Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Most Dangerous Game

It’s a very distinct feeling, waking up knowing you have a concussion. Your eyes feel heavy, you see white spots in your vision, and you know you probably shouldn’t take any naps in the near future.

Even worse than waking up with a concussion is waking up with a concussion while in a durasteel lined room. It was easy for Sinder to look past the swirling feeling his eyes were giving him, but he was unable to shake the confusion of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was being at a bar on Cerea, discussing a job offer with an old man. They were discussing the credits and resources that would be provided when Sinder went blank. Thinking about it made his head pound.

When the Trianii came to fully, he realized that the metallic walls around him weren’t housing an infirmary or a clinic, instead they were trapping prisoners. There were two water fountains on either side of the room, both covered in rust and buildup from years of use. There was a single toilet in the middle that looked like it had never been used, which sounds like a good thing, but it likely meant that no one stayed long enough to use it.

There were two other people in the cell with him, one was a Zabrak who was cloaked in a blanket with more holes than fabric, shivering and scared, likely withdrawing from spice. He had a look in his eye like he was scared for his life, which didn’t resonate well with Sinder.

The other being in the cell wasn’t anything like the Zabrak in any way, physically or mentally. Where the Zabrak was broken and scared, it appeared the Whiphid was content, un-phased by what was going on. It was clear to Sinder that they had both been conscious longer than he, but how much longer?‌‌ What did they know that he didn’t?

The Trianii sat up slowly, his muscles were all very sore and tight for some reason, he wondered how long he had been unconscious. After he regained his composure he looked to the two in front of him, asking with a raspy voice, “Where the hell are we?”

It wasn’t long after this that a voice came over the entire room, echoing off of the metal walls and piercing Sinder’s sensitive ears, “Now that you are all awake, it is your turn to compete.” Silence fell upon the room. The Zabrak started sweating harder, grabbing onto his blanket and weeping slowly.

“We’re going to die.”‌‌ He uttered under his blanket.‌ “We’re all going to karking die”‌ The other prisioner’s voice sounded pained by the past, like he had lived this life before. Sinder was able to realize from his tone that this time he had given up all hope.

Sinder’s hands quickly fumbled for his weapons, but they were not there. Instead he noticed there were random wooden weapons laying around, ranging from wooden axes to spears and a few arrows, but no bows.

“The gates open soon, I can’t wait to meet you all in person.”
The intercom cut out after that, with the durasteel gate opening up to show the lush wilderness before them. The Zabrak stood up and threw the blanket from his body, revealing many scars and bite marks.

“Run, don’t let him catch you!”
With that the Zabrak took off like his life depended on it.

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

Sinder Sinder

Sitting within the confines of the cell, Aki stared at the fretting Zabrak with a hungry leer. It was always the way on hunts like this, someone eventually revealed the softness within them. Back on his home, the individual before him would have found himself tied to a stake and left for the ice to take him.

The greatest danger to a hunting party was panic. Panic was for prey, it robbed one of thought and instinct, everything became an irrational rush to flee. The Whiphid had seen herds of prey run off an icy cliff to the cold ocean below, all in a sprint to escape his tribes hunting party. Yellow eyes narrowed as he regarded the Zabrak and began to inspect his surroundings. He was not prey, merely a caged hunter.

But how have I come to be here?

Searching his memory, the last he remembered was searching through the streets and feeling at home upon the planet, at least, as at home as he could feel within the metal villages of the other citizens of the galaxy insisted upon living in. At least upon this world, the acrid taste of smog and oils didn’t permeate the air, the ground wasn’t covered in litter. He was here in search of another hunter to join his party; a recent target had been given to him but it called for a greater understanding of technology than Aki held.

Waiting outside the bar, the Whiphid was content to await for the other hunter to leave the establishment, but this was cut short by a sharp blow to the head and then darkness.

He had awoken here within the cell afterwards, the frantic Zabrak and the unconscious Trianii, the very hunter he was looking for. Ignoring the bleating of the fearful Zabrak, Aki walked over to the weapons rack and began testing the points upon his thick fur, nodding with appreciation at some, grunting with frustration at others. Selecting a heavy spear and a few arrows, he separated the useless weapons into one pile while the sharpest were put into a separate one.

