes and the rich flavours, Connor made the noodles last a long time. He pulled apart the meat and buns, and mixed them with the noodles so there was more flavour to enjoy in each mouthful. It was succulent and full of taste for something prepared so quick - and it beat the fruit any day.

He let out a little sigh of joy as he ate, and listened, and started to feel very much at home.

"Mhm," he mumbled, swallowing, and wiping his mouth, "I figured as much, for the Sith I mean. But I guess working with the First Order, they wouldn't bat an eyelid at you there, and in your profession, well," he jabbed at his food, ", I guess you're invaluable."

Eating a little more, he sat back to let it go down and rubbed his fingers over the fork, looking between the plate and Irajah.

"The tests will be ok, like I said if it helps you then we'll be partly even for what you did for me."

A little more playing with the noodles, and a little hiccup. Connor opened his mouth slightly, but his breathing stopped, and he changed his mind, and it closed again. Leaning forward, he took another smaller forkful.

"What work are you doing on Panatha, if I may ask. Not that you need to tell me, of course, I'm simply being nosy."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
"Well, I'd hesitate to say invaluable." Her tone said she was flattered by that even if she didn't intend to admit it. "But I'm one of the few doctors with experience treating Force related maladies. And when Panatha calls..... well, it's just sensible to pick up the comm, you know?"

Irajah took a satisfying bite of the steamed bun, gesturing at him with it while she chewed. Swallowing, she continued.

"And that's confidential, sorry," she said, smiling apologetically. "Doctor patient privilege. A bit of unrelated research."

Trying to find a way to turn back the clock of dark side corruption. It was too early yet to know if she could crack it- too early yet to know much of anything really. She couldn't find any history of it being studied medically before. Didn't mean it hadn't been done, but there were no fruits of that labor available. She had her theories of course, but only time would tell if she could find a way to prove them.

"Nothing major."

She took another bite of the bun, gesturing at his hand.

"Now that you're on the mend," she paused, not sure how to ask. After all, he said that he was breaking off from his order, but was it her place to pry in to that further? "What are you going to do?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Connor let out a little laugh and rested his head back for a second, hands up.

"Of course. Forgive me, prying away. Sign of a good doctor - tell the strange Jedi man nothing!"

He rubbed his tongue around his teeth, swallowing the remainder of noodles he was chewing and then sat back up, and started picking at the bread as she quizzed him overtly.

"I'll head back to Voss, after Panatha I think. I need to talk to my Grandmaster. For the last few months I've been invisible, and that never strikes up great confidence when you're trying to repair things. So I guess I need to say a few things and make it clear what my future holds." He popped some bread in his mouth. "And then I'll see what happens. But I don't think my future lies with the Silver Jedi, that much is clear. I just will be out without a place to live or a cause to follow, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm not here for sympathy!"

After a small bite of the lip and a little fingering of the bread, he looked up at Irajah again.

"If things work out on Panatha, I'd like to see you again. Off-duty, of course. Take you on a nice dinner date, take a walk around a beautiful city, forget the ties that bind. I mean, that's what I'd like but you don't need to acknowledge or commit of course." A nervous little laugh escaped, as if trying to joke about it.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
After his 'I'll be without a place or a cause', Irajah had been trying to figure out a low key, casual way to suggest Avalonia- or at least Dosuun. After all, if he wasn't associated with the Jedi, surely there was a way for him to be within First Order space legally, yes? She wasn't delving too deeply into why she'd suggest that. After all, she liked the city, was treated well as a general thing, knew that [member="Boo Chiyo"] had been welcomed with open arms. It was a good place to live. That was enough to recommend it..... wasn't it?

Of course.

No personal reasons here.

With everything leading up to the next part, however, she shouldn't have been surprised. After all, he'd already asked something similar (granted, he'd been high), and she wasn't completely oblivious to the lingering touches and glances. It was just easier to ignore before. Doctor Ven was confident and professional, if not necessarily graceful, then at least self assured.

Irajah, well..... slightly less so.


She found herself with the steamed bun halfway in her mouth, eyes wide as a durni caught in a spotlight, just staring at him for a moment. Her face turned red as she tried to chew and swallow a bit too quickly, incredibly self conscious all of a sudden. In part because of his question, yes, but also her own thoughts from a few moments ago.

