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Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Lowe Family

Eleanor Lowe


Brynhilde Manor,
New Avalonia, Prefsbelt IV.

It was a dark night in New Avalonia, with the endless expanse of stars twinkling from between patches of dark scudding cloud through the slight haze of the shield that covered the city, which had powered on for the last few months since the New Imperials had breached the neighbouring sectors. Under the glow of the street lights, and through the misting rain falling through the shield above, the Prefsbelt Defence Forces patrolled the narrow streets, their boots clacking on the even paved surfaces of the roads and passages that wound through the city. Occasionally, a column of Legion transports would speed by, completing their own routes across the city.

Slipping out of a transport and paying the driver with a scan of a bracelet on her wrist, a young woman with skin like rust stepped into the warm night air and looked up at the mansion on the hill. The building was larger than she expected- an expanse of white buildings perched atop a steep hill overlooking the city, with generous space allowed for gardens and a small wood, all of it surrounded by dark wrought fencing. Swallowing, the young woman crossed the street, hearing the sound of laughter carrying across the air from the house above. As she approached the entrance gate, a pair of Legion guards stepped out, each wearing a crimson half-cape, with Autokrator rifles slung across their chests. Looking bored, the first guard, tall and lean, looked at her boredly and held up a datapad, his gaze flitting between the device and the young woman’s tight, nervous face.

“Name?” He asked, looking down at her with disinterest.

“Eleanor Lowe.” She replied shakily, hugging herself and rubbing her arms, which were flush with goosebumps despite the night’s warmth. “I’m the Grand Moff’s sister.”

“You’re not on the list.” Said the first guard, scowling at her.

“The Grand Moff’s sister is already inside.” Said the second, shorter guard, giving the young woman a frown.

“No, really,” Eleanor replied, giving the pair an earnest look. “I just need to speak with her- I won’t take long.” At that, the first guard gave her a mean-looking smirk and shook his head. The second guard also looked amused, and cracked his neck, as if warming up to boot Eleanor out of sight.

“You’re not on the list.” He said icily. “And you’re lying about who you are. Now get out of here before we-”

A stern voice rang out from past the gate, and Eleanor looked up to see a thin-lipped,
stony-faced woman emerging from the dim. “What is going on here?” She asked coldly.

“Yves.” Said the first guard. “Nothing important. This girl thinks she can sneak in by pretending to be related to the Grand Moff. I already told her she isn’t on the list.” He snorted in derision, giving Eleanor a dirty look.
Yves’ face didn’t change, but she glanced over at Eleanor and grunted.

“I’ll deal with her,'' she said in a voice that brooked no argument, and without a further word, the two guards shuffled off. Yves crossed her arms and looked at Eleanor for a few moments. “You’re not supposed to be here.” She said shortly.

Eleanor breathed out a sigh, getting frustrated and increasingly scared she wouldn’t be allowed in at all. Her yellow eyes glimmered a little, gazing into the cold slate ones of the woman in front of her. “Oh, come on, Octavia.” She said hotly. “You know I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.” Eleanor cast a glance up at the pair of guards, and leaned forward to whisper something into Yves’ ear, the muttered words seemingly provoking no reaction as the woman leaned back stony-faced.

“Very well.” She said slowly. “But Governor Lowe will be most upset.”

Eleanor nodded, and grimaced at the guard. “Yeah… I’m not looking forward to it either.”

A short time later, she was being bustled up to the manor, Yves leading her around a separate path and punching in a code to open the door to a back entrance away from prying eyes. Once her eyes had adjusted to the dim of the room inside, she saw a neat and tastefully furnished lounge room. Yves told her to wait and ‘not move,’ so Eleanor elected to take a seat on one of the couches. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced tensely at the door, not looking forward to the state her sister would be in when she realised what’d come a-knocking.
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Madelyn, it turned out, was incensed by the arrival of her half-sister. She dropped the crystal glass she had perched in her fingers, and Yves had to leap forward and snatch it out of the air before it shattered on the tiled floor of the kitchens, where Madelyn had, up until that moment, been fussing over the canapes for the upcoming night, making sure they were to standard. She took back the now-empty glass back from Yves and looked at her, mouth agape. What had she just said?"

"If this is some sort of joke..." She began but trailed off almost immediately. Yves was faithful and fearsome and loyal to a T, but the woman didn't possess a humorous bone in her body. Which meant- Madelyn seethed.

"Where is she?" She asked, her voice trembling with anger. From the other side of the kitchen, a strange-looking
dark-haired woman looked over with a curious expression but wisely elected not to butt in.