As the gate opened, Aki watched the Zabrak sprint and shook his head again. Sudden movements in the wild indicated only two things. Aggression or fear, and to a predator, both were worthy of attention. Indicating to the pile, he turned to his feline companion, tusked mouth trying to work his way around galactic basic.

“These are worthy. What do you favour?”

He had no idea how they had arrived to their location, but such thoughts were dashed as a familiar impulse filled him.

For someone trained to kill it was truly disheartening to take this long to reorient himself. Sinder sat up with his hand on his head after realizing he didn’t have his weapons. There was a pounding deep inside his skull…yeah, he definitely had a concussion.

The red and yellow poncho that usually covered his armor was ripped, his heavy armor he was wearing before had been stripped from him. In its place he was clad in leather chaps that covered his lower legs and an arm band that covered his shoulders to his elbows. He still had his ear piercings, but his necklaces and rings were taken. The slight buzzing in his ear stopped. It felt as though he could finally comprehend.

The Zabrak ran. His first thought he was actually able to hear in his head. Where the kark am I? He asked himself again. The stars finally faded from his vision and he was brutally aware of his situation. Everything he remembered before flooded back again, this time it stuck. Sinder knew he was a prisoner, and he knew the other two were as well. What struck him was that instead of running the Whippid stayed behind. The Zabrak ran, he was scared, however, the other in the room was confident. A hunter he thought to himself.

Taking a look at the pile of wood on the floor before him he realized what had happened. Yes the other prisoner was awake before him, but instead of panicking he was contemplating. This was a hunt, but they didn’t have to be prey. “These are worthy.”‌ Rang in his mind as he took another look at the pile. The weapons!‌‌ That would be their ticket out of there. He needed to gather himself fully and get himself out of this place.

Standing up to his full seven feet, Sinder walked toward the two piles.‌ The Trianii picked up a two handed axe, swinging it around before looking at the Whippid. “This is good.”‌‌ His thick accent was rough on the ears but easy enough to understand. “But could be better.”‌ He hissed under his breath. Sinder took the long blade and snapped it over his leg, providing him a one-handed axe and a makeshift spear.

“I‌ can smell the animals not too far behind us.”‌
His nose flaired as he sniffed the air around the two aliens. “We have little time to move.”

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

Tags: Sinder Sinder

Stretching, his feline companion was nearly as tall as he was and Aki gave a nod at the strength apparent in Sinder’s frame, able to snap the thick wood with ease. Leaning against the hardwood of his own spear, the Whiphid eyed the Trianii, noting the selection of weapons that he had. A makeshift spear, longer but it was the choice to focus on the axe blade that gave the most away. A close-up combatant, preferring to utilise the brutal efficacy of the axe up close as opposed to the distance. Aki himself preferred to keep his prey at spear’s length but that was due to his prey of choice. Often the creatures he brought back in were capable of rending even a Spearmaster of Toola into chunks.

As the sound of the Zabrak began to fade into the distance, Aki breathed in deeply, also detecting the faint scent of urine and sweat, the smell of rotting flesh caught in it’s teeth. The smell of a predator.

Looking at the terrain, Aki scowled.

Thick treeline, underbrush, nothing I am suited for.

Looking again at the muscled frame of his newfound hunting partner, he considered the odds.

The Zabrak knows what is happening and has run, so there is a way to survive this.

Turning back to the Triarii, he gestured to his snout with a hooked claw.

“Your claim, your call.”

As he was the first to detect their quarry, the right to choose the hunting parties movements fell to him.
While having keen senses was a positive when it came to the practical like seeing in the dark or hearing someone trying to sneak up on you, it could also be negative when all of those things were happening at once. Sinder was able to spot the Zabrak going deeper into the lush forest. Though while this was happening he was also hearing the animals approaching, and on top of that his head was still pounding. Breathing in slowly to center himself, he took in the surroundings with smell.

The Zabrak’s trail was traceable, but it would be difficult. The bigger issue was the other smell that burned his nostrils, the animals were not in good shape. They were likely starved and beaten, living in their own filth. This meant that they were desperate for food and likely bloodthirsty. There were two options, they could run and try to see where the Zabrak was going, or they could try to face the animals toe to toe.

Sinder nodded toward the Whiphid, signaling he had made his mind up. “We go forward.”‌ He pointed his spear toward the luscious emerald forest in front of him. “We will trap them, but first we make room.”‌ The Trianii stretched his body one more time, still feeling the tension in his muscles. “I hope you can keep up.”‌ Sinder then made off toward the jungle before him. His plan was to get enough room between them the two could get them on the low ground, or get into a tree and ambush them from above.

