Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nature Caves of Caelyon V (Lady Kay, but open to all)

As The Page Master roamed the galaxy, he saw a multitude of hardened hearts, corruption, greed, and cold lives. Whatever happened to the time when everyone would dream freely no matter the situation? Now, it was "Invade this!", "Dominion that!", or even "Let's have a skirmish!". It was disgraceful. Even the people who wanted to find adventure or fulfill their dreams found themselves beset upon a newcomer who's only wish was to bullishly fight.

Well, now that he was here, NO MORE!...At least, not so much...Well, that's not entirely true either, but The Page Master was DEFINITELY going to try and do something about all of this. But first, he had to find men and women willing to shake off the ever present, crushing coils of life's troubles and help them to dream again.

When The Page Master found a suitable spot on a suitable planet in a suitable city with a suitable population and a suitable amount of tourism on a corner with a medium amount of foot traffic, he set up "shop" in a shop that was for sale and currently unused. He told the lock to unlock and by Jove, it did unlock! The show room was quite dusty, so he pulled out his favorite tool, a brown stick.

He tapped the stick twice on a nearby counter and said, "Hiccutus! Piccutus! Tickutus! Pumf!"

With that last word, he jumped into the air and swung his arm holding the stick down towards the ground. The room was filled with a large, breathy "POOF!" sound and pink gas enveloped the room for a short time before dispersing entirely and revealing an eccentric antique shop filled with oddities. Even the outside of the building had been changed while everyone was conveniently looking the other way. The store front would give off a magical aura that misdirected people's thoughts about the building being originally empty not too long ago...

The Page Master took one look at himself and said, "Why, I can't just trounce around in these old robes today! I must dress for the occassion!" So, with a couple of words rhyming with "utus", he stomped the ground once and changed his clothing into something MUCH more appropriate.

He knew that he was now ready...except for the whole reason that he set all of this up. He went over to the far end of the store and grew a doorway. He then pulled a curtain out of his short sleeve and put it up over the doorway. He took out a pen and paper and hastily scribbled a few words that read "Do not go past curtain". This was a trick, of course. Reverse Psychology and the like. Plus, he wanted to draw in those who wished to think for themselves and set their own destiny, not shamble around like a bunch of Sheeple...Ha ha. That one was quite funny, actually. I'll have to remember that the next time that I...Oh, bother. I've broken the fourth wall.

The Page Master knew the importance of keeping the fourth wall intact, so he quickly went behind the counter, snapped his finger (which caused the sign on the door to say Open), and waited for customers. There would certainly be plenty of Sheeple that come along, but he hoped beyond hope that special individuals would find that curtain and the wonderfully impossible which lay behind it.
Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard. ~Standing Bear

[member="Lady Kay"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Page Master"]

The Padawan was in that suitable city on that suitable planet and being the way that she was, she certainly wasn't what one would describe as a 'Sheeple'. She had just missed the transformation of the empty shop on the corner, however, but it didn't matter for it still caught her attention for the way it almost glimmered with light.

A little cautiously, she approached one of the windows and peered inside. So many shelves of knick knacks and oddities dotted the walls of the store. There were books and scrolls there as well, which she found intriguing, for they were far better to read from than datapads. They smelled better too. She wondered what time they opened shop. No sooner had that thought escaped her mind that the sign on the door turned on, indicating that it was open. How wonderful. And what perfect timing. Hmmm.

The Padawan soon opened the door and stepped inside, curiosity getting the better of her. She moved slowly as she walked inside, browsing the shelves and tables, pausing at what appeared to be an odd looking tea pot. She patted her satchel as if to give her own tea pot comfort that it wasn't going to be replaced anytime soon.

To the side of the till, towards the back of the store she spotted the curtain with the sign. Hmm. Must be where everything was stored. She made her way over to it and after glancing around to see if anyone was paying attention, she moved the curtain just enough to allow her eyes to take a peek at what was behind it.
This was fun.. who said stowing away on ships wasn't a great idea as Sheila moved through the air and buzzed around. Her wings fluttering faster then most could see and her features obscured by a golden glow before she was looking around. Her curiosity getting the better of her while she flew towards a vent system to explore and find that which most eluded her. Sweets or something to drink since she was getting hungry and thirsty. She needed something soothing while she flew around these new worlds and cities that were ripe for a young force user.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame sat at a street corner cafe and sipped her first cup of tea. "Blegh! how can kay drink this?" She then let out as she looked at the tea cup in her hand and wondered how exactly her co-worker could drink it. "Maybe it's an aquired taste huh?" she said as she poured some of her Avedame juice into cup with a mischievous smile. With another sip she began enjoying the drink and finished the cup as she took a klena from one of the shops she walked along as she observed the street of the city. The pastry was delicious as she just enjoyed the weather and the people making busy around her. "We're gonna hit the town~ swinging all night, jumping all night and fighting all night~♪" She sang a little out as she eyed her co-worker enter an interesting looking shop on a street corner.