"One of the guest rooms," Yves replied coolly. "I took her in through the back. Only Sergeant Walter and Corporal Wilt saw her- They have of course sworn their silence."

"That's something." Madelyn murmured, appearing flustered. "Good job Yves. I'd better go and sort this out before the rest of the guests arrive." At that very moment, ranking members of the Prefsbelt Authority, including the local Commissioners of each of the Planet's districts, were filing inside. Alongside them, several important members of the Sith-Imperial bureaucracy, including two of Oversector I's Moffs were on their way, and Madelyn had even been informed there was a chance of the Lord Inquisitor's attendance.

Tonight was the Third Annual Formation Day Dinner, celebrating the arrival of the Hydian Bastion - Now the Prefsbelt Bastion - to the sector and the establishment of the Prefsbelt Imperial Authority. Celebrations this year had been muted given the ongoing war and the threat to the system, but Madelyn had agreed that a small function would be held to commemorate the important occasion. Even as she stood in the kitchen staring dumbly at her severe bodyguard, the guests were being welcomed into the mansion and shown into the drawing-room and lounge.

She breathed out a frustrated sigh and clenched her fists. All of it had been going just fine, and now that disgusting little wretch had ruined it. She shook her head and shot Yves a look. "Alright." She said coldly. "Take me to her."

The woman nodded, and Madelyn stalked after her as they wound through the manor's twisting corridors, passing darkened back rooms and bedrooms, the chatter of the party starting out front fading away as they traipsed along. Finally, Yves stopped outside one of the guest bedrooms and nodded. Nostrils flaring, Madelyn shoved open the door.

"Just what exactly do you think you're playing at?" Madelyn hissed at the rust-coloured form leaping to her feet off a small chaise. As it turned out, the guest room had been turned into a small lounge. Madelyn's voice dripped with venom, and she looked at the woman now standing in front of her with barely-contained rage.

"Maddie I-" The young woman began, but Madelyn held up a hand suddenly to silence her, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head.

"How dare you show your face here after what you did." Madelyn hissed, looking down at the girl with hatred, looking as if she was going to strike her, face contorted in anger.

"I was a child!" The young woman replied indignantly, looking up at Madelyn, her yellow eyes flashing. "Besides, I wouldn't have come here unless it was important."

"You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here." Madelyn replied icily, jabbing an accusatory finger at the girl with each malicious word. "Now, you're going to get out of my sight and off the grounds of this manor or so help me I'm going t-"

"Oh just listen!" The girl shouted, cutting Madelyn off. "Father's dead! I came from the hospital to tell you both."
Then, more quietly, she added. "There was an accident."

There was a sudden silence, and Madelyn stepped back, her face a picture of shock and grief for a few moments, before slackening. She stared down at the girl, her half-sister, for what felt like a long time before she turned back to the stone-faced Yves, giving out a long, slow sigh. She turned away from Eleanor and spoke to Yves in a low voice. "Get Karina to talk to her, I think she's upstairs, and tell her to find me when she has the story. I'm not dealing with her anymore." Madelyn gestured limply towards the rust-skinned girl, not even glancing her way.

"Yes Ma'am." Yves replied to Madelyn's retreating back, giving a glance at Eleanor, who was hugging her knees and sniffling, and leaving the room to find Karina.

Back in the kitchen, Madelyn ran a hand through her hair and let out a long, slow breath, forcing the tension from her shoulders. Pushing open the door into the dining room, she put on a wide smile and stepped out into the party. "Oh!" She exclaimed "Minister Villiers, you didn't tell me you were coming!"

The rather overweight minister waddled towards her, and Madelyn forced away lingering thoughts of the young woman and the news she had brought, focusing instead on mixing with the crowd, her eyes flitting from face to face, looking for people she needed to greet.



//: The Dream //:
//: Brynhilde Manor //:
//: New Avalonia //: Prefsbelt IV //:
Cute Outfit //:
//: Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps //: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //: Eleanor Lowe //:

Events such as the one they were heading to were something Rae would never have been able to experience until she had worked her way through the military's rankings. Even then, the life span of a trooper was not long or prosperous. Many died nameless, only to be remembered by family and their comrades. The thought haunted her as her viridescent gaze watched as the scenery passed across the window. Her duty was to accompany her Charge, the Lord Inquisitor, to the manor of the Grand Moff Madelyn Lowe. The woman's name was infamous, and Rae knew it quite well.

