Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The meeting of a new master.

[member="Naga Itesak"] & [member="Khiltran"], names that were etched onto the datapad held by the cloaked figure. He was walking down the landing ramp of his ship and headed towards the Bridge of a Vanguard-class Heavy Cruiser in orbit around Coruscant. Following after the robed figure were three Tuk'ata, One at least a head taller than the other two though they easily reached 120 cm in height as they walked proudly behind their master, the largest at his side.
As he entered the bridge the Figure immediately ordered that the two acolytes on his datapad would be contacted and ordered up to the ship, he would meet them in the conference room of the ship. They would also be told not to bring any weapons of any kind to this meeting, but wouldn't be told who they would be meeting either.
Once he was inside the conference room, or rather it was simply a large room with a table at one end and a wide space in front of it, decorated with a large rub over most of the metal floor.
The Tuk'ata seemed delighted at the fact that the room had a rug as they rubbed themselves against it and the two smaller once played a little while the largest simply laid down on the rug in front of the table that T'zantih now sat at, his face buried in a tome of ancient knowledge. The rooms light controls however had been placed on a comlink at his wrist. He knew his Tuk'ata could see in the dark and he didn't really need illumination to begin with so he kept the rooms lights turned off.
So there he sat pouring over ancient knowledge in the dark awaiting the entrance of his two new apprentices and the inevitable test he would put them through. Upon their arrival two Zuguruk Tyûk Sabers, training sabers for his Apprentices, would be provided for them. If they already had their own then they would be confiscated for a short time until the test would be over or T'zanith decoded upon giving them back their own Lightsabers. They would be approached by a Guard and he'd ask them if they had any weapons, if the answer would be yes they they would be searched and the weapons confiscated. Once that would be over on their way to the room T'zanith was in they'd be approached by another ensign who would look very nervous and he'd hand them the Sabers T'zanith intended for them with but a single utter of. "Be careful" and then he'd run off.
Into the room came two Zuguruk Tyro saber droids, hovering with robes draped over them to make them look like jedi, their repulsor lift legs replaced with actual legs to feed the illusion and their own Zuguruk Tyûk Sabers but with one blue and the other had a green blade instead of the traditional red of the sith, the final touches to the illusion.
Their meeting would both be a lesson and a test for his new apprentices. However as he waited for them he poured over a text pertaining to the teachings of the Rule of Two sith's of old. A current fascination of T'zanith's as those were the most powerful siths in recorded history and a rule to be admired to be sure.
Khiltran was in Coruscant handling some business when he got the message to head to some cruiser orbiting the planet. To him, this sounded like a trap, but he somehow was attracted to it, and his senses told him it was something not to be feared. So he did as the message instructed, he left his droids to a trusted friend and then blasted off to the ship. He landed on one of its hangars and immediately he sensed it. A dark presence, another user of the Dark Side. But this one seemed more familiar somehow. With this in his mind, he left his ship and was approached by guards, who asked him if he had any weapons. He answered yes, and he was searched and his lightsaber was taken from him.

After this he was instructed by one of the guards to head to a room a few floors down. He then was stopped by a seemingly nervous soldier, who handed him lightsaber and then said "Be careful" before running off. Khiltran was a bit confused by what was happening. First, he was told to come here, without knowing who he was meeting or for what. Second, he had been stripped of his weapon and now he is given a weapon? This is weird. He told himself.

But he continued walking...

He finally reached his destination and as he was about to enter two Jedi ( least that's what they looked like) ambushed him. Both of them were wearing light brown robes and wielding green colored lightsabers. Both of the Jedi charged and started their attack. Khiltran turned on the lightsaber given to him and made his Form VII stance and made a jump in order to stand behind the attacking Jedi. Only one of them noticed this and turned around and once again charged toward Khiltran who then proceeded to block his blow and then aggressively attack him. He slashed the supposed Jedi in the torso and cut off his "head". The other Jedi then charged toward him, this time in a more aggressive was than the latter. It took a few maneuvers, attacks and blocks in order to defeat the second one. Khiltran then finished off the second one with a force push, smashing the jedi against a wall.

Khiltran was surprised at the sudden metallic sound the Jedi made as he hit the wall. "Wait a minute..." He thought out loud. As he said this he inspected the other "Jedi" he had killed previously and found out it was some kind of droid. "Clever" he added as he inspected the droid. After this he proceeded inside the room. The room's lights were turned off, but Khiltran could slightly see inside with his natural night vision. The only thing he could see inside was dark figure and three animals that appeared dog-like in appearance. Khiltran stood at the door and said. "Alright. What's this all about?"