With a wonder as to why [member="Lady Kay"] walked into the store but curiosity taking over as she walked towards the store, oblivious of the Golden glow of [member="Sheila"] above the city. Standing outside the store she looked inside a little and then entered the store and looked around. She felt a little out of place with her two swords at either side of her hips and the slugthrower revolvers strapped to her thighs under her coat but it was better to have them and not need them than, yadda, yadda, yadda. She didn't even want to finish the thought as she eyed a small metal ingot on one of the shelf's. "What's this?" She mumbled a little as she picked it and began to look it over a bit more.

Sneaking up behind [member="Lady Kay"] when she looked through the curtains and seeing the impossibility behind it she couldn't help it. "Wow! is that some sort of new holo-tech?" she asked as she was right behind Kay almost bumping into her as she stood on her toes to look above Kay's head, though she didn't really need to being 22 cm taller than kay. She couldn't deny that what was behind the curtain intrigued her as an engineer.

[member="The Page Master"]
The Page Master was sitting behind the register on a tall chair. He was reading the funnies, as per usual.

"I remember the days when Garfield had more than 3 panels only..." he mumbled to himself. He peeked up from around the corner of his paper to see that a couple of curious Not Sheeple were peeking around the curtain while a fairy buzzed around the store. If he had been a normal person, he would have been much more surprised at the sight. However, he was delighted to see one of the many fairytale creatures come to life in this universe. No one else was in the store except for these four.

"Well, I think that it's time to start this party with a bang...or something." He reached over to an over-exaggerated unmarked lever on his left and yanked it downwards. This would cause the gravity to cause everything organic to fall sideways (to the right/back end of the store). The ladies and The Page Master each fell towards the wall. While he didn't know what would happen to the fairy, he knew that the two women would fall into the curtain and doorway. The gravity would right itself as they entered, making for a disorienting tumble akin to the Portal game's gravity mechanics.

As for The Page Master, he was now falling to an empty wall. When he hit the wall, his hawaiian clothing crumpled to the ground for he had disappeared without a trace at the last second. Now was the time for adventure!

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] | [member="Sheila"] | [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Page Master"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Sheila"]

The Padawan Lady was too shocked at seeing a nature path inside of a building and behind a curtain, no less, to even notice Zreame almost bumping into her. "I don't know what it is, but I can smell the fresh air and the tre-"

Her words were cut short as it seemed as though the building was turned onto it's side and she slid off of her feet, grasping hold of the curtain as well as Zreame's arm. The weight of the two of them as well as the sight of the Page Master falling towards them caused her to let go. But as she did so, instead of falling to some unknown depth, it was as though the world righted itself again and they were instead just rolling down the path with their own momentum.

Kay closed her eyes to fight the disorientation. Did she see Sheila as well? She wasn't too sure. After a moment she opened her eyes and dusted herself off before helping Zreame to her feet. One look back to where they fell from gave her pause. The curtain was no longer there and neither was the store. "Did we fall into a wormhole I dreaming?"
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="The Page Master"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Sheila wasn't falling... the benefit of flying as she watched what was happening and kind of laughed a little looking at them. They were tripping and someone had disappeared while she was buzzing around for a moment with a small jingle of bells for her laugh. She moved buzzing near the women as they were seemingly disoriented before speaking and going to Kay's shoulder to sit. "So that was strange but you should be able to get your barring back soon, we should really try and do something heroic or get a map.... Oh maybe there is some sweets in the." She looked at the store had vanished and glowed red for a brief moment. "Oh someone is going to pay."

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
[member="The Page Master"]

A yelp was all that she could utter as she fell with [member="Lady Kay"] through the curtain and then she fell down. It was so weird to fall forward and then there she was lying on some ground she had no clue about where it was. "Wormehole? wha-How is that possible?" She uttered before taking the offered hand to be helped up. When she saw [member="Sheila"] sit on Kay's shoulder she had to smile a little as she leaned forward to look at the flying little person.

