Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction The Lottery

Hello there! Welcome to the Lottery!

Join now for a chance to win 1000s of credits!
Simply pay 100c, and choose 2 numbers from 1-5!
At the end of the set time(next draw in 3 days), anyone with the correct 2 numbers will receive the prize money!

Get your numbers now, for a chance to win!
--//Start Transmission\\--
To: [member="Werah Unon"]
From: Emeläz Aejuj

Subject: Lottery
Hello I'd like to participate in this lottery.
Can i choose the numbers 5 & 7.

--//Emeläz Aejuj\\--
--//End Transmission\\--
--//Start Transmission\\--
To: [member="Kango Fett"]
From:Werah Unon

Subject: Lottery
Thank-you for participating. The numbers will be chosen in 3 days time.
Good Luck!

--//Werah Unon\\--
--//End Transmission\\--

Thank you for participating.

Note: In order to increase people's chances of winning, you now only have to pick between 1-5. Good Luck!

The next numbers will be picked in 3 days!

[member="Abbey Ainsley"]
[member="Kango Fett"]

[member="Abbey Ainsley"] wins 1500c!

Thank-you for participating. The numbers are now reset, as the prize has been won. The next prize is 2000c, and will be drawn in 4 days!

[member="Kango Fett"]t [member="Chaos"] @Everyone

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