Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nal Hutta Cantina

The scene is set in a run down Cantina on Nal Hutta. The band is slowly playing away in the corner, but no-one in the room really seems to care about them. Most of the people in this Cantina seem to be the low lives you'd expect. These being pirates, thieves and bounty hunters. The bartender is an old Dug, with a small droid to serve as a translator.

He can't say he was happy to find himself on Nal Hutta, but he needed work. I mean, sure, He was in the process of finding a Sith master, but until then he still needed credits. Anyway, Jardo took it upon himself to walk up to the bar and order himself a bottle of Elba Beer.

Jardo took his beer from the bartender, walking over to a small table left in the corner. While walking, however, he took it upon himself to eye out everyone in the area, trying to look for anyone who looked like they needed help with anything.

When sat, Jardo sipped his beer lightly. Lucky no-one seemed to realize he was a Sith, or training anyway. It'd be hard to explain why he was A One Sith on Nal Hutta. Okay, to be honest even he wasn't sure why he was there. It just felt right, you know. It's almost like something was telling him to go there.

Anyway, Jardo continued looking around. Someone'd need a job done, right?


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Hutta. The most corrupt planet in the galaxy, home of the Hutts.
Nyx loved it.

The street rat entered the cantina, breathing deeply. She had a job to do, and she needed some 'liquid courage'.
She sauntered to the bar, and ordered a drink, throwing it back.
She did not want to do this job, and found any excuse in her head to stay put.
Nyx wouldn't mind some backup right about now . . .

[member="Jardo Snow"]
Jardo instinctively seemed to eye a female that came wondering in. Something about her sort of screamed, "help". From the way she slammed her drink down her throat to the way she looked annoyed. Hey, that was enough for Jardo to start caring. He watched her for a moment longer, before grabbing his beer and wondering over to her.

It took him a moment to work up the courage to speak to her. He'd never been much of a talker, normally he let the jobs come to him. When he finally worked up the courage, he patted her on the back, and started speaking.

"A woman who throws her drink back that fast has ether just broken up with her boyfriend is or is stressed out of her head. I don't know which one it is with you."

Jardo chuckled lightly, surprised how good his humor was. Anyway, he took it upon himself to lean against the wall and wait for an answer.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
Nyx eyed the helmeted man with a small smile.

"I wish it was that simple." She scoffed, throwing back another drink.
"I got hired by the Hutts to shake down a Wookie; and this Wookie and I had. . .an encounter awhile back."

She let out a small laugh.
"Left me in the hospital, and got me kicked out of my favorite dive. So I'm not looking forward to picking another fight with him."

[member="Jardo Snow"]
Jardo couldn't help chuckle. The girl was afraid of a Wookie? Out of everything she said it's the Hutts she should be afraid of. She'll be lucky if she gets paid. Jardo, on the other hand. He didn't care about it. His ideal ending'd be running away with the cash and possibly eating Wookie steaks.

"I'll do it then. If you're afraid of the Wookie i'll do it. I'm after the income anyway."

He hoped this worked.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
Nyx raised her eyebrow.
"You want to do it? Be my guest. Force, I'll pay you half of what the Hutts are paying me: 500 credits. And I'm watching; it'll be nice to see that furry kor'slug get put in his place."

She threw back another drink, and smiled.
"I'll take you to his stall; come on."

She began to walk out the door, laughing.

[member="Jardo Snow"]
Wanna move to a private?

Was he insane? Only now did he realize what he had signed himself up for. To be honest though, five hundred credits wasn't actually a bad price. It wasn't bad. He followed the girl out, taking his beer with him. He wanted to be somewhat drunk if he was gonna be beating a Wookie up. He wouldn't feel the pain as much.

The pronged feet tracked across the durasteel floor, creating deformities in and scratches on the floor making it a mix of imperfections. The mass of metal would slide through the door, the head swivelling from side to side with a disjointed look and feel about it. "It is good to meet you." he said the voice cold and wrought with imperfections just as the floor is now. "The sabre [member="Tiali Orazio"]." he said sitting down in one of the adjacent tables.

| [member="Tiali Orazio"] |​
Tiali takes a seat with [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], his voice muffled but understandable from the helmet "Ah yes the sabre, I trust you sent the Creds." He slides his hand down to his belt detaching the lightsabre and placing it on the table.

"Here you go one lightsabre, as ordered."

Tiali Scans the room for a waiter/waitress of sorts to order his drink.
There was a tremor from the lowest point of his durasteel chest plate to where it lapsed, the bulge and press of the respirator system in his cybernetics could be seen at times, it was laughter or atleast as close as the cyborg could come to it. "I trust the Sith didn't give you too much trouble." he gestured to the sabre with a dab of his pointed finger. "The 9,000 credits as promised." he leaned towards him the audible click and rattle of the cybernetics could be heard. "You'll hear from the Jackals again hunter."

| [member="Tiali Orazio"] |​
Tiali After scanning the room express's his disgust "No waiters! darn." He lets out a loud sigh Only just paying attention to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] until he heard the price "Yeah yeah no trou........ Wait 9000 Caden promised 15000. Don't screw me over on this." his tone went from relaxed to very serious "I killed a sith for this! The job is worth more than 9000."

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