Naga arrived at [member="Darth Erebos"]'s request he was wondering what was it that he was summoned for, However any training he can receive he will gladly take without any hesitation.He handed his weapons to the guard and took his training saber and walked into the room seeing [member="Khiltran"] as he walked in. He saw the two jedi before him but then he realized they where droids. How clever to disguise them as jedi never the less these where no doubt their opponents. When the lights turned off nagas natural night vision kicked in so he could see as clear as if the lights where still on but in a black and white color was the only downside. he waited at the door next to the chiss wondering too what was going on.
"So how does the saber fit in your hand?" T'zanith said slowly and calmly, without a hint of any emotion. With a "come here" gesture but it was simply something he did to pull the two of them into the middle of the room. Behind them the droids got up, the one who had it's head cut of actually didn't for both had been given a training saber and such sabers only made flesh numb on contact but never able to slash anything apart.
With a button on his armrest he gave [member="XR-617"] the signal to enter the room behind the acolytes along with the training droids. "You now have a choice do you continue to fight those behind you in a futile attempt to survive? or will you attack me to end the fight all together?" T'zanith said, his head now moving to look at the two, his eyes bound by a blindfold.
With a press of a button he turned the lights back on, his Tuk'ata stood and growled at the two. As if awakened by a slumber by the intruders, the sith hounds growled at them as if they would rip them to shreds at any moment or a simple gesture from their master.
"Forgive me, acolyte [member="Khiltran"], I am simply testing the two of you." He said with a mischievous tone towards Khiltran before he turned his head towards [member="Naga Itesak"] and then to seem looking at the two of them. His face was obscured by his white hair, only his blindfold was visible. Then he stood up and walked in front of the table, his book placed on the table behind him, with a flick of his wrist he turned his saber on, allowing the acolytes to see his black cored, grossguard saber with it's red rims around the core itself.
"Now what will you choose?" He asked them, giving them two choices but then again those weren't the only choices.
"It would be stupid for us to continue to fight with the droids if we can't destroy them with our lighstabers and it would be a death sentence if we fought you. Even with the two of us joined together, we wouldn't be able to defeat you even we tried. There must be more than just two choices" Khiltran said in a serious tone, not finding anything funny from the current situation. He somehow felt mocked by the Sith in front of him and he was angry about it. But he did his best to contain his anger and try to keep it hidden from the Sith's senses.
Darth Erebos chuckled at [member="Khiltran"]'s answer. 'He shows promise this one.' He thought as he turned his saber off and took a step forwards, his Tuk'ata stopped growling but they still looked as if they kept a watchful eye on the pair of them. "Do you agree with his assessment Acolyte [member="Naga Itesak"]?" T'zanith then said as he gestured towards him, then he pointed at Khiltran again. "Trying to hide your anger from me is foolish, especially since I see it clearly." He said as he then tapped his finger against his right eye.


"I am of a mind with [member="Khiltran"] if our sabers cannot destroy the droids then why bother fighting them and our combined strength cannot be enough to fight you. It would mean death for us as you are more powerful then either of us combined, It would be fruitless either way." Naga did not feel the same anger Khiltran did for he knew this was a test not a mockery towards them. It was to test our intelligence... there was no mockery intended towards either of us.

[member="Darth Erebos"]
Khiltran sighted and was able to calm down. This is just a test...just relax. He thought to himself as he released his clenched fist. "Well then. What is our next trial?" Khiltran asked.
The droid was confused, not knowing if he was meant to be one they were supposed to fight. Although he suggested otherwise, considdering he was called in the room. He knew he wouldnt be a part of whatever was going on, but he entered anyways. He decided to remain silent instead of ushering himself forward, asking about what they were doing. It was the right choice, and he wouldn't argue with himself.

[member="Darth Erebos"]
T'zanith Smiled a little before he gestured to the two of them once again. "Tell me what are your skill sets? and what is it you hope to learn?" He asked them then as he then nodded to [member="XR-617"], he also meant for his saber apprentice to answer given that it had been a short while since he had given him a datacron containing saber forms. His posture was straight yet also relaxed giving away that he wished to know what their plans for themselves was.

[member="Khiltran"] [member="Naga Itesak"]
"I'm hoping to finish my training. For lightsaber combat I use a combination of the Forms VI and VII. I tend to be more aggressive in open areas and more careful in enclosed spaces. And also I have some advanced force skills" He replied in a more respectful tone than before to Master T'zanith. When he said this he was thinking of when he was being trained by a Dark Jedi in Felucia. He was the one who taught him everything he knew about lightsaber combat and the force.


