Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Lessons Begin (Rianna Ordo)

Graal had come to Voss, in order to learn from a renowned Healer Rianna Ordo. Graal hoped to begin training under her in order to become a healer for the Order. Although he abhored violence, in all his 200 years he had never seen a positive use for it.Still Graal had only managed to charter on a ship here acting as security his height and natural strength, assisting in that capacity. Still Graal had preferred to mediate most situations peacefully a fact which had irked his boss entirely.

Graal arrived at his destination bowing low under the ceiling as he entered the building.

"Excuse me are you Rianna Ordo?" Graal queried in his deep voice
[member="Graal Byrn"]

Voss, the place she was hiding. The place that was supposed to be a shelter and all she felt was alone, isolated. This was no way to carry on. Just as she thought she could bear no more here, someone unknown to her said her name.

She turned from the direction she had been staring, the force was certainly strange in its dealings. "I am Rianna Ordo, and who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" Rianna looked at the aura before her, interesting.

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