The window was her ill attempt at not staring at her Charge. It proved futile as her eyes suddenly moved passed the window and towards the woman in the speeder with her. Rae had gotten used to the tightness in her chest every time Jorryn decided to walk, talk, even breathe. Each time Rae found herself chastising herself for the feeling. Yet, there was nothing more she could do about it. She had found herself deeper than she had ever been in this situation, Rae knew she should have found a way to remove herself. One needed to want to remove themselves; that was something Rae never wanted to do. In a sense, her mission was over, it had been over. All she was sent to do was observe, but she fell deeper despite the orders and internal struggle.
'You would follow me anywhere? Even if this dream became a nightmare?'
Yes. The answer was always yes. Rae closed her eyes and focused on that night. There was an out, she had gotten the information and had planted the bug she needed. Images of the evening, along with what occurred the following morning, ran through the Corellian's mind. A soft blush crossed her sun-kissed cheeks as her hand covered her mouth, hiding the smile that the memory gave her.

"Lady Inquisitor. We've arrived." Rae nodded and exited the speeder, rain pattered against her shoulders as she opened the umbrella. With the wide canopy covering her, a hand reached and opened the door for her Lady. Protected by the soft rain, a hand offered to Jorryn to assist the woman out of the speeder. Small gestures such as this allowed the Corellian a moment to feel the tender touch of her Charge - moments that were hindered by responsibility and their status. As the hand was offered, Rae smiled softly to the Echani woman. "You look breathtaking tonight, my Lady."
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// Lord Inquisitor Fordyce //
Prefsbelt IV //
Outfit //
// Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe // Rae Cooke // Vaylin Vaylin // Eleanor Lowe //

The chance for a party was something that the Echani never let slip past her these days, the overbearing responsibility of being Lord Inquisitor tied together with the thinly veiled threats of Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf meant that she had to be focused on work more than cutting loose. Truthfully she would be working even at this get-together, scouting which politicians served for the betterment of the Empire and which needed to be cut loose. Thankfully, Grand Moff Lowe's reputation proceeded her. That in combination with her words at the circle meeting a few weeks earlier, already created utmost faith in the abilities of the Grand Moff.

"Thank you, love. You look enchanting as always yourself."

Taking the girl's hand, Jorryn raised herself from the speeder and got underneath her attendant's umbrella. Perhaps the touch between their hands lasted a few moments too long, professionalism disappearing for every second the Lord Inquisitor appreciated the warmth of Rae's grasp. Packing herself a little too close to the brunette under the umbrella's canopy, the Echani refused to mention anything out of the ordinary.

It was cold and she needed to be warm, that was all.

"We should probably go inside before the edge of my dress gets too wet." A hand deftly brushed loose, wavy strands behind her ear, amber eyes looked up contently towards Rae Cooke. "I would hate to have to change out of it so soon." The tone came out very professionally and not in the slightest as a flirt.

It was perhaps a moment too long before they reached the entrance of the Brynhilde Manor, two guards posted outside quickly acknowledging the presence of the two beauties. It didn't take long for them to recall the name of the Lord Inquisitor, optimistically the most important guest of the night. And they could only refuse Rae if they weren't too attached to their lives.

Quickly ushering themselves inside, Jorryn elegantly lifted a glass from a passing waiter as she entered, a clearly practiced maneuver. "No drinking for you I'm afraid. You have to keep me safe and secure after all." A wink was left hanging as her black lips pressed to the glass, muddying the meaning of the words before she spun around to face the gallery. "Now where is this Moff Lowe I've been wanting to meet?" Eyes shot around to find a familiar figure from the meeting Jorryn had attended earlier, before placing on a blonde figure talking to a very plump man.

The glass inconspicuously pressed to her lips once again as she gently shuffled her way into Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe 's line of sight. Jorryn had a penchant to prefer being the one approached instead of approaching. Though a woman such as Lowe made the offer intriguing if the Lord Inquisitor had to be honest with herself.
Madelyn found herself wholly unable to concentrate as Minister Villiers droned on about the Authority's new transportation system and everything he and his ministry had accomplished in the past three years. Normally, Madelyn would have entertained the fat little man's boasting - she believed in delivering praise where it was needed - but she was much too distracted to pay much attention to the fat little man's prattling on. Her thoughts kept returning to the young woman at the back of the house.

"Mmmhmm." Madelyn said vaguely, giving the man a distracted nod.

Her father dead, really? It didn't seem real. But, she supposed if that girl, Eleanor, had dragged herself to the manor, then it was probably the case. Madelyn didn't know how to process that, but she was hardly going to go back and have that unstable little twerp explain. The news had blunted Madelyn's fury at the girl's arrival some, but anger still simmered in her belly whenever she thought of her half-sister. No, better to let Karina handle that. She'd face it when the time came and there were less pressing matters at hand.