Taking the last of the klena to the little fairy looking person. "You want some? It's not sweet but it is a good pastry." She said with a very curious look in her eyes before she began to look around a little. "So any idea were we are... or how we got to here from a store?" She asked as she moved both her hands to her swords, this was an unknown place and she wasn't in the mood for any more crazy surprises. 'So a fairy, a lady and a demon looking woman are in a forest huh? sounds like the start of a bad joke or a fairy tale.' She thought as she looked around the new environment they were in.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Page Master"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Sheila"]

The Padawan had never had such a creature as Sheila on her shoulder before, but she had heard about them in stories. She felt kind of lucky to be trusted enough in being sat upon. But as she turned red, Kay spoke up, "Now take it easy. I don't think this is something done maliciously. At least it doesn't feel that way."

She smiled to Zreame as the food was offered to Sheila. Kay was glad that she had her satchel still, with it's bit of food and water rations. She thought over Zreame's questions as she looked around, taking it all in. The weather was pleasant and sunny, the local wildlife were busy with their own things and the air smelled fresh and fragrant. "Well....I guess we go down the path a bit and see where it leads. We'll need to find a water source too if it seems that we can't find a town before sunset."

The Padawan adjusted her satchel to rest over her shoulder more comfortably and started down the path. It was like something out of a children's story.
If anyone else came into the store and literally fell into his "trap/world", he would go back and deal with them. However, three ladies had found their way into his domain, so it was time to put on a good show. I mean, why trick innocent people into a fantasy world of your own design if you weren't going to design anything? And he WOULD design!

Crouching in the grass a stone's throw from the path in his blue robes and large pointed hat, he was in danger of being spotted. So, he quietly said, "Hickutus, Tickutus, Stickutus, Hurl! Turn me into a little squirrel!" He bopped his head with the stick and darted out onto the pathway in front of the three ladies. He was now a blue squirrel with small spectacles on his face.


"Squeak, Squeak Squeak, Squeakums!" He said to the ladies. He was trying his best to sound like a squirrel even those his voice obviously sounded like a male human's voice. He then furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the ground. "Well, that sounded nothing like a squirrel...Hmmph!" he muttered to himself. And with that, he ran down the path. He kept bounding down along the slowly winding path. He was going a little bit faster than their running speed, but not nearly as fast as a squirrel would normally go...if that makes any sense. The path was curved just slightly enough to not seem drastic, but if they continued long enough, they wouldn't see where they had come from.

He came upon an abrupt mountain wall. Set in the wall were two open doorways: a pretty, vine-covered looking unnatural doorway that led into utter blackness and a sad, gloomy cave that led to a light at the end of a tunnel. He ducked... I mean, he squirreled into the left tunnel and disappeared into the blackness.

Once reaching the mountain, each of the ladies would hear an unfamiliar voice in the back of their head saying, "And the three ladies decided to go into the right cave." Now, this was simple narration, not some magical command. The choice was completely up to the protagonists of this story...Well, maybe I shouldn't say "protagonist". That would leave the assumption that there will be an know what? That sounds like a good idea, actually...Yes, protagonist sounds right....

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] | [member="Sheila"]
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="The Page Master"] [member="Lady Kay"]

She looked at the two and the pastry that was presented as the sliver of her blade came out. Sharp by her people standards and she skewed some of it while she held it high and was looking around. Wings delicately wrapped but able to started working for a moment before she went to a more neutral color. "Thank you." She said it with a more sing-song voice and withdrew a tiny red sash from her dress wrapping it around her arm. A sign among her people of peace and no harm meant if they were going someplace considered claimed. She listened to the plan and finished eating some of the pastry as she shot up itno the air and was buzzing around for a moment.

Her eyes were squinting as she looked around the forest they were in for signs of well life other then animal and resources. She knew the value of getting to the right place and if they were going to be here she'd have to survive... Well she'd have to survive first. It was a basic thing of you can't help others when you yourself are starving or going to be harmed. She heard the sounds below her and looked down at a blue squirrel as she scratched her head and spoke to herself more tapping her chin. "Something seems off here, that animal is clearly to small to try and ride.... He is either evil or wanting to steal the food."

She had faced savage squirrels before and holding her saber in her hand she was looking down but didn't know if she would need it while she got closer seeing the glasses on its face. Well there wasn't something you saw everyday. Clearly this one was special and special meant it was smart, smart usually meant it had survived by being clever which meant.... trap. It was going to trap them somewhere and suck the marrow from the humans while keeping her as a pet or something..... Whelp sucked to be them while she kept near Kay and looked over the creature that was leading them somewhere. "Where do you think it is taking us?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Page Master"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Sheila"]

The Padawan blinked in amusement as she saw the little blue squirrel by her feet wearing spectacles? And it didn't seem very animal like at all. Hmmm....Something funny was going on around here.

