Dark Messiah

Image Source: DeviantArt
Intent: To add spice to mystery roleplays and give Anja Aj'Rou a unique artifact.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: N/A
Model: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique
Material: Leather, paper, ink, dust
Description: Many old tales speak of forbidden knowledge and ancient tomes filled with secrets; how many of them are real? They say all lies -- all tales -- are based out of a truth. Why the truth was forgotten could be attributed to a number of reasons. Ignorance, apathy, fear. The ones people knew of had clever names and comprehensive documentation in various works and legends. Scholars tend to dismiss them as fanatic or little more than a children's tale. Of course, since the dawn of Jedi and Sith there were many secrets hidden in the galaxy. Terrible powers left untouched, the ability to decimate worlds and create terrible events to shake the galaxy to its foundation.
But what of powers more ancient? Long since forgotten? In the depths of the mind there is darkness, evil, and asperity. There are whispers of a book with no name, a book said to contain forbidden knowledge of wicked function. A book said to only reveal itself only to those who don't believe, who are empty and susceptible to doubt. The more you read it the madder one becomes and the more real their dreams become until they are unable to wake from them and distinguish reality.
Of course, if you do read -- you have the potential to unlock some of the greatest secrets. Knowledge at the price of madness.
The Nameless Book is an ancient tome consisting of Sith Magic illusion spells and mind-trick theorem and is imbued with powerful Sith Magic that slowly drives the reader mad. Hence the more you get out of it, the bigger the price you have to pay. The book has four main applications: It allows the owner to develop new force illusion powers, to cast Sith Magic Illusions, to learn mind-trick powers, and teaches drain-knowledge. The Book is made with the specific archetype of a scholarly character and thus isn't intended for combat applications.
As well any player-characters who own this book must adhere to the rules stated for each application and their costs. This includes myself.
(Apologies for the lackluster description, I intend to make a lore submission once the Netherworld stuff is done, so I described more OOCly)
- Allows force-users to cast new and terrifying illusions. (Sith Magic)
- Illusions casted by the owner become more real much like traditional Sith Magic.
- Readers learn new mind-trick force powers twice as fast.
- Teaches drain-knowledge.
- The more one reads the book the more mad they become. Isomnia, schizophrenia, violent behavior, and anxiety are developing symptoms.
- Everytime your character sleeps their dreams become lucid and real,any time you dream you must inflict some sort of physical harm to your character upon awakening.
- If anyone close to you reads the book, they'll suffer a terrible event. (left up to roleplay)
- If the owner of the book dies or fails to write their monthly dream thread, then the book mysteriously vanishes.
- If the book gets stolen, the owner goes into a coma and must either escape their dreams -or- be healed through the force.
- To obtain the book one must steal it -or- do a thread in the case the book vanished.
Primary Source: N/A