"I simply wish to dive into alchemy and sorcery and the art of manipulateing the elements to my favor....anything in the art of the force i will gladly accept." It truely was what he wanted where being good with a lightsaber is beneficial one can become just as deadly when learned how to use the force in the manners he described....

[member="Darth Erebos"]
XR-617 remained silent for a while before answering.
"Form IV," he said flatly. He didn't realize that aggresion was his passion. But he knew that he wanted a form that would help him with offense, the best defense. At least to him.
T'zanith nodded to [member="Khiltran"], [member="Naga Itesak"] and [member="XR-617"] in turn. To Khiltran he began to speak first. "So you wish to finish your training. Any particular skills or arts you wish to learn? or do you simply wish to learn?" He replied before he looked at Naga, raising his hand up into the air and a small flame ignited above his hand. "You mean something like this?" He asked with a smile "Or would you rather I give you a lesson in alchemy instead?" He said with his smile intact.
To the droid his smile softened and wasn't as wide but it could still be thought of as a smile. "Form IV huh? Ataru, It is a very mobile form and masters have a hard time doing it without the aid of the force.... and interesting challenge wouldn't you say." He then said with a growing grin.
"I'd like to learn more about the force. And if there is anything else you can teach me about lightsaber combat. I'll learn it too" Khiltran replied while investigating the lightsaber given to him earlier.
"Well, sir. I was built for a challenge. If this wasn't a part of my life, would there be any point for me to be here? I can tell that you think that I am a pile of scraps if I do not excel. I am..." The droid seemed as if he forgot what he was going to say. He continued anyways. "I am... pushed to do better, and by learning this Form, I could go far."


" ill go with the fire you have demonstrated for a start....." He said with a grin on his face the thought of manipulating the elements around him enticed him made him feel stronger and the power to manipulate the environment would prove extremely beneficial especially in tight situations against over whelming opponents. Even if its simple fire for now... It is a start

[member="Darth Erebos"]
T'zaniths growing grin changed to a serious expression as he looked at [member="Naga Itesak"] and [member="Khiltran"] before he spoke. "Can either of you use force Lightning?" He asked as he brought one hand to his side as he put his Lightaber back onto his belt and crossed his arms. If he was going to teach them then it would be on his own terms, beginning with the basics and working their way up to the more advanced stages of force use like he was taught.
For his Saber apprentice however he pointed to the Zuguruk Tyro Saber droids, giving [member="XR-617"] full access to the beginning form training droids if he wished.
He nodded to [member="Darth Erebos"], turning to the training droids. He was highly confused at these. They were basically his floating brothers. He scratched his head, making a horrible screeching sound. He drew his lightsaber anyways, and began slashing and slicing. They were very fragile, but surprisingly fast and strategic. They charged him one at a time, which was good with him. He slashed, and the sabers clashed. He managed to get only one hand on the saber, a dangerous move, and managed to push the Zuguruk back with his offhand. He spun, slicing off the head of the first. He kicked it off to the side.

The next floated over to him, not giving him any time to strike. He knew it was bad to "react" as T'zanith told him, but he couldn't do anything else for the scenario. He held up his saber, barely blocking off the lightsaber. XR-617 maneuvered out of the tight clash, slashing at the left arm, housing the saber. It fell off, leaving him defenseless. XR continued on, executing the droid. The final droid in the room leisurely flied over. He was like the last, not giving XR any time to prepare, but it was too late. He had already put his saber into position, having the opponent meet an unexpected end. The clumsy thing knocked its own saber into its head, tumbling back. He finished it off by sending the red lightsaber through the stomach of the opposing droid, slicing left. The parts fell to the floor, short-circuiting. It didn't matter though, as they recycled themselves.

The droid returned to his datacron and began to learn more about his forms.
Seeing [member="XR-617"] rip through his droids like that caused T'zanith to grow a bit angry and he shot a bolt of force Lightning at the droid. "Do you have any idea how much those cost?!" He said his anger palpable in his voice but his posture was still a calm one, he wasn't angry enough to really show it just yet. "These droids are built to teach a style not be hammered into submission by whatever style you happen to know better than them. If this happens again you will personally see to fixing them, am I understood." That last part wasn't a question but a statement for the droid to understand he could very easily do the same thing to it as it had done to the other droids if he so wished it.
The droids were something he had created and designed with a couple of engineers to train force users in the Lightsaber forms when their masters were otherwise disposed. Equipped with personal shields that when depleted meant a win for the trainee and the droid would back off and retire until it's shield was recharged and then it could resume the training if the student wished. However the treatment XR had given them was simply appalling since they were hard to make and properly program to begin with and a nightmare to repair for even seasoned repairmen if the programming was to be kept intact.

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