And then the squirrel bounded off! Kay looked to her two companions and with a childish grin she shouted, "Come on!" Sure it might've been foolish, but it was odd, but in a good way and she felt like a youngling living out a bedtime story. She ran after the wizard-squirrel, not wanting to lose him. She held onto her satchel so that it wouldn't bang against her leg as she ran.

Once at the mountainside, she slowed to a walk. The squirrel had only taken a moment before heading into the dark tunnel. The Padawan looked to Zreame and Sheila as they would no doubt had caught up. "Well...Looks like we have a few choices. Either we follow the curious blue creature, go back down the path and hope that the store magically reappears, or go into the lighter tunnel. I vote that we follow the creature that obviously speaks basic. He might be able to explain where we are and how we got here. But of course with it being dark in there, we'd need to light the way."

Kay looked to Sheila then, as Sheila glowed. It was far better to have her light the way than to have her ignite her lightsaber. For one, she didn't like to openly reveal that she was a Jedi and had Force powers, and for two, she didn't want to appear threatening. Now she waited to see what the others thought.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"You are very welcome little... uh what do I call you anyway?" She said as she cocked her head to the side when [member="Sheila"] spoke to her and then flew up into the air. The bad squeaking turned her attention to the blue critter on the road. "Oookey... weird..... adorable but still weird." She uttered before the squirrel bounded off down the path.

When [member="Lady Kay"] grinned that childish grin Zreame couldn't help but be caught into the feel of it all and followed behind. "Were is that blue guy going anyway?!" She said with a cheerful smile as she ran after the squirrel and her companions. Stopping only when she caught up to them at the mountain wall, hearing the voice she looked behind her to see no one.

Hearing Kay talk about needing light she bumped her fist down into her palm. "Oh I got just the thing, if our glowing little cutie here doesn't want to be our light that is." She said with a teasing grin towards Sheila before she began to rummage in the pouch on her belt and then pulled out three jar's. "Ok I have bio-luminescent oils, I have red, blue and purple which would you like to use?" She said before looking at her companions a little. "What they're awesome when you sword dance in the dark.... or go to a rave." She said that last bit made it sound like she wanted to go to one but she then shook her head to clear that thought away and waited for what [member="Sheila"] and [member="Lady Kay"] would choose.

[member="The Page Master"]
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="The Page Master"]

The cave they were looking at had the little As-Aki buzzing around and looking with look on her face as she thought about what the thing was saying. With more examination the woman wasn't human and Sheila flew over to her as she touched the horns on her head speaking. "I am an As-Aki we are the people in the forests... Usually but it can get really dull there. Then I found these large ships and sugar and have been traveling around this galaxy I guess. Met a lot of fun people and oh right a name." She looked at her as what she was saying was in a semi high pitched and fast voice in a single breath.

"Oh right I am Sheila." She said it slowly making sure the words were sounded out to not have the one get her name wrong. She didn't want to be confused with her sixty two brothers and sisters. The look though she gave the woman when she was talking about glowing oils and a rave.... She didn't know what a rave was but was certain it was something the tall people did for she was guessing fun... Or maybe it was a mating ritual like her people had where one needed to meet and survive questioning from the entire family. "I can glow some of the area but it woudln't be that strong... Can't you humans sparkle?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="The Page Master"] [member="Sheila"] [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Kay thought about which light to use as it was obvious that as a whole, the trio chose to follow the blue squirrel-like creature. "Blue would be best, Zreame. It's closer to white, so it'll be brighter and not cause us to strain our eyes." Of course she chose the practical choice. As Sheila spoke of whether or not they could sparkle, the Padawan had to laugh. "No Sheila, we don't sparkle."

After the jar was brought out, Kay took the lead, naturally, heading into the dark cave. She listened intently for signs of their little She could only hear the dripping of water off in the distance. So the Padawan did what most people do when they enter a deep dark cave. She called out, "Helloooooooo??" Her echo coming back would let them know just how far this cave dug into the mountain.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"It would be quite fun if we could sparkle though." She then said as she handed [member="Lady Kay"] the jar which began glowing as soon as it entered the dark of the cave. Zreame didn't mind [member="Sheila"] touching her horns since the As-Aki was quite an interesting creature to the Cernun. "If your wings get tired you can sit on my horns if you want Sheila it's all right." she said with a smile as she followed kay into the cave.

When the hello echo came back Zreame grew quite amused. "How are you?!" She shouted into the cave only to get the same words sent right back to her as they echoed through the caves. "I asked you first!" She then shouted back before she burst into laughter for a moment. "Oh I haven't seen caves like this since I was a kid~" she said remembering when she was ten years old and walking with her mother through caves on Cernunnos.

