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The Misadventures of Xander & Selene (Part 1)

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Stars swished by like city lights past a subway, their infinite glow disappearing in seconds as Xander's ship rocketed by them through Hyperspace. The young businessman yawned, rubbing his emerald eyes with the palms of his hands. This trip was taking hours; though it felt like days. Ession was a long way from Nal Hutta and the fact that he had to make the journey was not a comforting thought.

For some reason, that to him defied all basic rules of logic and commonsense, the cat-woman that had broken into his outpost had decided to take an unplanned detour. They had come to what was apparently a one-sided understanding when they first met. She went off to send proof of her employers back to SDE and in turn they didn't throw her into a canal somewhere. He thought that'd be enough of a motivator, but according to the most recent tracker readings it may have been too much to ask.

She had told them that Nal Hutta was her destination, but she was on the complete opposite side of the planet that she was supposed to be. That had irritated him quite beyond belief, so much so that he had simply taken a few droids with him and just left Ession without warning. He wanted to know who was behind this and apparently he needed to re-motivate this woman himself. He growled at the thought, his eyes shifting to the viewport as the ship dropped from Hyperspace. "Blasted women" he sighed "always so eager to be a pain in the neck"

Looking down to the datapad in the seat beside him, he gazed at the map it was portraying. A small flickering light showed him where the woman was hiding out and so that's where he'd be headed.

Saro Iris

Addicted Information Broker
[member='Xander Corbal']

Selene knew what she was doing was wrong but it felt so good. It was impossible to go one minute without being swarmed with questions and pressured. She was convinced they forgot she had a life to live. Of course it was meant to be given up upon the tracker flowing within her veins. The lights in the club flashed brightly, men and woman of many different species were mixed about the building. None had a face that conveyed gloom. Selene was determined to have some fun, even if that meant the invitation of Giggledust. She pushed her way through the bodies, her tail kept close so it would not get stepped on or pulled.

There was a VIP section in the club, sitting amongst the presence of more than a few females was a large purple Hutt. He was blowing a thick smoke into the air from a hookah, a more than excited grin filled his fat face when Selene had finally made herself known to him. This Hutt was the man who first got her introduced to Spice and he was mainly the man he went to for it. Selene threw her hands up and gave a sly smirk as she posed. He bellowed a deep chuckle and shouted over the pounding music.

"There is my little Kitty! Do come closer child!" Happily she obliged and was allowed access into the VIP area. He shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I've heard more than a few stories about you Sel..Though I never thought you'd come to a place dressed like that." Selene took in a deep breath, standing before the Hutt she slouched and rolled her eyes, shaking the bag that hung on her arm. "That's my girl! Feel free to change back there." He directed a flabby arm over to a bath small closed off area. Selene helped herself to in which she changed into half shirt and a pair of leggings.

Selene told herself she'd change back as soon as she could and continue on her trek to the men who got her in this situation in the first place. Selene pushed the dark locks of hair off her shoulders and presented herself before the Hutt once more. She most likely would have chatted him up if she was prepared to lose her voice, though she knew later she would lose her lunch. He placed a hand on his stomach has he bellowed once more, it was obvious he was on Giggledust. "Now that's more like the Selene I know darling! Here! I saved this just in case you'd show up!" Selene smiled and leaned forward, taking the Giggledust. "You sure do know how to please a woman."

The effects almost immediately kicked in. She covered her mouth as muffled laughter began already. "Now get out of my sights Sel before I charge you for the next jar." Selene knew he was only joking unless of course he was not in a good mood. Which he seemed to be. Backing up she bowed nonsensically and blew a kiss to the Hutt before leaving the VIP. Selene began to blend back into the mixture of men and woman. She couldn't help but laugh as she danced with a more than attractive human male.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Selene Ishtar"]

This place hadn't gotten any less slimy since the last time he'd been here. In fact, the last time he was here he found himself in the indentured service of a vile Hutt; one he vowed to kill next time he saw him. Xander growled at the sight of the scantly clad prostitutes and gaggles of gangs that lined the streets, it reminded all too much of his former life. It was far too soon for him to have forgotten the pains that time of his life had brought him, the time before Josiah had come to let him know he was the inherit billionaire of the Stargo Defense Enterprise.