The Zabrak had taken a very straight forward path it appeared, Sinder was able to track it while keeping in mind the sounds of the beasts gaining on them. Then suddenly the scent stopped. Sinder stopped with it, unsure of what was happening. He looked around, and sure enough there was a small trail of blood leading off into the brush. Either the Zabrak had been eaten or he had killed something and used its blood to mask his scent.‌ Either way Sinder couldn’t track him anymore. “Something happened here.” He motioned toward Aki, “Can you climb?”

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

Sinder Sinder

Following Sinder, Aki tried to listen out for any other surprises that may be lurking within the jungle but if any other creatures were present, they were choosing to remain silent.

Holding his spear at the ready, the Whiphid chose the same. He had hunted in jungles like this before and they were normally an absolute assault on the senses, noises and scents coming from all directions. That is, unless predators were about, and in that moment, the prey was quiet.

He followed the underbrush path their fellow captive had crushed in his panic but stopped, crouching low to inspect the crimson stain that indicated the end of the trail.

“Something happened here. Can you climb?”

Looking at the tree, Aki grasped one of the branches and pulled, testing the strength. When the branch came clean off, he growled in frustration and turned back to his companion.

Weighing over 350kgs, the trees would struggle to support his massive frame and he was unwilling to risk an ignoble death by falling from their heights to be consumed by whatever was following them.

Taking the blade of his spear, he began to sharpen the branch into a stake as he considered their rapidly diminishing options.

Stabbing the stake into the ground, angled facing toward the path they had come from, Aki gestured to himself with a claw.

“I will serve for bait? Then draw in and above you strike?”

Grasping another low branch, he began to sharpen it as he awaited Sinders reply.
Sinder watched Aki attempt to climb the tree unsuccessfully. Instead of judging him for his lack of mobility, the mercenary realized that both hunters had their place in the game they were trapped in. For instance, the Whiphid was much heartier than Sinder.‌ The Trianii was lean and had dexterity among his other attributes, while his counterpart was able to withstand much harsher climates and attacks, and likely had more experience with beasts like the ones chasing them. Even with their strengths and weaknesses, Sinder knew the two of them would be able to kill the beasts chasing them. It would just have to be a bit of creativity that brought the monsters down.

Extending his prehensile claws, Sinder quickly scaled to the crown of the tree before him. His strong leg muscles propelled him toward the top, and his upper body strength shot him even higher.‌ Once at the top of the tree he was able to get a better sense of his surroundings. Not only did the smell of fresh air clear his nostrils of the stench of those that followed him, his keen eyes were able to see three times as far as they could before. From this height he was able to make out the beasts chasing them.

He could tell by the area they were destroying that there were three of the creatures grouped together. They were rampaging through the brush without any regard, chasing the smell of blood and fear only. He didn’t know the name of the creatures, but they appeared to be reptilian in nature, however they had been bred to be top heavy, likely to be load bearing creatures. He could also gather that they were aggressive for whatever species they were. The closer the beasts got, the more his nostrils started to burn again. Whatever these monsters had gone through by the hand Sinder’s kidnapper was enough to make them ravenous. The only way to stop these creatures would be to kill them.

Sinder looked back down to his Whiphid ally, calling out with his deep voice, “They’re closing in.” He turned his head back toward their bulky bodies coming in and out of vision through the trees. The monsters were around three hundred meters away from the duo. If they were smart, they would use their weights as an advantage. An unstoppable objects meets an unmovable force, crippled by an unrelenting spirit from above.

“Large creatures, will not stop.”‌ The Trianii took his hand that wasn’t latched to the tree and beat his chest twice, his wooden axe causing thumping sound. “May we kill our prey.” A gutteral growl left his lips, “Or die in glory.”
Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

Sinder Sinder

Watching his companion scale the trees, Aki wonders from what sort of world he must have come, what sort of prey he must hunt. Upon his home planet, Whiphid roamed throughout vicious blizzards, winds capable of flensing flesh of less prepared creatures. If their quarry fled, it was not up into the heights of trees but the frigid depths of iceberg strewn seas.

