Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Next Step

Volik finally entered Natsu's view. It was quite beautiful in Natsu's eyes, a good planet to settle on if his wandering days ever ended. Certainly better than Rishi. Piloting the starship down to the planet's atmosphere, Natsu had no intention of hiring a guide to find his destination. The Force was his ally, and searching out through the Force, he felt it calling. Flying towards source of the presence he felt, Natsu touched the fighter down near some caves. The planet truly was beautiful, and as Natsu exited his ship he whistled at the stunning view. It was unlike any war torn or scum filled planet that Natsu frequently visited. Turning his head, he saw what he came for. There stood Varloc, renowned Revanite, and the one who would teach Natsu the ways of the Force.

Varloc watched as the ship landed near the caves, Natsu stood out and came before Varloc. Welcome, I hope you traveled well. Well let's gets Going. He said taking him down into a cave. The entrance of the cave was small, but it quickly opened out to be big enough to hold a small ramp which led deeper still.

They walked down for over five minutes before reaching a large opening, in this opening there were large platforms with crates, tables, and different sorts of equipment. Multiple other entrances led to other caves used as quarters, storage areas, and training halls. Around the place were about a dozen Grey Jedi and Je'daii, that used the place as a safe haven. Some of the enclaves members even stayed here permanently, growing food in the small clearings in the forest.

Varloc greeted a few of the others before leading Natsu to the primary training hall. Through another passageway led to the great tall room, and the ceiling went straight up and a hole was at the top leading to the surface. Sunlight came through and shown on the pair.
Well how do you like this place? Asked Varloc.

Taking in the environment around him, Natsu replied, "The planet itself is very beautiful, much prettier than my home world. But your order, though. Why is it tucked into the caves. It's like you are hiding from someone."

Eying anyone around him, Natsu was confused. The people in there were most likely strong, not as strong as Varloc, but still. What would cause them to be out of sight, in a cave. Was this not an order that was supposed to help others? Would it not make it an easier task to defend the weak if they were out in the open. This strange order made Natsu question why he was there.

A fine qquesion to ask. This location is nice, wouldn't you say, it is peaceful and hidden. I used to have a governing job on this world, but that was another time. All of the resources that is at this hide out are left over from the storage facilities that were once on this world. I know this planet well, it was a simple choice. As for who were hiding from? Well thats a long list. To sum it up I couldn say the imbalance of the force. Said Varloc. He once was a Planetary Lord of this world, put there by the Zweihander Union.

Varloc turned to Natsu.
This is not the only safe haven I look over. I have a small fleet of ships that travel in the shadows of space, there is the Revanites. Why did I not take you to them? Well I thought you could use some fresh air and not recycled. He said, his words echoing off the walls of the tall pit.

"The thought is appreciated. I feel at peace here. As if nothing in the galaxy is wrong, and that there is only the Force."

Natsu found even the caves beautiful. It seemed a wonderful planet from head to toe, but every planet has its mysteries. Natsu wanted to find out more, but on his own. But that would have to wait for another time. He couldn't forget his purpose in coming to the planet. He needed to grow as a user of the Force.

"So. Where do we begin?"

Varloc could sense Natsu's eagerness in wanting to learn, Varloc appreciated it. The force is complex and there are many ways to let it empower you, there are forms of Sorcery, both light and dark, Direct force control, and many more. But you seem to only know the most basic. First I will teach you to strengthen that.

Varloc walked into the center of the opening before saying. The force is fueled by many things, emotions, a direct influence, or just raw control. The true way to fuel the force is to let go. Let your emotions roam, but do not let them consume you, and never make the force bend to your will. You will know when the force is with you and gives you permission to use it. You are its vessel. As he spoke a stone floated near him, not on any direct route or in a straight line, but like it had a mind of its own.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Natsu responded, "How is the Force not a tool to be used at our convenience. After all, we are the ones loved by the Force enough to be able to use it's gift. I was taught the Force is clearly intended to be used at our command."

Still listening, Natsu allowed his close walls protecting his emotions and thoughts fall, and attempted the same thing that Varloc was doing. He reached out with the Force, attempting to pick a stone up without using his hands. He was not able to do this however. Frustrated, Natsu extended a hand, and pulled a small stone to it.

"See? For me, the Force only works when I seem to command it."v

Varloc thought for a moment trying to find a easier way to explain what he was trying to say. Its like when you enter the deepest meditative state possible, you detach from the physical world. When I use the force it is not me doing anything, it is a greater power, the force itself. When ever the force is being transferred through me I suddenly feel my consciousness dim. Varloc turned to Natsu.

IM sure you haven't heard of something like this before, but do you understand?

"I'm starting to understand the concept. Butt how do you actually apply this. After all, it's not like I can just sit and meditate in the middle of a battle."

Natsu continued to toy with the rock, floating it around his his head, sending it up and down, and recalling it back to his hand.
Once you master this you will have no need to do such a thing. It will come naturally. Said Varloc. Now, you must learn how to enter this state before the battle even begins, once mastered it can come almost instantly.

Varloc breathed in and out, he cleared his mind. He could feel the power within and that he was the vessel. The feeling was like weightlessness as if his core was as light as a feather. Stand beside me, breathe in deep, and open yourself to the force. He said quietly, Varloc had to learn this ability slowly, it took a few years to begin to enter the state. He knew Natsu would learn it quicker since he did not need to start from scratch, but it would still take some time.

Sighing, Natsu attempted to find patience. If this was what it took to become more gifted in the Force, so be it. Moving next to Varloc, Natsu began to take deep breaths. His eyes closed, Natsu used the Force to feel around him. Sense around him. In a calm state, he felt the Force flow through him in a way he hadn't before. It wasn't coming and going at his command, rather constantly flowing. It felt like he could send out endless streams of power, although he knew his power was finite. This was definitely different.

Well done. Said Varloc. You did well. He would then go on to teach Natsu more abilities and skills. In return they would spar for a while, and as the days passed Varloc could sense Natsu grow stronger.

After the third day Varloc received a transmission, he was to be going to a important meeting, and after he would most likely have more work. Varloc then told Natsu.
I'm sorry we couldn't continue this for longer, but I need to go. I hope to see you around again, and if you need a place to stay you may come here. He said gesturing to the caves.


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