When he left he was a low ranking mobster in an illegal crime syndicate. Now he returned as the boss of the most legal crime syndicate around.

Glancing down at the pad in his hand, he took note of where Selene was now. She had apparently stopped by a club or den of some sort, it wasn't a place Xander was familiar with either way. With a sigh, he stuck the pad in his pocket and looked over his shoulder to make sure his droids hadn't been stripped of their bolts while he wasn't looking. Nope, the six droids looked in working order; not a big surprise really. It was mostly petty thieves around these parts and no one wanted to deal get involved with anyone who looked like they ran with a syndicate; nice clothes and droids were usually signs of that.

Walking down a few blocks, Xander came to the place the tracker told him Selene was in. The outside was rotting down to the foundation and the thugs outside looked like they mean business. "Great" Xander huffed, beginning slow march past the thugs and into the building. They didn't stop him, though they may not have been meant to. They did, however, watch him like hawks eyeing a fresh meal.

The inside of the place looked worse than the outside, but that didn't seem to stop everyone from having a good time. Taking a sniff, Xander saw why. You could practically smell the high drifting from these people like yesterday's sweat; and by the way they were all moshed together on the dancing floor he gathered it must have been something strong and euphoric.

This was just great, he was going to need to split his droids up to find this cat. Turning to the droids, he practically had to yell to make himself heard over the music, "Split up and search the crowd, when you find the target bring her to me!"

The droids buzzed in understanding before marching off coldly to do as their master had commanded. Straightening his coat, Xander took a quick glance over the crowds. Most of everyone was too busy enjoying their high or their drinks to notice him, but those who weren't were giving him the same hawk eye that those outside had. He had to get this pain in the ass thief quick if he didn't want a shootout.

Saro Iris

Addicted Information Broker
Selene turned around the face the human. As large smile played on her face as they danced together, getting as close as to people could get. Her hands on his body, his on hers. Though he seemed less intoxicated and drugged than the Felacatian. Her tail whipped around her, everything began to slow and the lights blurred. There was a unreasonable happiness boiling within her head. Selene began to remember why she was addicted to this magic in the first place.

She ran her hands through her thick hair only to have a cold metal wrap around her arm, maybe she was just to high to care. Immediately she just continued to erupt into laughter, the male payed no attention the disappearance of his dance partner. Selene was being practically being dragged through the crowded building. There was something that sparked inside of her that told her it was not in her best interest to be going this way, yet she pushed it away and was fed soft giggles and smiles. She wouldn't have it any other way of course while her moral compass read something else her mind directed in her the opposite direction.

Once the crowd parted a decent amount the droid had brought her to however ordered him. It was as if the spice was not as powerful as thought. Selene tried the grip on the machine had on her arm but it would budge. She just knew how much trouble she was going to be in but for her it was worth the risk. Only recently had she been going through spice withdrawals but that would needed to be changed as soon as possible. She placed her shoes down on the hard tile flooring but it only caused Selene to trip forward a little.

The thought of her falling entered her mind and there was a almost hysterical burst of laughter from her throat. Though over the music it simply blended with the others if not embarrassed. Giggledust tended to come and go, at the first sight of Mr.Corbal her stomach dropped and the spice faded because she remembered the consequences of taking this detour but now it was right back. His back was currently turned to her, she extended a hand and gently touched his shoulder. Her laughed was no turned into childish muffled laughter. It was as if she wanted to laugh but she contained it best she could.

In her mind she was thinking they would literally skip out of the club and go to another one but if she was not high on spice then that thought might not have crossed her mind. Something in her just couldn't wait to see his reaction to her disobedience.

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