Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Misadventures of Kolab: Moff to a Bad Start [Republic Remnant/The Sovereignty]

Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Eadu System, S-Wing

Varik's eyes darted back as his head swivelled, watching the Star Destroyer suddenly disappeared from view. They were in retreat now, it seemed. That was odd - perhaps these weren't the same Imperials he had known. Yes, that must be it. If it was the actual Empire, they would've had more ships to spare than this; they tended to enjoy larger vessels, and large quantities of them. Varik looped around, watching what was left of the adversaries.

There was two Carracks left, and as Ice watched, he decided to leave them be. If his men decided to destroy these vesels, they could do so. But he wanted enough men to report back. To let whoever these people were what had happened when they encroached on Sovereignty space. He wouldn't let anyone, Imperials or not, endanger the people he'd sworn to protect.

The Sovereign flew his S-Wing back down, now flying alongside the freed Puddlejumper. He opened up a comm channel, speaking into the communicators for both their vessel and the Sovereignty's own, so [member="Nilia Saavilin"] at least would hear what he said. "There was a conversation that we wanted, correct?"

That was a joke. It was a good enough time for a joke, right? Perhaps his humour could use some work.

[member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Cynan Hague"] | [member="Kolab Shansaash"] | [member="Thaaros Klopp"] | [member="Aeric Saigo"] | [member="Mark Crassis"]
Eadu System, Obtruder-Class (Medium Cruiser), Bridge, Undetermined Time | Unstoppable

A smile crossed Nilia's face briefly as she heard the Sovereign's quip. It was humorous, but also could be interpreted as a bit of a signal; now that his fight had ended, hers had begun. Nodding to the officer on deck in thanks for letting her observe, the Senator turned sharply on a heel to leave the bridge. No more fireworks to watch. Pausing at the room she had been provided with to collect a datapad she had left containing notes on certain topics she'd like handy for the meeting with Remnant representatives.

After that, it was a short walk to the boardroom that had been prepared in advance for the meeting. Taking a seat to the right of what was clearly the 'head' chair-- Only one person in the Sovereignty was really permitted to sit there, and it certainly was not her --Nilia began the terrible process of waiting. Boredly, she traced her fingers across the wooden surface that looked so out of place inside the military cruiser, creating imaginative designs that served to kill time.

Waiting for those RR boys to board <3
‘I wonder where I left that datapad?’ It was a strange thought to have upon realising that you were not imminently going to die. The tractor beam had failed and the Star Destroyer had disappeared under increasing pressure from the Sovereignty ships. The Puddlejumper and all those aboard her were going to live to see another day and all Thaaros could think about was his misplaced datapad. He had only been sent out with the Diplomatic convoy to represent the Navy and anything useful that he might be able to contribute was all stored on that missing datapad.

There was a renewed sense of optimism on the bridge of the Puddlejumper and the ship’s Commander looked set to burst with a sense of relief and feelings of immense pride. The young man had successfully ensured that the Diplomatic vessel had not been destroyed or captured and therefore guaranteed the meeting of the Sovereignty and Remnant representatives. In reality this was a gross over estimation of his role, in fact he had just stood there while other people did the fighting. However, this was his ship and he was going to make sure he got the credit that someone else deserved.

“Alright everyone, settle down we still have a job to do.” The Commander was trying to bring some order back to the bridge as the crew had stopped working and were now congratulating each other on surviving. “I trust that you are going to let Naval Command know about my part in all this?” The young man was now addressing the seated Thaaros.

“Hmm? Oh. . . But of course, Commander. A truly stunning victory.” Thaaros spoke as a politician like grin grew up his face. “I dare say we would all be stardust by now if it was not for you.” He was desperately resisting the urge to laugh as he lied through his back teeth.

Apparently the Puddlejumper’s Commander was too stupid or too proud to realise that Thaaros was oozing sarcasm. The young man simply stood with his hands on his hips, shoulders back and chin up like a rather disappointing superhero. It was probably the proudest moment of the man’s life and Thaaros began to feel slightly guilty. After all, he was simply doing what people had been doing for centuries, taking credit for someone else’s hard work; and in real life there were no superhero’s just men and women trying to live up to their childhood impressions.

“Ensign, make sure the Diplomatic party know that we will be rendezvousing with the Sovereignty’s ships imminently.” The young Commander had gone back to work and did not notice as Thaaros left the bridge.

As he stepped off of the bridge Thaaros realised that he had never actually found out what the Commander’s name was. He had always made little files about the Commanders and Captains and Admirals that he had served under or with. He found that it helped to know what their strengths and weaknesses were, whether they were useful or complete idiots. This was precisely why he needed to find that datapad because it had a lifetime’s worth of information stored upon it. The sort of information that could either be used to inform the Navies decision making and the approaching Diplomatic meeting or the sort of information that would make Captain Thaaros Klopp a rich man in retirement, when he published a best-selling gossip novel about the Republic’s leaders.

‘Where in the could it be?’ He thought whilst straightening his uniform. “Of course!” Thaaros shouted and marched off to find his datapad. He hoped.
Mark Crassis sat back and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. It use to be that situations like that had gotten him going....made him feel alive. Now though, with time ever closing in on him and his years dwindling before him, he was beginning to find his most excitement from a boring day. Still....with diplomatic work to be done, the rest of the day should be just that.

"Well that was fun." Mark Crassis said to no one in particular but smiled at the young navigation officer sitting not far from him.

"This is senator in absentia, Mark Crassis," Crassis said into the comm as he rose to his feet, his weight shifting on his cane as he did so, "I believe we are ready for this meeting to begin." Crassis made his way swiftly toward "And thank you." Crassis said, happy that the Sovereignty had been there to give aid. Crassis was unsure who he would be meeting with. He had been shifted to the assignment relatively last minute and he was still working on rebuilding his contacts that had gone silent after the fall of the Republic.

One downside to the attack....was it started the Republic Remnant off in a position of obligation in the talks that were about to begin. Crassis couldn't help but think this way. Too many years spent weighing and calculating every interaction with politicians, soldiers, and contacts had warped the old spies mind too much to view it in any other way.

It was why the people of Sovereignty could just aid in saving their lives and still be suspect to the old man.

[member="Ever Dawnracer"] | [member="Kolab Shansaash"] | [member="Aeric Saigo"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | [member="Varik Ice"] | [member="Thaaros Klopp"]​

Ever Dawnracer

Ever sat her backside down in one of the meeting rooms when she heard Crassis on the comms. She never thought she would be so happy to hear a politician speak, but sure enough she was. At least he might be able to get the a tow until another Republic ship could come and pick them up. She was a bit excited about that prospect. The idea of dying on a slab of metal in the middle of the deep dark of space still gave her chills.

She leaned her head back against the wall and promised herself that she'd only go on starships in the future if they had a solid destination in mind. Or else she was going to be keeping her feet firmly planeted on the ground somewhere. No more of this wandering around in space to get a potentially cold burial. She didn't like that much.

Deciding she couldn't stay sitting, she stood and worked her way to the bridge, slipping in to stand at the back. She didn't need to talk, she just figured she'd be there.

[member="Mark Crassis"] [member="Thaaros Klopp"] [member="Nilia Saavilin"] [member="Varik Ice"]

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