Taking a delicate crystal glass off of the tray of a passing waiter, Madelyn sipped at her drink and looked around the sitting room, her back to the kitchen. Now fully ignoring the minister to whom she'd been speaking, she tapped her glossy red nails on the glass and pursed her lips. As her gaze swept around the room, her eyes settled on a new arrival and she started. The Lord Inquisitor was here, her milk-white hair flowing down past a shapely and stylish red dress. She noted the woman's appearance with some appreciation. Madelyn did so love it when a woman was put-together.

The Grand Moff herself was dressed rather simply, in a black dress and a heavy navy coat, with an array of rank pins on the lapel, the outfit both reflecting Madelyn's imperial philosophy and contrasting her hair, which curled gracefully in locks just above her shoulders and shimmered in the mansion's warm lights.

Giving Minister Villiers a polite nod the annoying man didn't deserve, Madelyn made her way over to Fordyce and her companion, instantly banishing her misgivings about the situation unfolding in the back of the house. Heads turned as the partygoers saw Madelyn stalking towards the entrance hall, and those acutely sensitive in the Force would feel a subtle shift as if the woman had activated some sort of magnetism that turned everyone's attention towards her.

She flashed the pair a dazzling smile. "Lord Inquisitor Fordyce." She said, first looking her up and down, and then her companion, who was dressed not dissimilarly to Madelyn herself. "I was hoping you would find the time to attend tonight. The Authority is honoured to have you here." Her eyes glittered. "And who have you brought with you?" She asked, giving the brunette beside Fordyce a polite nod and looking down at the two in curiosity.

The arrival of Fordyce may well have saved the night for Madelyn. She'd been itching to talk to the woman ever since the meeting establishing the Circle, and here she was, without a single one of Madelyn's rivals
colleagues present to interrupt her. She allowed herself a small satisfied smile. This could be a great opportunity.



//: The Dream //:
//: Brynhilde Manor //:
//: New Avalonia //: Prefsbelt IV //:
//: Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps //: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //: Eleanor Lowe //: Vaylin Vaylin //:

At times, Rae wondered if the things Jorryn did were on purpose. Were they meant to keep her close because she wanted them to be, or were they accidental miracles for the Corellian? It took more than the usual willpower to keep herself from pulling the Lord Inquisitor into a kiss underneath the soft patter of the rain. The woman lingered too long and was far too close to the Attendant, so close that Rae could take in the delicate scent of the woman's perfume. Memories of their first night flooded the Corellian's mind once more, they were vivid, and all she could take in was the woman's intoxicating perfume. Rae caught her breath as the tightening in her chest faded as Jorryn spoke. Nodding, she refrained from commenting on the loaded statement of the woman's dress.

Upon entering the manor, Rae relieved herself of the wet umbrella, leaving it at the front. It took some effort to not laugh at the man who unexpectedly took the heavier than usual umbrella. An odd look washed over his face as the Corellian shrugged and quickly caught up with her Lady. A playful look of disappointment took over Rae's face as she watched Jorryn treat herself to one of the glasses of what was obviously alcohol. There was an undying craving in the belly of the woman that wanted Corellian Whiskey, she wondered if the Empire even stocked it. "Pity me then, make sure to drink one extra for my poor soul, my Lady." The tone of her accent was playful as she allowed herself to finally catch a glimpse of the Echani's choice of dress. Seeing that the woman was distracted, she wouldn't find her Attendant enjoying her taste in wear for the evening.

Once again, Rae found herself fighting with every ounce of her being to keep her head straight. She lowered her head and kept her eyes the best she could from her charge, not wanting to get caught staring. Attention was dragged to taking in the room; the thin lens in the Corellian's left eye went to work, taking quick photos of the attendants and filing them away for later. When Rae learned their names, she would create the files necessary. "Hmm?" She answered absent-mindedly as Jorryn explained her target for the evening and then quickly moved. Rae moved to follow her, not wanting to lose the woman in the crowd. She came up and watched as the glass pressed against her perfect black stained lips, for a moment, Rae wished to be that glass.

Daydreams were cut short as it seemed Madelyn Lowe had read the Inquisitor's mind and wandered over. Rae remained a step behind Jorryn, allowing the pleasantries to occur from the Grand Moff. Though in a surprise move, the blonde woman acknowledged the quiet Corellian. Without showing the surprise, the woman stepped forward, as she did, a hand carefully brushed the lower backside of the Lord Inquisitor while she passed. The move was carefully calculated to graze light enough not to cause a scene, but Jorryn would know its intent. As she stepped to her Lady's side, the Attendant, took the free hand of the Grand Moff and kissed the knuckles of the woman's hand lightly. The gesture was full of respect for the Grand Moff. The velvety Imperial accent flowed over Rae's words as she stood up and released the woman's hand. "Rae Cooke, I'm the Lord Inquisitor's personal Attendant. The pleasure is mine, Moff Lowe." Rae smiled softly and took a step back, returning to the silent position at Jorryn's side.
Brynhilde Manor
New Avalonia - Prefsbelt IV


