Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Malnourished Games

Somewhere in Wild Space
Cold... and moist. Something cold and moist repeatedly cascaded onto what felt like his forehead? Cas Tynen's eyes slowly fluttered open, the image that would first meet his eyes was a large leaf, sprouted over his head. Wet and dripping. Guess that's where the cold, moist feeling was coming from. It must have been raining before, seeing as there was now barely a cloud in sight and the warm sun continuously beamed on the Kiffar's bronze skin.

A groan escaped his lips as the Jedi Knight proceeded to rise, stopping in a seated position. Cas rubbed his eyes as if he'd just woken up from a pleasant sleep, he glanced around his immediate vicinity. "Uhhh...?" he sounded, unfamiliar with his current surroundings, recalling back to his most recent memory Cas remembered that his travels had taken him to Wild Space. It had been about a month since he left Silver Rest and 'went dark' in search of Darth Insatious... or more accurately, the woman and child he'd failed to save all that time ago. He'd promised Ki'an to make it right before then leaving without as much as a word to anyone.

The Kiffar recalled being on some moon, searching for leads, then his attention was caught by a little girl with scarlet red hair. She seemed distressed. Obviously Cas wasn't one to neglect someone in need, the little girl led the Jedi Knight into an abandoned alley way. Cas remembered sensing something bad was about to happen but before he could press the girl for information everything went black and only the feeling of electricity surging through his body remained.

Sighing, he stood up "At this rate every time I'm shocked, I lose a year off my lifespan. Which isn't even that long when you're friends with Sephi, Morellians and... whatever Yen is." the Kiffar suddenly felt a tight sensation around his neck. He released a gasp and glanced down toward his neck, wrapping his fingers around a collar before realising that he couldn't feel the familiar warmth of the Force. Whoever brought him to this place must have slapped on some Force dampening tech onto him, similar to the cuffs Insatious used on his ship. "Ugh." he said with disdain, releasing his grip from the collar and lowering his arms.

Scratching at his temple, Cas took a few steps forward before transitioning into a cautious stroll "Last time I help a random kid on the street. Who am I kidding... no it isn't." the Jedi continued to converse with himself aloud, it was the only way to calm his nerves currently "What is this place anyway? I mean... it's not not nice. Nice weather, lucious trees and...ugh!" Cas proceeded to swat at a buzzing insect "Great." a frown quickly formed on the Jedi's soft features.

Cyndane Cyndane

Are you kriffing kidding me?

Beads of sweat trickled down her back as she ran through the humid jungle, batting away the thick foliage with her arms. It hadn't even been a minute since her companion, a Sith Knight no less, had been killed. A slug straight through the back of his head, fired by an unknown assailant. She had no idea how they had even gotten here. Or where 'here' was.

Arisia stopped dead in her tracks when the Force cried out a warning. She smelled the decomposing body before she saw the pitfall itself. Sharpened wooden spikes stuck out of it like splinters in an open wound, with the pierced corpse caught in the middle. She clenched her jaw and imposed her will on the Force, but it didn't heed her call. "Fine. I'll do it myself." She growled, taking a few steps back to prepare for a run-up.

She held her breath as she made the jump over the deathtrap, barely reaching the other side of the pit. A part of her wanted to know why the kriffing Force was not working. It wasn't the first time her connection to the Force wavered like a broken speederbike, but this really wasn't the best of times for it.

She burst into a sprint again the moment her boots hit the soil. She had to find safety, and quick. If whomever was hunting them had been able to kill a Sith Knight, she wasn't going to last long either out in the open like this.

Cadere Cadere

He sighed, there'd been no one in sight for what felt like hours, not to mention he couldn't sense anything due to this stupid collar. Cas' movements came to a sudden still when the rustling of leaves reached his ears, he felt his heart beating, pumping adrenaline through his body. His brown eyes scanned his surroundings, he wasn't alone, but were they friendly or not. Another leaf rustled, now closer, Cas whipped his head around now being able to identify the location a little better.