If she had written a list of the things she had simply not thought about for the last year, well, a date would probably be on the very top of that list. Not that she hadn't dated before, but even then, it had always been very casual- not just casual dates, but casual partners. With her work, she simply hadn't had the time or interest in anything else.

And if there was anything [member="Connor Harrison"] was not, it was casual. Oh, he was trying very hard right that moment- but it didn't jive with the way he'd acted at all since they'd met. He was intense, perceptive, thoughtful.... and deeply present.

But what did she know? She'd known him for less than a day. And people often acted differently in a hospital setting than they normally would.


She reached out, washing down the bun (when had the food gotten so dry? And was it warm in here?) with a gulp of water.

"I mean...."

She trailed off. Could her face get any redder? Probably not.

There were so many reasons to find a way to say 'no'. A laundry list of reasons if she took a moment to think about it. Her work on Dosuun and Panatha took up so much of her time. Boo. Her illness and what it meant for her and potentially anyone near her. And a half dozen other, mostly made of reasons that would sound perfectly plausible if she gave it some thought.

So she surprised herself by saying:

"I'd like that."
It was a little warm in the ship. Was it? Connor wondered if Irajah had heated seats, just to make it comfortable. However right now it was getting UN-comfortable.

He tapped the bread on the plate as he processed Irajah's reaction, and knew what it meant, so he just looked at her out of politness to accept her decision. He couldn't blame her for it. Connor had waltzed in out of the blue from Silver Jedi territory, demanded her time and presented a threat the minute he'd handed over his lightsaber. And it had been less than 24hrs. So what did he expect.

Not for the good doctor to say she'd like it.

Connor pressed the bread down on the plate for a few seconds longer as she said it, and he smiled.

"That's good. Good," he grinned, relieved and happy, "I'd like that too."

Of course he would like it - he suggested it. Stupid answer. Feeling a little flush, he took his water and finished it off with a big gulp, and stood up to refill his glass. Without asking, he took her half-full glass also.

"I know a few places, but if you know anywhere locally, that's fine as I've never been around First Order space before," Connor said, filling the glasses.

He came back to the table, setting the glasses down and sitting opposite her again. Another small smile crept up.

"Thank you. I know it's out of the blue, but what can I say. You're a real catch." He snapped out of it, and coughed, wiping his mouth. "You know, that food was alright! It was nice. Thank you."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Normally, when someone asked her out on a date, no matter the answer, the best course of action was to exit stage left to avoid awkward chit chat. That was a little harder in this situation. Then again, this wasn't a normal set of events anyway. Not in the least.

"You might want to get to know me better before making statements like that," she said. And yes, apparently, her face could get redder. "Don't want you to be disappointed," she grinned, trying to make sure it was obviously a joke. "And it was just prepackaged," she added with a self conscious shrug. "But I'm glad you liked it."

For something to do more than anything else, she got up.


She busied herself at the machine, trying to get the flush under some sort of control.

"I haven't had a lot of chance to check out places in Avalonia yet," she said, "Other than setting up the apartment and a toy store anyway. But there are a couple of places I've noticed on my walks to and from work that look nice....."

And there was the blush again as she said, "Maybe we can find something together."

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Food wasn't really important now, especially for the fact she seemed to like him. He pushed the plate away as she got up for caf.

"No, well I know in all sorts of ways. Professionally, personally...I can't see my judgement being wrong."

Is this what it felt like not having to then think about training? About going on a mission? All the faces who had passed by Connor in a slightly romantic way were ones passed by in the corridors of the Silver Jedi temple. Tainted by rank or duty, that was all they had in common before it fell apart before it had even begun. Now, it seemed the glimmer of hope was the fact Irajah wasn't even involved with the Jedi. She was her own person. Had her own skills and unique abilities and her own path planned out. Connor smiled as he played the the fork - hopefully that path would make room for one more. But, then, she did already have a child of sorts....

Smacking his lips to stop thinking too much, he stood up at her words.

"Avalonia? I'd like that too. Seems to be a lot of things I like at the moment." Hesitantly, he walked up behind her, just off centre, and placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them gently as she prepared the drinks. "Together sounds good indeed."

A little smile to himself. The break away from the Jedi was proving to feel more than a weight off. It felt like a blessing.

"I like mine sweet please. A little milk."

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Her hands jerked slightly, sending the cup and saucer skittering when he touched her. Partly, he'd caught her unexpectedly, and she'd been doing her best to focus on something innocuous. Partly it was the nervousness and a surprisingly shyness about the whole situation.