As their pursuers came closer, Aki began to smell the subtle differences in their scents, identifying it as not one great beast but a trio. Standing behind one of the stakes, he raised his tusked maw and roared in time as Sinder beat his own hunting cry, just as the creatures entered the clearing.

Eyeing the trio, he thumped his mighty chest and stepped forwards to gain their attention as much as he could. Eyeing their bodies, he tried to pick where the best place to slide a spear point between a rib would be and he noted with disgust how sickly these creatures looked. For a brief moment he felt some sympathy as they were clearly starving and mad with hunger, there was no malice within their eyes, just a beast tortured beyond what was natural. Death would be a mercy.

Hoping Sinder was prepared, Aki leapt over the stakes and stabbed with his spear directly at the skull of the biggest of the trio, hoping they followed a pack mentality. If the beasts reflexes were dulled by hunger, the spear would burst straight through the thing boneplate of its nasal cavity into the brain beneath. If the omega of the pack saw this then perhaps it would flee.

Or it would attack his exposed flank and this hunt would come to a quick conclusion, Sinder was just as able to wait out the beasts within the safety of the branches. Aki was putting a great deal of trust in his fellow hunter.
From the treetop,‌ Sinder was able to see the action play out beneath him. His eyes darted back and forth between Aki and the animals, trying to see who would move first. The enemy had approached with such hunger and rage that they were unaware of anything that the Whiphid had done before it was over. Sinder watched the biggest of the beasts fall instantly, a painless death, a death deserving of the creatures that hunted them. It would bring no honor to pain these creatures unnecessarily or to prolong their existence.

The leader of the group was down, his body still twitching on the forest floor below. It was going to take split second timing to find Sinder’s chance to jump in. The Trianii used his vantage point to pinpoint weaknesses on the beasts. It appeared that among the lacerations most likely caused by their handlers were deep bite marks, marks fitting the size and shape of these same creatures’ ravenous teeth. This likely meant they had not only been killing their prey, but they were eating each other as well. This news was concerning in that even the weakest of the pack was out for blood.‌

Trying to not become the monsters’ next meal, Sinder decided action was better sooner than later. With the mercenary, there was always a tinge of the Force in everything he did, even if he didn’t notice it. As his tail flung back and forth, balancing himself in the tree while also helping angle his body to pounce at the perfect time, Sinder felt the urge to leap and he took it en haste. His entire weight was behind his massive legs as he leapt from the tree into the air, twisting his body and positioning it to land directly onto the the beast under him.

As he hurtled toward the ground, Sinder placed the axe above his head with both hands for more momentum, his sharp fangs holding the spear in his jaws. It would only take a couple moments for him to reach the ground, but he would be unleashing the full fury of his strength on this creature. If he landed in time he would kill the creature before it completed its lunge toward Aki’s arm, stopping him from being injured. If it didn’t, then at least it would be dead before it could really do a lot of damage.

Hitting the ground and the opponent beneath him, Sinder grabbed the spear with his now free hand and let out a bellow, his arms reached out toward the ether, and his cry boomed against the trees surrounding them. If their true opponent didn’t have an audio recording of what was happening he would still be able to intimidate the remaining beast. The tree leaves finished fluttering as Sinder focused his attention on the remaining monster, hopefully Aki would take it out soon if he were able.

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

As his spear punctured through the beast’s skull, Aki roared in pleasure, the jungle shaking in the face of his wrath as all 400kgs of his weight was directed into one focused point. Continuing his charge, the Whiphids momentum brought him straight into the twitching body of his prey, the foul diseased stench of his starved hide surrounding him, hits limbs flailing in its death throes giving him a little bit of cover from a flanking attack.

A heavy thump brought an end to that concern as the sound of his fellow hunter’s roar mingled with his, a terrifying combination of an Ursine rumble and Feline roar, combined with the cries of pain and fear from their prey and the stench of fear, entrails and spilt blood.

This was the Hunt exemplified.

Gripping his spear shaft, Aki felt resistance as the barbs on the makeshift weapons head began to catch in the skull fragments of the creature, along with the combination of brain matter, snot and blood that had spouted like a geyser over him when he had crushed it’s skull making gripping the weapon more slippery than previous. As an experienced hunter, Aki knew that the battle would be decided in millisecond decisions like this and chose to forgo his weapon, turning and running back to fight alongside his fellow.

