Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The March Of The Metal Men (Dev Thread)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The wheels are turning, the worlds are burning, progress is a churning. It waits for no man, it cannot be pleaded with bribed or destroyed, progress is a churning and up, up, up, we must step or be left a burning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It was a cold arid night in the wastes where Mella Industries was located, from the searing day to the frost bidden night it was a climate of extreme and those who lived there were no different, as if cast from the blackness of the receding night Mella Foundries stood proud and tall, topped with sharp and geometric shapes that cast long and hungry shadows across the ground.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The sound of traction the grinding of metal and the explosion of smog, the doors opened and sitting on a conveyor belt wrapped tightly like some pseudo sacrifice to the gods of metal, quite ordinary, white, with a smaller upper section above and a larger one below. These were the willing sacrifices of the new world order, sheets of durasteel ready to be moulded. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Crashing sound of metal upon metal, tossing skyward bolts of light and the occasional stream of hot liquid lightning, pools were made of the metal and funnels were swollen, they formed individual parts, formless on their own but together a greater whole. [/SIZE]
Marching like the sound of thunder, mechanical clicking and the ever present torrent of ‘rodger rodger’, no man know fear until they’ve seen the ground move with living metal, and let them say none come more numerous than the B1 battle droid.

They were moved into storage containers, kept clean by the temperature and constant safety the container supplied, they would be moved and the armies of the cartels would swell and bolster with the children of Mongo, and his metal men.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The great ringed slug sat their watching his creation, his tail constricting with the static excitement building in it’s chest, excitement poured out him like sunshine through fine white linen; he glowed from the inside out. The smile that cracked his face hadn't been seen since he was a Huttlet and he squirmed faster, talked faster, ate faster. He just had a good feeling about the day, nothing that felt this right could possibly go wrong. It just couldn't.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He had invited key members of the cartel to watch as he pronounced the cartels grand droid army wayward. He spoke in galactic basic, the anticipation the excitement getting the best of him, his eye’s were fit to burst drinking in the sight of the fruits of his labour in great greedy mouthfuls. “Is it not beautiful.” [/SIZE]

Those invited are listed below, but everyone in the Cartel may join.
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Xander Black"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Momma the Hutt"] [member="Goros the Hutt"]​
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]

Sempra slithered forth on the elevated balony holding the gathered guests of Mongo.

" Oh great Mongo - this is a masterpiece. I am so delighted at your success that I humbly request to be allowed a personal purchase to reinforce the laboratory security here on Kalandra. " Sempra clapped his hand and nodded with appreciation toward his cousin and friend, if there was such a thing as friends among hutts...
There was clap of his meaty hands more elastic fat than digits, they criss crossed until resting against each other in a meaty sound one akin to a slab of meat falling from a great height. "The Hutt Cartel, will receive a thousand you may place them at your behest, five hundred will stay with me and the other thousand to the Jackals. You need not purchase only give me access to make more, draw upon the funds of the cartel and this will be the least of it."
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]​
Metal and progress!

The first was a word Momma couldn’t really relate to, but the second word was something she knew all about. A grin spread through her face as she watched the droids from the balcony she shared with the others. Her tiny hands clapped together as she stared on with great enthusiasm. There was greatness to this and though Hutts were typically known for being slimy and deceitful beings, Momma couldn’t help but truly feel proud for this accomplishment.

This is wonderful, very wonderful!” Obviously the words were spoken in the language they shared. “I applaud you and I’m excited to see these beauties in action.

| [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"] |
He was surrounded by Hutts, literally. Okay, his job resolved around being around Hutts, but you know. One man could only take so much of the stinkin slime balls before he cried himself to sleep. However, they were building a droid army, and mixed with Half Angel - Scream Squad that he was willing to lend, they were building a half decent militia.

He listened to Momma the Hutt speak in the native Hutt tongue, and so he replied in said tongue. "Great, a droid army. I guess I need to make bigger ships." He smiled lightly, chuckling as he did. He figured that droids wouldn't be a bad idea, though it would ruin Sempra's idea of older but modern Hutts.

[member="Momma the Hutt"]
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
There was a keen look to those eye's, a sharpness that really could harm. He moved between them and to the balcony his shoulder's shifting the coat flecked with movement and rustling between movement and wind. "You've done well." he commended clapping the slab of metal he called hand's together with an almost ringing sound. "Very good job indeed."

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]​
"Most generous [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] - the Cartel is us. and thus these 1000 strong army will serve us all in enforcing the will of the hutts. They will patrol both our stronghold on Sriluur and protect our interestes here on Kalandra." Sempra inclined his head gratefully toward Mongo.

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