And partly because the action so strongly mirrored something else that it was jarring.

She had a sudden promotion that bringing him to Panatha was a very, very bad idea indeed.

Despite the startle, she didn't move away. The touch was not unwanted. It wasn't the first time he'd touched her. But it had been different then. Instead she swallowed, trying to dislodge the breath caught in her throat, nodding slightly. She glanced over her shoulder at him, smiling a little shyly.

"Dark as night, sweet as sin," she murmured, obviously a well worn phrase. There was only one way she drank caf, black and sweet. "But I guess I can add a splash of milk to yours," she teased, smile widening into a smirk.

Drawing the cups back to where she needed them (and pretending that hadn't happened), she poured the caf, hyper aware of Connor at her back. Stirring a generous portion of sugar into both cups, then a bit of milk into one, she turned halfway around to hand it to him carefully.

"The trip to Panatha takes about three hours," she said in a bit of a rush, latching on to something to talk about that wasn't related to 'potential date' or how very, very close he was standing. "You said you'd been there before? Anything we need to worry about?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]
He could feel it the second he touched her. The invasion of her personal space. Wanted? Unwanted? The skittering cups indicated it was clearly not expected, and her nervousness was evident. Letting her prepare the drinks and with a little turn to present him with his, Connor took the hint. He took a couple of steps back.


Gently, he blew and took a sip. Warm and sweet. In fact, a little too hot, but then it had just been brewed. He licked his lips.

"Mm. Panatha?" He rocked back and forth gently. "I’ve been there once hunting down the killer of my former Grandmaster, a Sith known as Kaine Zambrano. They had clashed there, and she died. When I tried to go hunting for clues, I found nothing there except pain and another Sith, Lady Arcanix, trying to get her claws into me for her own gain. I didn’t work. "

Much - the word he chose not to follow up with.

"I left with my squad and haven’t been back since, so I knew of the planet and the memories it held, but as I said it was a long time ago, and that was based on Jedi and Sith confrontation. I understand the galaxy doesn’t just revolve around those two weary ideals. Some people, doctors for example, actually go to places to do good for others, not themselves."

He smiled and took another warming mouthful of the caf.

[member="Irajah Ven"]
Emotions are messy. Irajah was both relieved and a little disappointed when he stepped back. There wasn't this huge swell of immediate chemistry and fireworks, but she liked him. Maybe as a friend. Maybe as something else. It was too early too tell. But she wanted the chance to find out.

She leaned back against the counter, taking tiny sips of the too hot beverage, but not content to wait until it cooled more. She'd been up for almost twenty hours now (not counting the cat nap on the end of his bed)- which wasn't that uncommon, but it was the caf that kept her going most days. Today was no exception.

Nodding, she lowered the cup slightly.

"Yeah, I don't imagine they took that well. I'm sorry about your former grandmaster."

It was a stock response, telling someone you were sorry for their loss. But that was part of that conflict, that war- the death moved on both sides. It was pointless, from her perspective. This war between the Sith and the Jedi. Why sink that much energy into killing each other? It didn't make any sense when she considered how much they could all accomplish by doing literally anything else.

"And time will tell if what I'm doing there will help anyone," she said, offering a slightly chagrined smile. "But it's interesting research and they are, to be blunt, paying me exceedingly well. So if nothing else, it gives me more freedom to do the things I need and want to do."

There were other perks as well, but they weren't particularly germane here.

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Connor sipped, and sort of lowered his head at the same time to acknowledge her. The caf was doing a good job of warming his insides.

"Thank you. It was a long time ago. And I’ve come to learn it’s part of the cycle. Jedi against Sith. Life and death. There are winners and losers. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. I’d like to do a bit of winning for a while."

Taking the cup, he licked his bottom lip and walked the length of the room, having another little look around, keeping himself to himself for a moment as he had another sip.

"Ok, you got me." He turned. "You have to tell me what you’re doing. To help the greater galaxy? That must be some research or experiment you’re doing. I take it the Sith are funding you, or at least aware of what you’re doing? Being on Panatha and siding with the First Order, I imagine your allies are in close proximity."

Links to the First Order and Sith, and wanting dinner and being resourceful and beautiful and kind? The good doctor was more exciting with each passing moment.

[member="Irajah Ven"]

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