Sinder had landed atop the other creature and deftly executed it but the one remainder had not been idle, prowling around and charging forwards, hoping to flank the Trianii. Knowing there wasn’t enough time to draw any of his other weapons, let alone hope to work his spear from the expiring creature behind him. Hurtling passed Sinder Sinder , Aki met the beasts charge with one of his own, the two coming together with a crash, the creature snapping its jaws at the Whiphid on in turn was smashing his tusked head against it, barely keeping the creature from enjoying a succulent meal of raw Aki. Even his muscles were being tested to their limits as he held the creature by its forequarters, raised up mid strike, putting him squarely in the path of its claws and teeth but exposing its underbelly to the Trianii.
Right before he made impact, Sinder could smell the fear in the air, everyone’s pheromones tasted bitter sweet. It turned out, this was the only thing he could feel before he hit the ground. As he rammed into his opponent, his senses changed drastically. In his species, once combat was engaged, you went full primal rage. There was no better defense than your body’s natural reaction, as his father said. While his senses were fueled by the‌ Force, Sinder was a good hunter without it, and often times accredited his kills to not using the Force, something he prided himself in.

The rustling of the trees from his ambush would soon be deafened by the screams of both enemies the pair faced. Sinder’s body had effectively obliterated his enemy upon impact. Not only did his sharpened axe break apart by blunt force in the monster’s skull, Sinder had also broken most of his bones with his sheer mass. No matter how powerful his attack was, he still left himself open for a counterattack. He sensed the final of the creatures go in for the kill, knowing that he wouldn’t have time to recover from his last blow. Sinder braced himself for the worst, however Aki had something else in mind.

Sinder watched as the Whiphid blocked the attack meant to end his life. It had been a long time since the mercenary had seen such honor or strength. With only a moment to recover, Sinder roared once again, startling the local fauna who had crept closer to see what was happening. Using his right hand, Sinder swung upward toward the monster’s belly, extending his powerful claws and ripping into its tough skin. Dropping his spear, the Trianii used his other hand to go under the mosnter’s jaw to bring it in toward him. He had hoped to use the moment of confusion to kill his opponent. If Aki were watching, all he would see were the full extent of Sinder’s fangs, one of which glowed with a red gemstone planted in it. The only other thing he would see was blood squirting as he bit into the sinewy neck of the beast.

Soon enough the monster would fall to the ground and Sinder would spit out his flesh. His meat was stringy and tasteless, it left a sour note on his tongue. Refusing to waste time relishing their victory, Sinder knew they were likely still being hunted. Their deep voices echoed through the trees, likely drawing more enemies toward them. “This is just starti-”

He was cut off by a booming voice, the same one from the cage. “Good, all three of you have survived so far. This time though, I will not be using you to feed my beasts.” The trees surrounding the duo and their slain enemies started shaking.‌ “These creatures are fed far more.”‌ He started laughing, “They are going to kill you for the sport.” The comm cut out sharply. The two of them would have to run again.

“If we are to perish this time.”‌ Sinder paused, raising his paw to his chest. “It was an honor hunting with you.‌ I am Sinder.”‌‌ He lowered his paw to his side. He hoped their combined strength would be enough to outrun this new wave of beasts.

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

Holding the immense weight on his shoulders, Aki felt his muscles begin to tire, the hindquarters of the beast tearing up the earth behind it as it tried to force the Whiphid to his knees, a tactic that had some merit, Aki had to admit as he felt his legs begin to buckle under the strain. Preparing himself for one final shove, he felt the weight begin to loosed as some of it was shouldered by Sinder, the mighty feline tearing into the creature with its fangs, something that brought a feral smile to Aki’s tusked mouth.

Shrugging the weight off, Aki’s grin grew at the sound of tearing flesh as Sinder spat out a mouthful of the beasts torn out throat and the Whiphid nodded his approval at the creatures end. On his planet, no kill was left to waste, no part of the prey for to do so would dishonour the creatures spirit.

. “Good, all three of you have survived so far. This time though, I will not be using you to feed my beasts. These creatures are fed far more.”‌ They are going to kill you for the sport.”

Grunting, Aki turned to Sinder.

