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Approved Species The Mortem Magistri

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  • Name: The Mortem Magistri
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: The Royal Institute of Science
  • Average Lifespan: 150 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: At first glance, The Mortem Magistri is an instrument of inducing mental fear dominance. Some believe they are some manner of Sithspawn, but they are in fact a genetic abomination of dna splicing. The Mortem Magistri is a combination of krayt dragon and wookie dna; with each individual displaying one or more dominating features from the two parent species.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: Four (4) meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Green Scales
  • Hair color: Brown Patches (Not All Possess)
  • Distinctions: The Mortem Magistri are scientifically bred to be male only, no females of this particular species, meaning the ability to produce offspring is nullified. Everything about their physical components sets them apart from every know species, for the exception of those traits associated with krayt dragons and wookies; and even then, there are times it's hard to decipher which dominating trait is established. There is only one distinction to denote the difference in age, between immature, matured, and elderly, is by the length and thickness of the spike rolls on their shoulders and horns on their head. It should be noted that even though they can live to be 150 standard years, they age quickly from infancy to immature status. In summary, in two months they go from little guys to medium size guys.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Intelligence: They have the gift of an almost superior mind. They are masters of problem solving, and easily not tricked by tactics or distractions (outside the weakness below). Quick to think on their feet, they can easily adjust to the changing landscapes of battles, skirmishes, and clashes.
  • Massive Physical Strength: Built like tanks, they can crash through walls like tanks as well. They can lift four times their weight; and can rip most metals, materials, and mineral and chemical compositions in half. Flesh, like tearing a thin paper.
  • Retractable Poisoned Tip-Claws: It's unclear how the poisoned claws came to be, but it's believed they are a genetic by-product from the krayt dragon dna. Its been documented that the krayt dragon can secrete venom from their teeth and / or spines.
  • Extremely Powerful Jaws: The jaws allow them to harbor a bite force of nearly 6,000 pounds per square inch; easily snapping through bone and flesh. They can bite though most metals, materials, and mineral and chemical compositions based appropriately on the thickness and type of object being bitten.
  • Patched Plated Armor: Located in two places, shoulders (including the back end of the shoulder) and forearms, they have a thick plated armor that can withstand minimal blaster hits. Slug throwers have no affect, and most melee weapons such as vibro-style have no affect when they come into contact with the plated armor. Melee weapons like a lightsaber can cut through it, but with little more than average effort.
  • Berserker: Prone to fits of rage and fury, they are likely to fall into a trance like state that causes them to attack with a ferocious frenzy. This usually occurs during moments of heated battles, but can at times emerge unprovoked, suffering from a short-temper.
  • Insatiable Appetite: Continuously hungry, they are easily distracted by food. They have been known to disengage from battles to eat. Their high metabolism can at times pose serious problems, but as a small counter; they will eat any flesh type, including the corpses of fallen allies and enemies.
  • Lumbering Beast: In spite of their powerful frames, they are slow moving. They do not possess the ability to run and their recorded rate of speed tops out at four kmph.
  • Force Attraction: A genetic flaw of the dna of the krayt dragon, they are highly attracted to the Force, mainly the dark side. They will attack anything Force related unrelentingly, with harbored passion and hatred. When in the presence of the Force, they become transfixed on the object or species.
  • Fearless: Considered by some to be a positive attribute, it's in fact not. Known to fight to the death, even in the face of annihilation, they will continue their course without regards to their own lives. They utilize headstrong tactics, even though they have almost near superior intelligence, which can be a result from when they go berserk. However, they have been studied and recorded to enter dangerous situations even in a pacified mood.

  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: They understand Galactic Basic (minor commands and words) but have no language of their own. They grunt and hiss in different tones.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: There is no family or social structure among the species, as they are bred for one sole purpose: war. The young are raised in labs, where they are taught sign and body language, as well as Galactic Basic for understanding purposes. As the whole species are males, their is no need to find mates to produce offspring, and it appears the species rarely congregate among themselves. There is no hierarchy to speak of.


The idea of creating the species first began in the labs of The Royal Institute of Science on the planet of Cattamascar. In the beginning, the species was just another project on the massive drawing boards of the genetic scientists who worked in the Department of Life Sciences and the sub-department of Zoology. Together, they began devising ideas based off certain genetic and dna components; eliminating those they discovered that could not be properly combined. Genetic splicing is a hard science, not every dna is optimal to other forms of dna; a problem they were discovering early on. Not every reptile dna could mesh with other reptilian dna, same with mammals, aquatics, and bird based species. However, as they discovered, that combining two dna codes from separate categories of species could in fact prove bountiful.

Through trial and error, and several failures, they finally learned they could combine wookie and krayt dragon dna. Again, problems began to rise during certain stages of development. The problem was they needed to find the proper ratio of dna between the two species, as the early results would bore horrific abominations. Director Mihaly, the Overseer of Science Development for the Eternal Empire, began to notice that it wasn't simply the dna ratios that were off, but there were empty spaces in the genetic coding of the proposed species. These spaces, she told her underlings, simply couldn't be filled by random dragon or wookie dna; there needed to be an independent third party, or possibly more.

After more studies, certain lizards and other mammals closely related to the kryat and wookie species were in possession of certain dna patterns that fit properly into the blank slates. These tiny traces of dna would not compromise the species they were genetically creating; only adding a relative-like dna that was now being accepted in the code of the species. However, this would prove untrue as the minute dna did alter the species substantially, such as robbing it of potential speech (wookie) and size (krayt dragon).

Using computer science from The Department of Formal Sciences, they were able to get a relative image concept of what the species may look after entering the the information; thus it was decided to continue the project offsite, for the safety of others at the institute. Staying on Cattamascar, a new facility was temporarily erected to begin constructing the species until the project could properly find safe housing to create the species onsite.

Within the next six months, several specimens were created and studied extensively. Sadly, due to a lack of understanding of the species, and the dangers they posed even during their early stages of life; they were eradicated. As the project began moving forward, along with in-depth knowledge of the species, the geneticists increased production of the species, along with discovering how to manage the creations, which now included surgically installing an inhibitor chip that could be activated in the event one of the creations went array; quickly killing it. The species were being taught basic communication skills, sign and body language, and the concept of understanding basic commands in Galactic Basic. The species, after all, were bred for war; not everyday functions. However, the species never fully comprehended sign and body language art; relegated now to grunts and hisses in different tones to express emotions.

Several housing units were erected in the mountainous regions on the planet to keep the species secure. They were not left unattended, with several staff including military and scientific personnel, overseeing them daily. When the species was finally fleshed-out, the older adults underwent training with the Eternal Empire's military. They can use weapons of the melee variety, or improvised weapons, but they are incapable of using trigger based weapons like blasters and rifles.

And unknown to the Eternal Empire,
Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) secretly possesses the formula to create these abominations, to possibly enhance them for herself.
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