"I can hear you, y'know." and as if that was some kind of trigger word, a beaming ray of silver emerged from a dense formation of leaves, hurling itself in Cas' direction. Thankfully, the Force only enhanced the Jedi Knight's reflexes by a small margin - Cas' natural reaction time allowed him to lunge out of danger. He transitioned into a handspring before coming to a stop to face his attacker. His eyes narrowed and brows furrowed, the human he was staring at was wearing beskar... with a little wear and tear, no helmet though. Cas could only guess his attacker acquired the armor from some dead Mandalorian or worse.

"You seem like quite the scavenger, sorry to say that if you kill me I've got nothing of value--" then he realised, Cas didn't have his lightsaber "--man they seriously took it! Can you believe that?!" he asked rhetorically, addressing the guy in beskar. However, he said nothing and glared at Cas menacingly as if he was waiting for the right moment... the right moment to spring his blaster on the unarmed Jedi. "Kriff!" he exclaimed, thankfully the beskar-wearing hunter didn't send off a shot right away, giving Cas a few seconds to get out of harm's way.

The hunter then began shooting at the fleeing Kiffar, a stray shot managing to graze his-- "Ow! My butt!" he cried out as he disappeared into the jungle's greenery, that was going to leave a mark. Right now he was wishing he'd paid more attention during Sakadi's lessons on stealth. The sound of leaves rustling combined with the sounds of blaster bolts filtered out Cas' own frantic panting. The last time he was this helpless was back on Insatious' ship.

I'd kill for a friendly face right now he thought to himself as he turned his head to see if the hunter was any closer. As he began to turn his head forward again, the Kiffar felt his cheek slam against something, it was sort of hard... not hard enough to be a tree but it felt... fleshy? Bone-y too. As the force of the impact knocked him back, Cas fell on his singed butt with his eyes shut tight in preparation for the pain. Whatever he hit though... must've been humanoid, he just hoped it wasn't another hunter.

Cyndane Cyndane


Sitting at the base of a tree, she dragged the sharp stone upwards away from her to create a pointed end on the branch she had snapped off. She had trekked for hours and with no greater clue as to where she was so she thought she might as well attempt to provide some means for survival given that whoever had left her here had robbed her of her weapons and for reasons unbeknownst to her, placed a collar on her.

Once she was satisfied with the makeshift weapon, she admired her handiwork for a moment before her head snapped in the direction of the sound of leaves rustling, followed by the familiar sound of blaster fire. In her current position, she would be no match for someone so well armed and would need to rely on other tactics to gain any advantage, should she come face to face with them.

She shot up and quickly began scaling the tree behind her until she was high enough to be largely concealed by the foliage, though she still had some view between the leaves. Her gaze remained on the ground below as two figures came into sight upon colliding. She had planned to remain hiding quietly in the tree but the branch she was sitting on had other ideas.

The wood she was sitting on began to splinter under her weight, first of all alerting anyone nearby to her presence, and before she could jump to grab the next branch up, the whole branch collapsed and she was sent plummeting to the ground. With quick reflexes, she managed to land on her feet in a crouch and immediately rose to threaten anyone who dared come too close.

Upon seeing a similar collar around the man's neck, her face contorted into a frown and her curiosity peaked but she didn't lower her makeshift weapon. Instead, angrily inquiring "Who are you?"


Her head spun. "What kind of blind..." Arisia wiped the dirt off her cheek. "Sick..." Fury washed over her features "Individual" She lifted her head up, and raised her voice. "DOES NOT LOOK" She did not bat an eye to the silhouette of whomever was still standing. "WHERE HE IS GOING?!" The spinning finally stopped, but the headache remained. At least now she could tell who else was lying on the ground.

And that revelation did not lighten her mood.​

"Force reprimand me..." She mumbled. That blue streak was hard to forget. "Why are you here?" They were joined by another with the worst possible timing. Some wench - New Imperial by the looks of it - came down from the trees. For a brief moment she had high hopes that the fake Imperial would break her ankle. That was why she let out a soft "tsk" when the Imperial didn't.

