Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Meeting of Minds

Zanvic stood at a soldier's attention staring at the rising sun of Tython. In his time stationed in this planet, all he did was patrol the surrounding area and watch for anything suspicious. It was pretty much the most boring job in the Galaxy for a soldier. Tedious inspections, endless drills and the only thing dangerous were the occasional Womp Rat or if Zanvic was lucky a bandit. When Zanvic was issued a new order to help rehab a Jedi he was almost happy to do so. It was a great way to break the monotony that he was experiencing. He did send the Jedi a message to come early because they needed to get as much done as possible. As what he heard, the Jedi couldn't walk.

Zanvic continued to look at the sunrise a small smile crept on his face. Finally a job where he can feel useful.

Nira Viran Nira Viran
"Nice view, huh?" Nira said nearing closer toward Zanvic. "Mother and Father brought me here sometimes. when I saw the ruins of Kaaleth I was marveled by the ruins. Now I think my family is a lot like the ruins of that once great place. A past that will never happen again." Her family had fallen apart and separated, they also disowned her as a family member after her brother told her parents about her interests in joining the intelligence branch of the Galactic Alliance when she was a teenager. Due to this she shed a single tear to symbolize family that she had lost.

Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak
The only family Zanvic ever knew was the Kaminoans who taught him what it meant to be a soldier. It was something that filled Zanvic with joy, it gave him purpose a direction. However once he began serving the Galactic Alliance, Zanvic saw the complicated conflicts that purged the Galaxy it was so much better back in the tank where the information he was given was black and white. Easier to understand as well but when it comes grey he didn't know what to do with it. Zanvic wasn't ready to handle it through the constant massacres and restrictions it was rather frustrating to be a good soldier. Just then a blue woman interfered Zanvic's train of thought she was around his age and was just as pensive as Zanvic is. "It is," Zanvic muttered. "I believe this is the birthplace of the Jedi."

Zanvic grew curious about this woman and who she was. "May I ask your name?" He asked. "My name Sergeant Zanvic."

Nira Viran Nira Viran
Nira was taken aback a bit, she never did this with other clones, but said with a smile "Nira, what's your name?" she was very well-educated, and knew about the Alliance and knows a lot of subjects that are not well-known among the general population of the Galaxy. Her brother and Nira did not always see eye to eye and often argued which is why she was arrogant in her beliefs. Zanvic on the other hand seemed friendly and is very handsome in her eyes. Then said with a laugh "I'm half-chiss if you would like to know, my mother was human, my father on the other hand was chiss." She did not know why she liked this one so much, but she had a feeling that his personality matched her own quite significantly.

Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak Zanvic "Ironhide" Dak

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