The journey to Prefsbelt IV had been a quiet, albeit lonely one. Thoughts had turned to inviting Jorryn along, knowing well the newly promoted Lord Inquisitor would've been invited too. But Vaylin had ultimately refrained knowing that one, she'd no doubt he occupied already. And two, as far as the Echani knew, Vaylin was still away on her 'trip'. The quick events that had followed hadn't given Vaylin any time to message Jorryn about her return. Someone else the Zabrak had mused about bringing was Safina, but the young woman was already busy at the time and Vaylin wasn't pausing for a moment. She had literally arrived out of Wild Space to find an invitation to the Lowe Estate. It was an opportunity the Zabrak didn't want to miss, having wanted to speak to the Grand Moff back during the gathering between Sith and Imperials

However her current state at the time hadn't allowed for it.

She had flown to the Serran, made a quick change into an outfit she felt was fitting and then departed in a swift manner. Much to the amusing confusion of anyone she had passed during that time frame. A quick snap of her fingers to one of the other instructors, knowing she'd need some assistance with doing up her hair.

The result was one of Vaylin's old favourites. A long flowing gown that hugged where it needed to, and leave a teasing slice of a skin trailing from her neck down to her stomach. And her hair was held up in an elegant bun, highlighting her Zabrak heritage.

Eventually her ride stopped at its destination, one of the attendants there opened the door for her and Vaylin stepped out and the cover of an umbrella. She paid the man no real heed aside from a simple 'thank you'. The poor chap had to keep up with the Zabrak's pace as she strode towards the manor's entrance. Greeted by the two guards, they checked their list and found Vaylin listed under Lady Vaylin, Elder of the Valkyries.

She was here as a representative of the Sith Valkyries. Not as her newest appointment as one of the Emperor's Hands. Hell, Vaylin wasn't even sure if word of that had been sent out yet. All the Emperor had stated on the matter, was that only the top brass of the Empire, across Sith and Imperial, would be directly informed of it.

Vaylin strode inside, deftly swiping a glass as a waiter passed by her. The Zabrak walked with an elegance and confidence that wasn't exactly foreign to her before. But now there was a little something more in each step. Vaylin held herself a bit taller, a dull confidence and power humming beneath. She gazed around at those in attendance, eventually finding the blonde hair of Madelyn Lowe, and sure enough there was Jorryn and Rae standing before her.

The Zabrak took a sip from her glass, making a silent approach towards the trio. Her presence in the Force was small right now, still recovering from having to do so on Remnicore. It meant she was practically a ghost approaching the rear of both Echani and Corellian. Which of the former, Vaylin had to bite back her immediate desire to whistle. Dulled as her emotions towards Jorryn had become, she could still appreciate.

"My oh my, you've certainly gone all out Jorr." She practically glided up to the Echani's side, taking up the opposite one to Rae. As she drew close, Vaylin raised her hand, gently brushing against Jorryn's back for a moment. Warm to the touch, and yet sent a cold shiver all the same. But there was no follow-up kiss, something Vaylin usually did when being apart from Echani for a time. Instead, she just flashed Jorr a grin, before her eyes lingered over and onto Rae for a few moments, then finally onto Madelyn.

The last time they had been in the same room, Vaylin had been nothing more than a ghostly visage, and looking a lot worse off than she did now. She offered the blonde a small smile and a respectful nod. "It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance in person, Grand Moff."

Madelyn gave a wide smile as the woman introduced herself, her eyes glinting in the lamplight as she looked Ms Cooke over once more. With a polite nod at the woman's gesture, she allowed her to step back and straighten up, before bending down imperiously and touching the woman's outstretched hand to her lips. She noted with some satisfaction that the Lord Inquisitor had chosen a proper imperial girl as her assistant, judging by her voice alone.

Standing to her full height, Madelyn let out a small chuckle. "You both look lovely." She said approvingly, glancing shrewdly between Fordyce and Cooke. With a sly smile, she went on. "Hmm. If you hadn't told me she was your assistant I'd have figured she was your date, Lord Inquisitor." Madelyn laughed again, waving her hand and shaking her head to show she was joking. Inwardly, she wondered: who brought their assistant to dinner?

A door opened behind her and Madelyn craned her neck sharply to see Octavia emerging from the kitchen. A silent question formed quickly in her mind, but Yves shook her head and wandered over to Madelyn's side.