The power balance, although aggravating, was clear. Not that she let that stop her from testing the boundaries. "Oh? They brought some New Imperial filth to this cursed planet too?" She rose to her feet, slowly. "Oh well. I suppose every group needs a sacrificial lamb anyways." She had trained all her life, in more than the ways of the Sith. If the wench attacked her with that stick, she was more than ready for it.

Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres Cadere Cadere

Cas rubbed his head, briefly filtering out the familiar annoying feminine voice until he realised it was directed at him. Could it be? Noooo the Kiffar briefly thought to himself before glancing up toward whoever he had run into. When he scanned the features of the woman standing above him, his brows furrowed and his expression quickly formed into a frown "Tch." Cas sighed and got up to his feet "Fancy seeing you here, Crazy Hot Sith Lady." he greeted her, plastering a teasing grin on his cheeks.

"How've you been? Piss off a group of bad guys again? Orrrrr did you just bite off more than you could chew in a fight?" he continued to mock her, unaware of the presence of another nearby thanks to his blocked connection to the Force. That was until he heard a tree branch begin to split above them, his eyes navigated upward to see another feminine frame fall toward the ground. Though she landed gracefully, A for effort. Cas raised an eyebrow at this new player before casting a side long glance at the Crazy Hot Sith Lady conveying a 'really?', the sight of her stick was pretty sad.

Cas sighed, placing both hands on his hips "I wouldn't. You're staring down a Jedi and a subpar Sith right now." the Jedi Knight had forgotten about the beef between the Sith and the NIO as he was quickly reminded by the Sith Lady's hostility. The Kiffar raised his hands in amity, stepping in between the hot-headed Sith and the redheaded Imperial "Can we just take a chill pill." he demanded, rolling his eyes, "We're all at a disadvantage here, getting at each other's throats is the moron's play. Working together increases our chances of survival." his eyes shifted between the two and he offered both of them a forced smile "I'll start by introducing myself: I'm Cas Tynen, a Jedi Knight, in my early twenties, I like long walks on the beach, I don't plan on having kids but I'm open to--"

A rustle in a nearby bush snapped his attention away from the conversation for a second. Cas had totally forgotten that he was being followed, okay, chased is a more accurate term. "Kriff. This one's on me, guys." he admitted, albeit deflatedly. As if on cue, the man in beskar had emerged from the bushes with his blasters trained on the trio ready to shoot.

Cyndane Cyndane Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres

"Filth?" She spat out as though the word was obscene. "Who are you supposed to be?" She gave the other woman a look up and down with an expression of contempt. Whoever she was, she had already marked herself as an enemy by her first comment. The makeshift weapon remained pointed at the person who had targeted herself. Their company hadn't made an error foolish enough to warrant rendering himself a target and it quickly became apparent why.

Her eyes flicked between the two of them, instantly gauging which was which. "A Sith." Her eyes narrowed at the woman and she reluctantly lowered the weapon when the Jedi stepped in the way. "Work together? How could you ever trust her?" She asked, gesturing towards the Sith with her hand. Zoraya was unconcerned if the Jedi was killed by someone else's hand but would not act against him herself. The Sith, however, would kill them both if given the opportunity.

The look of contempt remained on her face as the Jedi began introducing herself. She didn't care for their names and she didn't care for them. Especially the Sith but the mouthy Jedi was coming up as a close second. Thankfully, his introduction was cut short, not so thankfully by someone with weapons that far out-matched them. As the first person she had come across with weapons, she remained still for a moment, bewildered, but it quickly became apparent that he was not one of them, not lest by his heavy armour but his noticeable lack of the collars the three of them wore.

What sort of place was this?

Her body reacted before her mind could catch up, launching the makeshift spear towards the threat. At such a velocity it could skewer him in the neck but with such heavy armour the result was more likely to pose little threat and rather serve as a distraction which worked just as well. While his attention was momentarily split, she ran towards him, jumping up to grab the branch above her and swing towards him, wrapping her legs around his neck and pulling him to the ground with her.

With two dangerous weapons still in his hand, she acted quickly. With her legs still wrapped around his neck, she tightened her grip in an attempt at strangling him.


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