“If we are to perish this time. It was an honor hunting with you.‌ I am Sinder Sinder .”‌‌

Turning back to the beast that had his spear still lodged within it, Aki grabbed the shaft and tore free his weapon, the pitiful remains of the creatures head shredding even further against the spears barbs. Crouching before the beast, Aki grabbed the corpse’s canines, careful to avoid the wicked points of the fangs. Even dead, who knew what bacteria the pitiful things carried, even moreso from the emaciated state they were in.

Ripping them from the creatures gums, Aki strode back to the Trianii, holding one of the fangs out.

“Take, Hunt-brother. We celebrate our success, regardless of what comes.”

As the ground began to shake, the Whiphid thudded a massive furred claw against his own chest.

“I am named Aki Angunasuktuq, in my tongue this means the price that one pays for a kill. I mean to teach this one that pricehe said, gesturing around them with the blade of his spear.

“But first, we must find his spoor.”
He watched Aki tear the fangs from the beast, the snap of their bones satisfying a deep carnal desire within him.‌ He noted that his friend was smart for avoiding the point of the tooth. When he handed it to Sinder, he made sure to cup his paw so that it wasn’t punctured by the bone. and quickly placed it in a hidden pouch on his belt. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on him, a large feline being intimidated by the disease of another fanged creature. It appeared that this time, cat stereotypes were a good thing, seeing as Sinder kept himself very clean.

The blood soaked mercenary looked back toward Aki and heard, once again, the trees rumble and shake around them. With his natural affinity toward hearing, he could make out the rustle of the local lifeforms cutting tail as well, scared of what approached. This meant that whatever was coming was either very large or enough of something to scare them. The mercenary looked toward Aki once more, this time he was reading his body language. Everything he could tell from his ally said that he was in it for the long haul. The hunter had pride, something which Sinder respected above all else.

“The Zabrak has to know what is happening.”‌ He tilted his head up, his snout sniffing the air around them, trying to find some trace of where to go over the stench of dead flesh around them. He thought he might have lifted a scent, but trusting that the Whiphid’s nose was just as good, he waited to see if he got the same lead.

Aki Angunasuktuq

Aki Angunasuktuq

“The Zabrak has to know what is happening.”‌

Lifting his furred head to take in a deep breath, the Whiphid picked up the scent of their erstwhile companion, the fellow captives acrid tang in the air, the oily aroma of sweat mixed with the slightest tang of blood. As the ground around them began to rumble, Aki leaned against his spear, looking around them as the local fauna left the area in droves.

If they choose to run then stealth is no longer an option, whatever is coming must be a consummate hunter. And for them all to run, it must prey on everything within the area, an alpha of this environment. If it is true and it kills for pleasure, not sustenance, then it must have some sense of awareness, a higher level of thinking than any mere beast.

“We must find him. Let us be swift, I would not become the prey.”

Looking at his fellow hunters frame, he noted the sleekness the large feline had, the length of his limbs and such, in comparison to his own heavily furred limbs. Whiphids were endurance hunters, not made for quick sprints but instead pursuit predatation, to merely walk down their prey until it collapsed from exhaustion.

But needs must.
Sinder turned quickly on his heel, his entire feline frame shifting focus toward the unknown. The Trianii was able to discern that whatever was on its way was going to overpower them if they just stood around. With Aki at his back Sinder knew he was able to take on anything, even if the two species were built for different types of hunting. Trianii's physique was built from ambush and assassination, while his ally was built by enduring cold winds and fasting.

“Then we shall find him.”‌ Sinder’s voice was more of a scratchy purr at this point. “We kill them first.” He gestured his head toward the sound of the beasts. Slowly he lead the way toward the scent, keeping in mind his friend's frame.

“This time I am bait.” Sinder was walking faster now, hoping that Aki would be able to keep up. He was taking them closer and closer to the small rocky cliffs above them. It was Sinder's plan that Aki would climb to the top and be the surprise this time. As he reached the rocky formation, he realized he needed to brace himself. While he held all of his weight behind him in his stance, Sinder posed his spear in front of him with both hands, and once again his axe was gripped by his large fangs.

“My brother, this is it.”

As he finished, a very large, obviously starved group of mutant Aryx arrived. Their feathers were covered in puss and their beaks were adorned with holes and blood. Sinder held his stance as they charged at him with their blood curdling battle cries. He had hoped to hit at least one right in the chest before they completely tore him to shreds, ironic for a feline species. With his last moments of clarity before he entered a his rage, Sinder counted six of the beast in total.

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