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Approved Location The Mad Strill

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Name: The Mad Strill

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Intent: A social hub for mandalorians off-duty or between hunts and fights to relax, gather intel, lick wounds and generally live life, similar to (but less affluent than) the Oyu'baat

Classification: Bar with a few rooms above it for rent

Location: Keldabe outskirts, Mandalore

Affiliation: Ijaat(Mandalorians)

Description: A popular, if slightly seedy and rundown Mandalorian owned bar. It is set up almost like a bunker, with a set of stairs leading down to the main doors(think how the Bar in 'Cheers' is set up, but sci-fi). Over the door is an oft malfunctioning weapons scanner, and a rolling locker system for deposit of weapons (think Firefly in the bar where River has her Miranda freakout). The bar is directly across the oft smoke filled room from the entrance. The trappings of it are geometric designs in red and gold, hung almost like military or house banners, with the walls having hand painted Mando'a proverbs or sayings. Near the main bar rests a massive and very lazy strill who is obstensibly the 'guard dog' of the facility. It is also advanced enough in age to be quite senile, hence the name of the bar being 'The Mad Strill'.. Thankfully, it's senility manifests in begging scraps and sometimes booze from patrons.

The furnishings, if you can call them that, are simple pre-fab plast-steel with moderately soft cushions on it, all arranged haphazardly. They look almost like scavenged military furniture, and are built for durability and stability, with comfort an afterthought that still manages to pull through. Overall, they could stand up to a good tussle or barfight, which is good considering where the bar is located.

Behind the bar is a stair case that leads up to a handful or so of rooms that can be let, each equipped with a footlocker, a set of bunkbeds, and the typical amenties, if lower in tech than somewhere more affluent might have.

History: Rumor has it that the structure started out as an underground munitions depot that was forgotten and remade. But who knows really? It does have oddly thick doors and walls.

Links: None Known Yet
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