Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lost Planet Miasma


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Thousands of years ago, at the height of the Jedi Civil War. Unknown to the galaxy at large, events were transpiring in the Unknown Regions that would ultimately lead to a species doom. Having spent thousands of years embroiled in a bitter Civil War, the Ti'Xal species never saw what was to come. Too late to discover that their sun was on the verge, it was a normal day until a bright flash, then silence. That was the end of the Ti'Xal species, a race of religious followers of the Church of the Old One. Now all that remains upon their world are ruins, buried and falling apart for thousands of years, these are all that remain to tell the tale of this ancient Religious species.

Within these ruins though lie the untold artifacts, relics and technology of this lost people. However the planet has been lost since before the rise of the Galactic Empire. Not even the Chiss knew of the location, and what few glimpses of knowledge they had were lost during the Gulag Plague. However there is one way, the whispers tell her. Now Marmora is on her own journey, to rediscover this ancient world and follow the whispers to the destiny that they have chosen for her.


In short, Marmora is searching for the Lost Planet Miasma because the voices in her head are whispering about destiny and that she needs to find it. This planet was created for plot threads and development threads for this character, ultimately leading towards a plan that is yet to be spoken of. Marmora wants to find this world, if for nothing more than to make the whispering in her mind finally stop. All in all, this is the basic 'crazy person goes to find their destiny' style thread.

However, she can not do it alone. While she is a witch, her abilities are more centered on the mixture of potions and making of voodoo, with only limited training in hand to hand combat. Thus others are needed to help her arrive safely on this world. For the most part the pay wont be much in the start beyond the promise of possible technology, relics and artifacts from a now extinct species that may or may not fetch a healthy sum of credits from some collect with too many credits to throw around.

Now for the important part. Those whom are interested step forward, and those whom have questions bring them forth.


You're both more than welcomed to come. Remember though that the vast majority of conflict would be against the environment and crumbling ruins. If there are others that would also like to join or would like to know more about the planet and the plot behind it, please ask.

[member="Aeon Caedus"]
[member="Lord Eclipsion"]

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