[member="The Page Master"]
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Sheila looked at the one offering to let her sit on her horns and gave a nod. She didn't know how tired she might get but that was a nice thing. They looked for sturdy then a shoulder and there was less risky she might choke on Kay's hair or get slapped off of her if she turned her head to fast. "Sounds like a design flaw." She said it while glowing a slightly brighter golden as she fluttered around and listened to the echoes. "So how did you to find the place? I followed the scent of sweets and some it sounded like music." She zipped around going towards the nooks and crannies of the cave just in case something was going to happen.
Merlin knew these tunnels like the back of his hand. That was likely because he had made them with the back of his hand, but that was simply semantics. He was wracking his brain trying to think of how to engage his audience now that they had pulled a Stanley Parable. He really hadn't gotten much farther than this plain, black tunnel, but he would now have to think on his feet...or his paws, as was the case.

He bounded down the rectangular, simple, straight, dark tunnel. He moved much faster than the trio could hope to keep up to. When he went a good enough distance, he stared into the blackness of the tunnel ahead of him.

"This will never do. It's too monotonous." So, with a triple tap of stick against stone, he flung his little squirrel arms into the air and waved them erratically with reckless abandon. He even did a little squirrel dance because he felt like it, which caused him to trip and fall to the ground. When he hit the ground, uttering a "Oomph!", a beautiful scene appeared before his eyes.


"Perfect!" He yelled with excitement. "Heroes ALWAYS love story choices!" He could hear them behind him, so he jumped out over the water and turned into a small blue fish before he plunged into the slow-moving, waist deep waters.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Sheila"] | [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]
So, Kyber was walking down the dark alley of no street in particular, of no city in particular, in no exact world of any fame to it's unimportant name. Turns out Kyber was getting over quite the hangover from a previous night of unnecessary brawling that sprouted out of some very unnecessary gambling with a Wookie that was not too fond of being beaten repeatedly. Alas, the Wookie had beaten Kyber in quite the physical sense. Repeatedly.

So, Kyber was looking for was a place that he could relax and go over a fresh batch of bounties for him to peruse and pick at his own preference. As Kyber was about to enter a dive undoubtedly filled with miscreants and hooligans alike, Kyber saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was perhaps the most ridiculous shop in the area, it's antiquity not fitting with the surrounding shops whatsoever, too serene in its design and designation at the corner of this everyday street.

So, Kyber decided on a mere whim that he shall head to this shop of unknown machinations and see if the employee on the clock had anything worth drinking (and to Kyber that was anything that was over a proof of 150, in the alcoholic sense of the phrase). As Kyber pushed the shop's door open quite heartily he felt his stomach drop suddenly and quite sharply to the side. Oh dear. The next thing Kyber knew he was on the wall. The wall? Surely it must've been the floor if he was standing on it? After an extensive pondering of the definition of "floor", Kyber decided to move along the. . . "floor" until he met himself upon a curtain. Well then. A forest. "Nothing ventured. . ." crossed Kyber's mind as the door seemed like an insurmountable task for some reason. Therefore, with no reserves in his immediate thoughts, Kyber jumped down the metaphoric "rabbit hole" , hoping he hadn't just killed himself in the process.

// [member="The Page Master"] // [member="Sheila"] // [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] // [member="Lady Kay"] //
The Page Master, in fish form, stopped swimming through the water and unnaturally paused still in the slowly moving current of water. He could feel someone else's presence in his world. "NoOneLeftBehiiiind!" he gurgled underwater. He levitated out of the water, turned into an owl, and zoomed back down the tunnel. As he came up on the trio of women, he hooed a greeting to them. All they would see is a fast moving owl and a trail of the occasional brown feather floating down to the ground.

In their minds, they would hear, "Keep going! I'll catch up!"

When he got back to the starting point, he watched as a man flipped through the air out of the curtain from the store. He fell and landed on the ground. The store front of the curtain looked like a red velvet curtain. The back end of it, in the world, blended in with the surrounding, giving the illusion that their way in had disappeared. He perched on top of the confused man and said in his normal voice, "It's a shame to have to start all the way from the beginning. This poor sod might miss out if he has to go it alone...I know! I'll magic him into position! Yippee Kai-yay!" And with that exclamation, he lifted the entire man off the ground with his talons and unnatural strength.

A blue-rimmed portal opened up beneath the man which lead to the cave with the slow moving river that he had recently made. He dropped the man through the portal and into the river. Satisfied with his handy work, or, in this case, talony work, he turned back into a fish, plunged down into the portal, and plopped into the river. The portal soon closed behind him.

[member="Kyber Salurra"] | [member="Sheila"] | [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

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