Shuffling aside to allow Yves, a severe-looking woman with close-cropped hair and a surly expression, to stand beside her, she held up a hand to her guests so she could speak to the woman. After a moment's whispered conversation, in which Octavia informed her Karina had come downstairs to speak for the girl, Madelyn nodded and ushered the woman away.

"Octavia Yves." Said Madelyn, her voice slightly flustered. "One of my best people, just talking business. Not a very social creature though." She said slowly, forcing a laugh and staring at the woman's retreating form. Her eyes fell to the floor for a moment, staring into the deep red plush of the entrance hall's carpet, her toes curling inside her heels. She looked up after a moment, feeling caught-out, a slight blush creeping across her cheeks.

Turning her attention back to the Lord Inquisitor, Madelyn clasped her hands together, once again driving a series of tumultuous thoughts out of her head and trying to regain her composure. "Are you here on business, Lord Inquisitor? I would hardly want to distract you, things being how they are."

Madelyn breathed out a small sigh. "There's hardly time for celebrations here on Prefsbelt. Got to prepare against the New Imperials. But, Formation Day is so important here in the Authority, I could hardly do nothing."

That much was true. It had been three years since she and the crew of The Derelict had been offered a place here on Prefsbelt, along with the rest of the First Order remnants that had fled after the collapse. That was worth celebrating, even if the New Imperials were pressing against them with every passing day.

Another new arrival caught Madelyn's attention. Vaylin, Elder of the Valkyries, had drifted in, dressed in a glamorous, but simple blue dress of which Madelyn wholeheartedly approved. The woman was a bit of an enigma to Madelyn. The files on the woman to which the Grand Moff had access seemed to be constantly changing, and, unlike others within the Circle, Madelyn's own staff could not dig up much dirt on her. When she arrived, Madelyn noted her comments to Fordyce with interest. There was something there, but she didn't know what.

Madelyn stepped forward, giving the woman a respectful nod and a smile, and extending her hand out for the woman to take. "Darth Morai." Madelyn said warmly. "What a pleasant surprise. I hadn't heard a breath of a word you'd be in attendance tonight."

She felt somehow that the Sith's arrival had changed something, but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly that was.

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// Lord Inquisitor Fordyce //
Prefsbelt IV //
Outfit //
// Rae // Vaylin Vaylin // Eleanor Lowe // Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //

Jorryn was perhaps a bit more visibly irritated by the fact that her hand remained the last to be kissed as she watched the Grand Moff and her attendant exchange pleasantries, perhaps for a bit more selfish reason than one would initially think. The Corellian taking the opportunity to become a bit more familiar with Jorryn's bottom only exasperated the feeling, a red flush covering her face as she looked sternly at the attendant. This certainly wasn't the time, though the action itself wasn't entirely unpleasant. Just not in front of the Grand Moff.

"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Moff Lowe." The Lord Inquisitor quickly regained composure and produced her own hand for the Grand Moff to take, not wanting her hand to remain the only one unkissed. "Cooke here introduces herself better than I ever could, as great an attendant I can ask for."

The Echani gladly took to the compliment offered by Lowe, a smile appearing easily on her face. Of course, Jorryn had spent enough time looking amazing for tonight that she wouldn't ask for any less. Still, coming from a woman like Madelyn it was more than enough for the Lord Inquisitor. "And you look beautiful as well, Grand Moff. One of the many qualities that made you catch my eye."

A double meaning that Jorryn didn't mind being taken either way.

Raising the glass to her lips, the silver-haired Sith's eyes widened as Madelyn mentioned Rae seemed more of a date than her assistant, a cough making her choke slightly on her drink. A few gasps quickly regained her composure, a hand pressed to her chest before she would be able to answer Madelyn's jest. "Oh no, no." The flustered nature of her unfortunately obvious. "Rae is only here to keep an eye over me, the bounty the New Imperial Order placed on me enough for some of our less sincere members to take advantage." It was a quick lie, but hopefully effective.

"As for if I'm here for business purposes I suppose you could say so, though it's focused on present company. " Glass raised to black lips once again as she smirked into it, offering a few final words before she took another sip. "And as far as distractions go, I wouldn't half mind you being one of them." A small chuckle was offered along with the flirt. It was perhaps a little awkward considering Rae was right beside her, but a little innocent flirting was never a bad way to make new friends.

The haughty nature only lasted until familiar, but oddly alien, fingers ran their way along her bare back. Cold shivers sent through her body as her back bent against the unexpected touch.

It was an odd mixture of fear and comfort as she angrily turned to face whoever was familiarizing themselves with her skin, before turning into surprise at seeing her girlfriend in the flesh. It was... odd. A feeling of warmth and discomfort in equal measure washing over her. Everything that the two had been through since Vaylin had been forced into the Nether, since Rae had come into Jorryn's life.

Above all was guilt.

As Vaylin's eyes lasted on Rae's face, Jorryn worried that her lover had her own suspicions of the new attendant. Only further evidenced by the lack of a kiss at their entrance and coldness in her eyes. "Hey love, is that all? I've been waiting for this body to repair." A hand placed itself on Vaylin's cheek and dragged her into a kiss, if the Zabrak knew or not it didn't matter. Truthfully Jorryn didn't know herself. Deep down she knew she belonged to Rae now, the kiss lacking the spark that it had back in the sparring room. Back when their lives were simple, when death wasn't following the Valkyries step-in-step.

This kiss was less of a hello.

More of a goodbye.
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//: Me & Mrs. Jones //:
//: Brynhilde Manor //:
//: New Avalonia //: Prefsbelt IV //:
//: Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps //: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //: Eleanor Lowe //: Vaylin Vaylin //:

Rae smiled and accepted the pleasantries from the Grand Moff, it was a nice feeling to have the attention of the high ranking officer. The woman had a pleasant enough nature, but Rae had heard rumors of the woman’s ruthless nature. Hopefully, they were lies and only rumors from disgruntled employees. Rae continued to stand carefully at Jorryn’s side, close, but not too close. Especially to prevent what happened next.

The Grand Moff mentioned they looked more like a couple than employer and employee. Rae’s face went flush, but she did a lot better accepting the statement than Jorryn. There was a quick flash of concern for the Echani, but soft laughter came from the attendant when she started to speak. Seeing her Charge as flustered as she was, Rae couldn’t help herself but keep silent otherwise. Jorryn was the star of the show this evening, and Rae sat in the front row watching and enjoying the woman’s fun. The flirting she did with the Grand Moff only sparked a little jealousy in her, but she knew at the end of the evening that the Lord Inquisitor was going home.

That thought alone allowed her to find comfort and relax with a small smirk pulled at her soft pale pink lips. Rae’s evening was on its way to crashing and burning when Vaylin had made her appearance. Their eyes met, and there was something different, but Rae was too distracted by the place of the Zabrak’s hand and how Jorryn quickly fell into her place at Vaylin’s side.

Hands made fists behind her back as she did her best to keep her composure at the sight of the couple. The smile faded, and in its place, a forced, pleasant look. The Corellian bowed her head, showing the Valkyrie Eldar the respect she had earned. “Evening Lady Vaylin.” The tone forced as Rae held back any sort of emotion. Just as she finished speaking, she listened to Jorryn exchange a pleasant pet name and statement to the newly arrived woman.

The tightness in her chest threatened to strangle her. She already could barely handle the words, but to watch the gentle touch that Rae felt before, touch against the jawline of the Zabrak drawing her into a kiss. Seeing the kiss, the attendant looked away and felt the burning pain surge through her heart. Rae felt as if someone drove a hot durasteel spike through her and continued to drive several more.

Pain washed over her face despite as much as she tried to keep her head down. There was no hiding what she was feeling, but she did her best. Her head lowered, and her eyes focused on her shoes, it made it easier to pretend that the woman she loved didn't have her own obligations. Rae felt the dream world she had been living in shattered with the wrecking ball named reality.
Brynhilde Manor
New Avalonia - Prefsbelt IV


Vaylin took Madelyn's hand and shook it, but there was no kiss that followed like Rae had. One could think she had an aversion to it, but the reality was she was waiting, knowing there was going to be a delayed reaction from her girlfriend. She didn't answer the Grand Moff initially for that reason, a lack of surprise on the Zabrak's face as Jorryn reached out and placed a hand on her cheek, directing her to look towards her and into a kiss.

She returned it, but much like her previous touch had been, it was both warm and cold.

It lacked the passion they had shared for years prior.

It lacked the desperation Vaylin had shown in the wake of them finally managing to talk about their issues.

It lacked the hope in every kiss that had been shared between then and now.

When the kiss finally broke, Vaylin just stared into Jorryn's eyes. Amber to amber, although the Zabrak's seemed that much more deeper now. But through that, there was still a smothered ember within, of sadness and finality. Shared to Jorryn, and Jorryn alone. Vaylin raised her hand and gently placed it against the Echani's cheek, gently rubbing her thumb against her pale skin. Lips parted as she leaned in, but this time towards Jorryn's ear, whispering.

"Your chains are broken. You're free...of me." The kiss wasn't a hello, it was a goodbye. She pulled back, looking at Jorryn one last time, a ghost of a sad smile just about appearing on the Zabrak's face, but then it was a bit too easily erased as she turned to face Madelyn Lowe again.

It had to be done. Emotionally cold as Vaylin was now, she still didn't want to hurt Jorryn any further, but it had to be done. In Vaylin's mind this was the better alternative, she'd rather force Jorryn's hand to bottle it up in front of trying to remain professional, than having to privately face her. That and she was very certain Rae would be there to comfort her, if the Echani was finally able to start moving on.

"Quite, my apologies for that Grand Moff." She spoke as if nothing had happened, that the blonde hadn't just been an open witness to what was, and could easily be seen, as the proverbial final nail in the coffin, the end of a relationship between Echani and Zabrak. "I would've sent confirmation ahead of time, but I had only just returned from a trip when I was informed of the invitation."

Cold professionalism.

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Fordyce's flirtatiousness brought a smile to Madelyn's face, and she accepted the compliments with a bashful smile and a small toss of her hair. It had been a long time since someone had tried to sway her in such a way and Madelyn wasn't ashamed to admit it was rather flattering. She sipped her drink and watched closely as the Lord Inquisitor choked on her drink and stumbled through an explanation about her companion. Noting the woman was quite red, Madelyn gave a placated nod, as if she hadn't noticed a thing.

She opened her mouth to play coy, but something far more interesting was happening between the trio of new arrivals. Madelyn gave a small nod and murmured assent as they both explained their business in the system, before stepping aside and allowing the pair to greet each other. As they whispered to each other and exchanged a kiss, Madelyn feigned disinterest, as if she were merely gazing upon a pair of mannequins or a particularly neat hedge. In reality, she watched the interaction closely. There was something odd about it, but she couldn't yet figure out what it was that stuck out.

Her gaze flickered to the third in the group. The woman was gazing down at her shoes. Her head low, eyes downcast, her heart on her sleeve. Madelyn felt a pang of pity for the girl. Someone who displayed her emotions that boldly would have a hard time amongst the ranks of the Sith Imperials, she would find herself controlled. Madelyn looked back at Morai and Fordyce, her emerald eyes widening slightly as the pieces fitted together. Not the whole picture, but enough to understand.

An outstretched hand tapped the girl gently on her shoulder, hopefully breaking her from her reverie. Madelyn gestured her closely and whispered to her, her voice gentle.

"Cooke, was it?" She asked, allowing the girl to come closer, casting another look at the Lord Inquisitor and Lady Vaylin, before her eyes returned to the 'attendant.' She gave a small sigh, waiting for the woman's attention before she went on.

"Some advice." She said slowly, her voice barely audible, her tone firm, but lacking the usual bite. "The thing that you seek. You should abandon it now." She held out a hand beside her, and a waiter bee-lined over to collect her empty glass. When he had rushed off, Madelyn continued. "That is," she said, pausing thoughtfully, "if you have not already-" A few more pieces clicked together in her head, and she nodded to herself. "Mmm." She murmured.

Madelyn leaned in closer. "She is a charming woman, as are you. But, as I'm sure you are perhaps beginning to understand, there is more to these things than that." Madelyn breathed out a small sigh. "Jorryn Fordyce is the Lord Inquisitor. Lady Vaylin is Elder of the Valkyries. And you-" She didn't finish. Didn't have to. "They are above your station, Ms Cooke, and unless either of them seeks to abandon their privilege and join you in the ranks of the lowly, they will both be above you, always ." Madelyn's tone was not cold, but it was not comforting either, merely explaining the state of things as she knew them.

The pair, Fordyce and Vaylin, had broken away, and the Valkyrie was addressing her. Madelyn gave an affirmative nod. The window of privacy was closing. Madelyn just hoped the young woman had taken her message to heart. Too many before her had thought they could ignore the realities of the system, and they had suffered for it.

"It is no matter, Lady Vaylin. Your presence here is welcomed, of course." Madelyn said flatly, forgetting to throw on her usual charm. She leaned forward one last time as the pair resumed their places in the conversation, having said their peace to each other. Into the young assistant's ear, she whispered one last piece of advice: "It would be foolish to continue as you are. Dangerous, even."

Madelyn leaned back, away from the young attendant, and took her place as host again. She gave the three of them a smile, doing her best to cut through a growing sombre tension and frost that was overtaking the room. She looked around, catching the eye of one of the staff and throwing her head to gesture at a low sitting table. The man took the hint, and cleared the table of the other guests and Madelyn turned back to face the group as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred in the last minutes.

"Shall we sit down?" She asked, with a wide hand gesture at the now empty table behind them.

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